Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

I thought these we're 170
Maybe NDC will screw up again and have them $170 for the first hour or two on RD like what happened with the 13s. 
Just hoping this is gonna make it easier to cop. I hope to secure a pair through Guaranteed ticket and then take my chances on NDC and use a few promo codes and rebates i have. 
Yea thats not gonna happen you can bet your life on that talking about nike accidentally having them for 170 instead of 185
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gius wilding, the material they use nowdays is difft, infared aint the same, the blackaint the same, so yes. pics make it look nicer than is. yall wildim acting like itll be same. the pink itself is wild. but it jist admit it.
Honestly I feel bad for you guys In big cities I remeber 4 years ago when I left Kansas City the shoe game wasn't that bad now I look at my FB page and everyone talking about how hard it is to get their kicks and I'm sitting here in Montana now just doubling up and flipping extra pairs keeping what I like good luck to all that want to get this shoe
Honestly I feel bad for you guys In big cities I remeber 4 years ago when I left Kansas City the shoe game wasn't that bad now I look at my FB page and everyone talking about how hard it is to get their kicks and I'm sitting here in Montana now just doubling up and flipping extra pairs keeping what I like good luck to all that want to get this shoe
hey man can you get me a size 10 thx
Only raffeles are
so is it just me or are there no socal locations around LA that has guaranteed pairs? 

Every location in Manhattan in NYC is guaranteed....its weird, there is 2 footlockers a block from each other both doing guaranteed...i wonder how that will play out. i hope it will cut waiting in line by some time
:rofl: :rofl: at yall folks sweating this release. Haven't even made up my mind yet if I'm coppin. Wish the infrared looked like the 2000s. I'd suggest folks who haven't seen these or the whites in person to get a look at them and make sure you like the shade of infrared. @dhtowng U was right bout the infrared. It's the same as the whites. No idea why they are listed as infrared23 or why the whites weren't. Marketing ploy prob like u said.
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