Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

Did that guy Really say $425 do you realize how many pairs are available you won't get that if you hold onto them for 6 years
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sorry for mentioning I only buy from resellers these days. Didn't mean to spark 5 pages of resell talk.

Look, i don't care for resellers. I laugh at the hustle just to make a few bucks. But this is what buying shoes has become.

I'm 40 with an 8 and 3 year old. I just cannot go to stores to sign up for raffles, or whatever policies stores have for releases these days. I have a real job. So during the week, its work and taking my kids to basketball/soccer practice. Could I find an hour to go sign up for raffles? Sure, but I'd rather be doing things with my kids.

And this whole waking up at 5a to cop shoes is tough for me too. There's no guarantee I can get a pair, and in some cases, you're sitting in line waiting to check out for hours. No thanks. My kids wake me up every single day at 630a. That extra 1.5 hours is crucial for me to be able to be a productive father for the day. I'm like a zombie when i wake up at 5a to cop shoes. I just choose not to be a worthless father on Saturdays for my kids.

So at the end, I pay the reseller with a smile because all of the above doesn't get affected. Its why i work so hard. Its not taking money away from my kids. I don't live pay check to pay check.

Hearing how these are going to be a super GR, i may just take my chance and wait it out. I'm sure i could cop off reseller after release at the same price. If not, oh well. Shoes are not a must have for me these days, although this pair brings back memoriesl. I remember this shoe dropping in 11th grade back in the early 90's and Moms actually purchasing them for me with no cares in the world. It was her first time purchasing me a pair without making me do something to earn it.
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word b I don't care that I wasn't born when these came out in 91 or that I didn't see jordan play in em or any bs like that, I need like 3 pairs forreal tho real rap no games.
Weekend Drop raised the price to $285 + shipping....

That greed

I wouldnt be surprised if they went out and entered raffles too seeing as how they are making a killing of you dudes who arent patient

They keep getting fsr after fsr
They shouldn't have raised prices, they would have made more sells as it got closer to release and raffles ended with people panicking ...nobody would dare spend damn near $300 for these.
It's genius to raise prices as it gets closer to RD. People will start to panic when they don't have a pair on lock and will still buy them.
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