If it's hot in a room and somebody keeps saying it's hot, it's true and they are complaining. Both can exist.

Healthcare and education are my main complaints with America. Both are broken. And yes I'm complaining about it.

Racism is also an obvious issue. If you want to continue to stay and fight, I understand. If you want to move, I understand. I'm just wondering if people really think it will get better.
Except injustice and people dying have nothing to do with a hot room

I don't get where you were coming from characterizing calling out injustice as complaining and your explanation makes it worse
1: do you think it will ever change or get better than it is now?

This may be an unpopular opinion but I personally believe things were better for us during segregation.

I sometimes dream black folks coming together and buying land out in the Mid West's wide open spaces.

Somewhere with less lights at night:

north america night_lights.jpg

Grow our own food, teach our own children, tend to our own sick, have our own ways.

Sorta like the Mormons in UT or the Amish in PA.

40 acres and a mule.

I seem to have heard that somewhere before.



Map of Federally Owned Land that can be given away by grants...


3. Lincoln thought colonization could resolve the issue of slavery.
For much of his career, Lincoln believed that colonization—or the idea that a majority of the African-American population should leave the United States and settle in Africa or Central America—was the best way to confront the problem of slavery. His two great political heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, had both favored colonization; both were slave owners who took issue with aspects of slavery but saw no way that blacks and whites could live together peaceably. Lincoln first publicly advocated for colonization in 1852, and in 1854 said that his first instinct would be “to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia” (the African state founded by the American Colonization Society in 1821).

Nearly a decade later, even as he edited the draft of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in August of 1862, Lincoln hosted a delegation of freed slaves at the White House in the hopes of getting their support on a plan for colonization in Central America. Given the “differences” between the two races and the hostile attitudes of whites towards blacks, Lincoln argued, it would be “better for us both, therefore, to be separated.” Lincoln’s support of colonization provoked great anger among black leaders and abolitionists, who argued that African-Americans were as much natives of the country as whites, and thus deserved the same rights. After he issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln never again publicly mentioned colonization, and a mention of it in an earlier draft was deleted by the time the final proclamation was issued in January 1863.

All these years later - Lincoln was apparently half right.

Yes, racists would never allow us to live together in peace.


No - we aint leaving.
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Except injustice and people dying have nothing to do with a hot room

I don't get where you were coming from characterizing calling out injustice as complaining and your explanation makes it worse
Just another MAGA troll smh. I don’t know what attracts storm front NT to these threads.
He equated people complaining about a sauna to people calling out unprovoked murders and systematic inequalities that are at every level of society
This may be an unpopular opinion but I personally believe things were better for us during segregation.

I sometimes dream black folks coming together and buying land out in the Mid West's wide open spaces.

Somewhere with less lights at night:

north america night_lights.jpg

Grow our own food, teach our own children, tend to our own sick, have our own ways.

Sorta like the Mormons in UT or the Amish in PA.
Man I've thought the same thing. After integration we had to deal with racist cops terrorizing is and a host of other things.

When it was just us blacks amongst ourselves it had to be more harmony. I just hate to say 'it was better for us sitting segregation'. It just feels wrong to say that because of all the hard work of our forefathers. Along with the fact that I had some Faith in humanity...

I'm from Alabama and my friend said that she asked her parents were during segregation and they're response was they got along just fine.
For recap:
Shooter will get first degree murder at least 50yrs in prison. I see no possibility of wiggle room. I'm not sure about the dad, depends on if he shot. Manslaughter likely, murder maybe.
I can clearly see the tone in this thread and I'll let y'all have fun in here. Imma head out.
The person recording had to be a special kind of stupid to let that video surface. That is the smoking gun and will land him and his partners in the slammer. I'm not sure if the person recording will get time though.

Tonight the lawyer of the family said the cops had that video from day 1.

How is that even possible?? Dude recording must hate that dad and son on the humble
Might offend some or come off racist ..but oh well

Wish my people stop relying on justice system to bring “justice” for us (havent we seen this same episode for decades already?)...the marching & public outcries gotta be deaded at this point holds no weight zero...cops violating our people weekly & dudes standing around watching also are a discrace..& finally wish alot of us stop trying to rub elbows with “others”(non blacks ) end of the day leave these people(non blacks) at bay & focus on uplifting & rebuilding our backyards..sht is getting realer (then it already was) dudes gotta cut the bs out... & get it together on many levels.but definitely pass all the we shall overcome stage “hoping” for** is embarassing
For recap:
Shooter will get first degree murder at least 50yrs in prison. I see no possibility of wiggle room. I'm not sure about the dad, depends on if he shot. Manslaughter likely, murder maybe.
I can clearly see the tone in this thread and I'll let y'all have fun in here. Imma head out.
Tonight the lawyer of the family said the cops had that video from day 1.

How is that even possible?? Dude recording must hate that dad and son on the humble
I’m assuming the friend who recorded prob felt the video was brood that the black dude was the aggressor. They legit felt protected by the good ol boy network at this police department.
For recap:
Shooter will get first degree murder at least 50yrs in prison. I see no possibility of wiggle room. I'm not sure about the dad, depends on if he shot. Manslaughter likely, murder maybe.
I can clearly see the tone in this thread and I'll let y'all have fun in here. Imma head out.
Proving premeditation will be really difficult man. Probs 2nd degree or plead down to manslaughter. Probs 30 yrs. I wish Johnny Cochran was still alive. I wonder if their lawyer has enough experience and bull dog in him to drag them and everyone they love through the mud. I hope he drafts some savages on his legal team.
This may be an unpopular opinion but I personally believe things were better for us during segregation.

I sometimes dream black folks coming together and buying land out in the Mid West's wide open spaces.

Somewhere with less lights at night:

north america night_lights.jpg

Grow our own food, teach our own children, tend to our own sick, have our own ways.

Sorta like the Mormons in UT or the Amish in PA.

40 acres and a mule.

I seem to have heard that somewhere before.



Map of Federally Owned Land that can be given away by grants...


3. Lincoln thought colonization could resolve the issue of slavery.
For much of his career, Lincoln believed that colonization—or the idea that a majority of the African-American population should leave the United States and settle in Africa or Central America—was the best way to confront the problem of slavery. His two great political heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, had both favored colonization; both were slave owners who took issue with aspects of slavery but saw no way that blacks and whites could live together peaceably. Lincoln first publicly advocated for colonization in 1852, and in 1854 said that his first instinct would be “to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia” (the African state founded by the American Colonization Society in 1821).

Nearly a decade later, even as he edited the draft of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in August of 1862, Lincoln hosted a delegation of freed slaves at the White House in the hopes of getting their support on a plan for colonization in Central America. Given the “differences” between the two races and the hostile attitudes of whites towards blacks, Lincoln argued, it would be “better for us both, therefore, to be separated.” Lincoln’s support of colonization provoked great anger among black leaders and abolitionists, who argued that African-Americans were as much natives of the country as whites, and thus deserved the same rights. After he issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln never again publicly mentioned colonization, and a mention of it in an earlier draft was deleted by the time the final proclamation was issued in January 1863.

All these years later - Lincoln was apparently half right.

Yes, racists would never allow us to live together in peace.


No - we aint leaving.
Hey, you are not alone in this thinking.
For those that complain about America being very racist:
1: do you think it will ever change or get better than it is now?

2: do you plan to move to another country too get away from America?

Me personally, I think this is the best it's ever going to get in our lifetime. I definitely wouldn't mind moving to another country (Canada, Germany or Australia) but racism isn't my main reason for moving. America is just vile and toxic and racism is just a byproduct if the toxicity.

1-America is built off of racism of course it wont it wont get better & in fact u gonna have more brothers(black)that realize that all this “talking & hoping” aint getting nowhere & gonna match bloodshed with bloodshed(including random people being targeted like random blacks are beingn targeted)

2- i said in another topic i wanted a vacation spot on the westcoast of africa but nothing all year round
This may be an unpopular opinion but I personally believe things were better for us during segregation.

I sometimes dream black folks coming together and buying land out in the Mid West's wide open spaces.

Somewhere with less lights at night:

north america night_lights.jpg

Grow our own food, teach our own children, tend to our own sick, have our own ways.

Sorta like the Mormons in UT or the Amish in PA.

40 acres and a mule.

I seem to have heard that somewhere before.



Map of Federally Owned Land that can be given away by grants...


3. Lincoln thought colonization could resolve the issue of slavery.
For much of his career, Lincoln believed that colonization—or the idea that a majority of the African-American population should leave the United States and settle in Africa or Central America—was the best way to confront the problem of slavery. His two great political heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, had both favored colonization; both were slave owners who took issue with aspects of slavery but saw no way that blacks and whites could live together peaceably. Lincoln first publicly advocated for colonization in 1852, and in 1854 said that his first instinct would be “to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia” (the African state founded by the American Colonization Society in 1821).

Nearly a decade later, even as he edited the draft of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in August of 1862, Lincoln hosted a delegation of freed slaves at the White House in the hopes of getting their support on a plan for colonization in Central America. Given the “differences” between the two races and the hostile attitudes of whites towards blacks, Lincoln argued, it would be “better for us both, therefore, to be separated.” Lincoln’s support of colonization provoked great anger among black leaders and abolitionists, who argued that African-Americans were as much natives of the country as whites, and thus deserved the same rights. After he issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln never again publicly mentioned colonization, and a mention of it in an earlier draft was deleted by the time the final proclamation was issued in January 1863.

All these years later - Lincoln was apparently half right.

Yes, racists would never allow us to live together in peace.


No - we aint leaving.
Ok I see u
U postin postin
I don't think we would've been better off with segregation. I don't think you guys honestly believe that either. Think bigger picture.
And if we being real
Things are still segregated
What folks think those district lines mean
Once I get my money where I need it to be, I'm going back to my dad's country. Heard a quote in one of those "moved to Africa" videos.

"I'd rather be a first class citizen in a 'third world' country than a second class citizen in a first world country."

Yea I know it's not easy and I know a lot of people have this rhetoric or similar when ish like this happens but I've been on this wave since I was 15-16. Wavered every now and again but overall the goal was to move out. Sooner than later.
Segregation is very real in 2020

NYC and LA are very segregated and these are in liberal states.

These kale eating liberals are just as bad as the stereotypical hillbilly racist. They just hide it and aren't blatant about it.

I actually respect a hillbilly racist more because at least they have the balls to let you know how they really feel
Once I get my money where I need it to be, I'm going back to my dad's country. Heard a quote in one of those "moved to Africa" videos.

"I'd rather be a first class citizen in a 'third world' country than a second class citizen in a first world country."

Yea I know it's not easy and I know a lot of people have this rhetoric or similar when ish like this happens but I've been on this wave since I was 15-16. Wavered every now and again but overall the goal was to move out. Sooner than later.

Africa is amazing. You'll have a love it. and probs never thing of the US again, except when watching tv because the schedule for every show is based on EST lol.
I’ve stop trying to convince white folks in my circle about racism. They often live in a bubble. Once I realized that I just stopped caring. They love the visceral side of our culture but gives no damns about the plight of African amareicans/minorities. When I explain to “them” that I’ve been pulled over numerous times coming out of my neighborhood. “ You must’ve been speeding, broke headlight..etc”. No they said I fit a profile. All I can do as a man is to educate my kids on how society is.
I’ve seen it first hand living in central florida and now Atlanta. Most folks don’t realize they are racist.
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