Wrong. Does white privilege exist? Do all white people benefit from that privilege? This is why white supremacy doesn’t white people any favors. All benefit from said privilege, therefore all are racist, whether they know it, or not.
I can't control white privilege. I acknowledge it. I don't deny it does. If I could flip a switch and make it go away, I would. Benefiting from something outside of your control doesn't make one racist.
Saying "All white people..." is racist. Judging someone off their skin tone is racist. Assuming you know their thoughts based on their skin tone is racist. It's literally the definition of racism.

Don't lump me in whit these ****s. I'm embarrassed to share the same skin tone as them.

Literally all I have been trying to say in this thread. These guys are trying to use playground bully tactics and name calling to make their points. Literally acting just like the racists they claim to hate.
Na not going to derail the thread. I just hate comments like that. There's a lot of really ****** white folks out there that are scared to death of losing the advantages they were born with. I won't argue that at all. There's also some that are in favor of trying to level the playing field. Judging ALL people of ANY race based on nothing but their race is in fact racist. It's the definition of it. Judge me by my actions, not my skin tone. Isn't that what we ALL want?
I can't control white privilege. I acknowledge it. I don't deny it does. If I could flip a switch and make it go away, I would. Benefiting from something outside of your control doesn't make one racist.
Yes it does. All men, are sexist due to the privilege that we live with. White people are racist, due to the privilege that you live with. The denial of such is equal to that of mansplaining.
Yes it does. All men, are sexist due to the privilege that we live with. White people are racist, due to the privilege that you live with. The denial of such is equal to that of mansplaining.
A man that fights to end sexism is sexist? That's what you're arguing?

Sorry, I don't agree with that.
Wash ya face B.

“We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know that we will win. But I've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house.

I'm afraid that America may be losing what moral vision she may have had …. And I'm afraid that even as we integrate, we are walking into a place that does not understand that this nation needs to be deeply concerned with the plight of the poor and disenfranchised. Until we commit ourselves to ensuring that the underclass is given justice and opportunity, we will continue to perpetuate the anger and violence that tears at the soul of this nation.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

Thank you so much. I learned so much through this post. I have been washing my face wrong my entire life. #HANDSOME
A man that fights to end sexism is sexist? That's what you're arguing?

Sorry, I don't agree with that.
Mansplaining isn’t doing anything but doubling down on willful ignorance. No man can help a woman gain her freedom, and no white person can win freedom for Black people.
Judge me by my actions, not my skin tone. Isn't that what we ALL want?

Is that what we all get?

Unbeknownst to you, that is some of that white privilege seeping out of you.

I can only speak for myself but I have no beef with you personally.

You just need to dig a little bit deeper to understand what's going on out here.
Saying "All white people..." is racist. Judging someone off their skin tone is racist. Assuming you know their thoughts based on their skin tone is racist. It's literally the definition of racism.

Don't lump me in whit these ****s. I'm embarrassed to share the same skin tone as them.

I see what you're saying.

On the surface it makes sense.

Please allow me a little leeway here to further explain.

People with White skin set fire to a building containing people with Black skin.

People with White skin have all the water and control all the exits.

There are no White people in this building.

There are no Black people outside the building.

Who puts out the fire?

If you are white, and you are not a racist, then it's incumbent upon you to fight the racists and put out the fire.


Accept what comes with not putting out the fire.

Note: This fire has been burning for a LONG time.

Ex: If the same folks who had the time to protest the COVID 19 quarantine, with guns on their backs, had the same energy for this situation, where would we be as a nation?

In other words:

Rev 3.16

To the Church in Laodicea

I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot.

How I wish you were one or the other!

So because you are lukewarm— neither hot nor cold— I am about to vomit you out of My mouth!

You say, ‘I am rich; I have grown wealthy and need nothing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.…
Mansplaining isn’t doing anything but doubling down on willful ignorance. No man can help a woman gain her freedom, and no white person can win freedom for Black people.
The SC and every lawyer that argued in front of them to give women their rights to vote were men. Those men were sexist? The ones fighting for women's rights? They didn't help women? Stop and think about what you're saying.
I am going to say it again for those in the back who do not agree.
The SC and every lawyer that argued in front of them to give women their rights to vote were men. Those men were sexist? The ones fighting for women's rights? They didn't help women? Stop and think about what you're saying.
You seem to not understand the hole that you are digging. Carry on.
I am going to say it again for those in the back who do not agree.

You seem to not understand the hole that you are digging. Carry on.
You seem to not understand that you judging all white people by their race is no different than a white racist judging all black people by their race.
You seem to not understand that you judging all white people by their race is no different than a white racist judging all black people by their race.
Wrong, I am judging you through your unearned privilege.
How many folks in here have visited the National Museum of African American History in DC? It’s quite an experience. It’s a shame folks can’t be empathetic in regards to our history and how it affects our present. I’m not Jewish or Native American but have a profound respect for their history/plight. I feel we as blacks don’t get those same respects.

I remember at my old barbershop the old heads would be talking about their experiences. Older gentlmen would always say: “ He feels black folks are cursed” . I do somtimes feel like we always getting our asses kicked but no one gives AF. I would say Hispanics have gone through similar mistreatment. You would think we would be in unison but Hispanics for the most part do not affiliate with blacks. This is my experience.

I’m curious with non blacks in this thread: What have older generational family view Blacks?” How has it shaped you?
So another black man was unjustly murdered. There's a long history of it. People are hurt, upset, angry, justifiably so, and saying things they may or may not mean. Either way this thread is created around this tragedy, people are venting, memorializing, and tracking the issue. The wound is still raw as there is no real progress. It is at this very moment, a select few geniuses who lack emotional awareness and intelligence decide to pick at prod at those hurt people over semantics, defending obvious statements that don't need defending, or inject themselves to make sure we know they're one of the good ones, when no one asked, or cares. To this point they've spent more time on this, picking at the angry and hurt people's words than the tragedy. If this were a real world gathering they would not show up and do the same. Disgusting internet cowards.
Wrong, I am judging you through your unearned privilege.
I see that you can't/refuse to comprehend benefiting from something outside of your control doesn't make one racist. By your logic, a while man can dedicate his life to civil rights and trying to level the playing field and he is STILL a racist. No offense, but that's just dumb. Judge a person off his actions, not his skin tone. Making blanket statements about an entire race makes you look ignorant and racist. Your race and the race you're talking about doesn't matter.
You seem to not understand that you judging all white people by their race is no different than a white racist judging all black people by their race.

It's a HUGE difference!

Your hearts in the right place.

Your surroundings and upbringing is blinding you.

White laws.

White history books in our schools.
White politics.

White business owners.

These are all powerful positions where racism has REAL factors.

Again tell me how being white and racist is the same as being black and racist?
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How many folks in here have visited the National Museum of African American History in DC? It’s quite an experience. It’s a shame folks can’t be empathetic in regards to our history and how it affects our present. I’m not Jewish or Native American but have a profound respect for their history/plight. I feel we as blacks don’t get those same respects.

I remember at my old barbershop the old heads would be talking about their experiences. Older gentlmen would always say: “ He feels black folks are cursed” . I do somtimes feel like we always getting our asses kicked but no one gives AF. I would say Hispanics have gone through similar mistreatment. You would think we would be in unison but Hispanics for the most part do not affiliate with blacks. This is my experience.

I’m curious with non blacks in this thread: What have older generational family view Blacks?” How has it shaped you?
We tried to go last time we were in DC but the wait was too long. I don't think it had been open long. I have been to the MLK National park in Atlanta. If you want to feel super small, sit in the old church and listen to his sermons over the speakers. I felt so small in his presence.
I see that you can't/refuse to comprehend benefiting from something outside of your control doesn't make one racist. By your logic, a while man can dedicate his life to civil rights and trying to level the playing field and he is STILL a racist. No offense, but that's just dumb. Judge a person off his actions, not his skin tone. Making blanket statements about an entire race makes you look ignorant and racist. Your race and the race you're talking about doesn't matter.
Wrong. Your privilege allows you to have greater choices than others. Just because you attempt to help those who you see are of less fortune, does not mean that your efforts are altogether altruistic. GUILT does not make your actions righteous.
It's a HUGE difference!

Your hearts in the right place.

Your surroundings and upbringing is blinding you.

White laws.

White politics.

White business owners.

These are all powerful positions where racism has REAL factors.

Again tell me how being white and racist is the same as being black and racist?
I worded that poorly. I get why a black person would have hatred toward whites. I really do. The deck is stacked against blacks and it's done by whites. I'm just saying that fundamentally judging someone off their race, regardless of the races, is ****** up. White vs black, black vs white, latino vs white, asian vs latino, etc. Doesn't matter. Assuming anything about a person based on their race is the definition of racism, warranted or not. I get why a black person would pre-judge me but that's ****** up to do it. Judge me off my actions. That's what you want. That's what I want. That's what we all deserve.
Wrong. Your privilege allows you to have greater choices than others. Just because you attempt to help those who you see are of less fortune, does not mean that you efforts are altogether altruistic. GUILT does not make your actions righteous.
Every white person is born racist and can't change it.

Smh that you can't see that is in fact a racist view. I hope that one day you can learn to judge people off their actions and not their skin tone.
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