We tried to go last time we were in DC but the wait was too long. I don't think it had been open long. I have been to the MLK National park in Atlanta. If you want to feel super small, sit in the old church and listen to his sermons over the speakers. I felt so small in his presence.

Take the next step.

If you are White...

I worded that poorly. I get why a black person would have hatred toward whites. I really do. The deck is stacked against blacks and it's done by whites. I'm just saying that fundamentally judging someone off their race, regardless of the races, is ****ed up. White vs black, black vs white, latino vs white, asian vs latino, etc. Doesn't matter. Assuming anything about a person based on their race is the definition of racism, warranted or not. I get why a black person would pre-judge me but that's ****ed up to do it. Judge me off my actions.

Pipe dream.

We didn't make the rules but, these be THE RULES!
Every white person is born racist and can't change it.

Smh that you can't see that is in fact a racist view. I hope that one day you can learn to judge people off their actions and not their skin tone.
You do not realize that what you have just stated, reveals that your privilege is the problem.
dblplay1212 dblplay1212 can you at least understand why a black person would feel hatred for white people?

And then think about why a white person would hate a black person?

It dont add up the same.
dblplay1212 dblplay1212 can you at least understand why a black person would feel hatred for white people?

And then think about why a white person would hate a black person?

It dont add up the same.
Absolutely. I said as much here.

I worded that poorly. I get why a black person would have hatred toward whites. I really do. The deck is stacked against blacks and it's done by whites. I'm just saying that fundamentally judging someone off their race, regardless of the races, is ****ed up. White vs black, black vs white, latino vs white, asian vs latino, etc. Doesn't matter. Assuming anything about a person based on their race is the definition of racism, warranted or not. I get why a black person would pre-judge me but that's ****ed up to do it. Judge me off my actions. That's what you want. That's what I want. That's what we all deserve.
Yeah pro segregation is wild.

We already have it.

We have outlr own neighborhoods.

Invest in those.

I've never seen more black excellence like I've seen in Atlanta and PG County.

I'm talking about lavish black neighborhoods.

Never seen it anywhere else.

Especially where I'm from.

I was mind blown.
My homies parents live in PG county. They have bread. It’s nice up there.
We’ve posted information showing why such a term is insulting, especially in cases like this, as POC is a term that diminishes the travails of the Black experience in this world. We are not all in this thing together, and non Blacks do not experience the same discrimination in this country, as the descendants of African slaves in the western hemisphere.
What you think of this girls post on fb?
Which would be...?
U know what the next step is ....dont be surprised when u start seeing more & more stories of random whites being targeted ..when zimmerman was found not guilty u had alotta whites in certain cities on the eastcoast getting jumped & targeted (even though zimmerman was a mixed hispanic)...not to sound foul just being realistic..alotta dudes is beyond fed up at this point ...
Man, if I could, I would. Unfortunately it's way above my level. I can only do what I can on my level, starting with the way I raise my daughter.


Thanks for your effort.

Every little bit helps.

Lots of others too...

But MOST of all. Deal with the people who look like you / represent the racist institutions!



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Members of five Native American nations, the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Nations (known as the Five Tribes), owned black slaves. Then located outside the territorial boundaries of the US in a region known as Indian Territory (modern-day Oklahoma), these sovereign nations were not affected by proclamations or constitutional amendments. Instead, separate treaties had to be made between the US and these Native American nations not only to free enslaved peoples, but also to formally end the American Civil War battles and antagonism between American and Native American troops.

The fact that by the time of the Civil War black chattel slavery had been an element of life among the Five Tribes for decades is rarely discussed. It is, however, an important aspect of US history which serves to remind us of the complexity of colonialism, exploitation and victimisation that laid the foundations of our country.



While the former slaves of the Cherokee, Creek, Seminole, and Choctaw Nations became tribal citizens due to the Treaties of 1866, throughout the 20th century, all of the Five Tribes eventually rescinded the tribal membership of these freedpeople and their descendants. Although their former slaves had lived among them for generations, sharing land, history, and trauma with them, the Five Tribes claimed that they were interlopers who had no place among them because they had no Native ancestry.
Tariq Nasheed is an idiot but I agree with him when he says we gotta start letting other groups hold their own nuts and only worry about our issues.
What you think of this girls post on fb?
I think more posts like that need to be forced onto the feed of white people that don't have to stop and have those thoughts. From what I've read, Mr. Arbery was on video on a construction site and he walked down to the dock. That's what they saw on video that started all of this. They saw a black man on a construction site and assumed he was stealing something. We're building a house right now. I've walked on dozens of construction sites over the last year, checking out the layouts of different houses. I never once thought twice. That right there is my privilege showing. Never even crossed my mind. There's tons of daily activities that whites do that a black person may think twice about. I don't even know what they are bc I'm not black and I've never had to think about them. That's incredibly ****** up. There's a lot of white people that live in a bubble and literally can't fathom having to think twice before doing something as simple as jogging down the wrong road. More posts like that may get some of them to open their mind to how things are for non-white people.
Stop taking this personally.

YOU know who you are.

If we say "white people" as a blanket statement, understand we not talking about you.

Don't dig in with that statement as an assault on you if you don't consider yourself as thst.
Fair enough. I just hate being judged by my skin tone, as I'm sure you do too, even if it's for different reasons. Guys like this make me embarrassed to even share the same skin tone.
U know what the next step is ....dont be surprised when u start seeing more & more stories of random whites being targeted ..when zimmerman was found not guilty u had alotta whites in certain cities on the eastcoast getting jumped & targeted (even though zimmerman was a mixed hispanic)...not to sound foul just being realistic..alotta dudes is beyond fed up at this point ...
And that's understandable. I would be too.

Thanks for your effort.

Every little bit helps.

Lots of others too...
At work now and can't read up on it but I promise I will over the weekend. Thanks for the link.
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