Fair enough. I just hate being judged by my skin tone, as I'm sure you do too, even if it's for different reasons. Guys like this make me embarrassed to even share the same skin tone.

Be proud of your heritage, just make it clear you don't rock with their policies.

Keep that same energy around your people.
Wouldn’t say all whites are racist/born racist. I do think how they are raised influence their views on minorities. Unfortunately I assume the older generation don’t have good views of us.

It would naive of me to think a white person would understand what its like to live as a black man. Just like myself I’m not white so I don’t know what it is to be a white man. I do know their are some advantages of being white. The act of white privilege doesn’t make you racist. But not acknowledging that you have advantages compared to minorities makes you passively racist.
Wouldn’t say all whites are racist/born racist. I do think how they are raised influence their views on minorities. Unfortunately I assume the older generation don’t have good views of us.

It would naive of me to think a white person would understand what its like to live as a black man. Just like myself I’m not white so I don’t know what it is to be a white man. I do know their are some advantages of being white. The act of white privilege doesn’t make you racist. But not acknowledging that you have advantages compared to minorities makes you passively racist.
Agree completely with this. I'm self-aware enough to realize that the anger I feel when I'm judged by my race is probably 1/10000000000000th of what a black guy feels and deals with. My best friend is black and grew up in a pretty rough area here. We've had some late night talks over drinks and he shared some things from his youth and recently that I just can't imagine being a part of. Like I can hear the story but I can't put myself in that spot and feel what he felt. I can imagine what it was like but I'll never experience it first hand.
I am certain that your parents are proud of you as well.
He really just showed his lake of concern for black humanity. He sees this thread at the top of general and the first thing he says to himself is “It’s a Black thread. I know KHUFU is in there. Let me go troll Khufu and the thread real quick.” Just sad.
You didn’t come to this thread to share your condolences though. This is a serious thread that impacts our lives and you came in here to troll.
No I didnt, that legit was my opinion after reading thru some of this. It's just my opinion, the incident itself is ****** up.
As long as the OPPRESSOR is alive, the OPPRESSED are in constant danger.
50 years of being a documented racist

and according to the guy you quoted
At this point if anyone feels Trump isn't a racist they are either a racist themselves looking to excuse his actions or they just have their head buried in the sand and should be shamed for that.
This is the full video of his statement for better context


Thats why I rock with you DWalk!

Mans said "context" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I'd prefer an honest Trump supporter over a fake moderate any day of the week.

"I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection..."

Rev Dr. MLK Jr.

People like dwalk31 pick a side , stick to it, and defend it...NO MATTER WHAT!

I respect that!
He really just showed his lake of concern for black humanity. He sees this thread at the top of general and the first thing he says to himself is “It’s a Black thread. I know KHUFU is in there. Let me go troll Khufu and the thread real quick.” Just sad.
Not sad, it’s predictable. They all loved ninjahoods commentary, and they loved dirtylicious’s and jrose’s modding styles from what I have read. They want a niketalk MAGA.
Not sad, it’s predictable. They all loved ninjahoods commentary, and they loved dirtylicious’s and jrose’s modding styles from what I have read. They want a niketalk MAGA.

...and steady buying Jordans / Lebrons, black athletes jerseys, and posting in the hip hop threads.

If POC is offensive now

What is the term that should be used to refer to a group of non-white people?

Asking as a non-white
If POC is offensive now

What is the term that should be used to refer to a group of non-white people?

Asking as a non-white


Where were all the "people of color" then?

Never saw a Latino or Asian identify themselves as "colored".

Might want to ask a white people don't get to make the rules when it comes to racism.

Deeper Dive:

The short answer is that Asians were considered “colored”, and are still considered to be “colored” by certain parts of American society.

That is an oversimplification. In truth, Asian Americans have had a complicated history with classification

Until 1952, Asian American immigrants couldn’t naturalize. They couldn’t become citizens. So, they couldn’t vote. Children of Asian Americans who were born in America were citizens, though, and could vote. Apart from that, whether Asians were white or colored depended on who you talked to, and whom you were talking about. Chinese Americans were white in some places, colored in others. Arab Americans were mostly white. Indian Americans were white if they looked white, but colored if they had a hint of brown. There was actually a guy named Bhagat Singh (not related to the martyr) who argued in front of the Supreme Court that since he is “Aryan” by descent, he should be considered eligible for naturalization. The Supreme Court scratched their collective heads and said “Not all Aryans are white”

At the same time, Jim Crow era laws restricted many African Americans from voting. This eventually lead to the Civil Rights Movement in the 50s, which resulted in the Voting RIghts Act that eliminated discriminatory practices during voting. Naturalized Asian Americans got the right to vote as part of this act.

Whole idea is ridiculous under the slightest scrutiny - yet institutionalized racism still prevails.

Classifying people by the color of their skin is their thing not ours.

All we are saying is be humble with that lumping us all together thing.

We took the hits during the civil rights movement so that they could have the right to vote too...but they wasn't with us shooting in the gym.
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