I'm not sure who 'y'all' is referring to, because I'm speaking on a complicated dynamic, not for a specific group of certain people.

And I'm not saying AA is right. I'm sticking with what @Present said, that intent matters.
Yall = Anyone Not Black.

I never said you said AA is "right."

I am saying that I can see why anyone decides to uss it by DEFAULT. It might be the safest/catch-all term to use not knowing the recipient.
Well, we will find out who did it. Funny thing about moderating, there will be a trail.
Ask that guy up there.

He had a problem with me stating that all white people are indeed racist, and that Jordan's image was created to pander toward that demographic.
You are incorrect in what you think I had a problem with, but I can speak for myself. The privilege displayed by thinking you speak for someone else is telling.
You are incorrect in what you think I had a problem with, but I can speak for myself. The privilege displayed by thinking you speak for someone else is telling.
I speak from the Black experience, and it is one that ALL Black people share ancestrally.

Can you speak to it?
I speak from the Black experience, and it is one that ALL Black people share ancestrally.

Can you speak to it?
You stating what someone else had a problem with, someone that you don't know, that is not you speaking from the black experience, because you don't know that person and you don't get to speak for them.
You stating what someone else had a problem with, someone that you don't know, that is not you speaking from the black experience, because you don't know that person and you don't get to speak for them.
You are saying that you didn't have a problem with what was posted in the thread the last dance, correct? Cool. However, the mod who oversees this site didn't have a problem with race being discussed in the thread either, yet the only comment deleted was the one stating that all white people were racist, correct? You are saying that you didn't see that comment, so cool. My bad if you were not the one who deleted. I have no issue with being wrong. However someone did it, and you were present at that moment, just making this comment....
darthska said:
There are people who can only filter the approaches and responses of others through a lens of race; they don't know how to take someone's character for who they are.

Consequently, these people need to apply race to others in order to even have a conversation with them about even favorite cereal flavors or effing furniture design. Literally every conversation to them needs to take place with their knowledge of the races of everyone talking. Their bullying demands that everyone disclose their race are non-stop because they can't function in the conversation otherwise.

Consequently, sometimes these people just go ahead and apply race to others and if the 'accused' doesn't deny it, they figure that must be it.

Some people. Not anyone in particular.

So I think that you can understand why I thought that it was you, who deleted that comment.
There are people who can only filter the approaches and responses of others through a lens of race; they don't know how to take someone's character for who they are.

So tell me, for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS Black people have been abused, mistreated, called inhuman, legally mind you, left behind and stepped over by minorities who are taught to look down upon Black people BY white people! Tell me WHY Black people should trust anyone, just because?! You wanna talk about character?!

White supremacy created this issue, not the Black people who were enslaved.
You are saying that you didn't have a problem with what was posted in the thread the last dance, correct?
Incorrect. I did not say that. I said that you are incorrect in what you think I had a problem with.

However, I've seen you say in other threads that maintaining the thread topic is pretty important to you, so let's keep that same energy right now. Clearly the discussion between you and I right now is what I had a problem with in another thread. Clearly what I had a problem with in another thread has nothing to do with Ahmaud Arbery and his murderers.
Didn’t watch the video and not going to. I heard reports that there was laughter in the video. Prosecution isn’t good enough. Death by public hanging. In front of their families. Their wives and children need to look into their eyes before they die. And watch them die. And suffer.

we all had to do it at one point or another.
Tell me WHY Black people should trust anyone, just because?!
Just as a general guideline, I'm not one to tell anyone else what they should or shouldn't do. I don't tell people they should work more, should eat less sugar, spend more time with their kids, what clothes they should wear, that's just not me. So far be it from me to tell another person or another group of people what they should or shouldn't do.

I don't mind discussing ideals, philosophies, approaches, etc, but I don't hinge that conversation on 'Here's what you should do...'
White supremacy created this issue, not the Black people who were enslaved.
Incorrect. I did not say that. I said that you are incorrect in what you think I had a problem with.

However, I've seen you say in other threads that maintaining the thread topic is pretty important to you, so let's keep that same energy right now. Clearly the discussion between you and I right now is what I had a problem with in another thread. Clearly what I had a problem with in another thread has nothing to do with Ahmaud Arbery and his murderers.
No sir, what you said in that other thread is incredibly relevant in this thread. That Black man was murdered, by white racists, of which unearths fears that every Black person in america may harbor. No matter how well educated you are, no matter how much money you have? These racist devils will try and kill you. Do you think that the brother who was killed should have stopped and then took a good look at their character before they began to chase him?

If you are Black, in america? You damned sure had better look through a critical lens, in regard to race.

And yes, I am pissed. That is because this needs to end yesterday.
Do you think that the brother who was killed should have stopped and then took a good look at their character before they began to chase him?
No, but that's mixing topics. Judging the character of someone you're in an online conversation with is a completely different topic than judging the character of someone with a shotgun harassing you while his buddy is in the truck, presumably also armed.
No, but that's mixing topics. Judging the character of someone you're in an online conversation with is a completely different topic than judging the character of someone with a shotgun harassing you while his buddy is in the truck, presumably also armed.
No, it's not. Not for those of us that are conscious, aware.
Saying "All white people..." is racist. Judging someone off their skin tone is racist. Assuming you know their thoughts based on their skin tone is racist. It's literally the definition of racism.

Don't lump me in whit these ****s. I'm embarrassed to share the same skin tone as them.
thats prejudice
not racism
folks keep confusing the 2
You keep peddling that same nonsense. Are YOU black is a better question. Mine doesn't wash off and I've had to live as a black man, a 6'2 black man, in America, all my life.

Cut the noise just because you disagree with my politics.

please align ur socks properly b4 posting next time
No, it's not. Not for those of us that are conscious, aware.
How woke or conscious a person is has nothing to do with the fact that a person under the threat of 2 armed white men on a country road in a racist country is a different topic and threat level than a person arguing with someone online, neither of which having any idea what the other looks like or where they live.

You don't have to concede; the difference there is undeniable, meaning that even if the difference is denied, it still exists.
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