Not all are bad though. You know that.

Not all are bad. But given the history and track record, you gotta at least understand and empathize with why some black people would look at whites as a whole in a funny light, especially if a majority of their experiences and experiences their loved ones encountered were bad.

Hell segregation was barely 50 years ago, meaning a lot of people’s parents and grandparents and close loved ones lived through that time. White people have a bad history and track record race relations wise. dblplay1212 dblplay1212 touched on that and made some solid points.
JUST to play devils advocate
what do u say to the white person
whose racist
whose lived in a racist town
and all theyve seen on their local news
is racist stuff
and to them not racist
just a way of life
and maybe all their experiences with other races
even though has been limited
due to the small town
views all other races as ****ty people
what would u say to that
Probably going to tell more about myself here than I should but here goes. I grew up in Mobile, Alabama. Most people assume everyone in Alabama is racist but its not like that, at least not in the cities. In the cities, laws from the 60s are still in place and it forces integration. Schools are as close to 50/50 as can be. You grow up with knowledge of the other side. The old saying of "Put 5 kids from different races in a sandbox and they'll all play together" is true. So that's how I grew up. Now you get 30 minutes outside the city and its what people think of as Alabama. 99% white and 100% racist. Most of my mom's family falls into that category. The definition of poor white trash. They all vote Republican bc they say God bless, protect their guns, and "don't give money to black people." To them, social programs are for blacks. They can't grasp that they are for low income people, which is them. No, to them they are just for lazy black people. Nebermind that 75% of them have spent their entire adult life on "disability." I love my family bc of what they did for me as a child but they are embarrassing and I don't want my child spending much time with them. Sucks but its true.

So that's my background. I'm by far the most successful person on either side of my family. When I'm with them, I make a point to comment on the things we do for our daughter. That we drive 30 minutes out of our way for daycare bc we want her to be in a mixed environment. That i don't want her to grow up in a sheltered bubble. I don't have to say "I don't want her to have your views", its said without being said. My best friend has gone back home with me several times. I want them to see how I live my life is and how I've benefited from being socially adjusted instead of stuck in 1960. But if I'm being honest, there's no changing that person. It has to start with the kids. My wife's sister has 2 boys, one 10 and one 16. I'm their hero. I have all the toys they want, all the shoes, the clothes, etc. I'm the cool uncle. Before we had our own kid, we spoiled them. They come here for a week in the summer and I make sure they are exposed to by racially diverse group of friends. I take them to the sneaker shop to hang out. I play ps4 with them and they interact with the guys I play 2k with. Honestly most racism comes from lack of knowledge. Not being exposed to other races as a kid. So that's where I fight the battle.

Cliffs: **** the old racist, spend time with the kids so they don't grow up that way

Holy **** that was long.
White people like him? Is the reason why your own education on the issues are so important. See him, then understand the true source of the problem.
I don't know the man so I can't say he's the source. I think some white people are just tone deaf. They aren't helping but I wouldn't say they are the source either. Just my opinion.
Yeah pro segregation is wild.

We already have it.

We have outlr own neighborhoods.

Invest in those.

I've never seen more black excellence like I've seen in Atlanta and PG County.

I'm talking about lavish black neighborhoods.

Never seen it anywhere else.

Especially where I'm from.

I was mind blown.
Don’t get fooled tho, even in these places the residents are subject to the laws and police of the larger county/state/fed govts...Dumb **** happens time to time same as the worst hoods in America...The powers at be don’t ever let anything just black ppl involved in get too good, got their eye on everything and ready to squash it at any moment as you can see in the past and present...PG and ATL been cool for a min cuz the white Ppl we werent too threatened, that’s changing with gentrification tho...Anytime black folks see some real success or progress, **** is set in motion to dead it like clockwork
If your people had been oppressed for 400+ years and you were born with the deck stacked against you, you'd probably have some built up anger too. You'd probably vent when things like this happen. Stop being upset with the venting and try to comprehend where it is coming from. I don't agree with everything everyone says but I try to understand why it's being said. I'm in no position to tell a black man how he's supposed to react to seeing **** like this. Neither are you. If anything other than "Damn this is ****ed up. I can't imagine how it feels to be a black guy watching that." is about to come out of your mouth/keyboard, just stop.

Venting doesn't give you an excuse to be or say ra--- pardon me, prejudice things. It's literally the pot calling the kettle black. You should be mad at the people that committed this crime and the ones that tried to cover it up, not at the people as a whole because that makes you just as bad as them. I really don't understand how people don't understand this but maybe I was just raised differently.
Venting doesn't give you an excuse to be or say ra--- pardon me, prejudice things. It's literally the pot calling the kettle black. You should be mad at the people that committed this crime and the ones that tried to cover it up, not at the people as a whole because that makes you just as bad as them. I really don't understand how people don't understand this but maybe I was just raised differently.
Makes you as bad as the people that murdered Mr. Arbery? I'm going to have to disagree there.
I read somewhere that the claims of break in's within the Brunswick area were false and made up.
They weren't reported to the police. Well actually two were. One was someone stealing a bunch of fishing tackle from an open garage. The other? Yea that was a stole 9mm pistol. Guess where it was? The guys that murdered Mr. Arbery left it in an unlocked vehicle and it was stolen from there. Obviously they are responsible gun owners.
Im not offended. Just trying to stop the same 2 members from creating the havoc they seek out.

Putting out the fire with my white privilege aka (fire) by the same fire I created.

Where were all the "people of color" then?

Never saw a Latino or Asian identify themselves as "colored".

Might want to ask a white people don't get to make the rules when it comes to racism.

Deeper Dive:

The short answer is that Asians were considered “colored”, and are still considered to be “colored” by certain parts of American society.

That is an oversimplification. In truth, Asian Americans have had a complicated history with classification

Until 1952, Asian American immigrants couldn’t naturalize. They couldn’t become citizens. So, they couldn’t vote. Children of Asian Americans who were born in America were citizens, though, and could vote. Apart from that, whether Asians were white or colored depended on who you talked to, and whom you were talking about. Chinese Americans were white in some places, colored in others. Arab Americans were mostly white. Indian Americans were white if they looked white, but colored if they had a hint of brown. There was actually a guy named Bhagat Singh (not related to the martyr) who argued in front of the Supreme Court that since he is “Aryan” by descent, he should be considered eligible for naturalization. The Supreme Court scratched their collective heads and said “Not all Aryans are white”

At the same time, Jim Crow era laws restricted many African Americans from voting. This eventually lead to the Civil Rights Movement in the 50s, which resulted in the Voting RIghts Act that eliminated discriminatory practices during voting. Naturalized Asian Americans got the right to vote as part of this act.

Whole idea is ridiculous under the slightest scrutiny - yet institutionalized racism still prevails.

Classifying people by the color of their skin is their thing not ours.

All we are saying is be humble with that lumping us all together thing.

We took the hits during the civil rights movement so that they could have the right to vote too...but they wasn't with us shooting in the gym.

i've come to interpret and use "people of color" as a more politicized term due to the fact that being referred to as a "minority" has a pejorative nature to it. ****, in California, we're the "majority" if anything. nonetheless, i don't think it's fair or right for every community of color to appropriate and try to claim the struggle of black children, men and women as their own. however i think there needs to be solidarity among POC in the struggle against all forms of white supremacy.

asian communities in the US have always had a complex position in this country. in specific moments they've been exploited for their labor, targeted, had their homes stolen, placed in internment camps, blamed for pandemics (past and present) while simultaneously being heralded as the "model minority." we know how that "model" narrative has historically been used to fault poor black communities for generations of social reproduction. i'd argue that it's a divide and conquer tactic. position folks of color against each other and they'll never see the collective power they hold. it's worth noting that no matter how hard some asian communities want to be assimilated or bought into whiteness, they aint ever going to accept us. it's also worth nothing that "asians" aren't a monolithic group, there's a lot ethnic-, economic- and generational diversity within the race here in the US.

your notion of "they wasn't with us shooting in the gym" holds some weight, but it also ignores the role asian folks served in the liberation for black & brown communities. richard aoki was a field marshal for the black panther party and was one of the first folks to put the party onto staying armed because of his experience in the miltary. yuri kochiyama organized heavy in new york for black and puerto rican liberation while also being good homies with malcolm x. the third world liberation front's movement, that happened on the heels of the CRM, was co-lead by asian american students in the bay. asian folks have been in the gym, you just might not see us.
I read somewhere that the claims of break in's within the Brunswick area were false and made up.


The DA who told the cops to stand down when they had probable cause to arrest the 2 is also super shady...

In that case she withheld witness testimony (from a cop btw) during a bond heading for a killer cop who killed his ex wife, a friend then himself shortly after...

Also protected that same cop and his partner from facing consequences for shooting and killing an unarmed mother further back

She deserves to be disbarred or at least have her office put under federal investigation for her handling of the whole thing along with her past :smh:

The DA who told the cops to stand down when they had probable cause to arrest the 2 is also super shady...

In that case she withheld witness testimony (from a cop btw) during a bond heading for a killer cop who killed his ex wife, a friend then himself shortly after...

Also protected that same cop and his partner from facing consequences for shooting and killing an unarmed mother further back

She deserves to be disbarred or at least have her office put under federal investigation for her handling of the whole thing along with her past :smh:

And those are just the discovered injustices. Imagine what else they've done and covered up
The DA who told the cops to stand down when they had probable cause to arrest the 2 is also super shady...

In that case she withheld witness testimony (from a cop btw) during a bond heading for a killer cop who killed his ex wife, a friend then himself shortly after...

Also protected that same cop and his partner from facing consequences for shooting and killing an unarmed mother further back

She deserves to be disbarred or at least have her office put under federal investigation for her handling of the whole thing along with her past :smh:
'Not all cops are bad'

Maybe not, but the more shady you are, the more secure your job position and the higher up you'll go.
i've come to interpret and use "people of color" as a more politicized term due to the fact that being referred to as a "minority" has a pejorative nature to it. ****, in California, we're the "majority" if anything. nonetheless, i don't think it's fair or right for every community of color to appropriate and try to claim the struggle of black children, men and women as their own. however i think there needs to be solidarity among POC in the struggle against all forms of white supremacy.

asian communities in the US have always had a complex position in this country. in specific moments they've been exploited for their labor, targeted, had their homes stolen, placed in internment camps, blamed for pandemics (past and present) while simultaneously being heralded as the "model minority." we know how that "model" narrative has historically been used to fault poor black communities for generations of social reproduction. i'd argue that it's a divide and conquer tactic. position folks of color against each other and they'll never see the collective power they hold. it's worth noting that no matter how hard some asian communities want to be assimilated or bought into whiteness, they aint ever going to accept us. it's also worth nothing that "asians" aren't a monolithic group, there's a lot ethnic-, economic- and generational diversity within the race here in the US.

your notion of "they wasn't with us shooting in the gym" holds some weight, but it also ignores the role asian folks served in the liberation for black & brown communities. richard aoki was a field marshal for the black panther party and was one of the first folks to put the party onto staying armed because of his experience in the miltary. yuri kochiyama organized heavy in new york for black and puerto rican liberation while also being good homies with malcolm x. the third world liberation front's movement, that happened on the heels of the CRM, was co-lead by asian american students in the bay. asian folks have been in the gym, you just might not see us.

Agreed. Dope post!

Where I disagree is the "some weight" part...

The gym opened over 300 years before the 1960's / Black Panthers.

..."some weight"?

Nah fam.

The fact of the matter is POC is a very dangerous term depending on how it's used.

We know people are trying to erase the past in textbooks and movies.

We've been lied to over and over again about who we and what we are.

People can't blame us for not trusting these terms that appear to come out of nowhere...but then appear everywhere, especially the media / politics.


Media / politics: People of color!

Nah fam. I can't trust it.

But if someone says it in my presence then depending on who it is and how they say it...meh.

I'm going to stick to Black...

They certainly have no problem sticking to White.

Funny how as soon as we start talking reparations...

People of Color!!!
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