Also I am awaiting my training emails Methodical Management Methodical Management

I know that I give you my fair share of grief however I am open to the challenge of banishing all libs.
Your occasional criticism comes from a desire we should all share: to maintain a safe and equitable community environment.

I appreciate your willingness to generously volunteer your time to help the community.

We can't have moderators posting in character, though. It didn't work out well for RockDeep.

good riddance to all the parasitic libby scum that infest niketalk!

all credit to the new moderator elect, aepps20 aepps20 !!!
Let's redirect all prospective staff discussion to another thread.

The purpose of my post was to try and get things back on topic - and while we would like to bring in new moderators to assist us with that, I don't want the process of that to prove disruptive.
Although I dont think anything I said implied what some of you are turning it into ill try explaining what im getting at since several of you want to make this about me. IF it is proven he was not jogging while that is the story his defense put out it sets a bad precedent right of the bat and will muddy the waters in what should be a clear cut case. There is almost nothing ahmaud could have been doing to justify what those guys did so why lie if you dont have to? Again we still dont know everything it's a big IF i'm not trying rush to conclusions but considering the state it happened in with those absurd laws that made those guys feel justified in the first place, it's a goof on the lawyers part imo and could make it tougher for his family to get justice. I've seen lawyers mistakes cost clients before. This is why I asked the simple question I'd love to see this angle ruled out but unfortunately nothing I've seen so far does that.

If that doesnt make sense to you and y'all wanna use me as a punching bag w/e have at it.

Are you black?
Yeah, they did an interview with two of the jurors and the Black lady said it.

Although I won't blame anyone for dealing with loss/grief whichever way they deem fit or necessary, it's been refreshing to see the opposite energy from Ahmaud's family than we did during the Jean case.

From his mom

His dad says he doesn't believe in killing but he wants the killers to suffer by spending the rest of their lives behind bars. Been a bit refreshing tbh not hearing the usual automatic black forgiveness being preached and pushed in the face of yet another atrocity committed by ws's against black folks.

Always felt that acts of public forgiveness, whether performative or legitimate, in these sorts of cases serve no purpose but to appease the perpetrators eventual feelings of guilt. They often feel unearned as I doubt feelings of remorse or any olive branch would ever be extended to the victims family in the first place if they were never prosecuted and brought to justice as so many cases end up being when they don't get publicized.

It doesn't cause folks who think like that to view us any less hatefully or more as human and generally leaves a bitter taste in peoples mouth as it feels like heinous and premeditated acts get reduced to being portrayed as honest mistakes and not the acts of intentional and targeted terror against a community that they are
I don't believe in the death penalty. That's a blessing in disguise.

You gotta let them sit in the cell for the rest of their lives and let their brains rot. Let the inmates show them what it's like on the inside.

Shout out to his mom for not doing that forgiveness BS though. They took his life with intent they don't deserve forgiveness.
Man nothing wrong with feeling the anger even if you change your mind later, we're human. Good to see a victim not come on screen singing kumbaya.

To be honest, if Botham's brother doesn't hug Amber, the jurors that were caping for 10 years wouldn't feel good about their decision. Amber was a racist scumbag cop. Her vile text messages about black cops were disgusting.
I don't believe in the death penalty. That's a blessing in disguise.

You gotta let them sit in the cell for the rest of their lives and let their brains rot. Let the inmates show them what it's like on the inside.

Shout out to his mom for not doing that forgiveness BS though. They took his life with intent they don't deserve forgiveness.
Yea but that is ASSUMING they will be receiving hell when they are in there and aren't being protected.
Yea but that is ASSUMING they will be receiving hell when they are in there and aren't being protected.

Anyone who lost a closed loved one in a situation like this. I wouldn’t question their reaction. I’m glad his mother wants them to get the death penalty.

In terms of life in prison vs the death penalty. If life in prison means spending your entire life from the age of 25 or so until you die behind those walls with no chance of ever getting out, that’s pretty rough.

But I could see why a victims loved ones would rather have that day where they get to watch their relatives killer be put down over knowing the killer is alive and well, even if it’s behind bars.
Which is funny, because I can't remember a single instance in reverse. "I hope they get what they deserve/burn in hell" usually. Brown family still on OJ to this day.
Yea that's why I can't fully get behind that train of thought, the expectation of forgiveness is overwhelmingly one sided in practice irl.

Whole countries have been invaded and toppled for retribution purposes in recent memory yet so often black families are expected to be good Christians and offer forgiveness from the jump for the suffering they're forced to go through that is rarely ever offered when roles are reversed...yea miss me with that.
I never understood how family members could go on without seeking retribution.... I only have one sibling my sister... but if anyone ever took her from us. We goin together. It's really that simple.

Exactly. Check out this wild story and this is exactly why I never understood it. Befriended her moms & cousins killer and THEN he murdered her as well.



I'm needing to hear their defense story. So far I read that the incident report that one of the whites stated "Arbery attacked one of the men before he was shot"

I hope America goes into shambles during this whole trial. Only way there will ever be even slight progress
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