Black men....we need to talk.

Originally Posted by Dylishis


Stop lying to yourselves.

Stop lying to yourselves. Massive generalizations, FTL. lol You like non-black women. IT'S OKAY!!!!!!!!!!! $+@+. You guys just not owning that I think is far more detrimental than admitting a personal preference. I mean, it's saying it's based off of personality...all that does imply that the majority of black women have problems thus making latina/white women more appealing...through a ridiculous blanket generalization. How many black women or women period could you have been with (assuming you're not old men) to even make that type of judgment?Just admit you like latina/white girls and call it a damn day.
why the edit?
if someone (me) likes latin and white girls why is that a problem? Live and let live. If someone doesn't want to date every black girl he encounters so beit. That just leaves more attractive black girls for the rest of you. Be happy.
If I was with ONE black girl that made my disposition change then so be it. I'm not cursing at them, calling them birds..just dating w.e. I please at themoment.
Black men ain't playing our parts in the way we should.

We aren't up holding our Goddesses and laying the seeds for our nation.

But our women are equally whitewashed. Buying into this independent, materialistic and defensive black female image.

We gotta build that one to one with each other and rebuild the links of our relationship and families.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Black men ain't playing our parts in the way we should.

We aren't up holding our Goddesses and laying the seeds for our nation.

But our women are equally whitewashed. Buying into this independent, materialistic and defensive black female image.

We gotta build that one to one with each other and rebuild the links of our relationship and families.
Ok...back home for the night so here are my thoughts, opinions, on the matter--

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Broadly speaking--what you described is merely the manifestation of the "black-slave-desire", stemming from the vestigial remains of the "black-slave-mentality".

In laymen's terms...

Wanting to *+++ what has "$$!$!#" us for a few hundred years.

I wouldn't even put it like that as I view that ^^^ kind of logic to be an excuse used for brothas to justify their "light to white is right"fantasies, at the expense of their "dark to 'black'" sistahs.

I suppose what I should've stated was that, most of these "black men" who would pass over a "black woman" for a "white women"(of equal or lesser physical and mental attributes) do so only because they've, unbeknowst to them, been conditioned to apotheosize all that is"white" or close to it, while denigrating all that is "black" or close to it. This is of course, in a society where "white" hasalways been the standard, merit, and condition of power, sophistication, intelligence, wealth, and as relates to this topic and this thread-- beauty.

This whole "white-is-right" and "black-is-blight" indoctrination has been going on since slavery--hence the "slave" allusion inmy OG post--and it continues today, quite unfortunately. This is why some black women bleach their skin, go to lengths to alter the physical composition oftheir natural hair (using dangerous chemicals) in a vain attempt to achieve a "straight-hair" look, and even go so far as to select a"mate", not based on his quality as a man, but based on the shade of his skin (light-to-white is right) and the constitution of his hair--becauseLord knows a light baby with "good hair" is the definition of beauty by many in our community, while a dark baby with "frizzy hair", asopposed to curly or straight hair, is the implicit definition of ugly.

Now as for the crap black men pull as a consequence of this "white/light is right" aphocryphy, I'll hold my e-tongue for now, after all, thisthread is dedicated to the matter...

Dylishis wrote:
Could be that...OR it could just be, they want to #*%% white women.

Some people do that @+@# for the WRONG reasons but at the end of the day, doesn't matter what someone else is doing with their life. I personally hate when people try to rationalize interracial attraction with some slave/master @+@# in 2009 but...I guess that does hold true in some places with some people. But definititely, not ALL. because it's 2009, you think a history of "white/light is right" pyscological inculcation, as it pertains to all peoples of color, inthis eurocentric society, is no longer relevant and worthy of been brought up?

I mean, DO NOT make the assumption that I'm an opponent of interracial dating/romance/ and/or attraction. What I am against, however, are those people whorefuse to find "beauty" within their own race; not because said "beauty" is lacking or present inrare quantities, but because they've chosen to prescribe to a "foreign" definition of "beauty" that has historically defamed the"beauty" characteristic of their race.

The people I have a problem with are those whom this thread is targeted towards. Those who, all things being equal, will always pick a "white/light"chick over a "black/dark" chick. And to dismiss that decision to just a matter of "personal choice" is saddening--because it shows thatpeople are content with some level of prejudice; one in which they are the dealer, and anothers emotional and psychological well-being is the item being dealt.

eye see soles wrote:
I'm black and currently I want to wife a white woman.

Her being white has zero do to with it.

Let me tell you why you're lying to yourself, and why you sound really screwed up...

If, as you say, her (your future wife) being white has nothing to do with why you want to wife her, then why do you even make the effort to state that you want"to wife a white woman..."

If race (white) is not the reason why you're marrying her, and yet, your future wife is going to come from a certain "racial population", thenyou mean to imply that you're wifing a member of that "racial population" because of some innate quality possessed by all members of thatpopulation, and exempt from all members of other "racial populations". In other words, white women engender certain qualities you find desirable in aspousal mate that other women of other races (maybe black women perhaps) are clearly lacking.

Now my question to you is--exactly what qualities (physical/mental/emotional) do you think white women possess, that makes them ideal candidates for the title"wifey", which clearly, you cannot find in women (black women perhaps) of other races.

Let's see you try to answer that without making generalizations of any kind...

Originally Posted by GreyScaleMethod

It's never been about race with me, but about experiences I've had with certain races. If a girl is ugly, she ugly no matter what skin color she is. For me personally (black guy), I've had better experiences with white women than black women when in relationships. At the end of the day however any girl can get it if she looked good and we connect. I'm always opened minded, but I have noticed over the past 2-3 years, that I've been talking to more white females than black.

How and why have you had "better" experiences with white women, as opposed to maybe--black women? Because when I read ^^^ what I hear you saying isthat white women possess certain tangible or intangible qualities which, perhaps, black women are lacking in.

But I'm curious, what are and how are these "experiences" with white women, better?

The way I see it, you're either treating these particular groups of (racial) women different in terms of expectations, or YOU'RE ACTING DIFFERENTLYwith each of these groups--ultimately precipitating the "better experiences" you're having with one group, and the"not-so-better-experiences" you're having with the other. So which is it?

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

mytmouse76 wrote:
Try to hard to do what?
should have said "not all" but they try to hard for male attention and play way too many games...from what I see and have experienced.

Regardless of what you've seen and experienced, you have the audacity to relegate "[trying] to hard for male attention and [playing] way too manygames" to black women alone...

Let me tell you something you may or may not have known--"ALL WOMEN crave some level of attention, and play games--regardless of race". Hell, someMEN are the same way. WISEN UP fam.

With your mentality, I wouldn't be surprised of you were simp'in over some white chick as she's getting traded amongst the football and basketballplayers. The best part is, you wouldn't even realize it because somehow, you've convinced yourself that only a certain, non-white, race of women craveattention and like to play games.

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

to look like the others by rocking weaves, colored eye contacts and all sort of other nonsense. they must feel the other races look better too

Well that certainly goes back to the "white/light is right" indoctrination I referenced earlier--wouldn't you say so. And what you describedwouldn't be rampant if there was an appreciation for natural black "beauty" in our very own black communities and society in general. Butthat's def. not the case and far from it when you have black men talking about "I'm black and currently I want to wife a white woman" or"Latinas FTW" or "light skin black chicks > dark skin black chicks" or my favorite "dark skinned woman posing suggestively = Hoodrat" while women of "lighter" races posing in the same manner =

Mdotte wrote:
Im a Black Man thats in love with Black Women..but i honestly believe that many white girls look better than Black girls..A white 7 is better than a black 7 to me.


And post right here, validates everything I've said about brothas, certain brothas, being indoctrinated--unbeknownst to them--to apotheosize"white" while disparaging "black"...I mean really, this post ^^^^ right here is so SAD it's funny...

HueyP in LouieV wrote:


Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

giraffe or panda?

you can have both if you can sing...

you sayin' black and white women is like giraffes and pandas??

no...its from the myspace pickup thread...

i'm tryin to spit game and you blockiiiin
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

giraffe or panda?

you can have both if you can sing...

you sayin' black and white women is like giraffes and pandas??

no...its from the myspace pickup thread...

i'm tryin to spit game and you blockiiiin
oh $!%@, my bad dawg

to who?

Dylishis wrote:
Could be that...OR it could just be, they want to #*%% white women.

Some people do that @+@# for the WRONG reasons but at the end of the day, doesn't matter what someone else is doing with their life. I personally hate when people try to rationalize interracial attraction with some slave/master @+@# in 2009 but...I guess that does hold true in some places with some people. But definititely, not ALL. because it's 2009, you think a history of "white/light is right" pyscological inculcation, as it pertains to all peoples of color, in this eurocentric society, is no longer relevant and worthy of been brought up?

Of course it's still relevant but, what I was saying is that I HATE HATE HATE people that start in with the slave/master mentality is the motive behindinterracial dating and liking those outside of your race when black. I KNOW that this occurs but that is NOT the case for everyone. Granted, NT is probably thelast place I should have said something like that because some of these cats have real REAL issues.

However, yes. At the end of the day... it IS a personal choice. If there's some clown of a black man that hates himself and hates black women...that'snot a man I WOULD WANT. %$%$ him. I'm not gonna get on a soapbox to try to tell someone to love themselves on this messageboard. Who has the time? [well, Iguess I did. Thanks to the rain I've been *%$+!%$ around on the internet all day. SMH but I digress lol] To say the least, I think it's a prettydaunting task to try to convince a board full of misguided souls with fetishes for big booty latina women, Asian, and white girls to love themselves and tolove their own if they don't already. Don't you think? You really think you're about to school some of these guys? Accept that again, at the endof the IS a personal choice. Their decisions don't impact me personally in any way, shape or form.

The emotional and psychological damage is their burden. Not mine. I mean, if there are black guys sitting up saying crazy @%%% about black women... naturallywhoever they choose to reproduce with (assuming they're ever afforded the opportunity), they're gonna give birth to black people. Possibly black women.Their babies might not come out with the "good hair, light eyes, and light skinned-ed". What are they gonnateach their daughters? What do they feel for their mothers? I mean, sorry. At least as it pertains to this board... I don't have time to school someStepin Fetchit $+@ punk. I don't even have time for that in real life. I'm not going to try.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

giraffe or panda?

you can have both if you can sing...

you sayin' black and white women is like giraffes and pandas??

no...its from the myspace pickup thread...

i'm tryin to spit game and you blockiiiin
oh $!%@, my bad dawg

to who?

he doooo be soundin' extra intelligent

slide pics if you get 'em
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

giraffe or panda?

you can have both if you can sing...

you sayin' black and white women is like giraffes and pandas??

no...its from the myspace pickup thread...

i'm tryin to spit game and you blockiiiin
oh $!%@, my bad dawg

to who?

he doooo be soundin' extra intelligent

slide pics if you get 'em
Yeah, it's a shame he's borderline racist
i'm gonna work on nudes for all the ladies...

i'm pretty sure he's that means his mom can cook...

if he's a real man he can too
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Try to hard to do what?

to look like the others by rocking weaves, colored eye contacts and all sort of other nonsense. they must feel the other races look better too

You're probably black what makes what you said that much worse. Black women don't have monopoly on weaves. Your fave white celeb wears a weave. All types of women wear colored contacts. As women of any colore we have options. I probably wasted my time typing that so I'm gonna stop here cuz you already have your simple mind made up.
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