Black men....we need to talk.

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

So he shouldn't waste his time debating ignorance on a sneakerboard....but you are debating him for debating ignorance on a sneakerboard?
But why are you all up in my *!*! though?

I enjoy NT. I enjoy posts like these. I reply to what I want to reply to with what I'd like to say. Sorry, I'm not saying what you want to hear.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

so...when is ladies night?

chi ill...we'll see you in a few
I got 'Waiting to Exhale' and 'Love and Basketball' on deck....

who bringing the Moscato?

So he shouldn't waste his time debating ignorance on a sneakerboard....but you are debating him for debating ignorance on a sneakerboard?

this REEKS of an Xzibit photo
At the end of the day, it really isn't that serious.

People place way too much emphasis on this race thing. Be with who you want. Bang who you want. Life is too short to worry about the color of someone'sskin, or your own. Do you and be happy with you. Eff everyone else.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

yeah what i said is bs.

not the fact that a black guy more attracted to white women is "ignorant."

but the fact that your internal identity does not have to be shaped by your skin color. total bs.

Wow .

You aren't seeing the bigger picture .


Oh .

In reference to Huey's post above me ...

I see now .
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

as you've said so many times....race is a human construct

"your identity," who you really are on a more than just superficial level, only has as much to do with your skin color as you want or allow it to.

and your sexual preferences cannot possibly be "ignorant," that's a a term you're using incorrectly to trigger a reaction.

Total BS on every level.
I disagree. Race IS a man made human construct. If it wasn't, black people wouldn't get labeled as "white washed" when they act"white." Also, sexual preferences CAN'T be ignorant. Think about that for a is that possible? The PERSON with the preferences maybe ignorant, but not the preferences THEMSELVES.

And I think Joseph is white...IF that matters.

Regardless of race being here or not, people themselves have the power to be whatever the hell they wanna be. Just because I'm black doesn't mean Ihave to date/wife a black woman, even though I love the hell out of them. As a matter of fact, I haven't dated one in at least two years. But do I feelguilty because I'm black? Hell naw...but I sure ain't on some "black women make me sick" steeze either.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Its online on a SNEAKER themed message board. It shouldnt matter that much anyway. Look @ the average demographics on here
dudes say that until ya'll feel one of us said something sideways about black men...then we get your resume and how hard working you are and are asked what we bring to the table...
If you bring a lot to the table, what's the issue?

i've seen you go semi-hard before in these race post when they aren't mainly about women but blacks as a whole...but when it comes to black women you just brush it off as if its no big deal...

and...what kills me, if that K seems like a cool $%# dude who got a lot goin' for himself---but he be EXTRA cocky like he got a chip on hisshoulder and I can't figure out why. And even more importantly, I don't know how chicks he meets deals with it
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

so...when is ladies night?

chi ill...we'll see you in a few
I got 'Waiting to Exhale' and 'Love and Basketball' on deck....

who bringing the Moscato?

So he shouldn't waste his time debating ignorance on a sneakerboard....but you are debating him for debating ignorance on a sneakerboard?
this REEKS of an Xzibit photo

I know, right?

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

At the end of the day, it really isn't that serious.

People place way too much emphasis on this race thing. Be with who you want. Bang who you want. Life is too short to worry about the color of someone's skin, or your own. Do you and be happy with you. Eff everyone else.


Regardless of whatever issues may be behind it, who really cares when all is said and done.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

So he shouldn't waste his time debating ignorance on a sneakerboard....but you are debating him for debating ignorance on a sneakerboard?
But why are you all up in my *!*! though?

I enjoy NT. I enjoy posts like these. I reply to what I want to reply to with what I'd like to say. Sorry, I'm not saying what you want to hear.


No body up in your **# shorty.

Just pointing out your contradiction. Giving your opinion and telling someone else they shouldn't give theirs.

You sound like you just didn't like what Antigen had to say because your'e certainly not against "pointless debate" on a"sneakerboard".
he is good people...

can we watch Paid In Full too?

Mekhi is
x 1000 he was just in some movie on TVone had me like
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

SuperAntigen wrote:
Mdotte wrote:
Im a Black Man thats in love with Black Women..but i honestly believe that many white girls look better than Black girls..A white 7 is better than a black 7 to me.


And post right here, validates everything I've said about brothas, certain brothas, being indoctrinated--unbeknownst to them--to apotheosize "white" while disparaging "black"...I mean really, this post ^^^^ right here is so SAD it's funny...
no what's so sad it's funny is that people like you pretend to have no prefence or act like you need to be attracted to your own race above all others.

i highly doubt ANYONE is just as attracted to white owmen as they are to black women as they are to asian women as they are to indian women as they are to native american women, etc. etc. etc.

each of these racial groups,in general, has disctinctly different skin tones, facial features, etc. the likelihood that you find all, on average to be equally attractive is quite low.

if he likes white girls more than black girls, it's not "so sad it's funny," it's really not a big deal. more black girls for you, stop complaining. he's not saying "all black girls are ugly or any other offensive blanket statement. no need to even care, let alone get so worked up over it.

me, for example, i am not attracted to most asian or middle eastern/indian women. that doesn't mean i'm not attracted to any, or that, because i'm not, that they are somehow uglier than other races.....just for some reason they dont do it for ME. who cares?
Are you Black ?

I too find myself pondering this late in the night...I think he is though.

and race is very much apart of one's identity, regardless of how it got here---it's HERE. And people deal with it on a day to day basis. However, while race is apart of someone's identity, there are also many other things that are incorporated as well. I mean, you gotta remember, race is not just skin color, you know? It's apart of one's culture.... and how one is perceived in society (whether you want to accept it or not)

see i agree with what you're saying on the most basic level, about skin color = something you deal with, you are perceived differently thanpeopel of another race right off the bat because of it, etc.

but on a deeper level, how you shape yourself, not how society shapes color means very little. in the matters of your life you you shape yourselfyou are not bound by your skin color.

i think it's great to celebrate culture and history of your people for a number of reasons. but when it comes down to are not them, they are notyou. you dont have to be anything like them if it doesnt suit you. you are your own person, live your own life. like if suddenly (not likely but bear with me)you found out you weren't really _______,you were adopted and really were _______, that's gonna really matter? you are who you are, not who yourancestors were.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

So he shouldn't waste his time debating ignorance on a sneakerboard....but you are debating him for debating ignorance on a sneakerboard?
But why are you all up in my *!*! though?

I enjoy NT. I enjoy posts like these. I reply to what I want to reply to with what I'd like to say. Sorry, I'm not saying what you want to hear.


No body up in your **# shorty.

Just pointing out your contradiction. Giving your opinion and telling someone else they shouldn't give theirs.

You sound like you just didn't like what Antigen had to say because your'e certainly not against "pointless debate" on a "sneakerboard".
You're such a trouble maker.

And I didn't have a problem with what Antigen said...I was simply replying to his reply to ME. I think you are irked because of what I'm either NOTsaying or you just don't agree with where I'm coming from, which is fine. And I never said I was against a pointless debate...I mean...hello? *looksaround*
What I said was I'm not gonna sit up here and try to educate some clowns on something that doesn't affect me. At the very least, I'llsay...if you're black and you like 'other' women...just LIKE them. You don't have to go into why the black one doesn't measure up becauseit's not that deep. Just go for what you want. The end.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

he is good people...

can we watch Paid In Full too?

Mekhi is
x 1000 he was just in some movie on TVone had me like

He got a little puffy but Mekhi...
Used to make theovaries tingle. Those E.R. reruns like when he first came on?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

see i agree with what you're saying on the most basic level, about skin color = something you deal with, you are perceived differently than peopel of another race right off the bat because of it, etc.

but on a deeper level, how you shape yourself, not how society shapes color means very little. in the matters of your life you you shape yourself you are not bound by your skin color.

i think it's great to celebrate culture and history of your people for a number of reasons. but when it comes down to are not them, they are not you. you dont have to be anything like them if it doesnt suit you. you are your own person, live your own life. like if suddenly (not likely but bear with me) you found out you weren't really _______,you were adopted and really were _______, that's gonna really matter? you are who you are, not who your ancestors were.
Two words : White Privilege .
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

he is good people...

can we watch Paid In Full too?

Mekhi is
x 1000 he was just in some movie on TVone had me like

He got a little puffy but Mekhi...
Used to make the ovaries tingle. Those E.R. reruns like when he first came on?

not feeling the weight gain at all...he needs to get it together...
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

as you've said so many times....race is a human construct

"your identity," who you really are on a more than just superficial level, only has as much to do with your skin color as you want or allow it to.

and your sexual preferences cannot possibly be "ignorant," that's a a term you're using incorrectly to trigger a reaction.

Total BS on every level.
I disagree. Race IS man made human construct. If it wasn't, black people wouldn't get labeled as "white washed" when they act "white." Also, sexual preferences CAN'T be ignorant. Think about that for a is that possible? The PERSON with the preferences may be ignorant, but not the preferences THEMSELVES.

And I think Joseph is white...IF that matters.
Nah race is definitely a human construct, as is every thing else in human society but that construct has tangible effects on human interaction andreality.

I don't think anyone said that a persons sexual preference was ignorant, rather the subconscious reasoning behind that preference was rooted in ignorance.

Preference is an inanimate concept it can't be ignorant or intelligent but the human thought behind that preference can be rooted in ignorance orknowledge.

Hate, in itself is not ignorant but the subconscious reasoning behind that hate can be steeped in ignorance.
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Two words : White Privilege .
Can you elaborate so I can understand you better? I was waiting for this to come up. Sorry for buttinin on ya'll lil' back and forth, but it's getting interesting now.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

as you've said so many times....race is a human construct

"your identity," who you really are on a more than just superficial level, only has as much to do with your skin color as you want or allow it to.

and your sexual preferences cannot possibly be "ignorant," that's a a term you're using incorrectly to trigger a reaction.

Total BS on every level.
I disagree. Race IS man made human construct. If it wasn't, black people wouldn't get labeled as "white washed" when they act "white." Also, sexual preferences CAN'T be ignorant. Think about that for a is that possible? The PERSON with the preferences may be ignorant, but not the preferences THEMSELVES.

And I think Joseph is white...IF that matters.

like if you're trying to say that in western culture caucasian features have been prized as beautiful and white women have been held as a standard ofbeauty and that influences a disproportionate amount of people into being attracted to women who fit this mold.....that's a valid point

but to call people ignorant for it? no mater what the circumstances are, you're gonna have some preferences, like i said earlier. your preferences havebeen proven to be influenced by those you grow up around and those who family, etc. date/marry when you are growing up.

so wth no media influence throwing out the "white is beautiful" message, a black dude being born/raised ina predominantly white neighborhood going toschool with mostly white kids may very well be more attracted to white females as an adult. so he's "ignorant" now?

back to the real world....where media influence is a factor....even if a dude knows that the media has probably influenced his can he behel;d responsible for that? how can he be called "ignorant" for something he not only had no control over, but he is fully aware of? you'rehonestly claiming that "ignorant" is the correct label for this dude? unbelievable.

excuse the poor grammar, typos etc., it's been a long day. but i think my points are still relatively clear despite the inevitable errors
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Preference is an inanimate concept it can't be ignorant or intelligent but the human thought behind that preference can be rooted in ignorance or knowledge.
i didn't see this til after my post.....this i agree with.

your first post i quoted did not indicate in the slightest that this was what you meant.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

So he shouldn't waste his time debating ignorance on a sneakerboard....but you are debating him for debating ignorance on a sneakerboard?
But why are you all up in my *!*! though?

I enjoy NT. I enjoy posts like these. I reply to what I want to reply to with what I'd like to say. Sorry, I'm not saying what you want to hear.


No body up in your **# shorty.

Just pointing out your contradiction. Giving your opinion and telling someone else they shouldn't give theirs.

You sound like you just didn't like what Antigen had to say because your'e certainly not against "pointless debate" on a "sneakerboard".
You're such a trouble maker.

And I didn't have a problem with what Antigen said...I was simply replying to his reply to ME. I think you are irked because of what I'm either NOT saying or you just don't agree with where I'm coming from, which is fine. And I never said I was against a pointless debate...I mean...hello? *looks around*
What I said was I'm not gonna sit up here and try to educate some clowns on something that doesn't affect me. At the very least, I'll say...if you're black and you like 'other' women...just LIKE them. You don't have to go into why the black one doesn't measure up because it's not that deep. Just go for what you want. The end.

How can I be a trouble maker on a "sneaker messageboard"?

We gone get sent to detention for talking too loud or something?

I wasn't really concerned with your statement but the fact that you found it logical to argue with someone about arguing made no sense to me.

Aren't you like 16 BTW?
I don't think anyone said that a persons sexual preference was ignorant, rather the subconscious reasoning behind that preference was rooted in ignorance.

Preference is an inanimate concept it can't be ignorant or intelligent but the human thought behind that preference can be rooted in ignorance or knowledge.

Hate, in itself is not ignorant but the subconscious reasoning behind that hate can be steeped in ignorance.
So, do you feel pressed to go up to anyone with a taste for that not of their own and tell them that they may or may not be ignorant somewheredeep down? Come on, now.
Becsue ya'll are capable of rational thought and I wouldnt want to be accused by you all of speaking for you all when ya'll have your own mouths.Wouldnt want that maelstrom headed my way.

And that's not the first time I've heard I'm cocky. I'm actually extremely regular and endearing but its not in my nature to try to changepeople's opinions....much less people I prolly wont meet.

They (Females) I meet know full well what time it is. I let em know from jump. I dont like giving/getting surprises.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

So he shouldn't waste his time debating ignorance on a sneakerboard....but you are debating him for debating ignorance on a sneakerboard?
But why are you all up in my *!*! though?

I enjoy NT. I enjoy posts like these. I reply to what I want to reply to with what I'd like to say. Sorry, I'm not saying what you want to hear.


No body up in your **# shorty.

Just pointing out your contradiction. Giving your opinion and telling someone else they shouldn't give theirs.

You sound like you just didn't like what Antigen had to say because your'e certainly not against "pointless debate" on a "sneakerboard".
You're such a trouble maker.

And I didn't have a problem with what Antigen said...I was simply replying to his reply to ME. I think you are irked because of what I'm either NOT saying or you just don't agree with where I'm coming from, which is fine. And I never said I was against a pointless debate...I mean...hello? *looks around*
What I said was I'm not gonna sit up here and try to educate some clowns on something that doesn't affect me. At the very least, I'll say...if you're black and you like 'other' women...just LIKE them. You don't have to go into why the black one doesn't measure up because it's not that deep. Just go for what you want. The end.

How can I be a trouble maker on a "sneaker messageboard"?

We gone get sent to detention for talking too loud or something?

I wasn't really concerned with your statement but the fact that you found it logical to argue with someone about arguing made no sense to me.

Aren't you like 16 BTW?
Yeah, I'm 16.
Man get outta here with that. I was agreeing with the first stuff I saw you saying but like, why are you even trying comeat my head like that? Was it something I said? LOL Arguing w/ someone about arguing? I think that's what you're doing.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

so...when is ladies night?

chi ill...we'll see you in a few
I got 'Waiting to Exhale' and 'Love and Basketball' on deck....

who bringing the Moscato?

So he shouldn't waste his time debating ignorance on a sneakerboard....but you are debating him for debating ignorance on a sneakerboard?
this REEKS of an Xzibit photo

I know, right?



in the matters of your life you you shape yourself you are not bound by your skin color.
tell that to Skip gates

he is good people...
who is good people?
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