Blacks and Latinos in CA blamed for Prop 8 passing

^^ you're right there is a lot of hypocrisy and I can't really explain it.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Stop bringing the God argument into whether or how people define/view homosexuality because not every religion or culture views homosexuality in a negative light.

Someone said God told us to procreate......then why do nuns/priests take vows of celibacy.
Are people who can't have children worth any less in God's eyes than those who can. Please school me on this. I thought love was the most important principle your religion was built on not procreation.

as far as the Catholic church, priests and nuns take a vow of celibacy for worship purposes

as far as the Bible, it calls homosexuality a disease similar to thieving or murdering and it takes 4 generations to clear that out of the bloodline.

if it's not a genetic defect or a choice maybe it's that. but according to the Bible God has a reason for all those challenges and loves all His children equally even if they don't do what He asks.

that's what the Bible says according to my memory, not necessarily what I say.
Ok I'm glad I've dispelled this notion that homosexuality is a defect or a choice......

So God created us the way we are, imperfections and all. In God's eyes homosexuality is a sin and a defect, yet he created us that way and forces us to go against our instincts. That's like creating God creating us as carnivores with all the tool equipped for hunting and killing animals and no enzymes available for digesting plants. yet requiring that we only abstain from meat. I guess there is no method to God's madness when it came to creation and organization of this planet. Or maybe he's just one sick puppy.

I suppose so. why would He create rapists, murderers, pain, cancer etc? maybe it was the devil I don't know. Like I said I'm playing devil'sadvocate on behalf of Catholicism but I really lean towards the scientific/nature argument.
Originally Posted by infamousod

^^ you're right there is a lot of hypocrisy and I can't really explain it.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Stop bringing the God argument into whether or how people define/view homosexuality because not every religion or culture views homosexuality in a negative light.

Someone said God told us to procreate......then why do nuns/priests take vows of celibacy.
Are people who can't have children worth any less in God's eyes than those who can. Please school me on this. I thought love was the most important principle your religion was built on not procreation.

as far as the Catholic church, priests and nuns take a vow of celibacy for worship purposes

as far as the Bible, it calls homosexuality a disease similar to thieving or murdering and it takes 4 generations to clear that out of the bloodline.

if it's not a genetic defect or a choice maybe it's that. but according to the Bible God has a reason for all those challenges and loves all His children equally even if they don't do what He asks.

that's what the Bible says according to my memory, not necessarily what I say.
Ok I'm glad I've dispelled this notion that homosexuality is a defect or a choice......

So God created us the way we are, imperfections and all. In God's eyes homosexuality is a sin and a defect, yet he created us that way and forces us to go against our instincts. That's like creating God creating us as carnivores with all the tool equipped for hunting and killing animals and no enzymes available for digesting plants. yet requiring that we only abstain from meat. I guess there is no method to God's madness when it came to creation and organization of this planet. Or maybe he's just one sick puppy.

I suppose so. why would He create rapists, murderers, pain, cancer etc? maybe it was the devil I don't know. Like I said I'm playing devil's advocate on behalf of Catholicism but I really lean towards the scientific/nature argument.

Because it makes more sense
^^ perhaps, but I still don't see why nature would intend, or why it seems "right" that two men or two women have sex
Originally Posted by infamousod

^^ perhaps, but I still don't see why nature would intend, or why it seems "right" that two men or two women have sex
Like I said earlier, look up KIN SELECTION......nature is complex. It is possible for you to forgo reproducing and still indirectly increase yourfitness by increasing the reproductive success of your kin.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by 718stylez

i've often heard people say that being gay is a choice.

i then ask them if being straight was a choice, and when did they decide to be straight?

straight people never question our sexuality, we just throw rocks at others.

being "straight" is what you're supposed to be. the whole point of sexual attraction is to procreate.

I restate: being gay is either a choice or a genetic defect.
sad, really sad.
This guy wins the award for the single most ignorant post I've seen on NT this year, and that's quite the accomplishment believe me.

Our job is to procreate. That's one of the reasons we're here. I know some of you don't believe in God but He told us to procreate.
lets not get into what God really says. chances are you don't believe half thestuff in the Bible. If you call yourself a person of faith then so be it, but dont cherry pick your religion.

again getting back to those who use the argument that because the purpose of sex is to procreate homosexuality is wrong. you guys are grossly oversimplifyingbiology. we all have many genes which serve absolutely no purpose, or genes that served a purpose to our ancestors but may in fact harm us today. biology iscomplex. educate yourself about the issues instead of distilling it into simple penis/vagina arguments.

for further reading see:

there is strong scientific evidence that points to homosexuality having a strong biological cause
Originally Posted by 718stylez

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by 718stylez

i've often heard people say that being gay is a choice.

i then ask them if being straight was a choice, and when did they decide to be straight?

straight people never question our sexuality, we just throw rocks at others.

being "straight" is what you're supposed to be. the whole point of sexual attraction is to procreate.

I restate: being gay is either a choice or a genetic defect.
sad, really sad.
This guy wins the award for the single most ignorant post I've seen on NT this year, and that's quite the accomplishment believe me.
Our job is to procreate. That's one of the reasons we're here. I know some of you don't believe in God but He told us to procreate.
lets not get into what God [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]really[/color] says. chances are you don't believe half the stuff in the Bible. If you call yourself a person of faith then so be it, but dont cherry pick your religion.

Cherry pick? I try to abide by all of Gods' laws. Don't come this way with that. You don't know what I believe. I said I questionedsomethings and I'm researching the things I have questions about. Save it.
Come better than that. And I said I'm more of a Christfollower. I try to better myself everyday and change from the old.
how is the minority able to override a white majority?? NO

LAMEEEE excuse for what democracy handed the gay-rights movement.

im just saying, they let the voters vote, which they did, and now they are angry.
Cherry pick? I try to abide by all of Gods' laws. Don't come this way with that. You don't know what I believe. I said I questioned somethings and I'm researching the things I have questions about. Save it.
Come better than that. And I said I'm more of a Christ follower. I try to better myself everyday and change from the old.
i stand by my words. The bible preaches slavery, murder, genocide, misogyny and racism among other thing. it's in the book. if your gonna ownit; own it.
Originally Posted by 718stylez

Cherry pick? I try to abide by all of Gods' laws. Don't come this way with that. You don't know what I believe. I said I questioned somethings and I'm researching the things I have questions about. Save it.
Come better than that. And I said I'm more of a Christ follower. I try to better myself everyday and change from the old.
i stand by my words. The bible preaches slavery, murder, genocide, misogyny and racism among other thing. it's in the book. if your gonna own it; own it.
Originally Posted by 718stylez

Cherry pick? I try to abide by all of Gods' laws. Don't come this way with that. You don't know what I believe. I said I questioned somethings and I'm researching the things I have questions about. Save it.
Come better than that. And I said I'm more of a Christ follower. I try to better myself everyday and change from the old.
i stand by my words. The bible preaches slavery, murder, genocide, misogyny and racism among other thing. it's in the book. if your gonna own it; own it.

When you say "preaches slavery" do you know what God meant by slavery? I think He was talking about it in terms ofmaids/housekeepers/butlers. The slavery we know of like whites owning black I believe God is against. See Moses.

As for the other things. The God I know said "thou shall not kill". He is not racist. He loves all his children equally. In a previous post someonetried to say God defends racism. He does NOT. He spoke against people of the church marrying non believers and etc.

I own mine. Gave my opinion on it and did my research. I read scriptures others put up and read it as is. I stand by mine. So what are you talking about?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by 718stylez

Cherry pick? I try to abide by all of Gods' laws. Don't come this way with that. You don't know what I believe. I said I questioned somethings and I'm researching the things I have questions about. Save it.
Come better than that. And I said I'm more of a Christ follower. I try to better myself everyday and change from the old.
i stand by my words. The bible preaches slavery, murder, genocide, misogyny and racism among other thing. it's in the book. if your gonna own it; own it.
When you say "preaches slavery" do you know what God meant by slavery? I think He was talking about it in terms of maids/housekeepers/butlers. The slavery we know of like whites owning black I believe God is against. See Moses.

As for the other things. The God I know said "thou shall not kill". He is not racist. He loves all his children equally. In a previous post someone tried to say God defends racism. He does NOT. He spoke against people of the church marrying non believers and etc.

I own mine. Gave my opinion on it and did my research. I read scriptures others put up and read it as is. I stand by mine. So what are you talking about?

The Judeochristian religion is inherently sexist......that includes Islam. The all the ills suffered by man are blamed on Eve.


More people died in the bible at the hands of God than do know that right?
Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

I respect your views, because I believe in God and I am religious as well but my religion says homosexuality is something that people can overcome (which is one thing I don't agree with)

But my question to you is, why must people pick and choose so often but not admit it?

For example, you believe homosexuality is a sin, and validate your beliefs on homosexuality because of the Bible, like many others do as well. But what about other things the Bible say? About cheating, shellfish being an abomination to us, harming your children (even stoning) for disobeying, not trimming your beard, not cutting the sides of your hair, I could go on and on..

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals"1 Tim 1:9-10

Just one quote for example.. You also believe that people who are not married and have sex will go to hell, along with dudes who get manicures and their eyebrows done?

you need to be clear as to whether you're referring to me, RKO or whomever. I believe you are not referring to me but I'll play devil's advocate and say that the issues of those other "sinners" are a somewhat separate issue since we're discussing a particular one here.

not sure where the manicure thing came from but everyone sins. even still, one adulterous affair, one premarital sex act (or many), one murder in cold blood etc COULD be seen as very different, especially when you later regret it, as oppose to getting married and happily feeling you've done good in the eyes of God despite constantly performing homosexual acts. COULD be...

gay people should go for some sort of health insurance exception or something and do it quietly, that's the only real chance at getting some benefits. not that I would vote for it.
Don't you know what the words that you believe in and read mean?

Anyways.. This is just sad. I don't know why I keep coming back in here. Have a good blissful and ignorant day fellas
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by 718stylez

Cherry pick? I try to abide by all of Gods' laws. Don't come this way with that. You don't know what I believe. I said I questioned somethings and I'm researching the things I have questions about. Save it.
Come better than that. And I said I'm more of a Christ follower. I try to better myself everyday and change from the old.
i stand by my words. The bible preaches slavery, murder, genocide, misogyny and racism among other thing. it's in the book. if your gonna own it; own it.
When you say "preaches slavery" do you know what God meant by slavery? I think He was talking about it in terms of maids/housekeepers/butlers. The slavery we know of like whites owning black I believe God is against. See Moses.

As for the other things. The God I know said "thou shall not kill". He is not racist. He loves all his children equally. In a previous post someone tried to say God defends racism. He does NOT. He spoke against people of the church marrying non believers and etc.

I own mine. Gave my opinion on it and did my research. I read scriptures others put up and read it as is. I stand by mine. So what are you talking about?

More people died in the bible at the hands of God than do know that right?

But why did they die? Were they living the life that a person of God would or were they living the life a person of Satan would.

Anyways.. This is just sad. I don't know why I keep coming back in here. Have a good blissful and ignorant day fellas

Have a blessed day.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by 718stylez

Cherry pick? I try to abide by all of Gods' laws. Don't come this way with that. You don't know what I believe. I said I questioned somethings and I'm researching the things I have questions about. Save it.
Come better than that. And I said I'm more of a Christ follower. I try to better myself everyday and change from the old.
i stand by my words. The bible preaches slavery, murder, genocide, misogyny and racism among other thing. it's in the book. if your gonna own it; own it.
When you say "preaches slavery" do you know what God meant by slavery? I think He was talking about it in terms of maids/housekeepers/butlers. The slavery we know of like whites owning black I believe God is against. See Moses.

As for the other things. The God I know said "thou shall not kill". He is not racist. He loves all his children equally. In a previous post someone tried to say God defends racism. He does NOT. He spoke against people of the church marrying non believers and etc.

I own mine. Gave my opinion on it and did my research. I read scriptures others put up and read it as is. I stand by mine. So what are you talking about?

More people died in the bible at the hands of God than do know that right?
But why did they die? Were they living the life that a person of God would or were they living the life a person of Satan would.

The story of Noah's ark for example........did everyone on the planet deserve that fate? And u haven't given an explanation as to whychristianity treats women like $%^$. I feel stupid arguing this, cause all it is to me is stories and folktales but I'm trying to make sense of it from achristian's view.
When you say "preaches slavery" do you know what God meant by slavery? I think He was talking about it in terms of maids/housekeepers/butlers. The slavery we know of like whites owning black I believe God is against. See Moses.
what type of loving god condones any form of slavery?
As for the other things. The God I know said "thou shall not kill". He is not racist. He loves all his children equally. In a previous post someone tried to say God defends racism. He does NOT. He spoke against people of the church marrying non believers and etc.
Exodus 21:20-21 "If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies asa direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is hisproperty."

I could go on, but im getting off subject.

Im only bringing this out to refute the argument of some people that God preaches against homosexuality and using theBible to support thier views. Theres a lot that the bible says, that we would all generally frown about so lets not use it in this conversation.

Once this fact is established we can move to the second part of this argument that there is strong scientific evidencethat there is a biological component to sexuality ie its not a choice.

Taking these two things into consideration the only argument left is that [color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]you
(in the plural sense) do not likehomosexuality. which is fine and ur intitled to your opinion, i just don't want peoples unsubstantiated opinions informing [color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]domestic[/color] policy.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by 718stylez

Cherry pick? I try to abide by all of Gods' laws. Don't come this way with that. You don't know what I believe. I said I questioned somethings and I'm researching the things I have questions about. Save it.
Come better than that. And I said I'm more of a Christ follower. I try to better myself everyday and change from the old.
i stand by my words. The bible preaches slavery, murder, genocide, misogyny and racism among other thing. it's in the book. if your gonna own it; own it.
When you say "preaches slavery" do you know what God meant by slavery? I think He was talking about it in terms of maids/housekeepers/butlers. The slavery we know of like whites owning black I believe God is against. See Moses.

As for the other things. The God I know said "thou shall not kill". He is not racist. He loves all his children equally. In a previous post someone tried to say God defends racism. He does NOT. He spoke against people of the church marrying non believers and etc.

I own mine. Gave my opinion on it and did my research. I read scriptures others put up and read it as is. I stand by mine. So what are you talking about?

More people died in the bible at the hands of God than do know that right?
But why did they die? Were they living the life that a person of God would or were they living the life a person of Satan would.
The story of Noah's ark for example........did everyone on the planet deserve that fate? And u haven't given an explanation as to why christianity treats women like $%^$. I feel stupid arguing this, cause all it is to me is stories and folktales but I'm trying to make sense of it from a christian's view.

I don't know if they did. Ask God. I don't treat women like _____ I treat them with respect. So what do you mean? If it doesn't make sense to youthats fine.

718stylez what makes science right all the time? Is it because a man in a white labcoat tells you so?

Once this fact is established we can move to the second part of this argument that there is strong scientific evidencethat there is a biological component to sexuality ie its not a choice.

Taking these two things into consideration the only argument left is that [color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]you
(in the plural sense) do not likehomosexuality. which is fine and ur intitled to your opinion, i just don't want peoples unsubstantiated opinions informing [color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]domestic[/color] policy.[/color]
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

He said "Ask God"

Yall do know this is getting out of hand and WAY off topic right?
I can't answer everything. And yes it is. Whobrought it back. It was dead for a while?
Originally Posted by 718stylez

When you say "preaches slavery" do you know what God meant by slavery? I think He was talking about it in terms of maids/housekeepers/butlers. The slavery we know of like whites owning black I believe God is against. See Moses.
what type of loving god condones any form of slavery?
As for the other things. The God I know said "thou shall not kill". He is not racist. He loves all his children equally. In a previous post someone tried to say God defends racism. He does NOT. He spoke against people of the church marrying non believers and etc.
Exodus 21:20-21 "If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property."

I could go on, but im getting off subject.

Im only bringing this out to refute the argument of some people that God preaches against homosexuality and using the Bible to support thier views. Theres a lot that the bible says, that we would all generally frown about so lets not use it in this conversation.

Once this fact is established we can move to the second part of this argument that there is strong scientific evidence that there is a biological component to sexuality ie its not a choice.

Taking these two things into consideration the only argument left is that [color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]you
(in the plural sense) do not like homosexuality. which is fine and ur intitled to your opinion, i just don't want peoples unsubstantiated opinions informing [color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]domestic[/color] policy.
From God'smouth. God is a homophobic, murdering, racist.....God is man.
it's not that blacks and latinos are blamed. its just generally, on civil rights issue, they tend to vote more progressive. (you know, kind of history ontheir side)

still can't believe that thing passed out here. smh.
718stylez what makes science right all the time? Is it because a man in a white lab coat tells you so?
because it follows a path of logic that is tested, reviewed, tweaked, argued then tested reviewed and then applied to complex situations withamazing accuracy.
Originally Posted by 718stylez

718stylez what makes science right all the time? Is it because a man in a white lab coat tells you so?
because it follows a path of logic that is tested, reviewed, tweaked, argued then tested reviewed and then applied to complex situations with amazing accuracy.

So do you believe in a God at all?
So do you believe in a God at all?
Yes, but not in a traditional sense. no one will ever answer the question of how things were created. because of this, its logical thatthere's something out there that exists on a plane that we can't fathom. ie why physicists can't rectify quantum mechanics and the theory ofrelativity.

But as for the bible, good and evil, satan? no. it just doesn't make sense and has caused way more division and justified so many unjustifiable atrocitiesthat its not worth it IMO. if there is a God n the traditional sense, he blessed us with the power to think and question and problem solve for reason. Ourarguments shouldn't be based on 'Well God said so."

fyi, my father is a Reverend
I Didnt Spend my Time reading past posts as they were really off topic but heres what i think.

Gay People are Not born Gay. They CHOSE to be Gay. Its Wrong, a Man and a Man Shouldnt/Cant be Husband and Wife its Common Sense!
Why does Sex Feel Good? Why Do you Have a Mom and a Dad? Because Thats How its Supposed to Be.
I Have nothing against Gay People, They can do what they wanna do behind the sheets. But when its in Public...Nahhh Fam
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