Blacks and Latinos in CA blamed for Prop 8 passing


at least i wasn't a part of the trend.

I'm tired of people comparing the gay rights movement to the civil rights movement of the 60s. You're disrespecting the legacy of Dr. King, Malcolm X,etc.

It's apples and oranges.I stand by this argument. I can't hide my race, but anyone can hide or their sexual orientation. Whether someone is born gay or not is another discussion,the fact remains that sexual orientation is not as obvious as race unless one chooses to let their preference be known. If you sit in a room, I can't tellyou what your sexual orientation but I can say what your ethnicity is.
I bet there was a greater correlation between socioeconomic status and voting yes, than there was with race. Uneducated people will cling to antiquated viewsof homosexuality until eternity.
Originally Posted by iM COOL C

Being gay IS NOT A CHOICE. Gay people just can't say yo I'm done; let me go bag me a shorty.

There isn't any doubt.... logically thinking.
Why would you want to live a life of un-acceptance & hate. It'd be easier to just chose to be straight.

With that said let them get married; they're going to be together regardless. Does it really bother people that a piece of paper says they are married.
Close minded *@*#* FTL.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy of homosexuals, the bright colors, the stereotypical voice etc etc?????
And you say that gays don't have a choice, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few"sexually confused" people
Gay people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard
If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay and no one would make fun of them
Gay people don't need to "express" their sexuality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay people complain all the time.
If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage.
Originally Posted by kash55

The statistics don't lie...
It is very ironic that people went to the polls against discrimination but at the same time, took someone else's rights away.


Some of you are pathetic. No one has MADE it a racial issue. The facts are facts.

LULZ at religion and those whom are 'lost' with out it.
...and since when in ANY of OUR lives has marriage been so 'precious'?
Divorce rates over 50% anyone??
... oh yea, those are jut facts...
while i do agree with the articles that prop 8 isnt exactly the same as the civil rights movement.. im still dissappointed in the stats that show thatminorities didnt vote no on prop 8. i understand that your religious beliefs might be against gay marriage.. but i would hope that people would stillunderstand that not everyone has the same beliefs
Originally Posted by 80JerryRice80

Gay people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard
If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay and no one would make fun of them
Gay people don't need to "express" their sexuality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay people complain all the time.
If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage.

wth? You want people who are being oppressed to just be quiet? If they were given equal rights then they probably would complain less. Progress in theremovement wont be made if gay people just stayed quiet all the time .
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame


I'm tired of people comparing the gay rights movement to the civil rights movement of the 60s. You're disrespecting the legacy of Dr. King, Malcolm X, etc.

It's apples and oranges.I stand by this argument. I can't hide my race, but anyone can hide or their sexual orientation. Whether someone is born gay or not is another discussion, the fact remains that sexual orientation is not as obvious as race unless one chooses to let their preference be known. If you sit in a room, I can't tell you what your sexual orientation but I can say what your ethnicity is.

Not this ignorant argument again. Its not a competition, Discrimination is discrimination. Let people live their life.

I dont even understand how people can argue for equality between races but be so blind when they take away equality in other aspects. I hope you guys atleastknow what your doing is hypocritical but are just stubborn.
Umm, didn't a higher % of Republicans and senior citizens vote Yes on Prop 8 than black people?
first off, the fact that you can hide your sexual preference and cant hide your race is completely irrelevant. if you COULD hide your race, would you? arentyou proud to be black? of course you wouldnt hide it. no one should be forced to hide who they are. thats what americas all about, right?

secondly, its hilarious to me when black people use the bible and their 'conservative tradional religious views' to explain why they are anti-gay. howhypocritical. "The irony is as ugly as it is heartbreaking. The betrayal gays feel can be summed up pithily: how is the outlawing of same sex marriageany different from the anti-miscegenation laws of segregation? Some may point to religious values as the discriminating factor, but "Christianvalues" were used to justify anti-miscegenation just as they are now used to justify the revoking of same-sex marriage. Hiding behind the Church, then andnow, does not absolve anyone of their complicity in discrimination." (from huffington post)

and for all the people who say gay people choose to be gay: read a book. sexual preference has a number of genetic influences. take this from me, a formerscientist from mit, and currently a medical doctor.

incidentally--when (not if) empiricle evidence does come out proving the genetic basis of sexual preference, would you change your stance? would you supportthe CIVIL right to allow gays to marry? if so, why is it so important for you to currently ruin peoples lives just bc you arent POSITIVE that being gay isntgenetic? why not give them the benefit of the doubt?
Originally Posted by 80JerryRice80

Originally Posted by iM COOL C

Being gay IS NOT A CHOICE. Gay people just can't say yo I'm done; let me go bag me a shorty.

There isn't any doubt.... logically thinking.
Why would you want to live a life of un-acceptance & hate. It'd be easier to just chose to be straight.

With that said let them get married; they're going to be together regardless. Does it really bother people that a piece of paper says they are married.
Close minded *@*#* FTL.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy of homosexuals, the bright colors, the stereotypical voice etc etc?????
And you say that gays don't have a choice, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" people
Gay people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard
If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay and no one would make fun of them
Gay people don't need to "express" their sexuality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay people complain all the time.
If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage.
Wow. I do not even know where to start with this one. I don't even know what you're trying to prove it just sound like you're justpretty much bashing on homosexuals.
Originally Posted by 99cy45

secondly, its hilarious to me when black people use the bible and their 'conservative tradional religious views' to explain why they are anti-gay. how hypocritical. "The irony is as ugly as it is heartbreaking. The betrayal gays feel can be summed up pithily: how is the outlawing of same sex marriage any different from the anti-miscegenation laws of segregation? Some may point to religious values as the discriminating factor, but "Christian values" were used to justify anti-miscegenation just as they are now used to justify the revoking of same-sex marriage. Hiding behind the Church, then and now, does not absolve anyone of their complicity in discrimination." (from huffington post) <

What betrayal are you speaking of. When the hell did the Black community and the Gay community make a pact.
In court no one could find anything in the bible that justified segregation by skin color, but their is a passage directly speaking out on homosexuality whichis where the Gay community biggest obstacle is with the religious.

I understand discrimination is discrimination everywhere, but the No to prop 8 campaign failed to reach out and show most of the voters that discrimination totheir sexual preference affects them more than what happens inside the bedroom.
Originally Posted by 80JerryRice80

Originally Posted by iM COOL C

Being gay IS NOT A CHOICE. Gay people just can't say yo I'm done; let me go bag me a shorty.

There isn't any doubt.... logically thinking.
Why would you want to live a life of un-acceptance & hate. It'd be easier to just chose to be straight.

With that said let them get married; they're going to be together regardless. Does it really bother people that a piece of paper says they are married.
Close minded *@*#* FTL.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy of homosexuals, the bright colors, the stereotypical voice etc etc?????
And you say that gays don't have a choice, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" people
Gay people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard
If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay and no one would make fun of them
Gay people don't need to "express" their sexuality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay people complain all the time.
If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage.

Wow so basically gay people need to shut up & if they getting they're most basic human rights abused just take it like a man. (No Pun) Some gay peopleare feminine thats them. Just like some dudes are goons & others aint. If they want to do that then you can go head make fun of them all you want. It'syour right you feel me. But for you to say they need to shut up & they're problems would be avoided is stupid. I bet you CRAZY GUAP that if youreplaced the word gay with black or latino. This would be different. I doubt YOU would say anything. I know you wouldn't say Stupid *word* keep listeningto they're loud rap music or speaking spanish in the streets. They need to shut up. Or explain the loudness or way of life from black and latino peoplesout there. And if we go back 10 years and we spoke about a black president. Obama himself would've slapped you like homie get ya head right. If you goingto make an argument make a legit one. Not a "ignant" close minded one like yours.
I read about that too. Let's see they wanted the minority vote but when things don't go as expected they revert to childish tactics. Offof that alone, they will never get that right in CA. How is a "disenfranchised" group going to call oppressed groups out of their name and expectthem to forget about it? If this issue comes up again, expect a larger anti-gay vote.

Being gay IS NOT A CHOICE.

Yes it is. Gays have had influences that made them choose that path be it their home environment or society. No one is born gay, I'm getting sick of thatargument. You may believe that you are gay as a child but stop saying they were gay at birth.

Being raised around the black/hispanic gay community my whole life the Gay Community in Cali doesn't represent the diversity they speak of.
I wonder if the No to prop 8 campaign even reached out to that community. If not then they have no one else to blame but themselves.

SMH at people thinking they just going to inherit the minority vote.

It probably did not reach minority areas. They probably thought that there wouldn't be a minority turn out at the polls. They were hugely mistaken. That iswhat sickens me about politics. People only pander to minorities when they want a vote then leave them high and dry when they get it. Pro- gay marriage shouldhave done their research before slinging mud at those who were against. The Church has a huge influence in the Latino and Black community and that is what madethat decision for them. Additionally, the HIV/AIDS rate in these communities played a big role in how they voted.

They can not get mad at them for not voting No to Prop 8. They exercised their right to vote and it came out to be YES.

And please for the last time, DO NOT COMPARE THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT TO GAY RIGHTS. That is an insult to those who participated in that movement.
So for argument sake.. Society has it effects on a child & influences a kid into being gay. Then how can you say someone is born straight. How can you saythat as a kid you were born liking Mary & not Brian.

If that's the argument then being straight is a choice too then..

And another thing the Civil Rights movement is the same damn thing as this. Except it's not COOL to be gay and stand up for gay rights. Gay people are justanother minority in society nowadays. Being gay is the new black. If you think about it two gay dudes walking in the hood is getting looked at funny &really in danger of getting flipped for being who they are. Just like it was back when black people couldn't walk down a white hood.

Don't front just because being gay nowadays aint poppin'. It's the same thing b. Except there isn't no gay version of MLK & Malcolm readyto go.

First off,
Babies are born predestined to either be or become a female or male. As they grow up they start seeing little girls play with dolls or anything related withgirly stuff or vice versa. They take it because they are predestined to become that gender. It will either make them a girl or a boy. 90% of growntransgendered adults said they had no choice, they felt like the other complete sex the whole time. They felt like either a man or a women and no one can tellthem what to do. There is alot of stuff to cover but that's basically it. Do your research and look at documentaries!

Sex and Culture class FTW

2nd, Props for Prop 8 on passing.
Originally Posted by 80JerryRice80

Originally Posted by iM COOL C

Being gay IS NOT A CHOICE. Gay people just can't say yo I'm done; let me go bag me a shorty.

There isn't any doubt.... logically thinking.
Why would you want to live a life of un-acceptance & hate. It'd be easier to just chose to be straight.

With that said let them get married; they're going to be together regardless. Does it really bother people that a piece of paper says they are married.
Close minded *@*#* FTL.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy of homosexuals, the bright colors, the stereotypical voice etc etc?????
And you say that gays don't have a choice, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" people
Gay people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard
If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay and no one would make fun of them
Gay people don't need to "express" their sexuality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay people complain all the time.
If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage.

my god this is one of the most ignorant things i have ever read on NT. so you basically want the oppressed (gay people) to shut the %#$! up and not stand upfor their cause? that is completely against american democractic principles.
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

When gays start taking themselves seriously maybe other people will too.


Gay people sometimes get too wild or too gay. Do we really need gay people in their parades acting like strippers or something. Skating with a thong on?

But it is unfair for them to be denied rights.

Well the thing is, Prop 8 opposition groups did not go to the black/Latino communities to get support.

More power to the gay people for protesting. No doubts California Supreme court will again dismiss this proposition as unconstitutional. Then the religiousright will again put this on a proposition, then again it will go to court and on and on and on. Cycle will continue until people start realizing these gaysare not going anywhere and their rights have to be dealt with.

Can I ask Pro Prop 8 backers, did ya all think that just because Prop 8 passed, gay advocates will just go away? Do you feel as though we can just ignore GayRights and pretend that gay people will one day miraculously go away or gay people will eventually turn straight?
Kartoon2005; I see your point no doubt. But that's just looking at it through one bias perspective (most likely your teacher).

But what about those NFL players that come out the closet after like 20 years of playing football since Pee Wee to NFL. They grew up knowing Men = trucks,sports etc. But what made them like other dudes then?? Cause growing up you know they was put into situations where they had to play that straight role.

That's why being gay is just something natural (no choice) that happens along with growing up & becoming a plumber or a runway model.
I'm sorry but I know two examples of women who dated women for over 10 years and after they broke up continued on as before and went back to men.
There is no either or going on there is a combination of those who choose by influence and/or love and those who feel it was natural from birth depending onthat individual.
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