Blacks and Latinos in CA blamed for Prop 8 passing

It's incredibly hypocritical to cry and cry about how a particular race is mistreated, and then turn around and be so intolerant of a lifestyle that is avery strong presence in our society. Its a matter of CIVIL RIGHTS. Hey black folks, remember how you didn't have them for years?
what I don't get is why I keep seeing articles about preachers getting death threats, and some dude who was putting up signs in front of his churchget's KOed because he supported it.

I'm from Ca and I'm ashamed when I hear about stuff like this, these people don't show tolerance so it's ok to send death threats?

Now everyone is concerned with finding who is to blame for all of this? There was a proposition similar to this I think about 8 years ago and it didn'tpass so where is the surprise? Families grow exponentially and so do their ideals, I know I'm not the only one who tried to vote it down but knew itwasn't passing.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Yeah, let's make it a racial issue.


expect damn near everything to be made a racial issue from now on
If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay and no one would make fun of them
good lord.
yeah..that's their real problem... people making fun of them
i dont know if this is been said.. but i know theres people going to court to get this prop overturned. and if this prop gets reversed, then theres was NOpoint in voting in the first place.

this prop pass, let it be. end of story.
Originally Posted by iM COOL C

So for argument sake.. Society has it effects on a child & influences a kid into being gay. Then how can you say someone is born straight. How can you say that as a kid you were born liking Mary & not Brian.

If that's the argument then being straight is a choice too then..

And another thing the Civil Rights movement is the same damn thing as this. Except it's not COOL to be gay and stand up for gay rights. Gay people are just another minority in society nowadays. Being gay is the new black. If you think about it two gay dudes walking in the hood is getting looked at funny & really in danger of getting flipped for being who they are. Just like it was back when black people couldn't walk down a white hood.

Don't front just because being gay nowadays aint poppin'. It's the same thing b. Except there isn't no gay version of MLK & Malcolm ready to go.

the reason you can safely say a child is born straight is because humans are living things and the purpose of sexual intercourse is to procreate, homosexualscan't. a male lion cub is born and automatically is attracted to female lions because it needs to be for the species to continue.

who knows, maybe gays are genetically predisposed to be gay, but that would mean they are genetically screwed up.
You know something I keep seeing? Religious people being labeled as dumb because they look toward a book or a being they have never seen before.
I understand how the Anti-8 people could 'blame' the minorities, saying that they should know how its like to be discriminated; and sure they probablydo know. But for a lot of voters, Prop 8 came down to morals, and even religious beliefs. It bugs me that the No on 8 folks kept trying to shove down my throathow its voting for discrimination when deep down i simply cannot "accept" gay marriage because of my morals and beliefs.
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

When gays start taking themselves seriously maybe other people will too.
<Turns on BET, sees irony in the above statement, laughs>

Moving on...

Being gay is a choice, I can't hide being black but gay people can hide being gay, blah blah blah...

Same stupid, ignorant rationale for discrimination, different thread.

I'm willing to bet that none of you made a conscious decision to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex, and that you couldn't be attracted tosomeone of the same sex even if you wanted to be.

As for the "I can't hide my race" garbage, nobody ever answers when someone asks "Would you hide it if you could?", because, of course,that would invalidate their entire "argument", for lack of a better term.

Have fun with these knuckleheads...
Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

Religion the non seperation of church and state FTL!!!

But we can't do that. That would be slapping God in the face thus we'd have to answer for that.

"Would you hide it if you could?"
No I'm proud of who I am.

Huh here we go AGAIN!

How do you explain homosexuality in animals if people are not born that way? Point blank, it is not a choice, and they need the same rights as the rest of us. The fact that people would take rights away from a minority group is very discouraging, and it shows that America as a whole has strayed away from its roots of equality, whether it be racial, religious, or sexual.
Those are ANIMALS! ANIMALS! We are not animals so stop it with that.We do not hump fire hydrants. We don't claw on furniture. We don'tlive in the wild. We are civilized.
No one but the OP is trying to make this a race issue. The articles are based on fact, that a higher minority turnout had a large impact on the passing of Prop8. If that turnout had not been as high as it was than it could have come out different.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy belligerence of homosexuals African Americans, the bright colors gang violence, the stereotypical voice the high levels of crime etc etc????? And you say that gays don't have a choice African Americans should have equal rights, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" differently colored people. Gay Black people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard. If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay oppressed and no one would make fun of/listen to them. Gay Black people don't need to "express" their sexuality inequality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay African American people complain all the time. If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals African Americans would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage desegregation.

Thats how close your argument is to that of a white supremacist during the time of the Civil Rights movement. Absolutely disgusting. Are youalright with all of that?

Also, some of you sound confused about exactly what Civil Rights are. Its the rights of ALL people.

How do you explain homosexuality in animals if people are not born that way? Point blank, it is not a choice, and they need the same rights as the rest of us.The fact that people would take rights away from a minority group is very discouraging, and it shows that America as a whole has strayed away from its roots ofequality, whether it be racial, religious, or sexual.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

No one but the OP is trying to make this a race issue. The articles are based on fact, that a higher minority turnout had a large impact on the passing of Prop 8. If that turnout had not been as high as it was than it could have come out different.

how can you explain the stereotypical flamboyancy belligerence of homosexuals African Americans, the bright colors gang violence, the stereotypical voice the high levels of crime etc etc????? And you say that gays don't have a choice African Americans should have equal rights, they could just stay quiet... the whole world doesn't have time to listen to the concern of a few "sexually confused" differently colored people. Gay Black people can live their life however they want, but why do they need to constantly complain about their problems as if they have it so hard. If they just shut up all their problems would be avoided, no one would know that they are gay oppressed and no one would make fun of/listen to them. Gay Black people don't need to "express" their sexuality inequality so loudly. It gets damn annoying having to listen to gay African American people complain all the time. If we were to go back ten years, even homosexuals African Americans would have laughed at the idea of gay marriage desegregation.
Thats how close your argument is to that of a white supremacist during the time of the Civil Rights movement. Absolutely disgusting. Are you alright with all of that?

Also, some of you sound confused about exactly what Civil Rights are. Its the rights of ALL people.

How do you explain homosexuality in animals if people are not born that way? Point blank, it is not a choice, and they need the same rights as the rest of us. The fact that people would take rights away from a minority group is very discouraging, and it shows that America as a whole has strayed away from its roots of equality, whether it be racial, religious, or sexual.

1. Yeah there is no conclusive evidence of the bolded. Try again.

2. Good things those stereotypes werent the face of the black civil right movement. When the face of your party is dudes in assless chaps, people in bdsmleather, and ******s, its hard to get anytype of respect from the mainstream, right or wrong. How can a group of people sell you on this as acceptable in themainstream and then act indignant when people are turned off. This is the equivalent of having Al Sharpton as the face of black America. Until it changed,blacks had a hard time breaking through. The mainstream gays need to take over, until Bob from accounting, who just happens to like penis becomes the face ofthe movement. They can expect more defeats like the ones they suffered a week ago.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

Religion the non seperation of church and state FTL!!!

But we can't do that. That would be slapping God in the face thus we'd have to answer for that.

"Would you hide it if you could?"
No I'm proud of who I am.

The union of church and state is like slapping the founders of our country in the face and that is worse, for one, because I at least know that those men didexist at one point, and that they fought and died for that right. Undermining the Constitution, that sir, is a TRUE slap in the face.
Originally Posted by JordanFiend85

Way to miss the point...
Then what, praytell, was your point, as your first post was a vague, poorly-worded statement (if, in fact, you didn't mean it as an insult),and your second post did nothing to explain why I missed the "point"?

Explain how gay people don't "take themselves seriously".

How do you explain homosexuality in animals if people are not born that way? Point blank, it is not a choice, and they need the same rights as the rest of us.

its simple logic: humans are animals, animals need to procreate, animals are born with a natural attraction to the opposite sex. or even forget animals andjust think logically, why would two people of the same sex use their reproductive organs that way? its not natural

notice I'm staying away from the issue of them being life partners or married or whatever. strictly speaking, being gay is either a choice or a geneticdefect.
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