Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

Was wondering when the "You got in b/c you're black" statements were gon start poppin up. Don't blame blacks b/c ure grades sucked and u couldn't get into a good school w/ financial help
People are in here acting like a black dude couldnt get lynched 50 years ago just for being black. 


How is that fair? If thats our history and what we came from of course its going to affect us. We are still fighting, this thread is a small example of that. White guys complain about college enrollment when the college is 96 percent Caucasian.
I think the point of perpetuating racism is to lock future generations in a finger pointing stalemate. Much like the point of this thread . Colonialism is a gruesome and cruel tool of hegemony hiding behind the guise of a white collective that even your average white collective man has to even ponder over if and how it exist . Truth is , the white ppl who created the myth of racial supremacy and manifest destiny in order to acquire property and power have forever made it harder for all other races to openly trust white ppl as a collective. In essence ,,the white man sacrificed his own people for future acceptance by blanketing their existence and rise to power off of a lie .The colonists fought with the pen.

You see the bad thing about making up stories is that you have to sustain the lie. No matter how it ridiculous it becomes in order to maintain a status quo .
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Was wondering when the "You got in b/c you're black" statements were gon start poppin up. Don't blame blacks b/c ure grades sucked and u couldn't get into a good school w/ financial help

Yea "ure" right, I only scored in the 87th percentile on the L.S.A.T. and have a 3.8, grades suck.
I'm sorry I just don't quite understand.
Why should anyone receive reparations for any of those assassinations? One a-hole decides to kill someone and their whole race receives compensation? How does that make sense? 

The problem I have with this idea is that because way back somewhere, a couple of my ancestors were terrible people, it reflects badly on me. (For the record, my family was persecuted and forced to flee their homes in Europe during the holocaust) Hitler and the Nazis were brutal to my ancestors, does that mean I expect the current generation of Germans to atone for that? No. One of my best friends is full German and it never even crossed my mind to lump her in with what some of her ancestors did. Her mom was ridiculously persecuted when she moved to Canada for being German even though they hadn't been a part of the Nazi regime, and that's complete BS. I understand that there's struggle and persecution involved with the pasts of a lot of minorities, but don't assume that white people don't have that too. Lots of European ethnicities have been persecuted and treated poorly in some era too.

Now, I'm not saying "poor us, we have it just as bad", I'm saying let our new generations agree to let bygones be bygones in the interest of a new world where we can all get along without resenting each other for something that happened many years ago. How can anyone expect the hate to stop when they're resenting and expecting payback from people who didn't have anything to do with the original offense? Would I ever treat someone differently because of their race, gender, sexuality, whatever? I sure as hell wouldn't. If I could go back and change the way my ancestors treated people, I would. But obviously that's not an option. 

Until we learn to let the past stay in the past in the interest of moving forward as a peaceful species, there's pretty much no hope for progression within society. I'm not saying forget about the struggles your ancestors went through, I'm saying why bother holding it against people who weren't even directly involved? 
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

I'm sorry I just don't quite understand.
Why should anyone receive reparations for any of those assassinations? One a-hole decides to kill someone and their whole race receives compensation? How does that make sense? 

The problem I have with this idea is that because way back somewhere, a couple of my ancestors were terrible people, it reflects badly on me. (For the record, my family was persecuted and forced to flee their homes in Europe during the holocaust) Hitler and the Nazis were brutal to my ancestors, does that mean I expect the current generation of Germans to atone for that? No. One of my best friends is full German and it never even crossed my mind to lump her in with what some of her ancestors did. Her mom was ridiculously persecuted when she moved to Canada for being German even though they hadn't been a part of the Nazi regime, and that's complete BS. I understand that there's struggle and persecution involved with the pasts of a lot of minorities, but don't assume that white people don't have that too. Lots of European ethnicities have been persecuted and treated poorly in some era too.

Now, I'm not saying "poor us, we have it just as bad", I'm saying let our new generations agree to let bygones be bygones in the interest of a new world where we can all get along without resenting each other for something that happened many years ago. How can anyone expect the hate to stop when they're resenting and expecting payback from people who didn't have anything to do with the original offense? Would I ever treat someone differently because of their race, gender, sexuality, whatever? I sure as hell wouldn't. If I could go back and change the way my ancestors treated people, I would. But obviously that's not an option. 

Until we learn to let the past stay in the past in the interest of moving forward as a peaceful species, there's pretty much no hope for progression within society. I'm not saying forget about the struggles your ancestors went through, I'm saying why bother holding it against people who weren't even directly involved? 
If thats the case, I want some money off of these instances:
Abe Lincolns assassination

JFK assassination

RFK assassination

PM me for my paypal info
OP's requests are very legit/reasonable... his only mistake was using the inflammatorywords that are reparations....
It's pretty funny that alot of ya'll didn't even read the OP... how is the Chappelle show skit even relevant to this thread?

Dathbgboy, gilahone & DAYTONA spittin the truth. This country was built on the backs of slaves... outside of the Native Americans everyone owes the slaves a great deal (descendants? debatable)... it's proven that as a young nation, economically the USA rose to the top through the use of free labor

This thread isn't even about slavery, it's about recent history and since ya'll are so anemic to reading PLEASE watch this music video by my dude MURS...
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by sam206

Why should you get money for anything? How was something that happened about 50 years ago effecting you, are you missing a leg from running a way from a slave owner? Where you attacked by the kkk? The op is just mad because he has no money and has to use someone as a scapegoat for his mistakes in life.

 Wow... ignorant much? 

So let me ask you... if a white slave master raped/sodomized a black female slave 50 years ago and your grandfather was the bastard child from that rape... do you think that fact by itself would have any affect on you not just physically but mentally today in 2011?  
A white slave master 50 years ago? I know its petty but I had to point it out. Now to address your question.

It might affect your mentality, but who is responsible for it? The slave master is long dead. That black female is long dead. Should the non-slave owning descendants of the slave owner be held accountable? Why should you, the descendant, be handed reparations (in any form) specifically because of what happened to your great grandmother? Just some questions I got for you.

Yet, his ideology is still alive and thriving to this day. His false dogma of black inferiority/white superiority is still propogated in nearly every facet of society today.  (Education, the media, healthcare, the judicial system, employment, name it, it's there.)
Originally Posted by 0cks

Dathbgboy, gilahone & DAYTONA spittin the truth. This country was built on the backs of slaves... outside of the Native Americans everyone owes the slaves a great deal (descendants? debatable)... it's proven that as a young nation, economically the USA rose to the top through the use of free labor

This thread isn't even about slavery, it's about recent history and since ya'll are so anemic to reading PLEASE watch this music video by my dude MURS...

I am actually anemic.

 j/p man. Had to do it 

I agree that Americans owe a lot to the slaves that helped build their country. But lots of caucasian Canadians and Americans (in addition to other races) fought in the world wars to give us the freedom we enjoy today, and look how we treat them. A US vet commits/attempts suicide every 80 minutes and we owe them a ton, and I'm ashamed that we aren't doing better for them. I don't deny the struggles and horrible things that the slaves went through, but I disagree on the point where my generation of my skin color is being held responsible. All white people aren't American colonists. Unlike dude above assumed (since I'm white, presumably), my family didn't benefit from any of that brutality. Our family history goes way back to centuries of being dirt poor until we left Europe in WWII to come to Canada, where we worked in the coal mines and busted our butts to provide for our families. In addition, women had to fight to be heard for a very long time as well, and they aren't demanding compensation from every male on the continent. 

All I'm saying is that I think it's silly to lump a huge group of people together as owing you something when that may not be the case at all. I don't deny that North America wouldn't be the way it was without the free labor provided by the slaves and Asian Americans that were treated so poorly. But we aren't talking about the slaves. OP is talking about something totally different, and I think we're getting off topic. Reparations for slavery, yes. Reparations for assassinations and the like: hardly. Don't forget that among the same people you're vilifying as owing you something, are many people who have fought really hard for equality amoung races and genders and sexualities. 

I agree with funding the programs you're talking about to improve the quality of life of AA communities. I'm behind that 100%. The only part I disagree with is the part where you're discussing it as something that is owed to you as opposed to something that should simply happen because it's what's right. 

Edit: Sorry about the huge font, I figured with the amount of text it'd be easier to read. 
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Here's a most recent example from my own experience of these reparations that you "don't get." I'm applying to law school for the Fall 12' cycle and am currently flabbergasted by what would be in my reach school and scholarship-wise if I was an African American. With my numbers, if I was black I would receive an instant-admit and at least a partial scholarship to a number of T14 schools. However, being that this is not the case; I am left trying to give out hand-jobs to just get ACCEPTED into a 48th ranked school without ANY financial help. 
ahhh the crybaby tactic

how about you apply to a school with a 6% white acceptance rate and tell me how easy it is to get in....

(osu was around 11%, mortiz college of law was under 6%)

you have to go to the 48th ranked school because, in competition with your white male peers, you are pretty terrible.

now, compared to the 6% of black students who apply, you maybe better than some percentage of them, but then again, they're 6% total

in the grand scheme, the 94% you're actually in competition with?

you're only good enough for 48th ranked and no scholarships

i know you werent blaming anybody


you were SLIGHTLY misinformed.....

and crying....a little bit.

Im not sure you even know the point your getting to. OSU with an 11% black acceptance rate? Where did you get those numbers? 
I believe you've mistaken the idea that 11% of the accepted class was black. That doesn't mean only 11% of the total percentage of blacks that applied were accepted; which would make more sense for your argument. 

OSU isn't even tier one? He's "pretty terrible" in comparison to his white peers, yet an African American applying to some sub-tier *#+% hole isn't pretty terrible because... wait what? What are we even speaking about here? Are you trying to say that the standard for excellence amongst underrepresented minorities is lowered? 
If you're throwing handys for bottom of tier one, which I assume is American/Cardozo something like that, then I highly doubt you'd be getting a green light at t14 if you were AA/PR/NA. Vandy possibly, Gtown if you had the softest hands in the world and a tub of cocoa butter on deck..

Trust me I know that feel, I'm asian (yes we are a %%+%%$+ minority and have been discriminated against for quite some time) which is a demographic that gets completely *++%!@ for law/med/dental school admissions

I just submitted my apps a few weeks ago, and my numbers would have me in at HYS with cash to burn if I were an underrepresented minority, alas I am not.

...and that's just the way the cookie crumbles. i'm done being salty over that.

at any rate, I didn't read the thread, don't care to get involved in this particular discussion.

just know, every ethnic minority has experienced hardship.. some may argue that Native Americans have had it far worse than African Americans over the course of our nation's history, etc.

If anybody deserve reparations, it is Native Americans.
The African Americans who deserve reparations are not alive.
What do people think about segregation again? It's an idea I saw talked about by the so called New Black Panthers. They felt like it would halt the regression the community is seeing and then also wanted whites to pay an alimony (call it reparations if you want) to us.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

What do people think about segregation again? It's an idea I saw talked about by the so called New Black Panthers. They felt like it would halt the regression the community is seeing and then also wanted whites to pay an alimony (call it reparations if you want) to us.
I think its an assbackwards idea. I'm against anything that promotes further animosity and division between humans. 
A legitimate question: I know I'm going to sound like a jerk but I 100% don't mean to and am genuinely curious. If something like this were to happen, how would they decide which 'whites' had to pay? Would it be all of us? What about halfers? I know very few full-blooded caucasian people. 
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by 0cks

Dathbgboy, gilahone & DAYTONA spittin the truth. This country was built on the backs of slaves... outside of the Native Americans everyone owes the slaves a great deal (descendants? debatable)... it's proven that as a young nation, economically the USA rose to the top through the use of free labor

This thread isn't even about slavery, it's about recent history and since ya'll are so anemic to reading PLEASE watch this music video by my dude MURS...
I am actually anemic.

 j/p man. Had to do it 

I agree that Americans owe a lot to the slaves that helped build their country. But lots of caucasian Canadians and Americans (in addition to other races) fought in the world wars to give us the freedom we enjoy today, and look how we treat them. A US vet commits/attempts suicide every 80 minutes and we owe them a ton, and I'm ashamed that we aren't doing better for them. I don't deny the struggles and horrible things that the slaves went through, but I disagree on the point where my generation of my skin color is being held responsible. All white people aren't American colonists. Unlike dude above assumed (since I'm white, presumably), my family didn't benefit from any of that brutality. Our family history goes way back to centuries of being dirt poor until we left Europe in WWII to come to Canada, where we worked in the coal mines and busted our butts to provide for our families. In addition, women had to fight to be heard for a very long time as well, and they aren't demanding compensation from every male on the continent. 

All I'm saying is that I think it's silly to lump a huge group of people together as owing you something when that may not be the case at all. I don't deny that North America wouldn't be the way it was without the free labor provided by the slaves and Asian Americans that were treated so poorly. But we aren't talking about the slaves. OP is talking about something totally different, and I think we're getting off topic. Reparations for slavery, yes. Reparations for assassinations and the like: hardly. Don't forget that among the same people you're vilifying as owing you something, are many people who have fought really hard for equality amoung races and genders and sexualities. 

I agree with funding the programs you're talking about to improve the quality of life of AA communities. I'm behind that 100%. The only part I disagree with is the part where you're discussing it as something that is owed to you as opposed to something that should simply happen because it's what's right. 

Edit: Sorry about the huge font, I figured with the amount of text it'd be easier to read.
In context I used the word correctly

Contrary to what you said EVERYONE benefited from the use of free labor... the economical benefits this country enjoyed in its formative years are staggering... no slaves= no USA as we know it... also everyone else who sacrificed for this country sans NA did it voluntarily...

Now should the country handicap itself to right a wrong... I don't know... don't really think so, but if there are ways to go about cleaning things up that are beneficial for everyone then I'm all for it
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

What do people think about segregation again? It's an idea I saw talked about by the so called New Black Panthers. They felt like it would halt the regression the community is seeing and then also wanted whites to pay an alimony (call it reparations if you want) to us.
I think its an assbackwards idea. I'm against anything that promotes further animosity and division between humans. 
A legitimate question: I know I'm going to sound like a jerk but I 100% don't mean to and am genuinely curious. If something like this were to happen, how would they decide which 'whites' had to pay? Would it be all of us? What about halfers? I know very few full-blooded caucasian people. 
Everyone who has ever benefited from white privilege.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

What do people think about segregation again? It's an idea I saw talked about by the so called New Black Panthers. They felt like it would halt the regression the community is seeing and then also wanted whites to pay an alimony (call it reparations if you want) to us.
I think its an assbackwards idea. I'm against anything that promotes further animosity and division between humans. 
A legitimate question: I know I'm going to sound like a jerk but I 100% don't mean to and am genuinely curious. If something like this were to happen, how would they decide which 'whites' had to pay? Would it be all of us? What about halfers? I know very few full-blooded caucasian people. 
Everyone who has ever benefited from white privilege.
Okay the phrase "white privilege" just took this thread to a level I can't hang with. That sentence just....just....I'm out. Not down for this kinda closed-minded convo. 
Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by 0cks
In context I used the word correctly

Contrary to what you said EVERYONE benefited from the use of free labor... the economical benefits this country enjoyed in its formative years are staggering... no slaves= no USA as we know it... also everyone else who sacrificed for this country sans NA did it voluntarily...

Now should the country handicap itself to right a wrong... I don't know... don't really think so, but if there are ways to go about cleaning things up that are beneficial for everyone then I'm all for it
Some last points before I leave this thread for good:
1) An anemic is someone with an iron deficiency. An iron deficiency to reading is not a thing. No disrespect. Edit: Unless you meant a 'lack of vigor' toward reading, which I guess fits. I just didn't think of it because that definition of the word isn't commonly used. Apologies. 

2) I wouldn't call conscription 'voluntary'. Many kids who were drafted when they were 18 to go get torn apart by nazi machine guns didn't have a choice. 

3) I agree entirely that we should find a way to fix things so that it benefits everyone. That's what I said in my last post. I just don't like the way that just because of our race, my generation is being a made a villain that needs to suffer and pay because of something we didn't even do. Lots of people benefited from things white people have done too. I would much rather have the black and white communities work together to provide a better quality of life for AA's and NA's who are unhappy than have those groups attack us as Caucasians and demand that we personally must pay. 
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

I think its an assbackwards idea. I'm against anything that promotes further animosity and division between humans. 
A legitimate question: I know I'm going to sound like a jerk but I 100% don't mean to and am genuinely curious. If something like this were to happen, how would they decide which 'whites' had to pay? Would it be all of us? What about halfers? I know very few full-blooded caucasian people. 
Everyone who has ever benefited from white privilege.
Okay the phrase "white privilege" just took this thread to a level I can't hang with. That sentence just....just....I'm out. Not down for this kinda closed-minded convo. 
Why? Because discussing your white privilege and what it entails makes you uncomfortable? Or is it because you're in denial?
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