Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

Originally Posted by cartune

I know what show he's referring to.

I was just pointing out the fact he just told a white dude who's working 60 hours a week that he's ON TOP because he is white while asking him to reference a Black billionaire's show

c'mon Oprah is an ENTERTAINER, how many of us are can be Oprah? Think about it MOST of the wealthy Black People in America (correct me if Im wrong im just going on a wihm here) are in the entertainment industry.

Sit back and think why is it that Black Americans are so worse off than everyone else in the US as a whole. Black people have been in the US forever why are we at the bottom of the barell? Is it because Black Americans are lazy (obviously not) or is it something systematic. Just do your own research, I would think it would be hard to NOT put a lot of blame of the plight of Black America on the failures of the US Government.
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

I benefited from slavery
. They bred us like horses and now I am a super athlete with wild genetics.

But I don't think we should get reparations tho. Say if each black person got like 40k or something I dunno, it would be complete madness. Look at what a lot of african americans (mostly in inner cities) do with money when they do get it? Look at what most are doing with money when they do get it already. I mean seriously, a high percentage of them would just blow it.

I dunno, it is a tough conversation and someone will always be offended
They've done scientific studies that prove that the time african-americans were bred as animals was not enough to truly change their genetic makeup.
And your argument against it is that they'll blow it? 
  If its money they're owed what right does anyone have to withhold it based on what they "may" do?

Btw, I wouldn't be receiving reparations if they came out so I have no self-interest

I was mostly being silly and I did not know about that genetic study.

And when I was talking about what they may do with it I was kinda responding to something that someone said about the community being in 'shambles' and how this may be a way to help. 

I guess I was going in a completely different direction with my post now that I think about it 

But my opinion makes a different arguement
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by cartune

I know what show he's referring to.

I was just pointing out the fact he just told a white dude who's working 60 hours a week that he's ON TOP because he is white while asking him to reference a Black billionaire's show

c'mon Oprah is an ENTERTAINER, how many of us are can be Oprah? Think about it MOST of the wealthy Black People in America (correct me if Im wrong im just going on a wihm here) are in the entertainment industry.

Sit back and think why is it that Black Americans are so worse off than everyone else in the US as a whole. Black people have been in the US forever why are we at the bottom of the barell? Is it because Black Americans are lazy (obviously not) or is it something systematic. Just do your own research, I would think it would be hard to NOT put a lot of blame of the plight of Black America on the failures of the US Government.

Correction, Black Americans.

And look up crime, incarceration, illegitimacy, graduation, unemployment, and health phenomena (AIDS, diabetes, etc.) rates compared to other races. Many would argue that's because of white people though that "we" act and do that.
Originally Posted by cartune

how do yall come up with this stuff?

i told him to watch a segment of oprah where a white man admitted white privilege  

he took pills to turn his skin makeup

wanted to do it for a month

lasted about 4 days

where do yall come up with these responses to me?


 was just pointing out the fact he just told a white dude who's working 60 hours a week that he's ON TOP because he is white while asking him to reference a Black billionaire's show
...and whats your point?

whatever point youre trying to make is completely irrelevant to the topic; white  privilege  

what does oprah being a media titan have to do with that?

Each family had a week to swap races. I find it odd if everything is so equal and fair why didnt not one single white family survive a least a week as being black? Most after two or three days just up and wanted to quit.
all of them wanna quit after a couple days....and they have a completely opposite perspective than they had before.

the kid on oprah said "as a white man, i am afforded a level of respect by a black man, that respect is nonexistant. it makes total sense how black people struggle with 'being worthy of' or 'proving they deserve'  that level of respect, which i get by default, due to the color of my skin"

thats a white dude

who was black for like 4 days

any nonsense you dudes on here wanna type about how even everyone is in this country  is quite irrelevant to me.

i dont see how yalls parents are fine with how ignorant their kids are growing up to be...

but then again, its a cycle.  

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

They were killing Jews in ovens and forcing them to work on concentration camps before executing them and piling the corpses in a hole, 

how long did that last?

give me a rough estimate....

a ballpark figure....
whos downplaying anything?

i asked how long it lasted...

since we're comparing and contrasting....

how long?

oh, you dont want to say?

I can't believe this thread is 22 pages long. World War III is about to start in the Middle East, and you clowns are arguing over whether Blacks are entitled to reparations.

A teacher once told me "Society reflects the level of education.". Clearly it does, and considering this, we are in terrible shape.
this isnt even really about reparations at this point tho rashi.

why you got a sig and avy devoted to the NBA lockout for?

we're having class warfare in america......obama is still president

why you concerned with basketball?

I know current events. I know the Federal Reserve came out yesterday and stated that they, with other central banks are going to bailout the EU at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer. Not that any of that matters, because when gas and food prices go through the roof the Sheep in this thread will turn on Corporate Media and see the false Left/Right paradigm being blamed to inflict more anger among people.

So please spare me with the "NBA avy and sig" to try to divert the attention away from the real issue at hand.
This dude over here downplaying the Holocaust but Im supposed to take the white family dressed up in black face experiment seriously?

What was your point? Racism is still alive? No #%*@

White Privilege? Then why are there wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more poor whites in this country that poor blacks.

The white privilege system needs a few tweaks then huh?
Originally Posted by cartune

This dude over here downplaying the Holocaust but Im supposed to take the white family dressed up in black face experiment seriously?

What was your point? Racism is still alive? No #%*@

White Privilege? Then why are there wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more poor whites in this country that poor blacks.

The white privilege system needs a few tweaks then huh?

Cartune I 100% respect you as a person and valuable nt poster but you need to look at it as percentage not numbers. Blacks only make a small percentage of the us population compared to whites so the numbers are are always going to be less. Check the stats about poverty and education it's almost 3 times worse in every bad category.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by cartune

This dude over here downplaying the Holocaust but Im supposed to take the white family dressed up in black face experiment seriously?

What was your point? Racism is still alive? No #%*@

White Privilege? Then why are there wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more poor whites in this country that poor blacks.

The white privilege system needs a few tweaks then huh?

 Blacks only make a small percentage of the us population compared to whites  Check the stats about poverty and education it's almost 3 times worse in every bad category.


why are there more whites?

in this united states?



This dude over here downplaying the Holocaust but Im supposed to take the white family dressed up in black face experiment seriously?

how am i downplaying something by asking how long it lasted?

its a question.


you are CERTAINLY downplaying the role of race in the USA....i tell you a white man tried to be black for a month, lasted A COUPLE DAYS, completely changed his perspective and he gave a first-hand account at how serious and real racism still is today.....

first you bring up the completely irrelevant holocaust, as if it somehow lessens the impact of slavery and systematic oppression of african americans in the USA, then you take offense to even the smallest of side bar questions only asked to entertain you, "how long did the holocaust last?"


THEN you get quite emotional, and throw out a kindergarten-level stat like "there are more poor whites in the USA than poor blacks"

there are probably more poor whites in the US than black people period


dude is like self-conscious of the poor points he raises off top

thats what happens when you say anything just to try and contradict me in an argument.


how long did the holocaust last?

refusing to answer the question because it somehow downplays the holocaust is almost laughable.

even more laughable is the fact that you refuse to answer the question because you already know what it is.


hey, you know genghes khan enslaved people like 200 bc, they're not still crying about it........get over it, blacks


this is why im condesending..

all logic and sense gets thrown out the window when you argue with me for some reason


i hope the emoticons got you upset, too
^ That Oprah segment seemed completely bogus to me. Seriously everything about it just seemed off. A lot of Oprah's segments seem fishy but this one just takes the cake.
I'm supposed to believe this man took these mysterious dangerous black man pills and then ended up with 3 grainy photos of himself walking across the street? There is nothing more about him anywhere from what I can tell.
I'm not saying anything about the context that you used this show in but that segment was definitely sensationalism by a woman on the come up

he was doing the experiment completely separate from oprah.

so yeah, he only had 3 grainy photos.

he also only did it for like 3 or 4 days, not the month he planned on.


why do you think?

this isnt the first nor last time the experiment was tried, either.

regardless, that was simply an example i was using, a white man's account of being black.

questioning the example referenced doesnt question the argument posed.

dont make me post pictures of many holes tightly clustered together, either.
^I just said that I wasn't implying anything about the context. I'm not questioning your argument because I really have no opinion on this particular subject


But it was fake
you say its fake because they didnt document it well

but he did it unrelated to oprah who asked him to come on the show to share his experience some time AFTER he had stopped the experiment...

he was running the experiment on his own and stopped 26 days early...


and youre saying its fake because of a lack of video?


( i cant see the links you posted)
The Holocaust was probably brought up because no other racial group is expecting "reparations."

there are no links to post

there is nothing on it anywhere

believe everything oprah tells you...

and everything you see in a grainy black and white picture...


Why do you care if I think it's fake

I could not really care less if you think it's real
i dont care.

i just think your bias against oprah isnt a good enough reason to declare it fake.

you raised issues you had with the "experiment"

i tried to answer them.


i already said it doesnt contradict the point, and you agreed.

thats it

Originally Posted by rashi

I can't believe this thread is 22 pages long. World War III is about to start in the Middle East, and you clowns are arguing over whether Blacks are entitled to reparations.

A teacher once told me "Society reflects the level of education.". Clearly it does, and considering this, we are in terrible shape.

World War III can start in the middle east....we have something to go to war over here...we have a legitimate case to defend our own nationality...word to Lenin's right to self-determination....we deserve land out of this country because we have largely been prevented from becoming influential land owning members of this society...African American slavery is well documented, our ancestors have built this country without being properly compensated for that something you can expect a people to ignore?

 if you expect us to ignore that than your truly ignoring a big part of the reason everything is the way it is now.

it's funny how your position supposedly can be against the government and the fed, but meanwhile you ignore the historical facts that are the basis of capitalism in this country, and what established it across the globe as the exploitative practice it is. The trans Atlantic slave trade defines this epoch of imperial-captialism, where one nation refers to the plundering of another nations resources as 'free market'  economics.  African American class interest needs to be manifested in order for there to be balance in the representational government....because we have the fewest billionaires, CEOS, hardly own our own property, overall are still looked down upon in terms of leadership, and we are often still a police target even after achieving respectable positions in this gets tiring being portrayed and treated as the bad guy when it really is the other way around.

nobody is downplaying the holocaust....its downplaying the social presentation of the holocaust...everybody is well aware of the holocaust seeing how your taught about it every year as if you really ought to know....the point is that this culture puts so much emphasis on the holocaust and at the same time  devalues all the genocide and crimes against humanity thats been going only to different groups of people....that deserves just as much attention and much much more as the holocaust....

its only just begun...individual cash reparations? not so likely....a liquidation of the 'private property' preventing our class interest and ensuing in us becoming more prominent land holders in society? inevitable.
Why do genocides and crimes need to be "valued?" And why do they need "much much" more attention as the holocaust?

And instead of throwing words around like "deserve," ask yourself if anyone is really owed anything. Black werent the only ones that got the short end of the stick on an number of issues.
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