Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

I'm Nigerian American and many many black people think they are better than Africans this is based on personal experience. Well many African Americans only know what the media shows of Africa so I can't blame them it's a lack of knowledge.
I see it at many Africans see how "land of opportunity" isn't being utilized as it potentially could be. Possibly our children children can break these trivial barriers.
How do American Blacks display that they think they are better than you?

American blacks tend to think the same of Africa as most whites do. A circle jerk of primitive villages and tribes warring together making clicking noises incapable of higher thinking.

Realize you may not think this way, but most people regardless of ethnicity are idiots on both sides of the fence.
This is ignorant off the bat cause there's no such thing as African culture. :smile:

I'm very familiar with Europe, Europeans OPENLY hate black people it isn't like here. Europeans don't have the same concept of political correctedness as they have in the U.S. Britain may single handedly be the cause of the plight of a lot of Africans and non-Europeans worldwide not just America.

You're right, I should have just listed every African tribe. You know what I meant, smart ***.
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What is black feminism though?

If white feminism is the outcry for equality based on the white male power structure, is Black Feminism the outcry for equality based on the black male power structure? But there is no black male power struggle, so would black feminism be considered non-existent?
It's not really in opposition to black male power struggle, its still opposed to the male power struggle just a subset of feminism. For example, black gays are still for gay rights, but they certainly deal with even more prejudice than white gays and deal with issues white gays wouldn't even dream of, if that makes sense. More or less a subset of the movement.
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You do understand why right?
Yes, cultural differences, and family structure as well. There are a whole heap of factors, my point is that a difference obviously exists correct? This whole we all black bs needs to quit, because we need to be proud of our different backgrounds and cultures. Instead of looking down on other blacks maybe we should adopt some practices from the cultures that are doing it right?.....Just a thought.
Yes, cultural differences, and family structure as well. There are a whole heap of factors, my point is that a difference obviously exists correct? This whole we all black bs needs to quit, because we need to be proud of our different backgrounds and cultures. Instead of looking down on other blacks maybe we should adopt some practices from the cultures that are doing it right?.....Just a thought.
Yea it is easy to say adopt characteristics of other cultures. But those same people, a few generations after their families have gotten settled here, adopt our characteristics. Opposite of what made those people successful when they first arrived. It is HARD to adopt those cultures here in the US when the system is in place. It can be done but it isn't like people consciously fail you know......
Yea it is easy to say adopt characteristics of other cultures. But those same people, a few generations after their families have gotten settled here, adopt our characteristics. Opposite of what made those people successful when they first arrived. It is HARD to adopt those cultures here in the US when the system is in place. It can be done but it isn't like people consciously fail you know......
How can you say this? What evidence supports this? Are you reaching out of thin air? Most African and Caribbean immigrants have only been here for a couple generations. ****, I myself am American as can be, but was raised in a Caribbean household where college wasn't just thought of, it was expected. These kinds of things are not  easy to engrain, but it's not gon be easy. Reparations could be beneficial, but they also have to be APPLIED correctly, and efficiently by those who receive it. 

Everyone keeps talking about the system, yeah the system is ****** up, that's life bruhs. Get an education, apply yourself, and use the lack of black people in the workplace as an advantage to you.
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I have personally witnessed 2nd/3rd generation Nigerians slack off and not excel academically the way that the sterotypical (I use that word because I can only go by what I see/heard/is documented) Nigerian does academically once he gets here.
Again, it is EASY to say, "Get over it. The system is messed up but go make it." What about kids who can't think for themselves and are born into unfavorable situations and just get caught up. Again, those kids didn't CHOSE to be in the situation they are in. And yes, it is easy for us to say, "Well you have time to turn it around." Man a lot of these dudes minds are made up, for life, by the age of 14/15. And for some there is no turning back.

I just don't like when people say it as if it is so simple. Nah man, when you grow up the way some of these people grow up you really aren't thinking about education and then you get so far behind you aren't left with many choices but to quit school.

Not saying you can't make it out. You can, but it takes a special person to block out everything around them and make it out.
Can't go through life making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself. It comes down to self will. If you really want something and are willing to make sacrifices to get it you can do it. It's just not going to happen overnight. It's a lot easier of you surround yourself with people who also are trying to better themselves.
There are some valid points, but I highly doubt Tariq Nasheed really gives two ***** about this issue. He's just opening a new niche to build his enterprise.
Can't go through life making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself. It comes down to self will. If you really want something and are willing to make sacrifices to get it you can do it. It's just not going to happen overnight. It's a lot easier of you surround yourself with people who also are trying to better themselves.
Don't know how I feel. Sometime your environment doesn't allow that base for self well to be generated. It could start when a child is 7 years old and their mother allows them to quit at everything and that is that kid's base. Hard to onvercome that. It can be done but I know from experience (not me, people around me) that people are essentially who they are by the age of high school freshman.

I hear what you are saying but again, it isn't as simple as, "Work hard and you will make it." If you acknowledge the starting line isn't the same for everyone you have to understand that working hard just might not be enough for SOME.
Everyone keeps talking about the system, yeah the system is ****** up, that's life bruhs. Get an education, apply yourself, and use the lack of black people in the workplace as an advantage to you.
By far the worst SN to post ratio I have ever seen on here.  That's like advising a hamster to run faster in the wheel while the rest of the hamsters are out of the wheel and running the race.  Getting an education and applying yourself is importantly, but that more so is the second half of the equation. The first half of the equation is addressing the "system" that was set up and is still set up to hold us back. 
By far the worst SN to post ratio I have ever seen on here.  That's like advising a hamster to run faster in the wheel while the rest of the hamsters are out of the wheel and running the race.  Getting an education and applying yourself is importantly, but that more so is the second half of the equation. The first half of the equation is addressing the "system" that was set up and is still set up to hold us back. 
Oh, another joke about my SN 
 you're quite original...

 What is the second half of the equation? What exactly are you guys expecting out here? Of course the system is against us, but there are ways to make a negative a positive.  I can speak from personal experience that after you get an education, the opportunities are endless, you are foolish if you think otherwise. Maybe if the dude you slurp daily in your avy did more, you wouldn't be complaining so much.

This is actually what you sound like - 

'Yeah we can go to college and travel the world, but-  but -but I'm black and the system is against us"

"Yeah I work hard, very hard but I can't get a promotion"

"Yeah, I spent 4 years in college but I still get paid hourly"

So what? Grind until you make it, and change your situation, so what you have to work 3 times as hard as the polish guy next to you, this is news to you?
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Everyone keeps talking about the system, yeah the system is ****** up, that's life bruhs. Get an education, apply yourself, and use the lack of black people in the workplace as an advantage to you.
By far the worst SN to post ratio I have ever seen on here.  That's like advising a hamster to run faster in the wheel while the rest of the hamsters are out of the wheel and running the race.  Getting an education and applying yourself is importantly, but that more so is the second half of the equation. The first half of the equation is addressing the "system" that was set up and is still set up to hold us back. 
Still agree with what he said. The work world is filled with money trees if you're black and apply yourself. It's not our jobs to lift up every single black person that fails to understand what's right in front of their faces. 

If the majority just sat around waiting for the system to change well... That's actually exactly what most blacks are doing and the stats prove it.

Being part of the younger generation.. I can tell you for certain these dudes don't want better for themselves man. My city is heavily segregated and while moderately large I know most of the people my age on our side (black) of the city.

All they care about is who is smashing who, how many dudes babymoms they've slayed (it's like trophies around here), who cheated on who, or who just got bumped up. They don't care to learn their history, they don't care about education, they don't care about uplifting their communities.

Even when you tell them all this they still go about doing the same s_ that put them in their position. It's one thing to know the path to your doom, it's another to knowingly keep walking it. In my opinion, before we address the system we NEED to address black culture. As of currently, it's *** backwards.

Edit: Clarification, degree in something relevant.
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By far the worst SN to post ratio I have ever seen on here.  That's like advising a hamster to run faster in the wheel while the rest of the hamsters are out of the wheel and running the race.  Getting an education and applying yourself is importantly, but that more so is the second half of the equation. The first half of the equation is addressing the "system" that was set up and is still set up to hold us back. 
Oh another joke about my SN 
. What is the second half of the equation? What exactly are you guys expecting out here? Of course the system is against us, but there are ways to make a negative a positive.  I can speak from personal experience that after you get an education, the opportunities are endless, you are foolish if you think otherwise. Maybe if the dude you slurp daily in your avy did more, you wouldn't be complaining so much.
Who's complaining champ??  Also, I just expect the guy in my avy to make music and that's it.  If YOU want something more from him than just that then that's on you, keep waiting around and lets us know how that works out for you. 
This is actually what you sound like - 

'Yeah we can go to college and travel the world, but-  but -but I'm black and the system is against us"
Loud and wrong.  I do and can do all those things, I just KNOW that there WAS and IS a system designed against me.  That's all.  Of course that's something that we can work around, I just acknowledge that it exists. 
so what you have to work 3 times as hard as the polish guy next to you
Like I said earlier..............

"That's like advising a hamster to run faster in the wheel while the rest of the hamsters are out of the wheel and running the race"
In my opinion, before we address the system we NEED to address black culture.
Dude, why do you think the black culture is the way it is today??  It's because of the SYSTEM.  When solving a problem, you always go to the root of the problem, the problem for us is the SYSTEM.  We have other issues of course and even issues amongst ourselves but let's not shy away from what got us to this point.  That's how I'm looking at it. 
Dude, why do you think the black culture is the way it is today??  It's because of the SYSTEM.  When solving a problem, you always go to the root of the problem, the problem for us is the SYSTEM.  We have other issues of course and even issues amongst ourselves but let's not shy away from what got us to this point.  That's how I'm looking at it. 

I think whenever someone brings up the fact that the system is unfair, people take that and run with it. I guess most have a hard time understanding that we know people can make it, even though the system is against us, but the fact that the system is rigged HAS to be pointed out. And in many instances, that unfair system is THE reason why some of us fail. You can't always say, "If there is a will there is a way." Sometimes there is a will but the system won't make a way. But we know people can make it against the odds.

But everyone doesn't even get a fair shot at making it.

I don't see how anyone could entertain these jimmy rustlers after that comment
Honestly, many of them don't know. They aren't black. They don't know what it is like to be black. They have a different life perspective. And it shows with certain comments. It is ignorance, they don't know better. Just speaking on something they have a controlled view of.
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Still agree with what he said. The work world is filled with money trees if you're black and apply yourself. It's not our jobs to lift up every single black person that fails to understand what's right in front of their faces. 

If the majority just sat around waiting for the system to change well... That's actually exactly what most blacks are doing and the stats prove it.

Being part of the younger generation.. I can tell you for certain these dudes don't want better for themselves man. My city is heavily segregated and while moderately large I know most of the people my age on our side (black) of the city.

All they care about is who is smashing who, how many dudes babymoms they've slayed (it's like trophies around here), who cheated on who, or who just got bumped up. They don't care to learn their history, they don't care about education, they don't care about uplifting their communities.

Even when you tell them all this they still go about doing the same s_ that put them in their position. It's one thing to know the path to your doom, it's another to knowingly keep walking it. In my opinion, before we address the system we NEED to address black culture. As of currently, it's *** backwards.

Edit: Clarification, degree in something relevant.

that will only fix an INDIVIDUALS problem. We need a system change to change our communities
Sounds like you guys want socialism.

You do realize that capitalism is the best system there is right? That the system is inherently designed to give advantages to certain individuals. So fix yourself, and the system will be fixed. The system and the individuals that make up that very system are not mutually exclusive. 
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Sounds like you guys want socialism.

You do realize that capitalism is the best system there is right? That the system is inherently designed to give advantages to certain individuals. So fix yourself, and the system will be fixed. The system and the individuals that make up that very system are not mutually exclusive. 
You make it sound sooooooooooooooo simple man. :lol: . Nobody believes in that "it starts with you" campaign. Dog eat dog out here man. The ruling elite won't surrender that power for anything. For now, things aren't changing.

But you are right, look out for you is all you can do. And those around you that you care about.
Dude, why do you think the black culture is the way it is today??  It's because of the SYSTEM.  When solving a problem, you always go to the root of the problem, the problem for us is the SYSTEM.  We have other issues of course and even issues amongst ourselves but let's not shy away from what got us to this point.  That's how I'm looking at it. 
I think whenever someone brings up the fact that the system is unfair, people take that and run with it. I guess most have a hard time understanding that we know people can make it, even though the system is against us, but the fact that the system is rigged HAS to be pointed out. And in many instances, that unfair system is THE reason why some of us fail. You can't always say, "If there is a will there is a way." Sometimes there is a will but the system won't make a way. But we know people can make it against the odds.

But everyone doesn't even get a fair shot at making it.

Also, just to expand on what I wrote earlier, I just want folks to actually know that there is an uphill battle/climb for us that others don't have to go to.  It seems in this day and age, less and less of our history and battles in this country are being passed down to the next generation, so on and so forth. 

So while we have to "work 3 times as hard as the polish guy next to you" as our very own Bryant Gumbel (better known as @BlackIntellect) put it, I want everyone to know WHY we have to work 3 times as hard to begin with.  Let's not forget that certain school district in this country want to remove slavery from the teaching curriculum in school books.  Further driving the point that while we as a community are in a hole to begin with, the SYSTEM now doesn't even want us to know how or why we are in a hole to begin with.  In knowing of and about the system, it's also important for us to learn past lessons from the system so that the same trappings from the past do not come back on us again. 
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:lol: :lol: @ these "just fix yourself" type statements. Just goes to show how out of touch people are with the entire scope of the issue. What's really hilarious (and pretty sad) is the posters of (more than likely) African descent who have this mindset. Talk about being in a hamster wheel. If things were that simple to fix, then they'd be fixed.
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