Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

That is just a SMALL fraction of what's holding black people back.

You want to get deep in this because I can go all day.
One of the biggest issue holding black people back right now is single motherhood. All these kids growing up without a father figure. Young girls having multiple kids with different "baby daddies" is now the norm
Yea that is the ONLY thing holding black people back.

I agree, that holds some folks back but that is minuscule man. No way you can believe that is a major reason why blacks don't succeed.

If someone lets THAT stop them from making it, chances are they weren't even on pace to making it. So I can't agree with that being the only reason.

So you are ignoring the fact that there are things structured in society to hold down people of color?
There are lots of reasons. I feel that single motherhood is a major reason as well though. But of course you can't say that in public without being called a woman basher. No male leadership for most of these kids really hurts them. But we are dudes and we all know that.

But again, there was a systematic approach to kill the black family. TO remove the man.

Pruit-Igoe Myth. Please watch this documentary on YouTube man. It talks about the Welfare system and how it was the main catalyst to the skeet and flee mentality of many black fathers
Somebody caught feelings...

You obviously don't know how public schools are funded. Those urban schools are that way because of their tax base. If people in the neighborhood don't have jobs and don't own homes how can they pay taxes to support/fund the local public school
This post was a bunch of garbage.

How about the state of public schools in urban centers for one? Nah, but black people are preventing themselves from rising above the obstacles they face. Silly me.

There's no legacy of African enslavement in Europe.
Look what black people did to Cosby. The man spoke the truth and his own people crucified him.
People like who? Who are these people? Are these successful people or no? People crucify people all of the time when they have a stern opinion.

Not sure how this plays into WHY blacks aren't where "people" think they should be.

Again I ask, do you believe structurally, there are things intentionally put in place to limit the success of people of color.
Somebody caught feelings...

You obviously don't know how public schools are funded. Those urban schools are that way because of their tax base. If people in the neighborhood don't have jobs and don't own homes how can they pay taxes to support/fund the local public school
Caught feelings? No. When you post garbage like crab in a bucket mentality, that's the response you're going get.

Have you posted I'm black btw yet? Whatever you want to believe is fine by me. Just remember at the end of the day you are still a ****** regardless of how much you may want to fit in.
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If most of you paid attention in history class, you would know there were strong black family units up into the 60s. The women power movement basically crippled the black family unit. You had these black girls getting fooled by white girls that they didn't need a man. They fell for that S#1t' and you had a pattern of a generation of single mothers and the results are still being felt to this day
Like I said. Crabs in a bucket

Don't tell me you didn't catch feelings cus you putting too much energy into your posts
Caught feelings? No. When you post garbage like crab in a bucket mentality, that's the response you're going get.

Have you posted I'm black btw yet? Whatever you want to believe is fine by me. Just remember at the end of the day you are still a ****** regardless of how much you may want to fit in.
The approach was the women power movement
There are lots of reasons. I feel that single motherhood is a major reason as well though. But of course you can't say that in public without being called a woman basher. No male leadership for most of these kids really hurts them. But we are dudes and we all know that.

But again, there was a systematic approach to kill the black family. TO remove the man.

Pruit-Igoe Myth. Please watch this documentary on YouTube man. It talks about the Welfare system and how it was the main catalyst to the skeet and flee mentality of many black fathers
Again I say, the crabs in a basket mentality only prevents "would have been failures" from succeeding.
The approach was the women power movement
You need to watch Pruitt Igoe man. Because you simplifying it as the Women's Power Movement just isn't right. Because what I am speaking off affected POOR blacks. Which is who this discussion is basically about. A woman's power movement didn't break up the black family. Because middle class black families exist. When you get down to those poor areas is where you see a lack of fathers
I'm talking about the fools at the NAACP
People like who? Who are these people? Are these successful people or no? People crucify people all of the time when they have a stern opinion.

Not sure how this plays into WHY blacks aren't where "people" think they should be.

Again I ask, do you believe structurally, there are things intentionally put in place to limit the success of people of color.
I'm on my phone. When I get the chance I will
You need to watch Pruitt Igoe man. Because you simplifying it as the Women's Power Movement just isn't right. Because what I am speaking off affected POOR blacks. Which is who this discussion is basically about. A woman's power movement didn't break up the black family. Because middle class black families exist. When you get down to those poor areas is where you see a lack of fathers
You need to watch Pruitt Igoe man. Because you simplifying it as the Women's Power Movement just isn't right. Because what I am speaking off affected POOR blacks. Which is who this discussion is basically about. A woman's power movement didn't break up the black family. Because middle class black families exist. When you get down to those poor areas is where you see a lack of fathers

Is it on YouTube or is it free?
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I'm talking about the fools at the NAACP
A group created by non-blacks to promote the advancement of blacks? That NAACP? They don't matter man. Nobody cares about them nor does anyone value their cares/worries. Today that is

Pruitt Igoe Myth is on Netflix. See if you can find a link. YouTube is blocked here at school
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What is black feminism though?

If white feminism is the outcry for equality based on the white male power structure, is Black Feminism the outcry for equality based on the black male power structure? But there is no black male power struggle, so would black feminism be considered non-existent?
Of course there are. Like if a young black man gets arrested for some BS charges it stays on their record. Because of this most employers won't hire him. Also another BS is credit score. Most black people can't get loans because of this to start a business, buy a house etc.

After WWII alot of white people got loans at stupid low interest rates so they could buy homes and start businesses. That's why on average the typical white person is better off because the money their grandparents got trickled down to them eventually
People like who? Who are these people? Are these successful people or no? People crucify people all of the time when they have a stern opinion.

Not sure how this plays into WHY blacks aren't where "people" think they should be.

Again I ask, do you believe structurally, there are things intentionally put in place to limit the success of people of color.
Of course there are. Like if a young black man gets arrested for some BS charges it stays on their record. Because of this most employers won't hire him. Also another BS is credit score. Most black people can't get loans because of this to start a business, buy a house etc.

After WWII alot of white people got loans at stupid low interest rates so they could buy homes and start businesses. That's why on average the typical white person is better off because the money their grandparents got trickled down to them eventually
Oh ok. As long as you acknowledge that the starting line isn't even. Cool. #Respect
Of course there are. Like if a young black man gets arrested for some BS charges it stays on their record. Because of this most employers won't hire him. Also another BS is credit score. Most black people can't get loans because of this to start a business, buy a house etc.

After WWII alot of white people got loans at stupid low interest rates so they could buy homes and start businesses. That's why on average the typical white person is better off because the money their grandparents got trickled down to them eventually
Oh ok. As long as you acknowledge that the starting line isn't even. Cool. #Respect

Why did you hashtag?

This ain't Twitter.
growing up in STL. the pruit igoe info is all true.

the pruitt-igoe myth is on netflix.
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No you can't. African parents tell their children not to bring home American blacks because we are not good enough. American blacks don't have these kind of conversations with their children. I'm not adding fuel to any fire I'm just acknowledging what is already out there. I have no ill will towards Africans at all. The animosity comes from the other side. An that's cool, it is their right.

I'm Nigerian American and many many black people think they are better than Africans this is based on personal experience. Well many African Americans only know what the media shows of Africa so I can't blame them it's a lack of knowledge.
I see it at many Africans see how "land of opportunity" isn't being utilized as it potentially could be. Possibly our children children can break these trivial barriers.
I've always found interesting that black Americans or African-Americans to some still hold onto the African part of it when they have been in america more than 1 or 2 generations.

If you ask a black british what he considers himself they will say british and thats that. There's exceptions, of course, like 1st generation immigrants etc... But its like that in other parts of the world as well. Black french people solely consider themselves french and thats all. Even immigrant from ex-french colonies immigrating to France consider themselves French.

Granted, African-American history in the US is completely different than that of Europe.

Do black americans consider themselves African?

If not, do you consider yourself an american?

if so, why is the racial label African-American still being used if you don't consider yourself African?

I consider myself a Black American. My family tree as far as I (really my sister lol) can trace back is the offspring of slaves, European, and splash of Native American.

Culturally, Black people and actual African Americans, that have recent generations that emigrated from Africa, are very different.

This country was built on the backbone of slave labor. We are America.

Britain didn't have nearly the same racial issues as were had here. They did their enslaving and whatnot elsewhere :lol:
I'm Nigerian American and many many black people think they are better than Africans this is based on personal experience. Well many African Americans only know what the media shows of Africa so I can't blame them it's a lack of knowledge.
I see it at many Africans see how "land of opportunity" isn't being utilized as it potentially could be. Possibly our children children can break these trivial barriers.
How do American Blacks display that they think they are better than you?
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