Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by HankMoody

What about every other maligned group? Muslims should get reparations for the last 10 years of fear-mongering. Don't forget about Executive Order 9066. Chinese Exclusion Act. But you don't really care.

LOL. Are you seriously going to compare what has going on to Muslims currently to all the things I listed?
He didn't make a comparison, he suggested that all oppressed groups receive reparations if you think that one should.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by HankMoody

What about every other maligned group? Muslims should get reparations for the last 10 years of fear-mongering. Don't forget about Executive Order 9066. Chinese Exclusion Act. But you don't really care.

LOL. Are you seriously going to compare what has going on to Muslims currently to all the things I listed?
He didn't make a comparison, he suggested that all oppressed groups receive reparations if you think that one should.
But when did I deny other groups of reparations? Im sure they are TONS of groups that US govt oppressed that need help, I am talking about my people for the moment feel free the make a thread for anyone else, I support the movement
Didn't Chappelle already portray the outcomes?
Newport, Jordan and Cadillac sales through the roof!
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Since we clearly wont be getting any reparations for slavery I believe blacks/african americans should petition for some reparations for everything up until 90s. Now im not talking about every $%@%! getting a couple stacks or something foolishness just sizable investment into the black community for what "the powers that be"(government) allowed to happen to black culture and leaders in this time span.

Things that happened in this time span that I hope the US government accountable for that was detremtnal to the well-being of blacks in the United States:

Crack Cocaine
The assassination of MLK
The assassination of Malcolm X
The brainwashing of Elijah Muhammad
The demise of the Black Panther Party (probably the biggest atrocity when it comes to impact on black community)
The killing of Black Panther members
Emmit Till-esque crimes around the South and lynchings
JFK assassination
The rise of the Klan
and the lists goes on...

Anyone disagree? agree? comments?
OP, your spelling is an affront to all sentient beings.
First of all, if African-Americans didn't get reparations for slavery, why in the bloody hell would they get it for the things in your list (many of which are up for debate as to whether the govt. played a large role).

I was going to make a list explaining why each one of your points wouldn't work, but I think (read: hope) you are trolling.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Since we clearly wont be getting any reparations for slavery I believe blacks/african americans should petition for some reparations for everything up until 90s. Now im not talking about every $%@%! getting a couple stacks or something foolishness just sizable investment into the black community for what "the powers that be"(government) allowed to happen to black culture and leaders in this time span.


Really? This is the most blatant form of ignorance I've ever seen on these boards, and that's saying a lot. 
Here's a most recent example from my own experience of these reparations that you "don't get." I'm applying to law school for the Fall 12' cycle and am currently flabbergasted by what would be in my reach school and scholarship-wise if I was an African American. With my numbers, if I was black I would receive an instant-admit and at least a partial scholarship to a number of T14 schools. However, being that this is not the case; I am left trying to give out hand-jobs to just get ACCEPTED into a 48th ranked school without ANY financial help. 

Now this is the way it has to be; and I am not taking away anything for what AA stands for. However, when ignorant fools like you claim nothing is being done while opportunities are being taken away from me for this exact reason, I can't even explain my frustration.
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Since we clearly wont be getting any reparations for slavery I believe blacks/african americans should petition for some reparations for everything up until 90s. Now im not talking about every $%@%! getting a couple stacks or something foolishness just sizable investment into the black community for what "the powers that be"(government) allowed to happen to black culture and leaders in this time span.

Things that happened in this time span that I hope the US government accountable for that was detremtnal to the well-being of blacks in the United States:

Crack Cocaine
The assassination of MLK
The assassination of Malcolm X
The brainwashing of Elijah Muhammad
The demise of the Black Panther Party (probably the biggest atrocity when it comes to impact on black community)
The killing of Black Panther members
Emmit Till-esque crimes around the South and lynchings
JFK assassination
The rise of the Klan
and the lists goes on...

Anyone disagree? agree? comments?
OP, your spelling is an affront to all sentient beings.
First of all, if African-Americans didn't get reparations for slavery, why in the bloody hell would they get it for the things in your list (many of which are up for debate as to whether the govt. played a large role).

I was going to make a list explaining why each one of your points wouldn't work, but I think (read: hope) you are trolling.
Curious which things on those list are debatable

Crack Cocaine - cmon
MLK - debatable
Malcolm X - US gov't made attempts at his life before his death
The brainwashing of Elijah Muhammad - debatable i guess if you really want to go there we can
Demise of panthers - 100% govt fault... "
"We expected about twenty Panthers to be in the apartment when the police raided the place. Only two of those black $$*@@+ #%%%*$! were killed, Fred Hampton and Mark Clark."

—FBI Special Agent Gregg York [sup][6][/sup]

Hate crimes throughout the US/the rise of the klan - 100% govt fault, when given the chance to attempt to take down the Klan this is what occured..
Some called for the leaders of the Ku Klux Klan to be interrogated by the HUAC. Martin Dies however was a supporter of the Klan and had spoken at several of its rallies. Other members of the HUAC such as John Rankin and John S. Wood were also Klan sympathizers. Wood defended the Klan by arguing that: "The threats and intimidations of the Klan are an old American custom, like illegal whisky-making."
jfk - we already know
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

LOL. Are you seriously going to compare what has going on to Muslims currently to all the things I listed?
He didn't make a comparison, he suggested that all oppressed groups receive reparations if you think that one should.
But when did I deny other groups of reparations? Im sure they are TONS of groups that US govt oppressed that need help, I am talking about my people for the moment feel free the make a thread for anyone else, I support the movement
No one said that you're denying other groups from receiving reparations. The idea was that because you're suggesting the black community deserves reparations, all oppressed groups deserve reparations. That is all.
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Since we clearly wont be getting any reparations for slavery I believe blacks/african americans should petition for some reparations for everything up until 90s. Now im not talking about every $%@%! getting a couple stacks or something foolishness just sizable investment into the black community for what "the powers that be"(government) allowed to happen to black culture and leaders in this time span.


Really? This is the most blatant form of ignorance I've ever seen on these boards, and that's saying a lot. 
Here's a most recent example from my own experience of these reparations that you "don't get." I'm applying to law school for the Fall 12' cycle and am currently flabbergasted by what would be in my reach school and scholarship-wise if I was an African American. With my numbers, if I was black I would receive an instant-admit and at least a partial scholarship to a number of T14 schools. However, being that this is not the case; I am left trying to give out hand-jobs to just get ACCEPTED into a 48th ranked school without ANY financial help. 

Now this is the way it has to be; and I am not taking away anything for what AA stands for. However, when ignorant fools like you claim nothing is being done while opportunities are being taken away from me for this exact reason, I can't even explain my frustration.

Man *#!! with that Affirmative Action crap.. Whites still outnumber blacks GREATLY in college so im tired of privledged Clowns like you complaining about white people being discrimanted against.. Just check the data and stop complaining..

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Since we clearly wont be getting any reparations for slavery I believe blacks/african americans should petition for some reparations for everything up until 90s. Now im not talking about every $%@%! getting a couple stacks or something foolishness just sizable investment into the black community for what "the powers that be"(government) allowed to happen to black culture and leaders in this time span.


Really? This is the most blatant form of ignorance I've ever seen on these boards, and that's saying a lot. 
Here's a most recent example from my own experience of these reparations that you "don't get." I'm applying to law school for the Fall 12' cycle and am currently flabbergasted by what would be in my reach school and scholarship-wise if I was an African American. With my numbers, if I was black I would receive an instant-admit and at least a partial scholarship to a number of T14 schools. However, being that this is not the case; I am left trying to give out hand-jobs to just get ACCEPTED into a 48th ranked school without ANY financial help. 

Now this is the way it has to be; and I am not taking away anything for what AA stands for. However, when ignorant fools like you claim nothing is being done while opportunities are being taken away from me for this exact reason, I can't even explain my frustration.


you cant be serious
Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Since we clearly wont be getting any reparations for slavery I believe blacks/african americans should petition for some reparations for everything up until 90s. Now im not talking about every $%@%! getting a couple stacks or something foolishness just sizable investment into the black community for what "the powers that be"(government) allowed to happen to black culture and leaders in this time span.


Really? This is the most blatant form of ignorance I've ever seen on these boards, and that's saying a lot. 
Here's a most recent example from my own experience of these reparations that you "don't get." I'm applying to law school for the Fall 12' cycle and am currently flabbergasted by what would be in my reach school and scholarship-wise if I was an African American. With my numbers, if I was black I would receive an instant-admit and at least a partial scholarship to a number of T14 schools. However, being that this is not the case; I am left trying to give out hand-jobs to just get ACCEPTED into a 48th ranked school without ANY financial help. 

Now this is the way it has to be; and I am not taking away anything for what AA stands for. However, when ignorant fools like you claim nothing is being done while opportunities are being taken away from me for this exact reason, I can't even explain my frustration.

Man *#!! with that Affirmative Action crap.. Whites still outnumber blacks GREATLY in college so im tired of privledged Clowns like you complaining about white people being discrimanted against.. Just check the data and stop complaining..


 Bobby's mad about Jamal getting preferential treatment huh?
Well, like I thought, this isn't ending well. I'll just try to make a simple yet thoughtful answer, without being
ignorant like quite a few responses in here, whether they were meant jokingly or not.

I believe in reparations, but only to a certain extent. I wouldn't at all hand over large sums of money to any group that may not even no their own history. I mean, I may be generalizing right now, but I can point out quite a few black kids who don't know there own history, and even older blacks who may not even care. If I could hand out reparations myself, it would be blacks who are 40-45 and up. My dad was born in 1962, so he lived directly in the middle of every civil right act and saw waaaaaaay more racial tension and stuff that I haven't even came close to seeing. I would also try to pour in directly into black/low income communities, really do something positive with the surroundings. You'd be surprised at how brand new businesses, affordable homes, and just nice neccessary things come make a community feel. If you are surrounded by the slums all the time, that's the attitude you'll have, like you can't make it. At 24, I don't need any reparations, I'm trying to get myself together so I can be able to do good things and bring my own community/surroundings up. Education and the sheer want and drive to succeed is a hell of a lot more important than getting immediate reparations, whether blacks deserve it or not. It should be common knowledge that blacks have/had the biggest plight out of any race, with not nearly the enough "compensation in return" compared to other races/nationalities, but you won't see me waiting around for any reparations. I can't control any reparations, but I can control my education and will to succeed.
You do know this could apply to just about every minority.  I think we killed more Native Americans than what Hitler did.  And why are we starting at 1930?
Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Since we clearly wont be getting any reparations for slavery I believe blacks/african americans should petition for some reparations for everything up until 90s. Now im not talking about every $%@%! getting a couple stacks or something foolishness just sizable investment into the black community for what "the powers that be"(government) allowed to happen to black culture and leaders in this time span.


Really? This is the most blatant form of ignorance I've ever seen on these boards, and that's saying a lot. 
Here's a most recent example from my own experience of these reparations that you "don't get." I'm applying to law school for the Fall 12' cycle and am currently flabbergasted by what would be in my reach school and scholarship-wise if I was an African American. With my numbers, if I was black I would receive an instant-admit and at least a partial scholarship to a number of T14 schools. However, being that this is not the case; I am left trying to give out hand-jobs to just get ACCEPTED into a 48th ranked school without ANY financial help. 

Now this is the way it has to be; and I am not taking away anything for what AA stands for. However, when ignorant fools like you claim nothing is being done while opportunities are being taken away from me for this exact reason, I can't even explain my frustration.

Man *#!! with that Affirmative Action crap.. Whites still outnumber blacks GREATLY in college so im tired of privledged Clowns like you complaining about white people being discrimanted against.. Just check the data and stop complaining..

Well.. you clearly are not a college student yourself which is showcased by your inability to comprehend. In that regard, thanks for doing your part in bringing down those numbers you were so quick to pull out. 
Nowhere did I say that this was unwarranted and unfair. In fact, I stated that it was necessary; due to the fact you had pointed out. The sole point of my post was to show that his ungratefulness is ignorant and selfish because there are in fact many services out there in the form of "reparations."
Originally Posted by E3LAL

You do know this could apply to just about every minority.  I think we killed more Native Americans than what Hitler did.  And why are we starting at 1930?
Just picked a random date tbh, wanted to separate time periods and thought the 30s would be a good point to start since its post-reconstruction and I would say post-reconstruction would be the end of the slavery area.

We could apply this to a lot of groups, no one is debating that, but I would say in the US blacks would be the largest group to start with.
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Really? This is the most blatant form of ignorance I've ever seen on these boards, and that's saying a lot. 
Here's a most recent example from my own experience of these reparations that you "don't get." I'm applying to law school for the Fall 12' cycle and am currently flabbergasted by what would be in my reach school and scholarship-wise if I was an African American. With my numbers, if I was black I would receive an instant-admit and at least a partial scholarship to a number of T14 schools. However, being that this is not the case; I am left trying to give out hand-jobs to just get ACCEPTED into a 48th ranked school without ANY financial help. 

Now this is the way it has to be; and I am not taking away anything for what AA stands for. However, when ignorant fools like you claim nothing is being done while opportunities are being taken away from me for this exact reason, I can't even explain my frustration.

Man *#!! with that Affirmative Action crap.. Whites still outnumber blacks GREATLY in college so im tired of privledged Clowns like you complaining about white people being discrimanted against.. Just check the data and stop complaining..

Well.. you clearly are not a college student yourself which is showcased by your inability to comprehend. In that regard, thanks for doing your part in bringing down those numbers you were so quick to pull out. 
Nowhere did I say that this was unwarranted and unfair. In fact, I stated that it was necessary; due to the fact you had pointed out. The sole point of my post was to show that his ungratefulness is ignorant and selfish because there are in fact many services out there in the form of "reparations."
You really think Law School scholarships are really going to do that much for the black community?

I dont even personally know a black person who has even made it to Law School.
Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Since we clearly wont be getting any reparations for slavery I believe blacks/african americans should petition for some reparations for everything up until 90s. Now im not talking about every $%@%! getting a couple stacks or something foolishness just sizable investment into the black community for what "the powers that be"(government) allowed to happen to black culture and leaders in this time span.


Really? This is the most blatant form of ignorance I've ever seen on these boards, and that's saying a lot. 
Here's a most recent example from my own experience of these reparations that you "don't get." I'm applying to law school for the Fall 12' cycle and am currently flabbergasted by what would be in my reach school and scholarship-wise if I was an African American. With my numbers, if I was black I would receive an instant-admit and at least a partial scholarship to a number of T14 schools. However, being that this is not the case; I am left trying to give out hand-jobs to just get ACCEPTED into a 48th ranked school without ANY financial help. 

Now this is the way it has to be; and I am not taking away anything for what AA stands for. However, when ignorant fools like you claim nothing is being done while opportunities are being taken away from me for this exact reason, I can't even explain my frustration.

Man *#!! with that Affirmative Action crap.. Whites still outnumber blacks GREATLY in college so im tired of privledged Clowns like you complaining about white people being discrimanted against.. Just check the data and stop complaining..


Whos fault is it yall dont study. Im not white either
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

You really think Law School scholarships are really going to do that much for the black community?

I dont even personally know a black person who has even made it to Law School.

I wasn't speaking for them benefiting every black person in existence. It  was merely an isolated example (one of many) in which I found your initial statement to be overlooking.
Horrible idea, where do you think the money is coming from? Taxes.. Miniorites have it hard as it is imagine getting a tax hike to pay african americans for their past.the rest of america would flip out and racism would be displayed on a whole new level. That would create a type of racism never seen before.
Why? Because you're going through it right now, or because this is how you really feel?

I have a feeling that if you were rich, your opinion would be different. It's a convenient point of view for you.
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

You really think Law School scholarships are really going to do that much for the black community?

I dont even personally know a black person who has even made it to Law School.

I wasn't speaking for them benefiting every black person in existence. It  was merely an isolated example (one of many) in which I found your initial statement to be overlooking.

But to be honest, your schools intentions are probably not to fix the issues that were caused by slavery or any injustices but more so to boost their numbers/make themselves look good. It helps though but its not going to solve anything.
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