***BLizz Entertainment-----> The World Of Warcraft. StarCraft .Diablo Who Plays ? Nerds Check in***

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Let's be honest game sucks. I'm at lvl 30 and realized after 12 years this is the trash they gave us? There is zero multi player interaction, you can solo everything if you buy decent gear at the auction house. There is no need to trade or play with others, plus there's still no pvp and how can you have a max of 4 players in 2012. Anyone who wants my key I'm willing to sell for 30.

No offense, but at level 30 you have no right to give an opinion on this game. You're probably still in the tutorial mode (Normal). After NM you can't do ANYTHING solo. You need to start using the AH at those levels. PvP is coming at a later patch. All your points are garbage; this game isn't for you. 
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Let's be honest game sucks. I'm at lvl 30 and realized after 12 years this is the trash they gave us? There is zero multi player interaction, you can solo everything if you buy decent gear at the auction house. There is no need to trade or play with others, plus there's still no pvp and how can you have a max of 4 players in 2012. Anyone who wants my key I'm willing to sell for 30.

No offense, but at level 30 you have no right to give an opinion on this game. You're probably still in the tutorial mode (Normal). After NM you can't do ANYTHING solo. You need to start using the AH at those levels. PvP is coming at a later patch. All your points are garbage; this game isn't for you. 

I don't care if the game was more difficult, everyone agrees game is not up to par even with D2. Game is repetitive, and barely has the right to be called an mmorpg. Why after 12 years of waiting for a game should it drop without a key feature and we should wait for a patch. You're a sucker if you think this is good product.
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Let's be honest game sucks. I'm at lvl 30 and realized after 12 years this is the trash they gave us? There is zero multi player interaction, you can solo everything if you buy decent gear at the auction house. There is no need to trade or play with others, plus there's still no pvp and how can you have a max of 4 players in 2012. Anyone who wants my key I'm willing to sell for 30.

No offense, but at level 30 you have no right to give an opinion on this game. You're probably still in the tutorial mode (Normal). After NM you can't do ANYTHING solo. You need to start using the AH at those levels. PvP is coming at a later patch. All your points are garbage; this game isn't for you. 

I don't care if the game was more difficult, everyone agrees game is not up to par even with D2. Game is repetitive, and barely has the right to be called an mmorpg. 

thats because its not a MMORPG at all, its basic dungeon crawl hack-n-slash. 
4 players to a game =/= MMO
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Let's be honest game sucks. I'm at lvl 30 and realized after 12 years this is the trash they gave us? There is zero multi player interaction, you can solo everything if you buy decent gear at the auction house. There is no need to trade or play with others, plus there's still no pvp and how can you have a max of 4 players in 2012. Anyone who wants my key I'm willing to sell for 30.

No offense, but at level 30 you have no right to give an opinion on this game. You're probably still in the tutorial mode (Normal). After NM you can't do ANYTHING solo. You need to start using the AH at those levels. PvP is coming at a later patch. All your points are garbage; this game isn't for you. 

I don't care if the game was more difficult, everyone agrees game is not up to par even with D2. Game is repetitive, and barely has the right to be called an mmorpg. Why after 12 years of waiting for a game should it drop without a key feature and we should wait for a patch. You're a sucker if you think this is good product.
but its not an MMORPG nor does it claim to be one.

while i do have my gripes about a lack of parity in character classes, i think its a stretch to say that this game is trash.

in terms of multiplayer interaction, again... this is not an MMORPG, its more like a multiplayer dungeon crawl.  The game (much like D2) was designed so that you can play it solo or with a small group.  While I admit there is limited multiplayer interaction (in terms of team coordination), its not completely nonexistent.  It definitely helps to have support type players in your group.

As far as being repetitive, i think you have a legitimate gripe there.  Part of the fun of D2 was the build.  With D3 I think they dumbed it down a bit too much now that you can switch build types mid-game with no repurcussions (assuming you have the correct gear available in your stash). 

One of the major components of D2  that made it so replayable was the loot, and obviously that is a big part of D3 (as it was D2).  I mean lets be real.  For a lot of us, the fun is not necesarily beating the game 4 times over (normal, NM, hell, inferno).  The fun is in the items/loot and the hunt for the perfect/godly gear to equip your characters with.  That component of the game still exists in D3.  In fact, that component has yet to be fully explored since we are only 1 week into release, and not every legendary or even non legendary but rare/perfect item has not been found yet.

I for one am not a fan of the AH at all.  I liked the forced interaction amongst players in D2 with doing chatroom trades and stuff.  Unfortunately that is no longer viable reality post Everquest, WoW, and other MMORPG's.  Activision Blizzard obviously felt that they were missing out on a big piece of the $ and like any for-profit business, they did what they had to do to get a piece of that pie.  Do i like it?  No.  Do I understand why they did it? Absolutely. 

While I have been frustrated by the lackluster performance of my barb, I have put in probably 25 hours into the game already and most of that time has been very enjoyable.  The prospect of having to re-roll and start over with a Wizard is a bit daunting and frustrating, but at the end of the day I just need to come to terms with the fact that this is a GAME and the purpose of the game is to have fun.  If I cant play the game for enjoyment, then I probably shouldnt be playing the game at all.  I think I just need to step back and appreciate it for what it is.  I'm too old to be taking this stuff this seriously.  Damn I'm embarrassed at myself.

a few things I miss from d2:

-uniques and set items. I want to rock my shako/vamp gazes/shaft stop/storm shields

These uniques(legendaries) just seem underwhelming

-the ladder to level 99. I liked how there was a penalty for dying in the harder difficulties. Dying now just seems frequent and part of the game. It also gave people something to try for if they didn't want to MF all day. I think it would also help out a bit for people trying to navigate through inferno.

-Public chat rooms

-Being able to allocate my stat points on my own

why wonder blizz strayed away from those. It's like they just simplified d2..
My witch doctor is now in the Hall of the Fallen.  Made it to lvl 26 and died because I was gettin cocky.  Lessons learned.  Time to start over lol.  Hardcore ftw!
Also, you can pick any skill you want and match it up with any other. Go to options and click Elective mode. This is a crucial at higher difficulties. There's 3 times the amount of skills in this game compared to D2 so that argument is dead. This is a great game.

Don't see how this game is repetitive. There's random hidden timed dungeons with amazing loot. And the secret level "whimsyshire". I'm currently trying to unlock it. It's going to take forever. If you're around Mid level 40 post your BT.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Also, you can pick any skill you want and match it up with any other. Go to options and click Elective mode. This is a crucial at higher difficulties. There's 3 times the amount of skills in this game compared to D2 so that argument is dead. This is a great game.

Don't see how this game is repetitive. There's random hidden timed dungeons with amazing loot. And the secret level "whimsyshire". I'm currently trying to unlock it. It's going to take forever. If you're around Mid level 40 post your BT.
That elective mode is a life saver. I suggest everyone use it.

I just broke level 50 and started act 4. my tag is in my sig.

I almost have whimsyshire unlocked. I'm just missing the gibbering gemstone. Once I beat nightmare, i'm gonna go back to normal and farm for it.
I'm hating the targeting system right now. I'm trying to run away and play some zone on these champions and all of a sudden my character targets a stupid pot and attacks it, letting the enemies swarm me and kill me. 

its even worse for bosses. I click away from the boss, and my character keeps attacking. I'm so pissed right now.
I ended up ditching my barb for now and re-rolling a wizard. If anyone has low level wizard gear they can spare, hook a brotha up! battletag mojodmonky#1117
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

I ended up ditching my barb for now and re-rolling a wizard. If anyone has low level wizard gear they can spare, hook a brotha up! battletag mojodmonky#1117
I tried adding you, but it says it's invalid. try adding me. tag is in the sig. I got a box full of low level gear if you need any.

Anyone want to help a chap like me beat the prime evil on nightmare?
First time playing Diablo ever after, game is

running with three other buddies on the mics =

Any tips for noobs like me, using Monk btw, only lvl 13
If u all wana level up fast play the last boss at the end of act III Kill Azmodan...this is how u do it run through the creeps (or u can kill of them) and kill the boss then pick up loot then go back to town complete the second quest i think its at least 40 000 XP...thx me later
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

so what does elective mode do?

i just started nightmare and the group i was with all got 1 hitted by leoric.
i think it allows you to bind keys to skills, kinda sorta like you could do in D2.

In default/dumbed down mode, it auto assigns 1 to a certain set of a skills, 2 to a certain set of skills, same for 3, and 4.

For instance, with barb, #1 is tied to defensive skills (ground stomp, leap, sprint, ignore pain).  #2 is might skills (spear, revenge, charge, ignore pain), #3 is the tactic/shout skills, and #4 is rage skills.

if you go elective, you arent restricted to having 1 of each type of skills.  instead, you can assign whatever skill you want to the 4 spots (and also the left and right mouse buttons too).  for instance, since my character sucks balls so much and i have been relegated to support status, i set 1-4 with ground stomp, ignore pain, war cry, and threatening shout.  I also set my right mouse button as call of the ancients so i could call down 3 extra targets for the monsters to target (instead of me or my party).

the key binding in D2 was infinitely better though, cause it would allow you to cycle through your skills.  with barb you didnt have to give up 2 spots for your shouts since you could just bind/hotkey your shouts to different keys and then cycle through them real quick.

Here's my current loadout for my Witch Doctor for those who asked me online.
Spoiler [+]
that fetish army is no joke man.
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