Blue Jays Entertaining Offers for Doc...

I didn't say the package was bad but it is simply not enough...and you are fooling your self if you think it is.

Phil Hughes hasn't been very good and people are starting to doubt if he is every going to reach his potential, the Jays said they would wan't 5-6prospects in return including the best 2 players in your minor league system and a bonfied no question mark, or injury prone Ace prospect.

Hughes has question marks...Neftali Feliz on the other hand.
Igawa and Wang for Doc....would be a steal for the Jays, but I'll deal with it

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

I didn't say the package was bad but it is simply not enough...and you are fooling your self if you think it is.

Phil Hughes hasn't been very good and people are starting to doubt if he is every going to reach his potential, the Jays said they would wan't 5-6 prospects in return including the best 2 players in your minor league system and a bonfied no question mark, or injury prone Ace prospect.

Hughes has question marks...Neftali Feliz on the other hand.
They cant reasonably expect to get more prospects than the Twins did since Doc is 3 years older.

My point is that package isnt the best there is but would be enough because Doc would command an extension and the team trading for him might have to take backa bad contract ie Wells or Ryan and only the Yankees and Red Sox could probably afford those things. The Rangers have the talent to blow the Yankees deal outof the water of course but do the have the resources to pay Halladay and convinc him to waive his no trade.
Originally Posted by John Sterling

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

I didn't say the package was bad but it is simply not enough...and you are fooling your self if you think it is.

Phil Hughes hasn't been very good and people are starting to doubt if he is every going to reach his potential, the Jays said they would wan't 5-6 prospects in return including the best 2 players in your minor league system and a bonfied no question mark, or injury prone Ace prospect.

Hughes has question marks...Neftali Feliz on the other hand.
They cant reasonably expect to get more prospects than the Twins did since Doc is 3 years older.

My point is that package isnt the best there is but would be enough because Doc would command an extension and the team trading for him might have to take back a bad contract ie Wells or Ryan and only the Yankees and Red Sox could probably afford those things. The Rangers have the talent to blow the Yankees deal out of the water of course but do the have the resources to pay Halladay and convinc him to waive his no trade.
Yes we can, the Mets minor league system was wack and they got 30 cents on the dollar, the Twins got jobbed, so stop bringing that up asprecedent.

The situations are different the Jays don't have to do anything, the twins did. Look at the Mark Texeria deal ifyou want precedent, nobody is taking on Well's contract, not even the yankees.
Really, the only reason the Twins got Santana was because the Yankees and Red Sox pulled out
We got very lucky.
Its whatever, he most likely will stay, but they need to do something to push them over the edge.

A big bat would do it or maybe another ace?
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

the Jays are nothing without him...
Were nothing with him when we lose 1-0 games because Doc pitches a shutout 6 innings, and we can get him a damn run.

I mean, dude is the best pitcher in baseball. I honestly think we should not get rid of him, because he wants to stay in Toronto. However, if the perfect dealis there, I wouldnt hesitate on making a deal.

But like OKB said, if we dont have that perfect deal, JP shouldnt (knock on wood) be that stupid to take a stupid deal.

Im curious to Doc's reaction to this rumor, if true.
Originally Posted by John Sterling

Really? Montero, Hughes and Jackson couldn't get it done?

No, that wouldn't get it done. And it wouldn't be close...

If they traded Roy Halladay to the Yankees for a guy without a position, a pitching prospect whose stock has fallen off a cliff, and a centerfielder thatisn't an elite prospect, they might as well pack that franchise up and move them outta Canada...

The Yankees do NOT have top end, elite type prospects... Good prospects? Sure. But that ain't getting Roy Halladay...

And comparing this to the Johan trade/situation is ******ed. The Twins got stuck knowing damn well Johan wasn't re-signing there, panicked, and made anawful, awful trade. The Jays don't have to trade Roy. Roy, by all accounts, loves Toronto and would re-sign there for the right price, which you'd haveto think the Jays would be willing to pay... Nobody in baseball is going to base their expectations for a legitimate ace on that dumb %*! Johan trade...
Originally Posted by CarpeDiemKJ

Ian Kennedy, Austin Jackson, two Hispanic females from the bummy buildings near Old Yankee Stadium, Edge (the wrestler), for Harry Leroy Halladay.

Blue Jays ownership should've pulled the plug on JP a while ago.


Edge is injured and he could be out anywhere from 6 - 12 months. What about Christian?

Roy Halladay in pinstripes?

Damn Yankee fans wanting it all. Y You just got CC and AJ two Aces (even though they aren't pitching great) and now you want another Ace in Roy Halladayyou guys are so greedy its sickening.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by John Sterling

Really? Montero, Hughes and Jackson couldn't get it done?

No, that wouldn't get it done. And it wouldn't be close...

If they traded Roy Halladay to the Yankees for a guy without a position, a pitching prospect whose stock has fallen off a cliff, and a centerfielder that isn't an elite prospect, they might as well pack that franchise up and move them outta Canada...

The Yankees do NOT have top end, elite type prospects... Good prospects? Sure. But that ain't getting Roy Halladay...

And comparing this to the Johan trade/situation is ******ed. The Twins got stuck knowing damn well Johan wasn't re-signing there, panicked, and made an awful, awful trade. The Jays don't have to trade Roy. Roy, by all accounts, loves Toronto and would re-sign there for the right price, which you'd have to think the Jays would be willing to pay... Nobody in baseball is going to base their expectations for a legitimate ace on that dumb %*! Johan trade...
A 19 year old hitting .336/.391/.556 isnt elite? I guess that means Smoak isnt elite since those numbers are basically similar. Please...

So a 19 year old top 5 hitting prospect, a 23 year old pitcher that's finally healthy pitching well in the AL East and a 21 year old centerfielder at.317/.385/.557 is no good?

Like I said they probably cant make the best offer (unless Joba or Cano are involved, which would make it close) but Halladay has to aprove the trade whichmeans he would want compensation and what team has the resources for that?
Originally Posted by John Sterling

A 19 year old hitting .336/.391/.556 isnt elite? I guess that means Smoak isnt elite since those numbers are basically similar. Please...

So a 19 year old top 5 hitting prospect, a 23 year old pitcher that's finally healthy pitching well in the AL East and a 21 year old centerfielder at .317/.385/.557 is no good?

Like I said they probably cant make the best offer (unless Joba or Cano are involved, which would make it close) but Halladay has to aprove the trade which means he would want compensation and what team has the resources for that?
Montero has no position. He's great with the bat, but he's supposedly terrible everywhere defensively.. What's the real value of a DHprospect through trade?
.. Smoak is every bit the hitter, and he's apotential gold glove first baseman... So, yeah...

Phil Hughes' value is in the dumps right now, regardless what you want to believe... Until he can prove to be healthy and effective as a starter, heain't a headliner in a trade like this... He got CRUSHED in all but one start this year before moving to the pen...

And Austin Jackson has more than his share of doubters...

It's an OK offer, but like I said, there are probably AT LEAST 4 or 5 teams that can make better ones...
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

@ people thinking Doc will be TRADED to a team in the SAME division.

That's what I'm saying

JP isn't the sharpest knife in the draw but he isn't that dumb. I could see the Twins making a push...maybe try to sell tickets for Target Stadium orw/e the hell they're calling it

Phillies have the prospects to get Halladay away but I don't know if they're going to offer as much as Toronto should get.

Roy was interviewed and he seemed pretty indifferent about it. Pretty much said he wants to stay in Toronto and loves it there. Also said he wants to win buthe'd prefer to do it there.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by John Sterling

Really? Montero, Hughes and Jackson couldn't get it done?

No, that wouldn't get it done. And it wouldn't be close...

If they traded Roy Halladay to the Yankees for a guy without a position, a pitching prospect whose stock has fallen off a cliff, and a centerfielder that isn't an elite prospect, they might as well pack that franchise up and move them outta Canada...

The Yankees do NOT have top end, elite type prospects... Good prospects? Sure. But that ain't getting Roy Halladay...

And comparing this to the Johan trade/situation is ******ed. The Twins got stuck knowing damn well Johan wasn't re-signing there, panicked, and made an awful, awful trade. The Jays don't have to trade Roy. Roy, by all accounts, loves Toronto and would re-sign there for the right price, which you'd have to think the Jays would be willing to pay... Nobody in baseball is going to base their expectations for a legitimate ace on that dumb %*! Johan trade...

Exactly, Red Sox could've had Johan but didn't want to part with their prospects....Mets robbed them.

Jays are going to want MAJOR LEAGUE READY TALENT in return not just good prospects.
the Jays just need to be patient on Travis Snider... dude has 40 HR type power and ability to bat for a decent .275ish average. Offense will come...
We should also look into getting rid of Rios and getting Elijah Dukes
Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
Originally Posted by John Sterling

A 19 year old hitting .336/.391/.556 isnt elite? I guess that means Smoak isnt elite since those numbers are basically similar. Please...

So a 19 year old top 5 hitting prospect, a 23 year old pitcher that's finally healthy pitching well in the AL East and a 21 year old centerfielder at .317/.385/.557 is no good?

Like I said they probably cant make the best offer (unless Joba or Cano are involved, which would make it close) but Halladay has to aprove the trade which means he would want compensation and what team has the resources for that?
Montero has no position. He's great with the bat, but he's supposedly terrible everywhere defensively.. What's the real value of a DH prospect through trade?
.. Smoak is every bit the hitter, and he's a potential gold glove first baseman... So, yeah...

Phil Hughes' value is in the dumps right now, regardless what you want to believe... Until he can prove to be healthy and effective as a starter, he ain't a headliner in a trade like this... He got CRUSHED in all but one start this year before moving to the pen...

And Austin Jackson has more than his share of doubters...

It's an OK offer, but like I said, there are probably AT LEAST 4 or 5 teams that can make better ones...

I hear kind of mixed opinons on Montero, some say he is a bad catcher and others say he might be able to stick there. If all else fails he couldbe adequate at first, but that bat absolutly plays anywhere and cant be ignored. He's also only 19 so he can still develop into something defensivly.

And Hughes got CRUSHED in one start this year, not all of them. He's been healthy this year and its evident by the fact that his fastball was 94 in hisstarts unlike the 90 and 89 he was hiting last year.

In your opinion does Hughes or Buchholz have more value right now?

Like I said I know the Yankees cant make the best offer but add there finacial capabilities into it considering Halladay will command an extension about whatSantana and Sabathia got then you have to eliminate many of the teams that have the prospects to make the deal.

In the end I believe he goes to the Phillies.
No way the Yankees would ADD a long term contract of 100+M for Halladay with all the guys they've recently added.

He'll probably go to the NL.
Originally Posted by John Sterling

Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
Originally Posted by John Sterling

A 19 year old hitting .336/.391/.556 isnt elite? I guess that means Smoak isnt elite since those numbers are basically similar. Please...

So a 19 year old top 5 hitting prospect, a 23 year old pitcher that's finally healthy pitching well in the AL East and a 21 year old centerfielder at .317/.385/.557 is no good?

Like I said they probably cant make the best offer (unless Joba or Cano are involved, which would make it close) but Halladay has to aprove the trade which means he would want compensation and what team has the resources for that?
Montero has no position. He's great with the bat, but he's supposedly terrible everywhere defensively.. What's the real value of a DH prospect through trade?
.. Smoak is every bit the hitter, and he's a potential gold glove first baseman... So, yeah...

Phil Hughes' value is in the dumps right now, regardless what you want to believe... Until he can prove to be healthy and effective as a starter, he ain't a headliner in a trade like this... He got CRUSHED in all but one start this year before moving to the pen...

And Austin Jackson has more than his share of doubters...

It's an OK offer, but like I said, there are probably AT LEAST 4 or 5 teams that can make better ones...
I hear kind of mixed opinons on Montero, some say he is a bad catcher and others say he might be able to stick there. If all else fails he could be adequate at first, but that bat absolutly plays anywhere and cant be ignored. He's also only 19 so he can still develop into something defensivly.

And Hughes got CRUSHED in one start this year, not all of them. He's been healthy this year and its evident by the fact that his fastball was 94 in his starts unlike the 90 and 89 he was hiting last year.

In your opinion does Hughes or Buchholz have more value right now?

Like I said I know the Yankees cant make the best offer but add there finacial capabilities into it considering Halladay will command an extension about what Santana and Sabathia got then you have to eliminate many of the teams that have the prospects to make the deal.

In the end I believe he goes to the Phillies.

The fact that you start your argument with Phil Hughes is finally healthy should tell you what his value really is, whether deserved or not, Clay Bucholz hasmore value right now by virtue of the fact were not sitting wondering when he will finally be healthy.

I've looked through the Phillies minor league system, and they don't have the prospects to do it either.

Unless Texas or Boston calls, I think he is back in a Blue Jay uniform next year.
Minnesota should get on the ball with this. Make for better chances at a WS this year and next...They don't even need to re-sign him. Unfortunately,I'm sure the Twins will stand idle yet again.
Osh Kosh Bosh wrote:
Originally Posted by John Sterling

Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
Originally Posted by John Sterling

A 19 year old hitting .336/.391/.556 isnt elite? I guess that means Smoak isnt elite since those numbers are basically similar. Please...

So a 19 year old top 5 hitting prospect, a 23 year old pitcher that's finally healthy pitching well in the AL East and a 21 year old centerfielder at .317/.385/.557 is no good?

Like I said they probably cant make the best offer (unless Joba or Cano are involved, which would make it close) but Halladay has to aprove the trade which means he would want compensation and what team has the resources for that?
Montero has no position. He's great with the bat, but he's supposedly terrible everywhere defensively.. What's the real value of a DH prospect through trade?
.. Smoak is every bit the hitter, and he's a potential gold glove first baseman... So, yeah...

Phil Hughes' value is in the dumps right now, regardless what you want to believe... Until he can prove to be healthy and effective as a starter, he ain't a headliner in a trade like this... He got CRUSHED in all but one start this year before moving to the pen...

And Austin Jackson has more than his share of doubters...

It's an OK offer, but like I said, there are probably AT LEAST 4 or 5 teams that can make better ones...
I hear kind of mixed opinons on Montero, some say he is a bad catcher and others say he might be able to stick there. If all else fails he could be adequate at first, but that bat absolutly plays anywhere and cant be ignored. He's also only 19 so he can still develop into something defensivly.

And Hughes got CRUSHED in one start this year, not all of them. He's been healthy this year and its evident by the fact that his fastball was 94 in his starts unlike the 90 and 89 he was hiting last year.

In your opinion does Hughes or Buchholz have more value right now?

Like I said I know the Yankees cant make the best offer but add there finacial capabilities into it considering Halladay will command an extension about what Santana and Sabathia got then you have to eliminate many of the teams that have the prospects to make the deal.

In the end I believe he goes to the Phillies.

The fact that you start your argument with Phil Hughes is finally healthy should tell you what his value really is, whether deserved or not, Clay Bucholz has more value right now by virtue of the fact were not sitting wondering when he will finally be healthy.

I've looked through the Phillies minor league system, and they don't have the prospects to do it either.

Unless Texas or Boston calls, I think he is back in a Blue Jay uniform next year.

How can Buchholz have more value than Hughes? Last year they were both terrible but the difference was Hughes was pitching with a broken rub and Clay justcouldnt get major legue hitters out. Hughes is doing that this year while Buchholz is the Cy Young of the International league.

You know damn well that if the Yankees were to take back some contracts they could get this done.

What Boston package do you take over the Yankee one I posted? And Boston prospects are what Yankee prospects were from 96-03, overhyped and underperformers.
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