Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Episode was bananas


Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

 Gillian pretty muchscrewed Jimmy up for life that night. She wants a man to take care or her so much she doesn't care if its her son

And this.
 There was always a weird vibe about their relationship from the 1st time she was introduced on the show when Jimmy went to see here dance and now we know why.

ATGD7154xBBxMZ wrote:
Love how there's no plot thread left hanging. Van Alden drowning that Jew finally comes back to bite him.
@ how son broke out that post office. Doyle getting punked for his share
Failing at making a deal.
And this.

A gif of that scene would be appreciated.

Son I was rollin.
I was hoping this would come back up, like how he just gone get away with that $+% . I HATE Van Alden.
I knew Jimmy hit his moms, WE KNEW IT!  I was like oh yeaaa.. it's going down.

Was my reaction
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by krazy88s

I also now want to see a bit of history between Gillian and Nucky.
Same here.

And where's Lucy, Nuckys ex-gf??
She robbed and then dipped on Nelson leaving him with the kid. I believe the way they ended her role in that was to let us believe she went to go pursue singing or acting. She's probably in one of those clubs/theaters.burlesque spots with that suspect friend of hers.
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

somethings gotta happen with that guy that Eli murdered in his garage too

best hour of my Sunday
Nah, nobody saw that. Only way he gets caught is if they establish where dude was before he went to Eli's. I forget if he mentioned it then before dying. Would be cool if the deputy nailed him on that. Never cared for Eli much.

I also forget who it was Eli called to help clean up that guy's body, it was somebody else in Nucky's former inner circle.
Originally Posted by horchata kid

Just saw this...


Yo...his mom is on some OTHER level of brainwashing. Straight trying to erase the memory of another woman?

Yo these women in Atlantic City are TROUBLE
...the fact that margaret would dare testify too...

Harrow is about to go OFF on dudes.

I'm still tripping off how Van Alden's baby mama just vamped on dude.

�Van Alden got screwed. Margaret keeps doing stupid crap.




I wanna smash Margret so bad even though she is so annoying

Manny needs to get offed

Van alden's escape was epic
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

was i the only one
by that scene? ...i predicted it in this thread a few pages back

...i see nucky and jimmy breaking bread, starting with the death of homeboy that's
knocking down margaret.
Yes, you're a sick man.  As much as there seems to be a bias toward Nucky in this thread, one can't help but appreciate the complexity of the Jimmy's character on the show.  At this point in the season his plot line is by far the most interesting.
Originally Posted by Shox23

I wanna smash Margret so bad even though she is so annoying

Manny needs to get offed

Van alden's escape was epic

I'm pretty sure that's what him and Harrow is gonna be up to next episode. 
Something got me thinking, I remember Gillian blaming Nucky for letting Jimmy join the army and saying they had agreement. But she had to know it was her that pushed him towards it. 

Her acting like Tommy's mom is even creepier . And telling Jimmy she'll be upstairs in case he wanna come through 
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by Shox23

I'm pretty sure that's what him and Harrow is gonna be up to next episode. 
Something got me thinking, I remember Gillian blaming Nucky for letting Jimmy join the army and saying they had agreement. But she had to know it was her that pushed him towards it. 

Her acting like Tommy's mom is even creepier . And telling Jimmy she'll be upstairs in case he wanna come through 

...i peeped that. This $%$%@ is on another level of schemer. 
think Van Alden is gonna find a way to take Doyles deal, get the money and split with the kid and the housekeeper

how would he do that now since he's wanted by the law? He's no longer a detective.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Harrow has that mean front-line walk in the preview for next week. Busting doors open and all that. Cannot wait.

This, him and Jimmy are gonna put in work next episode. Looks like its gonna be a great finale.Jillian and Margaret
the women on this show have serious issues. Margaret has been nothing short of exhausting this season.Nelson indirectly stays bringing the lulz
its funny that Margaret admitted to: 1) stealing from Nucky 2) deceiving people but not cheating on Nucky with Owen. B still had the nerve to want to testify against him.

This dude Owen runs some weak game that still makes Margaret cream her pants. "Do you think about me?...Cause I still think about you"
Nah, I think Owen fell for that Schroeder poon just like Nucky did. That fact didn't dawn on me either though but she got some nerve to not fully admit everything to Nucky and still want to testify.

I peeped what Gillian said when she went to put the kid to sleep, she's obviously still down with it and wants more

Originally Posted by trey ohh five

Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

was i the only one
by that scene? ...i predicted it in this thread a few pages back

...i see nucky and jimmy breaking bread, starting with the death of homeboy that's
knocking down margaret.
Yes, you're a sick man.  As much as there seems to be a bias toward Nucky in this thread, one can't help but appreciate the complexity of the Jimmy's character on the show.  At this point in the season his plot line is by far the most interesting.
First time I was glued to the screen and disgusted but 2nd viewing I can't deny how fine Gillian is
and she's so loose.

It would be all nice if Jimmy could hook back up with Nuck and shh could be cool again as they take on other opponents. I almost thought it was going down that path cuz I believed all the flashback scenes was Jimmy remembering what happened last time he was in Princeton (for w/e he was doing there still not sure what he did there other than sell the booze) after getting word Angela was dead. So when he's drunk in the house and his moms says that slick shh I thought after killing the Commodore he'd kill her too grab Harrow, then go back to Nuck be his right hand man that handles his dirty business but once she told him to finish the job, I knew her hold on him was tighter than her {()}.
Not watchin the preview I wanna go in fresh

but yea since last Sunday been thinkin alot about the last ep and waitin for the finale only...2 more days its goin down
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Richard was in love with Angela
He might have been attracted to Angela but I think Harrow was moreso in love with Jimmy's life. To him Jimmy seemed to have it al,l wife, child, home; he even said as much to him in an episode this season.


My Body is Ready.

Somebody bout to die tonight, welp already

Edit: Oh %%$%, I knew Manny wasnt making it out of this season.  Is this how the season ends though?  Theyve set up next season nicely but so far the finale hasnt been as crazy as some of the last episodes
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