Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

Episode was

I also think Jimmy is going to end up siding with Nucky at the end.
Margret told dude, you're smarter than them. Stop letting your emotions get the better of you. And she made him say his brothers name out loud so he was clear about the situation. She's all in now. She's more gangster than Nucky!
Great episode

My respect for Margaret has grown a hundred folds. That conversation she had with Nucky at the end was great, the fact that she was able to get the ledger and money from the office was borderline brilliant too.
I was really hoping that Mrs. Schroeder gave the money back to Nuck because she could have easily kept for herself and her kids. As soon as she gave him the money and ledger I was like
Originally Posted by RavageBX

That was the best episode in the series so far
. Took me an hour and a half to watch it because I kept rewinding.

You can't be serious. The season finale ep 1 was the best episode so were others.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by RavageBX

That was the best episode in the series so far
. Took me an hour and a half to watch it because I kept rewinding.

You can't be serious. The season finale ep 1 was the best episode so were others.
There were episodes that were more entertaining but there definitely weren't any that were as well done. So many subtle little details that set this episode off. From Chalky's book to the shot of dude bleeding out in the fountain after Jimmy stabs him to the Commodore's hair. 
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I peeped that "simp" usage too. Immediately thought of NT lol. Anyone know how Jimmy knew he was about to get got?
^And Chalky not being able to read was obvious as soon as he said the wrong name of the book. I wasn't sure if he was trying to keep up appearances in front of his people, trying to piss off that one dude, or just keeping his mind busy looking at the pics.

Wasn't he skeptical when dude asked him to come to the poker game in the first place trying to say he wasn't stupid and it was obviously a set up. But dudes we just trying to rob for his poker money not kill him or nothing so idkif that plays a role at all. But whoever they we working for isgoing to be hot.
anybody think that Jimmy's mom might take Nucky's side? just a thought. Great opening to season 2
Can anyone give me IMPORTANT cliffs to season 1?

I fell off the episode when Lucky meets Jimmy's Mom and missed everything after... I wanna catch back up for S2
I think what happened with Jimmy is not going to get explained until later episodes. Whether or not is was a set up, he were just robbing him, he went out there looking for that to happen to cause another reaction or if Lucky hired him to do that. 
Just caught episode 2 on demand. Jesus this show is amazing.. Margaret is ride or die for how that episode ended.. and she was like come upstairs and tap this too.

I think its evident things will not work out the commodore.. Id like to see the development of Lucky&Lansky too.
Finally got around to last week's episode... really enjoyed it.

Chalky was great and I'm glad that other guy finally got his in the end. Margaret made a great move stealing the ledger and her loyalty to Nucky was a great moment at the end of the episode.

Historically I love this show for the little things, like Benny is actually Bugsy Siegel at a young age. On the same side, if they stay historically accurate, then you have to expect certain things to happen here and there, like certain players dying, Luciano getting into heroin, etc. so that might take away from some of the surprise of the storytelling I suppose, but I don't think it will be an issue.

The betrayal of Nucky's men happened sooner than I expected, I thought it take longer but I like that sides were chosen immediately... sets the stage for great conflict this season.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by RavageBX

That was the best episode in the series so far
. Took me an hour and a half to watch it because I kept rewinding.

You can't be serious. The season finale ep 1 was the best episode so were others.
There were episodes that were more entertaining but there definitely weren't any that were as well done. So many subtle little details that set this episode off. From Chalky's book to the shot of dude bleeding out in the fountain after Jimmy stabs him to the Commodore's hair. 

QFT. You also see Nucky's real friends and the power the Commodore commands. Season 1 showed him as a dying old man, but now that he has his strength...
. Jimmy with that blade goodness. Don Pearlsman being handled was a great scene too, and it really showed the true Chalky.
Jimmy knows he messed up...

"how was dinner with your father?"

"which one?"


Nucky slowly building back his crew...that Irish dude don't mess around. Quasi-loyal...
Looked like he had eyes for Margaret last episode.

*Oh, and Van Alden sent that record player only after he got horny from the poster

*And I do think Jimmy's mom is smitten w. him...

sorry for being all over the place...trying to type fast while this is fresh in my head and watching Breaking bad at the same time
What does the Irish dude say after two-face confirms he was in the military?
According to the maid it's Schroeder. Guess w/e the falling out with her family was when she came to America she changed her name to distance herself/not be tracked down.

been wondering when they were going to start showing ol broad's $%!% every other ep again. See now it must be in her contract to be naked any chance she gets

I'm already liking this Owen Slater guy. Nucky's going to need another Jimmy and he seems up to it.
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