Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

Harrow was correct in the beginning of the show that Nucky would never forgive him. Jimmy should of listened. Also Nucky believed Eli because Eli did sound a bit more trustworthy than Jimmy, especially that fact that Jimmy went up to Nucky right before the hit. I would believe my brother before I believe some kid.

I knew it was either Margaret or Jimmy getting murked. Kinda wish it was Margaret to be honest. Although I do agree Jimmy's death was necessary to keep the plot moving forward. Can't wait for season 3. 

at the yarmulke sized hole in Neary's skull. 
I also loved how they toyed with the viewer when Nucky proposes to Margaret.

Nucky knows she might testify, Jimmy tells him in the prior scene "what do i have to do to make it correct" then you immediately get switched to a uncalming view of margaret as if someone was gonna off her
Originally Posted by tyisny

Jimmy is a G... that is all

I knew it was gonna go down when he told harrow to stay. I aint been this upset since Bodie smh
so did he know it was coming? is that why he wasnt armed? mind is blown. Maybe its cause I was high but the possibility of Jimmy getting murked didnt even cross my mind. Nucky is one cold dude. Dope season finale.

Season 3

Early prediction: Nuck finds out it was actually Eli's plan and murks him
damnn @+@$*@ pissed Jimmy's gone....after all this Lakers trade bs i was lookin forward to not bein in such a @#@*$# mood lol...finale was great just mad about Jimmy...i thought he would get murked tho by seasons end after like the 10th ep, especially with the title

feel bad for Tommy growin up without his parents now and only Gillian who will prob start molesting him like she did Jimmy at a young age SMH

curious to see what goes on with Harrow now too, I knew something bad was gonna happen to Jimmy when he told Harrow to stay behind

Also i hope Eli gets offed next season
Not surprised at Jimmy's death. I'm surprised Nicky pulled the trigger. Hopefully next season we get more Benjamin Siegel. I've always been intrigued by his story. Can't wait to see how he's portrayed.
As much as I enjoyed Jimmy on-screen and admittedly was still shocked at his offing, son had to go.
He was unsure of himself and his decisions throughout the season, then he had his moment of clarity about his mom and dad, cleaned up the mess with Nuck, and got the death he wanted years earlier in the war.

I doubt we'll be seeing Van Alden, Atlantic City ate him up, corrupted him, and pooped him out as a runaway murderer.

Also, who's to say Nuck trusts Eli? Nuck is using him to officially clean his own slate and to get him out of his hair for a few years, if not forever depending on his survival in jail.
Originally Posted by tyisny

While talking to Harrow for the first time in a long time he looks at peace. Hell he went to what was suppose to be a killing with no weapons at all, Jimmy knew he was going there to die and he was ok with it. Which is why he tells Harrow that he has to come home.... because in Jimmy's mind he's never did as he says when he's about to die "I died in the trenches"

Even when he's talking to Tommy and he's reflecting on his childhood, he sort of giving him guidance when he tells him "no it was just me, myself, & I" He has always felt like this with everything that he loves being corrupt or dying. I think it also hints that he doesn't want his son relying on Gilian because obviously she completely steered his life down the wrong path 
Nice job catching those moments. 
I was beyond satisfied with how they ended. Jimmy's story was told, and there wasn't anything left for him. We saw Jimmy reject Nucky and try to make it on his own, then we saw him try to be who his father and mother wanted, and when Jimmy failed he realized this wasn't where he was supposed to be... as he said "I died in the trenches years back".  It was a tragic ending befitting a tragic character. He tried to make it right with Nucky, he knew he was wrong to try to have him killed, in the end he couldn't take it back and he knew it that's why he accepted death. The most important part is it made Nucky take a clear stand by pulling the trigger and reaffirmed in the loudest way possible, this is his story. Jimmy's line of "Only person left to judge you is you" was a huge message of the series. The biggest disappointment will be Michael Pitt no longer on the show. He delivered an Emmy worthy performance as Jimmy and I'm quite disappointed we won't get to see him anymore. 

The positive to take from Jimmy's death, it solves the problem of too many characters in a big way. Sure we'll hopefully get some more Harrow and Gillian, but he was a major lead this season and there's a lot of characters and stories to tell. Judging by the appearance of Rothstein, Lansky, and Luciano, they're not going anywhere. Same with Nelson moving out to the midwest, Chalky will be around too, etc. 

The episode on its own was perfect. Plenty of action, it's a shame in the episode that Jimmy dies, he also does so much to set things right. Bringing the Klan members to Chalky was a great scene. The montage with the marriage, murder, and Randolph preparing her speech was flawlessly executed too. Nucky and Margaret had a great episode together too. I didn't really believe Nucky's love for her throughout the series, it's hard to get a read on him when he's so closed off to her. When he admitted he was afraid of dying in jail was a big moment for them. 

This is very similar to Stringer getting killed for me. It's a damn shame we don't get any more great performances, but within the show's story... they had to go. How could Nucky welcome Jimmy back after what he did? Even if he just let him go on his way or leave town, he had to send a message and get it done. I'm sad he's gone, but it was the right move for the show.

Great show, great season, can't wait for season 3.
Margret is an ungrateful B*tch. I hope she gets offed next season. signing the deed over to the church like that. Nucky should choke her out.
Nucky impressed me in this episode. He is the man for killing Jimmy like that
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Gonna be interesting to see Capone,Lansky and Luciano start to become the big bad bosses they became.
They're coppin' heroine from the Chinese, can we see some Chinese gangster of the time or at least base a character on Sai Wing Mock.
Spoiler [+]
#2. Supervillain Rules Over Chinatown

Sai Wing Mock was a Chinese-American gangster who ruled Chinatown in the early 1900s with his gang, the Hip Sing Tong (which sounds like Korean pop festival). He was also a pretty extravagant dude: One time, after a long gambling session, "he came back to New York with diamond studs blazing from his shirt front and $30,000 in his pockets." Adjusted for inflation, that's the modern-day equivalent of super-gluing a Ferrari to your crotch.

Via Wikimedia Commons
The original gangsta pimp.

Being a well-known criminal figure, Mock had to put up with the constant murder attempts that came with the title. During a typical attempt on his life, he would find himself surrounded by blazing guns and flying hatchets -- to which he reacted with all the caution and common sense of a character in a John Woo movie.

If today's gangsters used throwing-axes, the war on drugs would be a hell of a lot more entertaining.

What Happened Next:

Since he was essentially a well-dressed moving target, Mock always traveled with chain mail armor, two revolvers and a hatchet. This was apparently more about looking cool than anything, since the guy didn't really give much of a damn about his own safety: When attacked, he would react by running into the middle of the street, crouching down and firing his two revolvers at the same time.

Oh, and he did everything we just described with his eyes closed.

Like this, but spinning on the ground. And with more hats.

While this method wasn't exactly efficient when it came to actually hitting people with bullets, it did scare the crap out of the assassins sent after him, it seems -- in 30 years, he was shot only once.

Mock was known "Mock Duck," which makes him sound like a (possibly racist) **** Tracy enemy. He was young (he took control of Chinatown in his early 20s), stylish, gentle-spoken and fearless: basically, a Chinese Marlo Stanfield.

Again, with more hats.

Seriously, the only thing that could have made this guy more like a supervillain is if he had some insane distinguishing feature, like maybe long, lethal-looking fingernails ... which he totally did have.

Read more: 9 Acts of Vigilantism Straight Out of a Comic Book |
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Not surprised at Jimmy's death. I'm surprised Nicky pulled the trigger. Hopefully next season we get more Benjamin Siegel. I've always been intrigued by his story. Can't wait to see how he's portrayed.

I knew Jimmy was gonna die once he gave his kid the doggy tags, i didn't even know Siegel was in this season
season 3 cant get here soon enough

the only show that came close to filling this void is Game of Thrones and that doesn't come until spring
Originally Posted by bkmac

-Nucky having Manny on his side
He's going to need off Margaret.
Besides, she's not out of the woods with the cheating, neither is Slater.

Interesting tidbit I saw on IMDB, they cast twins to play Margaret's children and Jimmy's son, didn't think they needed to bypass the child-acting laws.
Yo, I can't even deal with them offin' Jimmy. I knew it was gonna happen eventually.. but season 2? Come on man. Terrible! Michael Pitt's acting will be sorely missed.
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