Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Thread - "Margate Sands" SEASON FINALE

loved how nucky went to chalky to handle that performer tho

Such a waste of screen time for Chalky and Purnsley

Margaret had that jealousy look when she met the Doctor's fiancee. She got a thing for men she can't have. Slater didn't get the drAws til he was giving Katie attention

More sloppy Nucky movements
Margaret has the nerve to get mad at Nucky for being with Billy and she cheated on him first

Great episode, Gyp needs to get taken care of...
Hold up so that was Meyer's dude Siegel who killed all of Gyp's men? I wonder what made Rothstein decide to try and get rid of Gyp after he said he didnt want to start a war. Btw Gyp is one weird dude.

Does Gillian really think Jimmy is away or is she just denying it? The part where the old dude was saying how the house would get transferred to her when Jimmy is pronounced dead got me thinking she isnt his real mother.

Chalky and Purnsley with some stoneface gif material :lol:

Margaret taking L's all season long. I love it.
Sigel :pimp: :pimp:
Gyp a nut for the way he gets off
They need to dead Billie kent storyline
Let's see more harrow n chalky n Capone :nerd:
Gyp lived? Everybody gonna die.

That little kid putting in work like that? dude is a made man.


Margaret is still feening for that M.D. wang. 

"you may want to think about some practical things" 
...then followed by "we came to an understanding"

What is the point of Van Alden's story? ...his wife is a ride or die though. 

Them dudes in the treasury setting up for that Nucky indictment, HEAVY. 

Rothstein has that way of TALKING to people though. Makes you hate yourself. 
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Van Alden's wife is a ride or die chick. :pimp:

If Van Alden starts working for the uptown gangsters then this season will be too good.
Hold up so that was Meyer's dude Siegel who killed all of Gyp's men? I wonder what made Rothstein decide to try and get rid of Gyp after he said he didnt want to start a war. Btw Gyp is one weird dude.
Does Gillian really think Jimmy is away or is she just denying it? The part where the old dude was saying how the house would get transferred to her when Jimmy is pronounced dead got me thinking she isnt his real mother.
Chalky and Purnsley with some stoneface gif material :lol:
Margaret taking L's all season long. I love it.

Yep, the "paperboy" that came in and killed Gyp's men was Bugsy Siegel.
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Hold up so that was Meyer's dude Siegel who killed all of Gyp's men? I wonder what made Rothstein decide to try and get rid of Gyp after he said he didnt want to start a war. Btw Gyp is one weird dude.
Does Gillian really think Jimmy is away or is she just denying it? The part where the old dude was saying how the house would get transferred to her when Jimmy is pronounced dead got me thinking she isnt his real mother.
Chalky and Purnsley with some stoneface gif material

Margaret taking L's all season long. I love it.
Yep, the "paperboy" that came in and killed Gyp's men was Bugsy Siegel.
I love this show man.
This dude Nucky wasting Chalky on getting dude to star in a play while Gyp straight violating him is nonsense...dude is losing it :smh:
"Milky" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:lol: @ Eddie dropping Lucy's name to Billie. That's really how it is when Nucky is on super simp mode. Son imo going way too far for this broad but it'll really have no consequences for him other than distracting him from the main business.

:pimp: @ Rothstein acting one way with Nuck and then still siding by him cuz he knows doing business is way more reasonable than messing with Rosetti.

I liked how this ep touched on a lot of different ppl's stories specifically the women with Billie, Margaret, and Gillian.

Margaret needs to smarten up. The same thing that just happened to her and Billie is what happened to her with Nuck's old JO. Now she feel some kind of way cuz she's on the other side of it. She put herself in this situation. Nucky right about her needing to ask herself some practical questions.

Gillian is delusional, writing letters and ****. She trying to get this modern day bunny ranch going but can't afford it. Wonder where her story will go.

Van Alden's wife :wow: Down *** chick but way too eager. How you just gonna beat a dude senseless like that? She thinking her husband some meek frail dude that needs to be protected like he don't do work. Killing innocent federal agents over defective irons :smh: :lol: It's crazy cuz whole time I thought dude figured out he was Van Alden and was gonna arrest him or try and get him to work undercover for him on some blackmail steez. All that spooky calling cards being left under the door and what not was suspect.

Gyp at the end :lol: Dude is too sick for me. I mean asphyxiation? Really? I bet that's how Nuck finally does kill him. Gets Billie to choke dude to death. Ready for this war though.

@ Eddie dropping Lucy's name to Billie. That's really how it is when Nucky is on super simp mode. Son imo going way too far for this broad but it'll really have no consequences for him other than distracting him from the main business.

@ Rothstein acting one way with Nuck and then still siding by him cuz he knows doing business is way more reasonable than messing with Rosetti.

I liked how this ep touched on a lot of different ppl's stories specifically the women with Billie, Margaret, and Gillian.

Margaret needs to smarten up. The same thing that just happened to her and Billie is what happened to her with Nuck's old JO. Now she feel some kind of way cuz she's on the other side of it. She put herself in this situation. Nucky right about her needing to ask herself some practical questions.

Gillian is delusional, writing letters and ****. She trying to get this modern day bunny ranch going but can't afford it. Wonder where her story will go.

Van Alden's wife
Down *** chick but way too eager. How you just gonna beat a dude senseless like that? She thinking her husband some meek frail dude that needs to be protected like he don't do work. Killing innocent federal agents over defective irons
It's crazy cuz whole time I thought dude figured out he was Van Alden and was gonna arrest him or try and get him to work undercover for him on some blackmail steez. All that spooky calling cards being left under the door and what not was suspect.

Gyp at the end
Dude is too sick for me. I mean asphyxiation? Really? I bet that's how Nuck finally does kill him. Gets Billie to choke dude to death. Ready for this war though.
Oh snap...
Hold up so that was Meyer's dude Siegel who killed all of Gyp's men? I wonder what made Rothstein decide to try and get rid of Gyp after he said he didnt want to start a war. Btw Gyp is one weird dude.

Does Gillian really think Jimmy is away or is she just denying it? The part where the old dude was saying how the house would get transferred to her when Jimmy is pronounced dead got me thinking she isnt his real mother.
Looking at business partners who would you rather deal with? Rothstein was mad he aint get what he paid for and that he was easily observing Nucky's weakness for Billie so he spoke on it but when you think about it Nuck's the guy you deal with.

As for Gillian, she's fooling herself and is delusional but you gotta understand when Jimmy went to war he aint tell nobody. He was suppose to come home and stayed for the entire war. That's 4 years although at some point he did send some letters. Only 1 and some change has passed so far so she crazily holding out hope.
They've been making a lot of references to the Chinese in the ending of last season and in this season with the heroine game. Lucky was talking about it at the end of last season and it seems to be a big part in Lucky's part of this season. They keep mentioning the neighborhood that was occupied at that time by the Italians, Jews, and what became Chinatown. The latest episode, they even brought in the Buddha figurines with the heroine in it. I hope they don't expand it too much where there is too much going on this season, but I can see how it can pan out for next season's theme for the NY's part of the story. I'm more interested in whats going on in Chicago and the development of Al Capone's character.
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