Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Thread - "Margate Sands" SEASON FINALE

I don't know why you trying to frame it as if she's smart. Not saying that won't happen but she put herself in that position. Could've declared Jimmy dead a year ago. Now she gonna kill a lookalike just to officially own the house? Mad work for no reason. Also I'm not sure why you're assuming Jimmy's body aint in the morgue or that it couldn't be found.

Nuck's already back btw.
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Not saying she's smart, she's doing what's convenient. The locals from last episode wasn't feeling what was going on without Jim around, now with chuck throwing the words and what she said after, its bound to happen. Everyone has been testing her in the last 2 episodes, she don't have much of choice but to kick her denial.
they got me with that "can you break a hundred?" line :lol:. the episode was super-filler. no capone, van alden, rothstein, or gyp? i hope there's a payoff to all this exposition soon. my bet is that owen gets margaret pregnant though
they got me with that "can you break a hundred?" line :lol:. the episode was super-filler. no capone, van alden, rothstein, or gyp? i hope there's a payoff to all this exposition soon. my bet is that owen gets margaret pregnant though

didn't even think of that, and with her being so active in the hospital and pregnancy it could be epic, hope those show doesn't get too mushy tho

real talk tho, if they killed off jimmy why bring back a character who looks like him and is getting so much play as jimmy?
dude hit that cigarette just like Jimmy @ the end of the scene when he met Gillian, perfect execution 
The dialogue and exchanges between characters is on point.

This is the first show in 10 years that I've picked up watching. After hearing about it on NT so much and figuring out the Comcast tv package has HBO and other channels I didn't know even existed......I watched all of the Season 3 episodes this weekend.

I'll be needing to watch Seasons 1 and 2 to catch up. Thanks NT.
Bout to make me look back 2 seasons to see if they foreshadowed every sex scene with something similar :lol:
they got me with that "can you break a hundred?" line :lol:. the episode was super-filler. no capone, van alden, rothstein, or gyp? i hope there's a payoff to all this exposition soon. my bet is that owen gets margaret pregnant though
I thought about that too. I was like if she gets pregnant, Nuck gonna know asap. Owen aint learn after what Nuck did to that kid.

I found myself confused about why Margaret even initiated it given how she's been acting but I guess Teddy's behavior; want/need of a father figure (that kid is clearly ****** up btw) and her being alone, feeling unsafe and Owen showing up to protect the family got her horny. Plus I think she knows her friend wants to bang Owen.

I still she bangs that married doctor though or even worse maybe she gets caught doming him up and blames the pregnancy on him and Nucky has Owen torture and kill him :lol:
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decent character build this episode. you can't have bloodshed every week. a lot of references to old episodes from the previous seasons.

esther randolph back in the fray working with nucky and means is an interesting twist.

nucky is so methodical when he's not simping over billie

what are the odds schroeder ends up preggo?! she was reading the birth control pamphlet at the start of the episode.

All good points...

I'm sure that dude Nuck met in jail will have another appearance later in the season...

Gillian is crazy, but this Jimmy look-a-like has to serve another purpose other than being her physically-incestous boy toy (if I said that correctly)... By the preview of next week, it looks like he will indeed...

They way dude was spinning around in a daze during that bar-fight had me :lol: :lol:

Katy back on camera... :evil:
Dudes that hate on filler episodes don't deserve to own HBO.  
 exactly. It's the ability to do a "filler" episode that makes HBO and other cable networks so great. Smaller moments for new characters, planting the seeds for future plots, and giving the audience a break from the violence and action is a good thing. 

from the AV Club
So consider “the gypsy man” to be one of the new characters introduced in “Ging Gang Goolie,” and perhaps the most significant in a way, since he represents so much of what this episode’s about: scapegoating, substitutes, and how children learn to lie. This week we also met Alby Gold (played by Peter Appel), a pragmatic hooch-slinger whom Nucky befriends while sitting in stir. Not much happens with Alby beyond a brief conversation, but Boardwalk Empire  likes to introduce some characters in small ways before making them a bigger part of the story, so I’m guessing it wasn’t unimportant that we actually heard the man’s full name (twice, in fact, since his case was called out at night court after Nucky’s). And we met Paul Sagorsky (played by Mark Borkowski), an angry, alcoholic veteran who hangs out at the American Legion, drunkenly disparaging the conspiracy between corporations and politicians to send young men out to fight and die for the sake of big business.
That's what "filler" episodes allow you to do. And that's important for dramas. Not only can week to week violence, action, and fan favorite characters grow tiresome if done poorly, but you miss out on critical minor characters and moments to have room to grow. You need filler episodes to plant the stories, like Nucky about to be indicted.. that's huge. You can't just jump right into the arrest and trial. Same with Margaret and Owen hooking up again, this time it seems it might continue on for awhile, that's another big story.

Esther and Nucky's conversation at the diner was some of the best writing the show has done this season, I loved it.

"Is this where Eve is offered the apple?"

- "This is where I offer you Remus"

"Maybe I'm just hungry"

- "Here's a chance to fill your plate"

Margaret's line at the end was a good summation of where her character has been "I've done what I thought was best and wound up here". Which is accurate. She married Nucky, signed over the land, tried to do good with the hospital, found out about Nucky's affair and tried to continue on for the kids, etc. Through all of that, good or bad, she's ended up standing in the greenhouse looking for vagrants in the middle of the night holding a shotgun.
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When marg ends up preggo Nucky will know its not his cause he hasn't smanged that in a while. Its gonna hit the fan.
Hopefully we see more Capone, O'banion, Chalky next episode. we're almost half way through this season already! Those other story lines need to pick up!

Also, I like seeing Nucky's brother kinda taking charge in Tabor Heights with that Sheriff. I'm guessing he's co-running things with Mickey now? & did Gyp skip town bucket naked with that belt around his neck after Bugsy shot up his men? :lol:
Hopefully we see more Capone, O'banion, Chalky next episode. we're almost half way through this season already! Those other story lines need to pick up!
Also, I like seeing Nucky's brother kinda taking charge in Tabor Heights with that Sheriff. I'm guessing he's co-running things with Mickey now? & did Gyp skip town bucket naked with that belt around his neck after Bugsy shot up his men?
fixed. My man Chalky getting the cold shoulder.
other shows pull off lots and lots of characters without throwing filler/primarily expositional episodes in the middle of their seasons (game of thrones). other shows get great plot and character development in without an overly filler-type episode midseason too (breaking bad, dexter, homeland...). it's a fair critique that a lot of people are making, see the imdb board for the show; see the lack of awards and super-high acclaim since season 1. it's a really good show, but it's far from genius, and far from lacking imperfections. no need to give it more credit than it deserves
When marg ends up preggo Nucky will know its not his cause he hasn't smanged that in a while. Its gonna hit the fan.
Reminds me of when Lucy walks into Nucky's office and she's pregnant, dude knew exactly the last time he smashed and that the kid wasn't his
other shows pull off lots and lots of characters without throwing filler/primarily expositional episodes in the middle of their seasons (game of thrones). other shows get great plot and character development in without an overly filler-type episode midseason too (breaking bad, dexter, homeland...). it's a fair critique that a lot of people are making, see the imdb board for the show; see the lack of awards and super-high acclaim since season 1. it's a really good show, but it's far from genius, and far from lacking imperfections. no need to give it more credit than it deserves

fall back

Boardwalk Empire is the reason God gave you eyes and ears
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other shows pull off lots and lots of characters without throwing filler/primarily expositional episodes in the middle of their seasons (game of thrones). other shows get great plot and character development in without an overly filler-type episode midseason too (breaking bad, dexter, homeland...). it's a fair critique that a lot of people are making, see the imdb board for the show; see the lack of awards and super-high acclaim since season 1. it's a really good show, but it's far from genius, and far from lacking imperfections. no need to give it more credit than it deserves
That's a damn lie. Both those shows have had "filler" eps midseason in their past seasons.

This whole use of this word is grossly misused at this point. Filler eps are stop gaps, thrown in to wait until the next important ep happens so things can line up right for the finale where usually nothing happens or more of the same happens.

Plenty happened in Ging Gang Goolie you're just not able to appreciate/understand what went down to see the plot and characters developed.

Nucky teaming up with Esther - plot development
Esther willing to work with Nuck - character development
Marge banging Owen again - a bit of a twist which will lead to plot development
Mr. Means offering Nuck help to take down the AG- plot development
Gillian finally moving on from Jimmy leading to her owning the house and declaring him dead - character development (which will probably end up being plot development)

Eli and Mickey talking to the new sheriff is going to lead to something, especially since dude is not loyal.
Every time Harrow's in an ep he gets character development.

This is just how the show is and how it's paced. Dialogue is critically important, new characters introduced, etc. Every ep can't be deaths, fights (which this ep had), sex scenes (which this ep had), and talk of impending wars and pressure from prohibition cops from any area.
Thoughts on where you guys think the Richard storyline is going after this episode?
I think we talked about it before the season started I think or right after he killed Manny. I like my Harrow brooding, dark, stoic, and reflective. I figure he's gonna find some happiness with this new girl and then it'll be ripped away from him where he will once again go on a rampage and may go full gangster this time around whether he works for somebody like Nuck or be his own boss or is an enforcer for Gillian.
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I have feeling there something between Esther and Nucky later on, being that he likes help or fix women. :nerd:

I thought the older dude fighting that younger dude was Colin Quinn or even Harvey Keitel. He looked and sounded similar. And that scene reminded me of Fight Club
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