Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

Margaret running back to Nucky when she gets herself in deep ****.

That cockroach Doyle finally making an appearance this season.

Chalky should've killed ol boy earlier, instead of letting him run on with his nonsense.

Absolutely no damns given by that dude beating off in the club.

Luchiano and Bugsy strong arming Narcisse.

Looks like the undercover FBI agent in Capone's crew gets outed next episode.
Nucky was dying to drink some booze the entire episode lol

Also I think that girl young Nucky meets later becomes his wife who killed herself. I remember her name being said in earlier seasons
The house scene with Chalky and Buck reminded me when Nucky, Owen, and the kid Roland were trapped in the house.
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Nucky was dying to drink some booze the entire episode lol

Also I think that girl young Nucky meets later becomes his wife who killed herself. I remember her name being said in earlier seasons
I thought his wife died in childbirth. I didn't play the closest attention to those details in the 1st ep.
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I thought his wife died in childbirth. I didn't play the closest attention to those details in the 1st ep.
Nah, I forgot how she died but definitely wasn't during CB. I remember there was an ep. where Nucky was telling Margaret about how he was so into his work & negligent of the baby after Mabel gave birth that when he finally went to meet the baby it was dead. Been dead for days already & Mabel kept changing it & caring for it like it was alive.

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who's the kid that pressed Doyle for a job? I just went on another forum, and some people are suggesting it could be Tommy. 

If it does end up being Tommy I'l be flooooored. Of course its a huge stretch. My first thought was the "kid" is an undercover FBI agent but thats quite the stretch too
Said in another forum.

another thing that I want to point out, is that when the 9th guy is trying to convince Mickey to take him along he tells him that he's worked on a farm since he was a kid. At the end of season 4 Richard sent Tommy off to live with his sister in Wisconsin on her farm
Richard's girl was raising Tommy last we saw right? I forgot all about him

That'd be crazy if that's him and Nucky even overhears the name Darmody again. I wonder if he'd fire him or actually take another chance on trying to groom a Darmody.
We know the current year is 1931 and I think season 4 ended in 1927(?) so the kid would have to younger than he said, not 16. And Tommy looked about 6 or 7 last season
We know the current year is 1931 and I think season 4 ended in 1927(?) so the kid would have to younger than he said, not 16. And Tommy looked about 6 or 7 last season
Tommy is 14 in 1931...kid coudl've been lying though. Could be in his 20's for all we know
No way he knows a damn thing. It would make NO sense.

You telling me 7 yr old read a letter and gained the necessary rage and need for revenge to come back to NYC and plot on Nuck? I mean damn he barely remembers his mom and I bet his memories of Jimmy are only so much more important. Son probably misses Harrow more.

I doubt a 16 yr old Tommy is coming back for revenge :lol:
No way he knows a damn thing. It would make NO sense.

You telling me 7 yr old read a letter and gained the necessary rage and need for revenge to come back to NYC and plot on Nuck? I mean damn he barely remembers his mom and I bet his memories of Jimmy are only so much more important. Son probably misses Harrow more.

I doubt a 16 yr old Tommy is coming back for revenge
yeah the revenge thing makes little sense. I could still see a scene where he blurts his name out in the presence of Nuck or something. But if he is infact 16 years old, the whole thing is invalid, cause Tommy was born in 1917
Too much of a coincidence that Tommy would travel to AC from Wisconsin and gets picked by doyle for work.
We know the current year is 1931 and I think season 4 ended in 1927(?) so the kid would have to younger than he said, not 16. And Tommy looked about 6 or 7 last season

word? I thought he was 11 at most in 1931

Tommy was 3 when the show started in 1920, season 4 ended in 1924 so he was 7 at the most. Seven years later 1931 would make him 14
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