BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015


Time to go in defense mode.
@RustyShackleford  is that you? What happened to your reputation button? Did you...evolved? 
Nike/JB is a greedy company..were you unaware of this until you purchased these Bordeauxs? Only a sheep would be left with the impression to believe a price increase from JB of all companies would solve craftsmanship problems. They make price increases every yr or every other year. Remastered was the word Jordan Brand was the public that started to believe that that word remastered meant X Y and Z..but JB NEVER said that..all they said was Remastered..and imaginations ran wild of what that was supposed to imply. Its just a word to boost HYPE.
That's what JB cares about MOST. HYPE.
Nike Air in insoles of 7s. HYPE.
NIKE Air on the back of 4s in 2016...and I saw that they might be $220 instead of $190...are u kidding..u think its because of better craftmanship??? It's all HYPE..a gimmick to justify raising the's a ruse. You pay for it or you don't. Just don't pay for it. Im not paying $220 for white cement 4s nx yr

It was more than hype. Check your PM's.
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Nike/JB is a greedy company..were you unaware of this until you purchased these Bordeauxs? Only a sheep would be left with the impression to believe a price increase from JB of all companies would solve craftsmanship problems. They make price increases every yr or every other year. Remastered was the word Jordan Brand was the public that started to believe that that word remastered meant X Y and Z..but JB NEVER said that..all they said was Remastered..and imaginations ran wild of what that was supposed to imply. Its just a word to boost HYPE.
That's what JB cares about MOST. HYPE.
Nike Air in insoles of 7s. HYPE.
NIKE Air on the back of 4s in 2016...and I saw that they might be $220 instead of $190...are u kidding..u think its because of better craftmanship??? It's all HYPE..a gimmick to justify raising the's a ruse. You pay for it or you don't. Just don't pay for it. Im not paying $220 for white cement 4s nx yr

A statement of nothing. Why even comment if you don't know your facts. Remastered AND the details came from JB. Look at PAGE 1 of the remastered thread then read from there.
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Go and sue too..but you just got got and suckered and fooled by the remastered ruse like Steve. Those pics came out late 2014. How come we haven't seen any more pics of the Remastering Regime doing anything to any more sneakers? It's not what you's what you can prove. You can't prove that these Bordeauxs didn't get touched by 100 people wearing white can't disapprove it either. You see pairs that are jacked up..but can you prove that JB didn't have hands or eyes go over it..just cause it's jacked up? That's not concrete proof..and I'm not condoning what JB is doing is wrong..but I cant say straightup IT'S FALSE ADVERTISING..because you can't prove it.
I don't think that 100 pairs of hands and eyes went over this pair..cuz this pair looks like doodoo. Can you prove JB is responsible? Can you prove JB didn't have 100 pairs of hands In latex inspect your pair? Can JB easily say, that whatever issue that you have with your individual pair..isn't their fault..and that could've happened at any time by anyone while leaving their factory..through shipping...through people trying them on in stores? It's BS..but JB has enough $ to make it seem like they didn't do anything wrong..and shouldn't have to reinburse anyone..because you can't prove it.

Find video footage of workers in JB just sitting on their butts..throwing kicks around..flailing paint sloppily onto sneakers..without wearing any gloves. ..and THEN your lawsuit will have legs..because THAT would be actual proof of false advertising
Go and sue too..but you just got got and suckered and fooled by the remastered ruse like Steve. Those pics came out late 2014. How come we haven't seen any more pics of the Remastering Regime doing anything to any more sneakers? It's not what you's what you can prove. You can't prove that these Bordeauxs didn't get touched by 100 people wearing white can't disapprove it either. You see pairs that are jacked up..but can you prove that JB didn't have hands or eyes go over it..just cause it's jacked up? That's not concrete proof..and I'm not condoning what JB is doing is wrong..but I cant say straightup IT'S FALSE ADVERTISING..because you can't prove it.
you think JB would say they were remastering shoes and not tell the public what they meant by that?
100 sets of hands is so od it gets me everytime :lol:

Maybe 100 sets of hands from 100 blind people lool
Go and sue too..but you just got got and suckered and fooled by the remastered ruse like Steve. Those pics came out late 2014. How come we haven't seen any more pics of the Remastering Regime doing anything to any more sneakers? It's not what you's what you can prove. You can't prove that these Bordeauxs didn't get touched by 100 people wearing white can't disapprove it either. You see pairs that are jacked up..but can you prove that JB didn't have hands or eyes go over it..just cause it's jacked up? That's not concrete proof..and I'm not condoning what JB is doing is wrong..but I cant say straightup IT'S FALSE ADVERTISING..because you can't prove it.

JB said in that report..they want every pair to be perfect. So..if I get an imperfect pair I can sue righ? We can all sue because ..we didn't get perfection like JB stated they would give us. You can sue..take time and $$ to doesn't mean you'll win.
That doesn't mean we can all sue..because "perfect" is just an's subjective. Perfection in one person's eyes can be botched and sloppy in another's eyes. You can't prove or disprove that JB didn't do the best job that they could've. don't have any smoking gun footage that can prove your case
You guys are aware that a lot of high quality materials/fabric are very soft right? Cheap materials turn out hard due to a mix of other materials. The best leathers are soft as. Remastered does not mean it is going to be stiff/solid and not show signs of wear. High fashion shoes don't always use the best materials either, you're paying for the name more than the materials. As soon as you wear high quality leather Ferragano or gucci shoes, you see a crease where your toes bend after the first wear, it's natural.

In the 90's shoes creased the same way. No one cared because it was cool to have the newest kicks when everyone couldn't afford them. They all had issues. I utilized Nike's shoe return policy every year for a squeaky air bubble, a deflated one, panels separating from weak glue, etc. Even if the heel started peeling before the 2 year mark I'd send my shoes back and get em replaced(not j's as much, they'd be gone most times). Some leathers were so cheap, people's toes used to burst through them while playing ball. I had a habit of sending two pairs of shoes back at the same time and getting 2 new pairs. The difference today is, folks are such fiends, that if you send shoes back you will not get the exact model replaced due to the crazy sell outs.

If there were fashion designers in here, they could possibly point out which models actually had better materials since it would be their job to know good fabrics to set everyone's mind at ease.
Can you imagine if they used higher quality materials and hear all the complaints from folks lacking knowledge of materials? They'd go back to cheaper mixed leather materials and call us ignorant fools in their board rooms.
I'm assuming that there's just constant laughter amongst JB higher ups. People line up to buy shoes that were designed 20+ years ago. And will still pay the same (when adjusted for inflation) as they did back in the day. Their margins on retros have to be pretty big with these minimal R&D costs
You guys do realize that these materials are organic? It's not like JB can 3d print leather shoes for yall. There will be some inconsistency, it comes with the nature of the of the work.
You guys do realize that these materials are organic? It's not like JB can 3d print leather shoes for yall. There will be some inconsistency, it comes with the nature of the of the work.
You are wrong!! JB should be able to get these perfect. They said its remastered!!! All pair should be without flaws no matter what. I'm pissed, b/c I continue to pay $190 and end up in tears every release. They lied to us . I'm filing a complaint, getting my 20% from Nike, keeping the shoes and I'll be back next release lol. [j/k]
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Lol why even cry about it, you can't do anything about it really. Send in a petition, get ppl on board, but as long as JB is pumping out retros that people want that look decent enough, they're going to still sellout. That's gonna happen no matter how many "heads" you get on board. Go to these shoe releases and see who the customers are. Statistically speaking (based on observation) If there were a 100 customers buying Bordeaux 7s lined up outside a store, 20 at the most are on these message boards. The rest check release dates on sneakernews and that's it. I think even 20 might be pushing it where I'm at. Long as there are no scuffs on the pair, most are happy with what they get. The quality control whiners are a mere sliver in the piechart of JB customers. Nobody else besides us really cares about this remaster promise stuff. If you don't like what they're making save your $190... New Balance... Asics... Adidas... Pick one.
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You guys do realize that these materials are organic? It's not like JB can 3d print leather shoes for yall. There will be some inconsistency, it comes with the nature of the of the work.

These aren't organic. They are synthetic man made materials.
These aren't organic. They are synthetic man made materials.
I was more referring to the fact they are leather shoes with pieces are put together by people and not more machine driven like nikes synthetic hyper fuse and flyknit stuff
I was more referring to the fact they are leather shoes with pieces are put together by people and not more machine driven like nikes synthetic hyper fuse and flyknit stuff

But they aren't leather. They are synthetic, fake leather made by man.
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