bottle service : greatest hustle ever?

I think it's a waste of money. If you're trying to impress the girls, you can't do it a cheaper way? Paying $650 for four hours of fun is crazy. We all know what's good with the expensive watered down drinks at the club. You're supposed to pre-funk beforehand, then go and have a good time since you're slash feeling good. You're paying $600-plus to be In the same building as regular folks for the Same amount of time, and that talked to the same women you're trying to get at. Think about it.
who says you gotta drop that kinda money on da drank.

I rather do this:
Reservation at Morimoto (Downtown Napa)-
3 Course Meal- been there before, spent about 200$ for everything with no holding back on da fish AND tip included.
Bring a nice Bottle of wine (pay 5-20$corkage fee)
Scramble/ Destroy Ovaries
Maury- You are not the father.

The times I've had bottle service, I felt so isolated....I'm one of those that never really stay still in the club unless I found a girl that has got my interest, or found a good spot to post up at and recruit(depends on the size of the club or layout). Bottle service is cool I guess if you're going just for your friends, or got a good hook up...but I'll just pre-game, buy some drinks and try to do work around the club(I'm not much for dancing if it all).
Going back and easing earlier posts in the thread, the game done changed in a matter of 4 years!!! Y'all are making blue prints just to simply pull a female. I'm glad I'm married and I'm glad I take my wife to the clubs (we go almost weekly). Bottle service for a celebration is cool. But otherwise... Whatever happened to being confident and having game lol? I did hit up Downtown PHX last week with my boy and looking at him talking about his 'game plan' and trying to play the game, I'm just like 'SMH.'
Originally Posted by Retro707

who says you gotta drop that kinda money on da drank.

I rather do this:
Reservation at Morimoto (Downtown Napa)-
3 Course Meal- been there before, spent about 200$ for everything with no holding back on da fish AND tip included.
Bring a nice Bottle of wine (pay 5-20$corkage fee)
Scramble/ Destroy Ovaries
Maury- You are not the father.

This man knows

But the hardest part is finding a female to do all this with. Which brings us back to the club
bar + casual conversation > club + screaming/'whispering aka being a creep' stuff in said females ears
U guys do know that one person isn't dropping $800 for bottle service right? A group of 4 or 5 split it up. Its not as expensive as it sounds unless you in the most expensive places in the country like Vegas.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ


If dudes are talking about the experience, or think they'll have a better time with it, or have the money and don't mind wasting it, fine do you but my idea of having a good time always ends in having sex with a fine female before my night is over. If you dudes enjoy dancing, getting drunk and/or conversing loudly over louder music but not smashing go have a ball. I know for a fact you don't have to spend egregious amounts of paper to get it in. The whole point of going to the club is for sex for me. If that aint happening a whole bunch of Hangover/House Party/Old School %!!+ has to go down for me to say I had a good-great experience at the club and it didn't involve me skeet skeet skeeting.
Been saying it for years dog, this is my goal when I wake up and get dressed in the morning. By the end of the night, if I havent found something bad to leave with, ima turn those standards alllllllll the way down and try to find a straggler
I used to be about this life but i went into negative values new years just gone.

Going  home was the longest cab ride ever
.......i actually got the cab driver to drop me at the local park so i could let out the Anakin/Vader "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"..... i was @#++%%% devastated bruh.

No buns >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weak buns.
I don't care what people do with their money as long as they not hurting for cash do what you do. I've done bottle service but it's usually to chill with my friends and if girls come with it cool. I guess I look at it like I do being in shape it's for me but any attention from women is cool by me. I don't get why some cats acting like most people that do bottle service can't get women and most that don't do it are don Juan lets keep it in perspective on both sides.
Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Originally Posted by Retro707

who says you gotta drop that kinda money on da drank.

I rather do this:
Reservation at Morimoto (Downtown Napa)-
3 Course Meal- been there before, spent about 200$ for everything with no holding back on da fish AND tip included.
Bring a nice Bottle of wine (pay 5-20$corkage fee)
Scramble/ Destroy Ovaries
Maury- You are not the father.

This man knows

But the hardest part is finding a female to do all this with. Which brings us back to the club

True.  I'am 25 and I'am a manager at a winery.  I meet females that like doing this kind of stuff on the daily.  It's hard showing interest while at work because they automatically think you do this to every dime that comes in and all you want to do is smash da mass.  I usually can tell when they feeling me so eventually they ask "hey so what are YOU doing tonight?" at that point I say "not much" and they say "you should come to dinner with us!" at that point, i'am da in and living the dream.  Ive been to dinner with clients several times and these females are here on vacation and just down for whatever.  I get lots of classy femz up in the 707.  I'am not going to the fairfield mall chasing the 18yr old H-Ratz that think i'am "cool" and have no idea on ..well, on ANYTHING.

Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by SMASH ADAMS

For all you bottle service nay Sayers, looks like you guys are 'mirin dudes with the table. Keeping tabs on them. "they ain't leaving with no one! They all lames!" y'all watching and worrying about the next man.

Sure know a lot about it looking in from the outside

Fam I've been on both ends, and I also have had friends in the past (girls) whose whole gameplan was to go into a club and freeload of these dudes...
@ any dude who really believes he has the upper hand on any female...the game has switched fellas, these social nightlife skeezers got the game on lock and dudes are dropping their months rent on them, mitas well hit up a strip club and pop a bottle there.
.....what? I understand what you're trying to say my dude but how can you say anyone who actively looks to freeload has the upper hand in ANYTHING? From my experience the average group of guys getting bottle service are not spending their rent money on it, whereas the chicks looking to scheme are often times praying that no one spills anything on their dress cuz they're returning that *$!# on Monday.

And I'm not even gonna entertain the notion that no male ever has the upper hand on a female. Thats just foolish

real life...
hopefully, i can grow into that man-dime i so eagerly want to be. not ever giving any dambs about a chick cuz in the end, i got another one that looks just as good with lower self esteem willing to fellaish me (Superbad)


As a man that doesn't like getting hustled period, I just don't see how dudes enjoy getting hustled. The club scene is a straight pimp game if you don't have a connect. Dudes gotta pay cover, possibly have some females to bring in with them and then you got to be in ultra long lines in which the club is empty anyway. Is all that worth bypassing for a few hundred dollars?? I personally don't think so. If you are going out to have a good time with a group of friends its a blast but otherwise nah. Most dudes go to the club for new butt, let's be honest. Most chicks enjoy dancing and competing in their new dress with other girls after going to the gym 5 days straight. All in all I think it depends on where you are. A dudes club experience from l.a. is going to be a lot different than a dudes club experience in Seattle or N. Carolina. Cities have different cultures and different cultures breed different types of social structures. When I go to places like Atlanta, Houston or N.Y. or anywhere in Europe. I don't mind spending money at clubs but if I'm in L.A. and some places in Vegas I'm not spending a dime. The females are SUPER whack in L.A. and at some places in Vegas.( keep in mind I don't go to the club with the intention of smashing that night. I personally don't get down like that and a chick has to have some type of sense for me to want to impaled her with my sword) I'm just not built for that club life. Like I've said I've experienced it all and probably been in situations in clubs that some of you would die for. It just ain't my thing....:.... Mansion parties are a completely different scenario tho. Im a dirty !*%* at those, but its super intimate.
 The Game is mad at a club called "Greystone Manor" in LA, he's talking @%!+ on Twitter
He said he spent 45k there the last 3 weeks, and the manager said he has to come with more "diversed friends"
My only issue is when you dudes try and make it out to be more than what it is. You buy a table to stunt. You buy a table to be seen. You do it so you can appear to be somebody. Not saying you are or aren't but it is simply a publicity stunt. Why not admit it? Why do you have to insult those that don't do it by assuming they
A. Don't get out

B. Are broke

Why can't they just 

C. Feel as though it isn't worth it?
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ


If dudes are talking about the experience, or think they'll have a better time with it, or have the money and don't mind wasting it, fine do you but my idea of having a good time always ends in having sex with a fine female before my night is over. If you dudes enjoy dancing, getting drunk and/or conversing loudly over louder music but not smashing go have a ball. I know for a fact you don't have to spend egregious amounts of paper to get it in. The whole point of going to the club is for sex for me. If that aint happening a whole bunch of Hangover/House Party/Old School %!!+ has to go down for me to say I had a good-great experience at the club and it didn't involve me skeet skeet skeeting.
Been saying it for years dog, this is my goal when I wake up and get dressed in the morning.  By the end of the night, if I havent found something bad to leave with, ima turn those standards alllllllll the way down and try to find a straggler
doing it wrong

So sad to hear a fellow man sound so God Damb that !@#$ is literally depressing to me....the P has you in a chokehold fam.
I disagree, why is it sad/desperate if a dude's only purpose is going to find someone to hit? Now his means of going about that can make him desperate but the idea of just going out to find someone is desperate? I can't agree with that at all.

What should be the reason that a dude wants to go out?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

My only issue is when you dudes try and make it out to be more than what it is. You buy a table to stunt. You buy a table to be seen. You do it so you can appear to be somebody. Not saying you are or aren't but it is simply a publicity stunt. Why not admit it? Why do you have to insult those that don't do it by assuming they
A. Don't get out

B. Are broke

Why can't they just 

C. Feel as though it isn't worth it?

Because it can also be that people do it for the ease....the club scene in NY is tough and sometimes if you don't have a connect, and is someone's bday in your group and want to celebrate you have no choice but to do table service, not to front, not to be seen, not to feel important, but to be able to have a good time with your other possible way to party with a group without table service, at least not in an NY club.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I disagree, why is it sad/desperate if a dude's only purpose is going to find someone to hit? Now his means of going about that can make him desperate but the idea of just going out to find someone is desperate? I can't agree with that at all.

What should be the reason that a dude wants to go out?
exactly, im not tryna wife nothin, im just trying to find something wet to feel some insides.  I've left with bomb females, and I've picked up the leftovers in the parking lot, and every time I keep it pushing when im done and never call them again
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I disagree, why is it sad/desperate if a dude's only purpose is going to find someone to hit? Now his means of going about that can make him desperate but the idea of just going out to find someone is desperate? I can't agree with that at all.

What should be the reason that a dude wants to go out?

DC....that ninja is desperate if his only purpose in going out is to get into some random skeezer's P and depending on how hard that is, he'll drop his standards to the point that he'll stick it into any girl, just to feel like a champ...DESPERATE.
Eh there is a reason everything is done and having a table is a form of a stage. That has to factor into the equation. Never is getting a table 0% stunting. Stunting is always going to be a factor. Yes there can be other factors, as you said it is easy, but there is no doubt in my mind that stunting is a key contributing factor as well.
I mean idk about yall, but I wake up every morning with the intention of getting some vag. I dont believe in trickin, and I def aint payin for bottle service. Aint about feelin like a champ, i got NEEDS bro lol
i got it broken down to a formula for club night

10pm-12am : Im looking for 10-9's

12am-1am : 8-6's

1am-2am: 6-5's

2am-whenever I get in the crib : its whatever long as she aint hookin
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I disagree, why is it sad/desperate if a dude's only purpose is going to find someone to hit? Now his means of going about that can make him desperate but the idea of just going out to find someone is desperate? I can't agree with that at all.

What should be the reason that a dude wants to go out?

DC....that ninja is desperate if his only purpose in going out is to get into some random skeezer's P and depending on how hard that is, he'll drop his standards to the point that he'll stick it into any girl, just to feel like a champ...DESPERATE.

So you are speaking about him personally?
I thought we were talking about in general.

KSteezy, if a man's only purpose to go out is to hit (but he doesn't lower his standards if he doesn't get what he wants), is that desperate as well?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Eh there is a reason everything is done and having a table is a form of a stage. That has to factor into the equation. Never is getting a table 0% stunting. Stunting is always going to be a factor. Yes there can be other factors, as you said it is easy, but there is no doubt in my mind that stunting is a key contributing factor as well.

Is really not about stunning fam, not for everyone, not in the least.
Originally Posted by solarius49

I mean idk about yall, but I wake up every morning with the intention of getting some vag. I dont believe in trickin, and I def aint payin for bottle service. Aint about feelin like a champ, i got NEEDS bro lol

Sounds like you need some help bro and I mean that in a very SRS way...might be a case of Nymphomania
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Eh there is a reason everything is done and having a table is a form of a stage. That has to factor into the equation. Never is getting a table 0% stunting. Stunting is always going to be a factor. Yes there can be other factors, as you said it is easy, but there is no doubt in my mind that stunting is a key contributing factor as well.

Is really not about stunning fam, not for everyone, not in the least.
Well we just have to agree to disagree. I don't think it is humanly possible to get a table and not have ANY intentions of stunting. I can't believe that but you can make it out to be a 100% innocent form of just enjoying the time with your boys. I am not that naive. The stunting intention is ALWAYS there. Always. It is a stage. It is a performance. Always.
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