bottle service : greatest hustle ever?

Originally Posted by voodoo

McDonald's should start offering VIP service. Charge $500 per McNugget, $1,500 for a burger, and $250 for fries. You're not paying just for the food, but for the experience! There will rarely ever be a line at the VIP register, you get your own reserved table that is always clean, you food will be guaranteed to have never touched the floor during preparation.  McDonald's VIP... coming soon
How much cornier was this post before the 3 edits?
Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Originally Posted by voodoo

McDonald's should start offering VIP service. Charge $500 per McNugget, $1,500 for a burger, and $250 for fries. You're not paying just for the food, but for the experience! There will rarely ever be a line at the VIP register, you get your own reserved table that is always clean, you food will be guaranteed to have never touched the floor during preparation.  McDonald's VIP... coming soon
How much cornier was this post before the 3 edits?

 corny level was the same, but with typos
Originally Posted by voodoo

Originally Posted by Keif Sweat

Originally Posted by voodoo
How much cornier was this post before the 3 edits?

 corny level was the same, but with typos

But my dude you have to realize that if you've EVER bought a drink in an expensive club, in essence you've already paid "500 dollars for a nugget". Liqour is heavily marked up in a club, whether it be shots or bottles. In some cases its actually cheaper to get bottle service than it is to buy that many shots or mixed drinks.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by illphillip

This is absolutely false. Sometimes you just want to chill. No birds. No headaches. No bumping with goons in the club. No words. No scraps. No jail.

How is that "stunting"?

You got it twisted kid.

And why is this 13 pages!?!??

So why do you have to do that in a public place? You obviously want someone to see you or you obviously want to be in the environment if you need to be out to do it. Again, wanting to be seen always is a factor when getting a table. Always.
And Ricardo, I don't have to know a damn thing about the club scene in NY to know what I said. I never said that the reasons you listed can't be reasons but wanting to be seen is still going to be another reason. Always

See that's the thing YOU ACTUALLY DO need to know first hand how the popular spots in any major city are in order to understand that some don't do it to be seen or to stunt, but simply for the convenience and guarantee that everyone in your group will have a good time....if you are content with a six pack and your couch or some beer pong bar then that's cool, you will never have to deal with the issue.
Originally Posted by hostos

Originally Posted by MMG

pre gamin >

The idea of pre-gaming in order to get to the club tipsy and not drop even a 20$ on some drinks is so damb immature...reminds me of my websterhall days when we would go out with the sole intention to get pissy drunk...nowadays I can go out, have two drinks and enjoy the need to be out acting a fool or getting intoxicated to overcome your own social awkwardness.
A lot of cats/ women dropping knowledge keep it up NT..but seriously i always wondered whats the point of sparklers on bottle..and when I think of table service the dudes from the imaginary player video come to mind lol..with the empty bottles fronting like they are doing it.
Originally Posted by Put em up

DC you don't club or drink right?

Why the he'll are people trying to explain this logic to you, you just DONT want to get it.

It's like someone trying to explain why Vegas is so fun to a Nun.

Like everybody said the table for some folks is so they dont have to deal with the crowd and fight their way to the bar when they want another drink. they enjoy the club, friends and music it can be that simple.

I don't have to drink to understand human psychology Cam. The same way a psychologist doesn't have to be a killer to know the mind of a killer. Come on that is a weak comeback. I don't club regularly, no but I know what goes on in a club. Please find a better way to dismiss my claims.
There is no way there is ever  0% stunting intentions when getting a table. It is not possible. You know all eyes will be on you when you get this or that is what you intend on happening. Again, I am not saying that stunting is the only reason that someone will get a table but it is a show. Anyway you look at it is putting on a show.

Originally Posted by ksteezy

The idea of pre-gaming in order to get to the club tipsy and not drop even a 20$ on some drinks is so damb immature...reminds me of my websterhall days when we would go out with the sole intention to get pissy drunk...nowadays I can go out, have two drinks and enjoy the need to be out acting a fool or getting intoxicated to overcome your own social awkwardness.

Sorry this is the most senseless thing I have ever heard you say. It is immature to not want to spend a lot of $ in the club? I have to start remembering that you and logic don't go hand in hand. That was just OFF. Immature??????????????? Really?
Been there, Done that.... Never been the one to pick up the bill though

But real talk, there's a "high" that comes with gold bottles with sparklers being brought to your VIP table and everyone staring at you
DC you really have no damb clue what you are talking about!...who's eyes will be on you??? man, do you know what table service means in some of these clubs??....simply a spot big enough to sit 4-5 people and a damb coffee table, you acting like getting a bottle is something exclusive at clubs, more and more people do it for the convenience, these are typically the people that stay at a max of 2 bottles, you want eyes on you, you go out your way to pop 5-10 or more bottles of liquor that no one would even be able to finish, get cakes at clubs and such...that's stunning....getting 2 bottles of Ye cheapest shot on the menu in order to not deal with a line and have a place fr the girls in your crew to lay their stuff down and sit down is NOT need to go out mOre often, because you are reaching for the stars....

Now to address the pre-gaming thing, what grown +#% man with a job, decides to go out to a club and says efff that I'm getting drunk before I get there and i won't even buy a drink or fam if you are that cheap that you can't afford a drink or two @ 12$ each, you have no business being out, bum....leave that for the college students without jobs.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

DC you really have no damb clue what you are talking about!...who's eyes will be on you??? man, do you know what table service means in some of these clubs??....simply a spot big enough to sit 4-5 people and a damb coffee table, you acting like getting a bottle is something exclusive at clubs, more and more people do it for the convenience, these are typically the people that stay at a max of 2 bottles, you want eyes on you, you go out your way to pop 5-10 or more bottles of liquor that no one would even be able to finish, get cakes at clubs and such...that's stunning....getting 2 bottles of Ye cheapest shot on the menu in order to not deal with a line and have a place fr the girls in your crew to lay their stuff down and sit down is NOT need to go out mOre often, because you are reaching for the stars....

Now to address the pre-gaming thing, what grown +#% man with a job, decides to go out to a club and says efff that I'm getting drunk before I get there and i won't even buy a drink or fam if you are that cheap that you can't afford a drink or two @ 12$ each, you have no business being out, bum....leave that for the college students without jobs.

1. Again you are taking what I am saying as getting a table is always 100% of the motivation. No I am not saying that. I am saying that it is mentally impossible to get a table and not have stunting as a factor in getting the table. I personally feel that stunting will ways in the equation.
2. Some people don't like spending their money on things they don't feel is worth it. So what if they are a grown man with a job that doesn't mean they are IMMATURE for not wanting to spend $ on drinks inside the club. I am more so arguing the word you chose to use. I don't see how maturity has anything to do with it. Cheap? Ok? His money, he can chose to do that. But to call it immature is outright crazy.

3. The analogy I used you clearly didn't get. Cam Newton claims someone HAS TO do something to know the reasoning behind it. I say you don't because there are plenty professions, jobs, hobbies that have people speaking on and being experts in the psychological makeups of people that do things that the psychologist doesn't do. I didn't know I had to be a consistent party goer to know the logic behind why they do certain attention seeking things.

I am not a woman and I know the logic behind many of the things they do. Please read sometimes dude. 
Bro...there are PLENTY of people out there who still pre-game. It's an idiotic mindset to think otherwise. There are different levels of doing it tho...on one hand you have people who like to get hammered before they get to the venue. On the other, you have people who like to enjoy a drink or two BEFORE going out (not getting hammered). It has NOTHING to do with age. I'm a grown man with a good job and the latter of the two I mentioned is what me and my friends usually do when we are in places like AC or Vegas.

KSteezy, I saw u on TV last night (Shahs of Sunset)

Spoiler [+]
Pre-gaming to get nice, cool..I can definitely dig that, no problem in that.

Pre-gaming to get drunk in order to not buy a drink at a bar, LAME AS FFFF!.

That's the way I feel like it or not, IDGAF.

DC you keep on confusing convenience for "stunning" fam, I don't even know why I argue with you, the type
Of dude that only sees black or white....unless I'm on vacation, there is 0 "stunning" factor in my equation of getting table service at a club, just like me I'm sure there are tons of dudes out there who feel the same, perhaps this is the case for people who have done their share of clubbing...perhaps for someone like you who doesn't party often then every club night is "bling bling video night"
DC is hilarious to me how you actually believe a dude that goes into a club, refuses to drop
12$ on a sad drink...just stay at home if you are penny pinching that bad
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Pre-gaming to get nice, cool..I can definitely dig that, no problem in that.

Pre-gaming to get drunk in order to not buy a drink at a bar, LAME AS FFFF!.

That's the way I feel like it or not, IDGAF.

DC you keep on confusing convenience for "stunning" fam, I don't even know why I argue with you, the type
Of dude that only sees black or white....unless I'm on vacation, there is 0 "stunning" factor in my equation of getting table service at a club, just like me I'm sure there are tons of dudes out there who feel the same, perhaps this is the case for people who have done their share of clubbing...perhaps for someone like you who doesn't party often then every club night is "bling bling video night"
Ok so now it is lame? So you take back it being immature? 

This is the last time I say this because you are having comprehension problems.

I never said getting a table isn't convenient. I never said it doesn't make partying in NY easier. What I did say is that no matter what other factors are involved there is ALWAYS going to be at least a slight motivation to use this table as a form of stunting. It is a stage and while on stage people perform. 

Let me repeat it again for you since you didn't get what I said the first 5 times.

You and Diego get to a club, the line is long and you don't feel like waiting. Cool, you get a table because it is convenient.

You get your table and do your thing. In the back of your mind being in the spotlight (no matter how big or small it actually is) is in your mind. Whether it is your conscious mind or your subconscious mind. Being at that table with the bottles with a group of your boys is still a form of a performance.

Last time I will say it.

Me and my next door neighbor get to the club. It is 20* outside and we don't feel like waiting outside in the cold. We are motivated initially by the cold weather to get inside quickly. So to do that we get a table. The table is still a stage. It is still a place where me and my dude will (hopefully) be in a spot to be seen. We know this and we will hopefully use this to our advantage. Showing off is in our blood. No matter how high or low the level.

Do you understand now?

You can be moved to get a table because of other things (impatience, convenience, etc) but one factor will ALWAYS be present. And that is stunting. I am not telling you that you will be standing up on tables showing your golds and throwing bottle tops on females and pouring drinks on bouncers. I am simply saying that you ALWAYS know that when you have a table there is a very good chance that you will get more attention that if you weren't at that table.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

There is no way there is ever  0% stunting intentions when getting a table. It is not possible. You know all eyes will be on you when you get this or that is what you intend on happening.

Again, this is absolutely false.

You're in here playing pseudo-psychologist over people going out and having drinks in peace.

I do a table and bottle service with my wife and 2 other couples. Who are we "stunting" for? We want to go out, listen to a good DJ, the girls dance and we enjoy our night out and each other's company in our own space.

Am I supposed to take you seriously as an intellectual when you say something as narrowminded as "it is not possible" in reference to a thought process? That's it's "impossible" to get a table without "stunting" being a part of the mindset.

Do you realize how idiotic that is? Do you know what the word "impossible" means and do you realize how you're applying it here? You're so wrong it's outlandish.

Do a large percentage of the people who indulge in bottle service fit what you're describing? Sure. Is the contrary "impossible"? Of course not.

And what planet are you on that you believe that people are that much in awe of bottle service that there will be all of these "eyes" on you?

And for the record, not every club does that sparkler $%+@+*%$.
Bro... Are you a wizard??...I didn't even bother reading past the part where you go into conscious or are you serious?? the hell you know what peoples motives are even if it's in their subconscious on some Inception steez...I'm done fam... You really pull arguments out from between your cheeks.

And no I don't take it back, pre-gaming to get hammered in order to avoid dropping 12$ on a drink, is immature as hell, is something college students do....leave that for them...honestly if you are that cheap, chances are you won't find the cover charge at the door worth it either or the dress code, so chances are you won't even make it inside the club
just pick up an 8$ six pack or an 8$ bottle of supermarket wine and call it a night at the crib.
Originally Posted by illphillip

I do a table and bottle service with my wife and 2 other couples. Who are we "stunting" for? We want to go out, listen to a good DJ, the girls dance and we enjoy our night out and each other's company in our own space.

Am I supposed to take you seriously as an intellectual when you say something as narrowminded as "it is not possible" in reference to a thought process? That's it's "impossible" to get a table without "stunting" being a part of the mindset.

Do you realize how idiotic that is? Do you know what the word "impossible" means and do you realize how you're applying it here? You're so wrong it's outlandish.

Do a large percentage of the people who indulge in bottle service fit what you're describing? Sure. Is the contrary "impossible"? Of course not.

And what planet are you on that you believe that people are that much in awe of bottle service that there will be all of these "eyes" on you?

And for the record, not every club does that sparkler $%+@+*%$.

Nah sorry, I don't know how idiotic it is to think a human being isn't doing something in a public venue that isn't related to seeking at least SOME attention.
You going with your wife means what? Ok you might not be trying to bait other females but you are still on a stage. You still know that having a table makes people have some type of opinion about you. That opinion can be, "Ooooh they have money." or "Ooo that is nice how that couple is doing this or that." That is all stunting AKA attention seeking.

Everything has reason behind it. If something is done in public there isn't any way you can convince me that it is not motivated by attention. 

Yes, I think it is impossible. 

And I know that every time someone gets bottles isn't going to have people in awe of you but it still will get some form of attention, thought, time, comments from other people.

HUmans thrive on attention stop denying your roots man.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

So let me as you this, since all humans thrive on attention, this "I argue anything and everything on the board" your way of thriving for attention? Or how do you show off?...since is instinctly impossible for a human being to not show off...or are you the exception?

I am on a public message board. The things I say to you and others are part of a plan to get you to believe I am a certain type of person. That is what we all do when we type on NT. We want to pass of a persona (real or not) for the masses to see. So yes I am thriving for attention the same way you thrive for attention when you make yourself out to be the textbook husband/boyfriend.
When dealing with human interaction, attention is always a factor. Always. You know you have an audience and you will act accordingly. 
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