Boy-Girl Friendships?'s not that I don't understand that guys hit each other...but it's that you expect to be able to do that with girls and consider thatessential for a true friendship.
Theres a lot of benefits from having attractive female friends. They make you look good in front of other women.
Thats what I'm saying, with a true friend if I walked up and punched him in the chest he wouldn't care. I would like someone to define friendship tothem.
she might be attractive in a way but by the end of the day she can just be a close friend.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by bboy1827

but if your in a relationship to me you should have no friends of the opposite sex
i hate people who think like you. If you dont think that your significant other should have friends of the opposite sex, then all that means is that you dont actually trust the person you are dating. Personally i'll be damned if some girl is going to tell me who i can & cant be friends with.
So you would allow your significant other to go out and eat with that person all the time, go to a movie, maybe stay over their house? those are all parts of friendship to me? Personally I feel the term friend is used to loosely. If you heard your girl slept in the same bed as a dude you wouldn't care? Sorry maybe I"m crazy because I would.
those are things that occur during friendships of the same sex. I dont know very many boy girl friendships where they eat together all the time,go to the movies, & i dont know any that spend the night over the others house. Friendship that are opposite sex & those things occur are more thanjust friendships.

While in a relationship, its ok to me if my significant other has friends of the opposite sex. But the type of friends where they occasionally have lunchtogether, we invite them to the movies with us, & they come over to hang out sometimes. That is a friend to me, now spending the night at his house withoutme, going to the movies with him but not me. those things are crossing the line to me.

And of course i would care if my girl slept in the same bed as some dude. I would probably drop her as soon as i heard that.

some of ya'll are just as bad as females when it comes to insecurity...and thats not a good look...

but i would make it a point for my bf to know most of my male friends...
if there's just a little bit of attraction between the two then it's difficult to just be friends without the benefits.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76


some of ya'll are just as bad as females when it comes to insecurity...and thats not a good look...

but i would make it a point for my bf to know most of my male friends...
co-sign. If you cant trust your significant other to be able to have opposite sex friends without cheating, then you really shouldnt be with thatperson in the first place
Insecurity FTL
I get it, everyone in here as a different definition of friendship, I'm not talking someone you may party with or maybe someone you talk to every once in awhile, TO ME a friend is someone that I can kick it with all time talk about nothing. Someone describe friendship because I def dont' get yours. And yes Iam insecure if my girl was to talk to anotehr dude as much as she talks to me and to me when I'm single I have girls that I talk to like everyday and gokick it with and never do anything they give me girl advice and I give them dude advice but as soon as one of us gets into a relationship we chill on that. SOcan someone tell me what they mean by friendship, because I have no clue.
i have a lot of guy friends & i would never date any of them. and it's not just because i know all their business either. lol. i will say thatsometimes i'm friends with guys that land up wanting to date or whatever but that gets shut down. they always come to me for random advice with all typesof girls because they know i'll be honest with them. but these days its hard to have friends of the opposite sex because it's always something.especially when it comes to insecure girlfriends that think you want their man.

i've had boyfriends that hated how many guy friends i had & the fact that i'd kick it with them. dudes are like my brothers get over it. but wheni'm in a relationship i will be respectful enough to chill out with hanging with them so much. i like to avoid unnecessary drama.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

I get it, everyone in here as a different definition of friendship, I'm not talking someone you may party with or maybe someone you talk to every once in a while, TO ME a friend is someone that I can kick it with all time talk about nothing. Someone describe friendship because I def dont' get yours. And yes I am insecure if my girl was to talk to anotehr dude as much as she talks to me and to me when I'm single I have girls that I talk to like everyday and go kick it with and never do anything they give me girl advice and I give them dude advice but as soon as one of us gets into a relationship we chill on that. SO can someone tell me what they mean by friendship, because I have no clue.
why can't you still do that with your female friend after you get a girl? maybe not as often but it can still be male friends are athome so when i go home i def. hit them up cuz i haven't seen them in months...we talk about tv...go to the movies...i'm sure if i needrelationship advice they would give it...just like a female friend but from a male perspective...
Honestly if your cool with your significant other going out to eat with someone of the opposite sex, kicking it over their house all the time and going out toeat with them and such, then your a better person than as for me, guys and girls can't be friends if one of them is in a relationship because it's notfair to the other person.'re gonna lose a lot of GF's if you think that you can control who a person can be friends with.

when you stop having slumber parties...maybe you'll expand your definition of what a friend is.
i have a female friend whom ive been friends with since 7th grade and we have a great relationship. she has a man and he knows that she is just my friend andthats where we keep it. i respect him cuz he's my boy but i met her before him so she comes first, but at the same time I wouldnt do anything to violatehis trust. as you start to get older you learn that not everything is always about sex and there is more to relationships, friendships, and life than justthat. what im tryin to get at tho is that it is very possible to have friends of the opposite sex. females were put on this earth for other purposes and notjust to reproduce. i have other female friends that I kick it with on a regular basis (that are bad) but its koo cuz i dont like bein around a bunch ofsausages all day everyday.

ps. its not fair to control your girl like that. i guarantee any relationship where one is controlling the other will not last and if it does it will be hell.expect to lose alot of bad ones because of your philosophy. trust and communication is key to make a relationship last.
I have a very specific definition of friendship I've explained several times, no one else has even attempted to describe it And I have never told a girlshe can't hang out with someone, but at the same time I don't want my gf going to the movies with a bunch of other guys. To me it's a respectthing, everyone seems to always think I'm hung up about sex, I never said that I said attraction. As far as someone they confide in thats fine I have aplenty of girls that come to me and ask advice.I've never had a bad relationship because I know bounds and limits and don't do dumb things. So I askcan someone else describe friendship?

And as far as me personally the two people on this board that know me know that I let my girl do whatever she wants whenever she wants because she is 21 anddeserves to have the life she wants, I just always let her know it's not cool if she stays at some other dudes house, I tell her that if she wants to dothat(which she has) then it's a wrap(which it was) we are still hella cool and I have so much love for her, but sametime I told her something that Ididn't want her to do she did it and we had to live with the consequences, the fact that you defend a girl with a boyfriend sleeping at another dudes aptregardless when it didn't have to happen is ridiculous to me.
Fix your damn run-ons

Anyways, who's to say just because there's some sort of attraction, it voids any friendship? I met a girl in college whom I thought was pretty cute,but eventually it turned into a good friendship that I'm grateful for.
I hope your philosophy didn't deprive you of any female friends.

trust...have fun...kick about nonsense...don't even have to talk can just watch tv...come to for advice...joke around...
if a girl is bad then a girl is bad aint nothin gonna change that(except some major accident or unless she lets herself go).

friendship: a person that you feel comfortable talking to or hanging out with. a person who you can talk to and feel safe about telling them things. a personwho will be there for you to comfort you give you advice or whatever it may be.
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