Boy-Girl Friendships?

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

see... you're confusing issues now.

this isn't a boy-girl issue
this is a relationship problem.
thank you. What his girl did is not a boy-girl friendship issue. she violated their relationship & he terminated it. so now he wantsvalidation for his actions
I'm didn't read the posts, it's not a relationship issue because I know about two other dudes that it happened to. I already dealt with it that wasmonths ago, nothing happened I believed her, but it's the justification behind it. The fact that Almost every guy that I know wanted at one point oranother to have sex with his "girl friends" or the fact that I know so many relationships that have ended because the something ended up happeningbetween the one of the people in the relationship and the a friend, usually the boy. This girl said it best one time "girls can be friends with guys, butguys can't be friends with girls." I'm not confusing issues at all, people are over analyzing my life and this post.
frame it all you want...but in the comes down to you wanting to being able to control who your GS can be friends with
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

frame it all you want...but in the comes down to you wanting to being able to control who your GS can be friends with
yea thas true. but in his situation the girl is completely wrong IMO. she shouldnt have slept in dudes bed no matter what the circumstances were,in that respect i think he is completely justified for breaking up with her.
. Just last night I get yelled at because I didn't care enough. I have no aspirations of controlling anyone but myself. The boy girl friendship thing is arespect to the relationship thats my issue with the whole thing, a lot of things that go along with being "friends" with someone could potentiallycause problems in a relationship. If your cool with your girl hanging out with someone else all the time then your a better man then me dirty, as for me andcontrolling I couldn't care either way, people are going to be people and the age I am people need to live thats why I'm actually anti-relationshipbefore your like 23 just a personal belief.
but in his situation the girl is completely wrong IMO
of course...but his view that girls cannot be friends with guys is wrong too.

If your cool with your girl hanging out with someone else all the time then your a better man then me dirty
why does it have to be "all the time?" it's called finding a balance between friends and your SO.

thats why I'm actually anti-relationship before your like 23
so why were you in a relationship then?
you keep saying all the time...your girl passing you up for her guy friends? i don't know anyone who hangs out with their friends ALL THE TIME when theyhave a SO...
i got female friends, but the good ones only work when your not attracted to em........
i have sorta the same dilemma.

i have this girl who i met not too long ago. we became friends but not close friends. she just broke up with some dude, after a short 8 month jumpoff.
i had a dream about her this one night and since that night i can't stop thinking about her. we had this one drunken night, and she went in for a kiss.
we've got closer all of a sudden. theres late night calls, hanging out on the regular, etc. all the homeboys think shes fine. i feel like we click likecrazy. better than my ex.
she often compares me to the ex boy. BUT the thing is, she claims to be a FRIEND. we haven't talked about the kiss, nor have we talked about hooking up.
Originally Posted by jcbacall

i have sorta the same dilemma.

i have this girl who i met not too long ago. we became friends but not close friends. she just broke up with some dude, after a short 8 month jumpoff.
i had a dream about her this one night and since that night i can't stop thinking about her. we had this one drunken night, and she went in for a kiss.
we've got closer all of a sudden. theres late night calls, hanging out on the regular, etc. all the homeboys think shes fine. i feel like we click like crazy. better than my ex.
she often compares me to the ex boy. BUT the thing is, she claims to be a FRIEND. we haven't talked about the kiss, nor have we talked about hooking up.
this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.
I'm not in a relationship tried it didn't work out, had my philosophy before that told her but decided hey maybe I'm wrong turns out I'm not.

All time to me is what constitutes a friendship, all the time doesn't mean all the time obviously, but when I say all the time in this situation I mean IfI don't have anything to do and I'm bored I go kick it with my friends, I go out with my friends we will find something to do.

I've found a balance for me that works, if I see you out or if you come over then thats whats up, like I said I'm not going out of my way to hang outwith any member of the opposite sex(unless I havent' seen her for a long time) besides my girl, for the simple fact that I try to avoid event he appearanceof an impropriety, fI feel as though if that girl is really cool and I like her so much why not just date her? amor omnia vinci, Love conqurerseverything(Sorry I got a "b" in latin lol)
And as I've stated it can happen but it shouldn't for the simple fact it COULD cause problems.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

I have this argument with almost every girl that I talk to. They say that it can work out I say no way. I say there is always an attraction, I feel like there is a reason why you want to hangout with that person. There is a reason that you trust that person. If your single it's fine, but if your in a relationship to me you should have no friends of the opposite sex it creates bad situations and should be avoided.

You's a dummy. You could have friends of the opposite sex. it's just that you can't avoid smashing a chick
I have plenty of female friends. Haven't been a problem to me at all. I've always had plenty of female friends. If I'm single or not. Most of themare in relationships, so am I though.
19 20 on fri.
Brandology re read some of my posts this has nothing to do with smashing, but moreso with respect, respect for the other persons feelings, respect for therelationship, when your in a relationship there is certain things that you should willingly give up to make it work, relationships seem to be about compromiseand with every compromise comes a sacrifice, not saying I'm turning my back on my girl friends but at the same time if my girl said she didn't want mehanging with a specific girl, I'd put up a tough front but out of respect for her and because I'm with her I would def. tone it down.
I see where you're coming from, but it is possible to be friends with someone from the opposite sex. My problem is, most girls I try being friends with endup falling for me. There's this one girl whom I got very close to this semester, and she stopped talking to me out of no where, because she is the type tonot have a BF, and when she gets attracted to someone, she gets scared and avoids them.

She ended up doing that with me, or maybe it's because we both have finals and too busy? Who knows.
If I become friends with a female I'm either trying to smash, get at their friend, or use them as my wing girl. I use to be that nice guy/sucker that wouldhave female friends and have them talkin to me about their problems and other b/s but i ended that a long time ago.
Originally Posted by Unphased4

If I become friends with a female I'm either trying to smash, get at their friend, or use them as my wing girl. I use to be that nice guy/sucker that would have female friends and have them talkin to me about their problems and other b/s but i ended that a long time ago.
There's a difference between being an emotional sponge and being a friend. I could understand if it was a girl you were trying to get at howthat could be a problem. My female "friends" and not potentials, I have no problem exchanging like relationship advice and similar things that Iwould with any other good friend. The situation occurs with both parties are not on the same page. I wouldn't talk shop like that to someone that was Itry to get at on a "more than friends" level and if I thought that they were viewing me as "just a friend" then I would keep it moving. Some guys fall harder than others, more than they like to show. But if a chick aint on you like that, on to the next one. Other fish in the sea and all that.
I have 10 real friends, 10 people that I can count on no matter that are not a part of my family. Your a girl, have a bf and have guy friends, you look at whatI'm saying as wrong correct? How you would feel if your bf was always hanging out with another girl that was his friend? Look at your same sex friends, andhow much you kick it with them in comparison to your opposite sex 'friends'.When I don't have a gf or anything they mirror each other, when I dothe latter is cut down significantly because I don't want to cause any un necessary static. I can name three girls that come around all the time and I useto call and hangout with like every weekend, as soon as I got a gf, or even now(even though we broke up, but are still together) I don't call them at allunless it is neccessary because even though she never said it, she would get jealous I could see it. I have very rigid rules on how I use the term"friend" their are other words for other things, like I said I don't like grey.
I think that guys and girls can be friends and keep it just at a friendship. In the beginning, I think that most relationships of the opposite sex begins withboth or maybe even one person has some sort of attraction to the other person. But you can only speak for yourself you cant speak for that other person. When Ithink most of my guy friends started out with me being attracted to them and ended with just a friendship and it actually disgust me to think of themotherwise.
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