Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

How do ya'll not know that Gus was gay? You could tell by the way those cartel guys were treating him....Hector basically pissed in the pool in front of him and said something to the effect of him liking what he's why they negotiated with them how they did.

The episode yesterday was nuts....I dunno how Mike knew dude was gonna off him but when he got in and laced the dude was :wow:

And this new chick is someone important....Mike had a gun to her face and kept her alive for a get more supplies....I think she's intertwined with Gus somehow.
How do ya'll not know that Gus was gay? You could tell by the way those cartel guys were treating him....Hector basically pissed in the pool in front of him and said something to the effect of him liking what he's why they negotiated with them how they did.
The episode yesterday was nuts....I dunno how Mike knew dude was gonna off him but when he got in and laced the dude was :wow:
And this new chick is someone important....Mike had a gun to her face and kept her alive for a get more supplies....I think she's intertwined with Gus somehow.

now that i think about it, i remember that scene at Don Eladio's house when Hector said they liked what they saw when he pissed in the pool so it makes sense....and yes this new chick is an operative for Madrigal.
I think many people dislike Junior because he's essentially a useless character.
He's only there to show Walt's human side, that he's not completely heartless.
His cerebral palsy won't let him be a badass, Damien like, successor to Walt.
He would snitch immediately,because he idolizes hank.
His love for breakfast is unparalleled.

:smh: :frown:


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:lol: Come on, the dude that plays Walt Jr. actually has cerebral palsy in real life

And Lydia is one of the big players in Madrigal. It looks like Gus had some connections with the company (Lydia, Shuler) but NOT everyone. That's why if I heard correctly, when they met with the detectives, the head of the company told them he thought Shuler was acting alone and he kinda threatened his people like "If we find anyone else involved..."

That's why Lydia got so shook and had to meet with Mike
:lol: Come on, the dude that plays Walt Jr. actually has cerebral palsy in real life
And Lydia is one of the big players in Madrigal. It looks like Gus had some connections with the company (Lydia, Shuler) but NOT everyone. That's why if I heard correctly, when they met with the detectives, the head of the company told them he thought Shuler was acting alone and he kinda threatened his people like "If we find anyone else involved..."
That's why Lydia got so shook and had to meet with Mike

I know man leave Walt Jr alone!

The ramifications of last season are being felt. Can't wait to see how it ends.

I wonder what Badger is doing...
On another forum i frequent, one of the members said Gus can't be gay because a gay man would never wear that yellow shirt. :lol:
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That uneaten breakfast was definitely SKylar's.

:lol: @ this extreme Walt Jr. hate.

I couldn't care less if Gus was gay. Doesn't change the story in the slightest.
On another forum i frequent, one of the members said Gus can't be gay because a gay man would never wear that yellow shirt. :lol:


That uneaten breakfast was definitely SKylar's.

:lol: @ this extreme Walt Jr. hate.

I couldn't care less if Gus was gay. Doesn't change the story in the slightest.

nope but it def makes some of the scenes funnier when rewatching
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Why are some of you saying that the ricin wasn't used? I thought Walt clearly used it to poison the kid last season.

And someone wanna explain to me the connection that german company has with all of this? I must've missed that part.

Lastly. One thing I loved about last night's episode is the scene when Hank's boss is saying how he had Gus over his house for dinner and he didn't suspect him of being anything but a honest, innocent man and that he was under his nose with the camera focusing on Hank
His love for breakfast is unparalleled.

:rofl: :rofl:

[quote name="Betsy Brandt (Marie from Breaking Bad)"]Not only that, she also hinted that the long rumored big-screen move for the show may be gaining some steam. “There is a big director that would like to direct the last episode as a movie and put it in theaters,” she told us. “The show starting out as the little show that could ... it’s become such a big thing, and I’d just love for it to have a huge ending.”[/quote]

Would be awesome but I doubt it happens.
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Why are some of you saying that the ricin wasn't used? I thought Walt clearly used it to poison the kid last season.
And someone wanna explain to me the connection that german company has with all of this? I must've missed that part.
Lastly. One thing I loved about last night's episode is the scene when Hank's boss is saying how he had Gus over his house for dinner and he didn't suspect him of being anything but a honest, innocent man and that he was under his nose with the camera focusing on Hank

Nope. Walt used that Plant in his yard The Valley of something something to poison Brock
Wait, how do some of y'all not understand that Walt used the Lily of the Valley flower to poison Brock? Do you watch Breaking Bad or do you just skim through it?

Basically, Walt didn't use the ricin to poison Brock because Jesse would've easily made the connection. Instead, off camera, Walt gave Saul the Lily of the Valley flower (I don't know how or in what form) to Brock (if you remember, Saul was making weekly cash drops to Jesse's girlfriend's house). Saul got the ricin cigarette off Huell who stole it off Jesse when Jesse walked into Saul's office and Huell patted him down (if you rewatch that scene in the second or third (can't remember which) last episode of Season 4, you'll notice Huell stuff something in his pocket - that is presumably the pack of cigarettes Jesse had).

In the first episode of Season 5, Saul gives Walt back the ricin cigarette which leads up to the infamous "We're done when I say we're done" bit.

I think someone explained it better on the previous page of the thread, that's just a brief recap of what went down regarding the ricin cigarette.

Did ya think it was just a random plant they zoomed into at the end of the season for scenery? :lol:

If ricin is used, I don't think there's any cure to it once it's in your system because you don't feel it until days after so by then it's too late.
Walt had Saul and Huell (fat dude) frisk Jesse and take the ricin cigarette from him in episode 11 of last season, Walt put the real ricin cig. behind a plug in outlet for later use (something that will definitely come up again, my guess is somehow Jesse will find it? who knows.) He put salt in another fial making it seem like Ricin and went to help Jesse look for his 'lost' ricin cigarette, at some point he probably interested into the Roomba., making Jesse search it and him finally finding it.
edit: Yes he poisoned him on purpose to get Jesse back on his side, making it seem like Gus poisoned him so he would come back to working with Walt to take Gus down (due to Gus' history of using children to do his dirty work)
Jesse I feel, is the heart of the show.. dude actually has emotions unlike Walt now. It's amazing how the producers have developed his character over the years. Even though he makes extremely stupid decisions at times, you can't help but feel for him when he's down. Walt is a master manipulator, this is the best TV show ever in my eyes, PENDING the end game holds true to the way things are being show weekly.
/ *END Breaking Bad stan post*

Posting again for people who are dyslexic.
And someone wanna explain to me the connection that german company has with all of this? I must've missed that part.

Gus' entire operation was under the Madrigal Electromotive, they are the ones that supplied Gus with all that meth lab gear and they owned Los Pollos Hermanos, among other fast food restaurants apparently. It was mentioned a couple times in season 3 and 4 but there wasn't much information regarding them.
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