Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

There's 5 sundays left. 5 episodes. Only way it's 2 hours is if they skip a week. I hope it's not 90 minutes cause the only reason they would do that is if to buy more commercials :smh:
The only episode that was extended was the pilot and it was only 58 minutes.

I'd be surprised if it was anything more than usual.
I don't know how to explain this, but before we had clocks, people used sun dials to measure time.  Shadows moving around sun dials to determine how much time was left for daylight.

In the 2nd episode of season 5B, Jesse was laying down on a spinning carousel with the shadows moving around him, much like a sun dial, signifying Jesse doing time

:nerd:  amireachin?

if you look at it again he put some money in the sandbox

he's trying to buy back his innocence

also, I'm making this up
In the season 4 episode "Bullet Points", Walt tells Skyler "Don't chop-chop me".

Could this be foreshadowing Walt's death at the hands of an ax wielding Skyler?

It's always great to see ppl's posts where they're reaching too hard or just stating obvious things that need not be said and then see you post right after them with something so sarcastic.
I think I read somewhere that the last two episodes were going to be 10-15 minutes longer than a regular episode's duration. Not sure if that's true though.
:lol: Walt has his best interest at heart? Walt might have had moments where he cared for Jesse, but for the most part, everything Walt does serves his own end.

walt could have just killed ol boy in the dessert but he sent him off with cash to start a new life....

either way it serves his own purpose but he had to have heart for the kid if he didnt do him like he did mike...

jesse is a druggy and a loose cannon and out of everybody who could possibly get walt in deep **** it would be him whether snitching or throwing money in them damn streets...

walt not killing jesse might be the biggest mistake walt ever did... he followed his heart instead of putting business ahead..
they should just make the last episode commercial free and let it be 60 minutes

wouldnt hank be the moral compass of the show? :lol:
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i dunno hank has shown what i believe to be hubris in his pursuit of heisenberg.  had he let gomie in from the beginning with his investigations, he might have been able to snitch on walt.  but hank believes he wants to be a cowboy and bring it all down himself.
i dunno hank has shown what i believe to be hubris in his pursuit of heisenberg.  had he let gomie in from the beginning with his investigations, he might have been able to snitch on walt.  but hank believes he wants to be a cowboy and bring it all down himself.

i kinda disagree...he tried to fill in his superiors on his theories about gus but they were having none of it. and throughout the show hes been constantly told that his dept does not have the budget or resources to continue to pursue this case. so he kept going off the books in his investigation
Gomie was like the no. 1 naysayer. Always busting hank's balls about Heisenberg.
walt could have just killed ol boy in the dessert but he sent him off with cash to start a new life....

either way it serves his own purpose but he had to have heart for the kid if he didnt do him like he did mike...

jesse is a druggy and a loose cannon and out of everybody who could possibly get walt in deep **** it would be him whether snitching or throwing money in them damn streets...

walt not killing jesse might be the biggest mistake walt ever did... he followed his heart instead of putting business ahead..

the difference between what he could had done to jesse and what he did to mike was anger. Walt killed mike not because of tactical planning but because of his pride. Mike was gonna be gone either way but walt let his ego get to him and thats why mike died. Not because he needed him gone
Gomie was like the no. 1 naysayer. Always busting hank's balls about Heisenberg.
yea, but i feel like its just cuz he didnt know all of what hank knew.  i still think have could have took him out for a beer and just talked to him about what was going on.
the difference between what he could had done to jesse and what he did to mike was anger. Walt killed mike not because of tactical planning but because of his pride. Mike was gonna be gone either way but walt let his ego get to him and thats why mike died. Not because he needed him gone
yea walts anger is what killed mike, but i feel it was still justified.  mike out there as a loose string and as dangerous as he is, i wouldnt take the risk either. it doesnt really matter if walt killed him out of anger or necessity, cuz he had to go anyway.
Mike didn't have to go... he was about to disappear and Walt even admitted he could have just gotten the names from Lydia. Mike was a professional, he would have been gone for good and never heard from again.

It was completely unjustified... It was simply because Walt's ego was hurt.
Mike didn't have to go... he was about to disappear and Walt even admitted he could have just gotten the names from Lydia. Mike was a professional, he would have been gone for good and never heard from again.

It was completely unjustified... It was simply because Walt's ego was hurt.

def a ego taking over moment
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