Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

The cast and crew will be there though...and they'll likely do a Q&A.

45 is a steal to me...

If I was in that area I would totally go.
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The cast and crew will be there though...and they'll likely do a Q&A.

45 is a steal to me...

If I was in that area I would totally go.

id want to go if it was near me..... but then id have to pay for my gf too :lol:
^ reason why we're debating on going.

don't feel like sitting on a lawn listening to fans ask dumb questions :lol:

might still go and bail after the finale.

If anyone cares the Breaking Bad Series Finale will be played at the Hollywood Cemetery with the cast + crew there. Tickets are $45

Me and some of my boys were planning on going but not for 45 hots.

Saw this too. I'm a regular cinespia moviegoer, 45 bucks for 40 min of otherwise free television programming is not the play.

Same here...

caught Pulp Fiction earlier this summer :pimp:

but it's not just 40 minutes. They're screening the Pilot and Series Finale. Followed by Q&A.
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^ reason why we're debating on going.

don't feel like sitting on a lawn listening to fans ask dumb questions :lol:

might still go and bail after the finale.

If anyone cares the Breaking Bad Series Finale will be played at the Hollywood Cemetery with the cast + crew there. Tickets are $45

Me and some of my boys were planning on going but not for 45 hots.

Saw this too. I'm a regular cinespia moviegoer, 45 bucks for 40 min of otherwise free television programming is not the play.

Same here...

caught Pulp Fiction earlier this summer :pimp:

but it's not just 40 minutes. They're screening the Pilot and Series Finale. Followed by Q&A.

Ahh... copy that. This might be worth it after all. especially to meet the cast and crew in person.
This is jus speculation but how yall think mike wouldd have reacted to the inmates getting killed?
It's hard to tell because we don't know what would've made Mike flip. He definitely wouldn't have liked it, but I couldn't see him doing anything about it.
This is jus speculation but how yall think mike wouldd have reacted to the inmates getting killed?
I'm not completely sure he would've known had he left for good. Like does he still have a reason to check in? I mean he pretty much knew Walt was gonna have them killed once he decided to leave.

Aint much he could do if he found out other than come back, jeopardize himself with Hank and try to kill Walt. I doubt he'd ever snitch.

On another note, I think Walt took Mike's money and then later gave it to Jesse so he could make a new life when he was gonna leave town :lol: No clues for that or anything but I think that's what he'd do.
yea i think jesse's 5 mill is mikes too
"So wait...did Walt drug Jesse with the cigarette or not?" :rofl:

There will also be DJs there.

I'm still debating on going. One of your favorite shows ending at the Hollywood Cemetery only happens once. But 45 is a lot. But it is BYOB tho.....

Random but I was thinking: If Todd doesn't kill that kid in the first 15 seconds, what do you guys think happens? When they were arguing after Todd asked Mr. White & Jesse what should he have done and neither gave a clear answer.
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walt woulda done it, that woulda prolly been better cuz then i could really see why jesse would turn against him

brock is such a weak excuse imo
I always felt they should've pretended to be cops or let Mike handle the kid. I think Walt and/or Jesse would've overreacted or blown their cover in trying to trick the kid.
"Or what if Jesse followed Walt that day and discovered that he shot Mike, and got him to a hospital in time"

That's all folks, tune in next week for Conspiracy Theory with NT
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It'd be really hard to choose a favorite, but Gus seems to be the one that I always think about first.
My boy who had never watched this show but was with us when we were watching the most recent episode said he thought the show was trash because it had terrible acting :rolleyes I was so tight >: that he would say some dumb **** like that.
If youve never watched BB you cant just hop in on any ol episode. Theres some scenes in BB where theres no words for like minutes at a time just facial expressions and **** if you dont follow it I could see how it could look stupid
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