Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Not sure if this was discussed earlier, but I'm watching the series from the beginning and they are definitely implying that Walt and Gretchen have a past. Not sure how deep it was, but I'm thinking this is what pushed him out of grey matter.
Not sure if this was discussed earlier, but I'm watching the series from the beginning and they are definitely implying that Walt and Gretchen have a past. Not sure how deep it was, but I'm thinking this is what pushed him out of grey matter.
The actress who plays Gretchen confirmed they dated and broke up because Walt felt insecure about her family coming from money. It shows Walt's insecurity and ego has been apart of him his whole life.
Not sure if this was discussed earlier, but I'm watching the series from the beginning and they are definitely implying that Walt and Gretchen have a past. Not sure how deep it was, but I'm thinking this is what pushed him out of grey matter.

Hop off. It's just a theory. Not like vince confirmed it.
Just started watching the show a few weeks ago so I'm trying to catch up on Netflix now. I'm about halfway through season 2. I have no idea how it's going to stretch out to five seasons. The dude Tuco was od insane 
 i remember him playing a similar role on training day but this one was waaaaay more intense.

Still tho, Scandal >>>>>>>>>
Guarantee half of you haven't even watched a single episode of scandal, and if you have you probably caught some random episode in the middle of a season. It's necessary to start from the beginning so you'll understand the storyline, it's far more intricate than BB.
I can only judge breaking bad on its first two seasons and it's good but can't hold a candle to scandal imo.

Watch it or not, doesn't matter to me one way or another. I'll continue to enjoy both.
shut the hell up


my dog could figure out walt and gretchen had a past, but obviously you're used to shows like Scandal.. 
You got female tendencies, B. That's like the fourth time you've quoted those same posts. You must be on your period. Take some advil.
I'm on my period? You like a womans show in scandal.. **** outta here 

you don't even understand a real show like breaking bad. had to ask if gretchen and walt had a past 
 stupid *** question
Sooperhooper be like this because Vince GIlligan made the show too complicated 
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