*Breaking* Johnathon Majors Arrested Vol. Strangulation, Assault & Harassment...

And like clockwork the truth comes out :smh:. I knew it was gonna be some BS with these allegations. Believe all women my a**!! Johnathan better drop that b**** like a bad habit.
Allegations shouldn’t be newsworthy until actual charges are filed. It’s a dangerous slippery slope.

The lady recants her statement but his name and character gets dragged through the mud public opinion wise. That’s not cool.

Accusations like that are serious. And when there’s validity to them, there should be legit repercussions regardless of your financial status and platform.
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Allegations shouldn’t be newsworthy until actual charges are filed. It’s a dangerous slippery slope.
The allegations weren't newsworthy. The arrest was.

Majors gets arrested and that's gonna be all over the news no matter what. The next question is why? Then the allegations naturally get introduced.

No way the news is going to wait until charges are filed to report it. Besides that charges can get dropped just as fast when the accuser recants.

Its a shame this happened to brother but maybe he'll move differently with who he spends his time with.

The next focus should be the lames claiming Jon was always a sociopath that abused ppl for years but nobody came forward until now. Those clowns need to be exposed.
Doesn't matter, the damage is done. White people will never let this go. Them folks still mad at Vick about some dogs from 2 decades ago.

Even if completely innocent, it will be at the bottom of all news articles about him from now on.

Dude could be 70 years old and win an Oscar and at the bottom of the article itll say he was accused of choking a ***** in 2023.

He could die saving kids from a school shooter.......but in 2023 he was allegedly choking *****es.

I hate that **** so much
The allegations weren't newsworthy. The arrest was.

Majors gets arrested and that's gonna be all over the news no matter what. The next question is why? Then the allegations naturally get introduced.

No way the news is going to wait until charges are filed to report it. Besides that charges can get dropped just as fast when the accuser recants.

Its a shame this happened to brother but maybe he'll move differently with who he spends his time with.

The next focus should be the lames claiming Jon was always a sociopath that abused ppl for years but nobody came forward until now. Those clowns need to be exposed.

I don’t disagree. And I especially agree with your last part

It’s flawed either way. The news has to make their money. But accusations of a star actor hitting some chick shouldn’t be page 6 headlines without substance. I know they’ll continue to post it either way. But it’s just corny to me.
You mean the dogs he electrocuted and hung for no reason?
It was his people's not him and even so how do y'all decide which animals to love and which ones to shoot for "sport?" Y'all sure do show a lot of selective empathy towards animals. But yes, the man paid his debt to society, why are y'all stillad about that? Why do y'all hold the past transgressions of black celebrities over their heads their entire careers why letting white folks slide? Jeremy Renner's ex wife claimed he had a gun in her throat and constantly abused her, all he had to do was say she's lying and y'all didn't make a fuss about it. Sean Penn faced similar accusations and you rarely see it mentioned... Meanwhile every time I see Wesley Snipes named pop up on Twitter about a project, white folks love mentioning he allegedly abused Halle even though she has never once said it was him who abused her. I'm just saying there's a big discrepancy and how black and white celebrities are treated when allegations are made against them.
People are coming out of the woodwork talking about “ I knew he was a jerk and abusive for years”. He’s done for a while IMO. Even if she recanted the narrative will be that she was force to because of some power Jonathan wields being in Hollywood.
This. As I said earlier the damage is done.
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