Breastfeeding in public appreciation vol pics

Yesterday in class, we were watching some science video on DDT, and how it cycles through the food chain...

Then everyone was hit up with this video of a woman breast feeding a baby, and everyone was like
, and all the girls were embarrassed and blushing
because the actual nipple was shown in the video. I was laughing becauseit came out of nowhere, but I guess it's supposed to be "ok". Pretty awkward video. Went on for like a minute. Funny how the only time breastscan be seen in public is through breastfeeding, and it's perfectly normal for it to happen.

But getting pleasured off of breast feeding is a bit weird.
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Yesterday in class, we were watching some science video on DDT, and how it cycles through the food chain...

Then everyone was hit up with this video of a woman breast feeding a baby, and everyone was like
, and all the girls were embarrassed and blushing
because the actual nipple was shown in the video. I was laughing because it came out of nowhere, but I guess it's supposed to be "ok". Pretty awkward video. Went on for like a minute. Funny how the only time breasts can be seen in public is through breastfeeding, and it's perfectly normal for it to happen.

But getting pleasured off of breast feeding is a bit weird.
yea, it's funny how nipples get such a taboo treatment... i mean, a shirtless guy in public is nothing, but female nipples are indecent (or
). and yet in certain places, like the beach, the ladies can rock thedental floss all day, as long as people see no areola or nipple
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

It's funny, because if OP hadn't posted pics, many NTers would probably ask for pics.. OP gave the pics right in the beginning and ended getting flamed

There's a lot of hypocrites on NT.

REALTALK... i came in here about to ask for pics and dude came through. NUFF SAID... it is what it is and she doesn't look bad from the angle.
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Every time you see females holding babies, the baby always goes right for the tittie and you're like [Dave Chappel]C'mon titty![/Dave Chappele] hoping the baby is just going to rip it out.

Last week on the plane to New York, before even taking off, I notice this baby who is just grabbing his momma's ******* while sucking the hell out of his thumb. Wait that isn't his thumb. Is that? Could it be? That's a titty! Well God Bless America. I was a row behind and 2 seats left. Funny thing is, her 13ish son was next to her so if she knew she wanted to breast feed, for privacy she could have taken the window seat or at least used the window most tittie, but she was using the aisle titty. So naturally, I took a picture of it. She was decent looking too, I probably lightweight chubbed. Old dude sitting to my left was going crazy


Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

It's funny, because if OP hadn't posted pics, many NTers would probably ask for pics.. OP gave the pics right in the beginning and ended getting flamed
There's a lot of hypocrites on NT.
REALTALK... i came in here about to ask for pics and dude came through.
SMH at all the people that need to get off their high horses in the first 3 pages of this thread....story was actually hilarious.

Predictable though, bunch of sheep so you just have to look at the first couple replies to know which direction the whole mob is going to sway. As far asgetting locked, IDK, 2 mods have posted in here already. But when Holden gets back from Catholic mass who knows, we'll probably all be banned and arrested
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

SMH at all the people that need to get off their high horses in the first 3 pages of this thread....story was actually hilarious.

Predictable though, bunch of sheep so you just have to look at the first couple replies to know which direction the whole mob is going to sway. As far as getting locked, IDK, 2 mods have posted in here already. But when Holden gets back from Catholic mass who knows, we'll probably all be banned and arrested
I don't get the sheep comment. For once, NT actually finds a situation where pics aren't appropriate. No matter how disgusting I findpublic breastfeeding to be, that is something that be just between the mother and her child. You taking pictures of this was foul and low.

Kicked off the plane because I notice a lady had her breasts out?
No you wouldn't have been kicked off the plane but had she saw you taking a picture of her, she could have pressed charges as that isvoyeurism.
Oh no here come the morality police. I'm such a heathen. And what would have happened to me? Kicked off the plane because I notice a lady had her breastsout?
OP, have you ever seen a breast? I mean the fact that you actually took the time to take a pic of a woman breastfeeding is something else....
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