Bronx Residents being overrun by tourists visiting #jokerstairs

Is this gentrification related and a certain segment of the population being childlike to where they are or what?
I heard supposedly cops wouldn’t even let local residents chill or loiter on them steps
But now that the white folks coming and taking pictures
They don’t say anything to them about it
Also film was trash
take off the glasses of bigotry, it is not only 'white folks' taking pictures here
I was driving through times square yesterday and damn near everyone had their phone out recording selfies to post on IG. Ish was bizarre :smh:

My favorite is when IG Thots stand on those pillars and get their man to crouch down for an epic shot.
No where near the amount of foot traffic Crenshaw and Slauson was gettin' earlier this year...

...y'all BX ******'ll be aight.
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