> Bronx teenager puts bookbag on BMW, gets slashed by driver

1) why put YOUR stuff on someone else's property

2) why talk BACK to someone referring to that.

with that said.

He shouldn't of been cut up like that. But some of these Kids act like they are untouchable, with a chip on their shoulder that doesn't even belongthere.
There is no justification for slashing a kid's face over a bookbag on your car. NT amazes me. you're going to nearly kill someone over that? ARE YOUSERIOUS?

disrespect or not, you're really gonna risk jail time over that? give me a break.

@ everyone who thinks the kid deserved to get scarred up for lifeover this incident. get off your bad %+! pedestal and check in to reality.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I can understand that the kid got out of line. Kids these days are out of control, and to throw your bag on someone's car while they're in it, then mouth off when you're confronted is straight disrespectful.

But he deserved to be stabbed and slashed across the face? Word?
no one is saying he deserved to be stabbed.
people are only saying that he has no one to blame but himself for what happened to him.

if you disrespect others, you are leaving yourself open to various consequences at their discretion. it's not right, but that's just the way it is, andi'm sure he knew that when he decided to talk back and argue.

if everyone tells me an airplane has a broken wing but i still go on it, and it crashes and i die a fiery death... is the manner in which i died horrible? yes.but is it 100% my fault for exposing myself to the possibility of danger? yes.
Over a backpack? You probably do more damage to the paint by driving it when there's bugs out. If he's keying the car, he might deserve a beatdown, butstill not a slashing.
In MY reality, the kid is lucky. I don't know where you're from but __s die EVERY DAY around here for less. Honest to God, I found out today that one of my dude's (my cousin's BF to be exact) was found MURKED OFF last night in the middle of 17th andbroadway. All I said was "Damn... that's how it is out here. I need to make sure Joi is cool". I don't know what that man did, but I know hewas a "doer" so to speak. Bad Karma caught my dude, that's all there is too it. R.I.P.... it be like that. There are no "degrees ofKarma". Whatever you start can and will get finished eventually. You better just hope karma takes it lighton you. Once you invite bad karma into your situation, you're at its mercy. Period. Any other way of lookingat the situation is plain STUPID.
Enlightened Thought:
There is no justification for slashing a kid's face over a bookbag on your car. NT amazes me. you're going to nearly kill someone over that? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

disrespect or not, you're really gonna risk jail time over that? give me a break.

@ everyone who thinks the kid deserved to get scarred up for life over this incident. get off your bad %+! pedestal and check in to reality.
Simple question: what is your justification for the kid being allowed to put his bag wherever the hell he pleases, and then arguing about it?Justify that, please. I'd love to hear it.

I'm not saying the kid 'deserves' to be cut up, but I'm asking: why the hell did he think he had a right to use someone else's propertywithout their permission? And why did he think he had a right to argue about it when confronted? Justify that.

Because I'm not justifying ol' Johnny Knifeyourface; he over-reacted, and like me and Winter said, he deserves what he's got coming as far as thelaw is concerned. Son needs some anger management skills in the worst way. Like, someone puts their bag on your car, argues about it, and you slice 'em up?Yeah, you're not right.

But the kid? Justify his actions, please. I'd love to hear something along the lines of 'He didn't know the car belonged to psychopath', or'He didn't mean to hurt anything on the car. He was just innocently laying his bag down.' Something along those lines would make me feel all warmand fuzzy inside.
Originally Posted by ceelo4

I don't get why the kid would argue back after putting his bookbag on someone elses car. Probably wouldve saved him from all the trouble.

I agree.

Kid should not touch other people's property.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43


but don't act like the kid didn't deserve to get touched for putting his %%+% on someone's car, and then arguing about it after.
I said the kid was most likely at fault as well... If all dude was slap the kid up a little bit, I would be like "Whatever, ain'tnothing serious." I wouldn't think twice about it. But that's not what happened.

Like I said, none of us were there so nobody knows who really said what.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

how old are you? if you have a car, i want you to go to your car one day and see some kids messing around with your car, and see how you feel. that %%+% is a blatant violation.
19, and I've walked out my crib to see dudes younger than me, my age, and older than me posted up on my whip. I don't start popping offat the mouthpiece, I either ask them to move or disable the alarm and more often than not they move. Couple of times dudes started talking $#$+ about me or mycar, but I ain't about to cause problems over something petty like that. A car ain't THAT important.
Kid deserved a whoopin', he didn't deserve to look like the Joker for the rest of his life.

Personally, if I was Sweeney Todd, I would have just put the kid on his @+* if he would have mouthed off. I'm a pretty calm dude and I don't care if Iam driving a beater. Just the fact that a punk put his $*@% on my property and then proceeds to mouth off as if he has a right to disrespect my $*@%.

What I would of done? Put the kid on his @+*, take his bookbag, drive half a block and toss his book bag in the middle of the street. Disrespect his $*@% andmake him pick run up the street and pick up his bookbag.

Slash him up, nah, that puts you in all sorts of trouble.
that made me cringe. No car is worth the time he's going to be doing over a book bag on his ride

He coulda roughed the kid up a lil bit at most...but slash him up?
dude was probaly being qa smart #@$. you know how kids are. he messed with the wrong guy that day. the driver did go to far.
I'm not going to say the guy was right, but at no time in my life would i have ever thought it was respectful to throw my book bag on a car, ESPECIALLYwhen there is someone in it!!! And then have the nerve to argue back?! At the age of 16 your old enough to know right from wrong, I honestly hope that somegood comes from this and people learn a little more respect, I can't say i feel sorry for this teen at all since he was the one that initiated it.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Maybe for an M6.....................

Nah not even, if you have an m6 then someone doing that shouldn't phase you....

Why? Because obviously you got that m6 guap...

Plus its just uncalled for, over any car. I don't give a damn if it was a Bugatti Veyron still uncalled for...
You kidding? Rich or not they know a M6 is an expensive car. If im in a civic and a kid did that no problem, a M6, u better be sure im doinsomething.

Either way, the kid shouldnt have did that while the drive was in the car or talked back to the driver, although the driver did go too far
- im not going to say what the kid did or didnt deserve. what i do know is i bet that kid will NEVER do it again

- im sorry, all this talk about "over a bookbag", its not that simple. sure you can reduce it to that but the fact of thematter is you dont mess with other peoples property. the kid probably ploped down on dudes car not knowing the driver was still in it. the thing thatgets me is once confronted he starts yaking his trap instead of a simple 'my bad'.

- good. maybe with more incidents like these people will learn to respect other peoples stuff.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

!*+* that, the lil knucklehead shouldn't have done it, period. I'm starting to lack sympathy more and more for people who go out of their own way to cause themselves harm. I guess we should have logged the tree that Sonny Bono hit too, huh? I'm not saying what the driver did was right, I'm saying that I'm tired of people getting pissed at the effect instead of attacking the cause. It's either that or people feel that "the cause didn't justify such a serious effect". In either case, don't start none won't be none is more than sufficient logic. The driver deserves what's coming to him for his over-reaction and the kid deserves what came to him for his stupidity. Cause. Effect.

my thoughts exactly. who just walks up and touches someone else's car for no reason. what ever happened to respect for other people's belongings? the driver definitely overreacted but it wouldn't have happened if that teen used better judgement.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

!*+* that, the lil knucklehead shouldn't have done it, period. I'm starting to lack sympathy more and more for people who go out of their own way to cause themselves harm. I guess we should have logged the tree that Sonny Bono hit too, huh? I'm not saying what the driver did was right, I'm saying that I'm tired of people getting pissed at the effect instead of attacking the cause. It's either that or people feel that "the cause didn't justify such a serious effect". In either case, don't start none won't be none is more than sufficient logic. The driver deserves what's coming to him for his over-reaction and the kid deserves what came to him for his stupidity. Cause. Effect.
Never in my NT tenure did I think I'd see a Sonny Bono reference...let alone one like this.
I had to double take on that one too.
lol wooow, its a funky car

nt is full of idiots and fake tough guys.... a simply 'get the hell of my car' would suffice and so what if the kid talked back... you willing to havea _moment and assault a minor over some dumb crap like that??

imo my squeaky clean record is worth more than that...
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