> Bronx teenager puts bookbag on BMW, gets slashed by driver

He shouldn't of stabbed him, but the kid should def not be talking back.

I remember back then some kid was sitting on my mothers car and he wouldn't get off. She had to call me outside to get this kid off the car...a coupleslaps later he was off

moral of the story, respect people's stuff
If the kid's story is true, I take back my thoughts of what happened

But my thoughts on respect and trash talk are still the same
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The kid needs to know... EVERYONE needs to know... that NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME!! Sure, sometimes you'll put your bag on the car of someone who doesn't care, because they like their squeaky clean record. Other times they'll put their bag on the car of someone who will simply step out and remove the bag. And other times, they'll put their bag on the car of someone ready to rearrange their face with a knife. And still OTHER times, they'll put their bag on the car of some crazy idiot who will... point blank, bottom line... shoot them. Bang.

So my lesson to my son would be (and will be, when he's older): "Don't put your bag on ANYONE'S car Then you won't have to worry about whether or not the owner will shoot you, slice you, remove your bag, or just do nothing.'

The heck is he doing tromping around on someone else's lawn?! Even if he goes over to a friend's house, he better not be tromping around on their lawn without the permission of whoever owns the home! Not my kid. Hell no.
you're gonna teach your kid how not to do anything anyone deems remotely offensive? there are the obvious things you will teach your kid like don't talk back, or dont put your bag on someones car but what about the one insignificant thing you forget to warn your kid about like... walking over someones lawn and they carve you kids face up... is it still your kids fault??
This is not an issue of an offensive slur or anything like tha; this is an issue of respect. And as far as that is concerned, so help me God, my son will be as respectful as I was as a kid and I am now. And there's no way on God's green earth I would have even DREAMED of setting my bag on the car of someone I did not know personally, and no way I would have even thought about crossing the lawn of someone I didn't know personally. I never even thought 'Don't set your bag on this car, because you don't know them.' And I'm sure most people on my side of the fence in this thread can say the same thing. We never thought that, because it was already instilled that the car is off-limits to begin with.

Answer this: if the kid never sets his bag on the car, is there a story?

Is there?

If the driver was irate over the kid setting his bag on the car and arguing about it... does the kids face ever get sliced if he minds the car as something that is off-limits?
the fact that you have to sit here and argue back and forth about this ++#% just proves you're wrong. if your point was valid you wouldn'thave to sit here an explain it.
Enlightened Thought:
I don't know how you can say that people are justifying the knifer's actions... when not ONE person has said that he was in the right. No one. People just started chiming in talking about the kid's actions when it became a pattern that NO ONE wanted to place any blame on him.

And that's how are society has gotten; kids do whatever they want, then when they cross the line and someone overreacts, everyone does two things:
#1. focus on the person who overreacted
#2. forget COMPLETELY that the kid crossed the line

And that's exactly what's happening in this situation.

People are acting like the kid did something minor, like saying a curse word under his breath. Heck no. Son straight put his back on someone else's car... and then had the nuts to argue about it. Honestly... and I sincerely mean this...

here's what some people have said in this thread:
Skip that.. Im pretty sure that teen deserved it.
The driver deserves what's coming to him for his over-reaction and the kid deserves what came to him for his stupidity. Cause. Effect.
All he had to do was apologize instead of mouthing off. HE DESERVED IT.
the kid deserved getting slashed in the face? that sounds to me like justification on the slasher's side. he put his books on someone else's car and well hey, it's the driver's property - he should get to whatever he wants. When you say the kid deserves this, it sounds to me like you're justifying the slasher's actions. If you disagree with my thought process, then we really can't argue too much about that.

i already stated that the kid made a dumb mistake. i'm not saying otherwise. but the way people are talking about it, it's as if slashing the kid's face isn't as bad as it really is. because you know, his property was damaged so it was the kid's fault anyway, blah blah blah...i think it's nonsense. the kid was immature, ok. I UNDERSTAND THAT. but when people start acting like the kid's actions warranted him getting scarred for life, that's where i have a problem. that's the vibe i feel from this post.

in this case: the guy's overreaction is FAR WORST than the kid's actions. so of course people are gonna focus on that.
Then let me speak for myself (and I'm 90% positive DearWinter, one of the people you quoted, will agree with me; I've re-stated thingsI've said before with him that he thought he disagreed with, but when I put it another way or explained it differently, he agreed, and I'm 90% positivehe doesn't mean 'deserve' when he says it): the kid didn't 'deserve' it, as in answering the question 'Was the consequence fittingof the behavior?' ('Did the punishment fit the crime?)

For me, the answer to that is no. So do I think the kid 'deserved' what happened? No, I don't. I think he deserved to get punched in the facedefinitely. So obviously, anything below that, I think he deserved that as well.

And if I break into my neighbor's apartment next to me and he catches me, do I deserve for him to lock me in some secret shack in the city and torture forthe rest of my life? No, I wouldn't deserve that. BUT BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL HE WOULD DO TO ME IF I BROKE INTO HIS PLACE, I'M NOT EVENTHINKING ABOUT DOING IT. Hell, maybe is some psychopath that we don't know about, and maybe he's got 3 missing people tied up in the woods somewherefor breaking into his home.

I won't be the 4th, I can guarantee you that.

And my son won't ever be in a story like this either, where he's got the feeling that every car can be his personal shelf if he feels like it, andhe's got the nads to argue about it when confronted about it. First off, like I've alluded to, my son already is learning that the only safe items inthis world for him to handle are the items in our home. But even if he did set his bag on someone's car and that person confronted him, SO HELP ME GOD,he'll apologize and take his bag off the damn car immediately.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

an adult with issues, a teen with no respect for other's property - this is what happens when those two collide.

yes.. him apologizing..so damn disrespectful..
For everyoen thinking the kid deserved it I hope you dudes never tough talk. Because you deserve whatevery you get, be it death. This kid could have easilydied then what?. No one deserves harm, yeah the kid needs to learn some respect, at the same time it's a learning process no one is the person that theyneed to be at 10th grade, if you ere then you wouldn't need to grow. I hope dude pulls through and I hope alot of you grow up and realize that you beingyou doesn't mean you are who your going to be or you were who you are, everyone says people need to learn something but don't ever give them the chanceto do so.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I think he deserved to get punched in the face definitely.

Let me ask you this. When you punch some kid in the face for sitting their bag on your car do you think you deserve it when you get arrested for assault?

For me. Yelling at some kid and maybe if he talks back chucking his bag down the block > then spending even part of my day in central booking for an assaultcharge on a minor, all because the kid put his bag on my car…
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

Id put a stack that it was a 3 series. 3 series drivers stay thinking they drive a Ferrari or something

you're wrong.. but i agree. 3 series drives act like they are rolling in ferraris/lambos
For me, the answer to that is no. So do I think the kid 'deserved' what happened? No, I don't. I think he deserved to get punched in the face definitely. So obviously, anything below that, I think he deserved that as well.
fair enough and i agree, i would've socked the kid as well. but a line is crossed when people start saying the kid deserved it...because hedidn't. and that to me, sounds like such a definite justification on the driver's actions. that''s what i'm addressing. not thekid's actions, but rather the driver's.

Let me ask you this. When you punch some kid in the face for sitting their bag on your car do you think you deserve it when you get arrested for assault?
that's a good question...haha. if it were me and i got mad, i would've socked the kid. and yes, you do deserve to get arrested forassault because that's what it is: assault. you take responsibilities for your emotions and your outbursts.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The kid needs to know... EVERYONE needs to know... that NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME!! Sure, sometimes you'll put your bag on the car of someone who doesn't care, because they like their squeaky clean record. Other times they'll put their bag on the car of someone who will simply step out and remove the bag. And other times, they'll put their bag on the car of someone ready to rearrange their face with a knife. And still OTHER times, they'll put their bag on the car of some crazy idiot who will... point blank, bottom line... shoot them. Bang.

So my lesson to my son would be (and will be, when he's older): "Don't put your bag on ANYONE'S car Then you won't have to worry about whether or not the owner will shoot you, slice you, remove your bag, or just do nothing.'

The heck is he doing tromping around on someone else's lawn?! Even if he goes over to a friend's house, he better not be tromping around on their lawn without the permission of whoever owns the home! Not my kid. Hell no.
you're gonna teach your kid how not to do anything anyone deems remotely offensive? there are the obvious things you will teach your kid like don't talk back, or dont put your bag on someones car but what about the one insignificant thing you forget to warn your kid about like... walking over someones lawn and they carve you kids face up... is it still your kids fault??
This is not an issue of an offensive slur or anything like tha; this is an issue of respect. And as far as that is concerned, so help me God, my son will be as respectful as I was as a kid and I am now. And there's no way on God's green earth I would have even DREAMED of setting my bag on the car of someone I did not know personally, and no way I would have even thought about crossing the lawn of someone I didn't know personally. I never even thought 'Don't set your bag on this car, because you don't know them.' And I'm sure most people on my side of the fence in this thread can say the same thing. We never thought that, because it was already instilled that the car is off-limits to begin with.

Answer this: if the kid never sets his bag on the car, is there a story?

Is there?

If the driver was irate over the kid setting his bag on the car and arguing about it... does the kids face ever get sliced if he minds the car as something that is off-limits?
the fact that you have to sit here and argue back and forth about this ++#% just proves you're wrong. if your point was valid you wouldn't have to sit here an explain it.
Hand down, the weakest rebuttal I've ever read on here. Ever. "Well you're arguing about it, so that means even you know you'rewrong."


This is a message board. The only interaction we have with each other is with words. I'm a long-winded person, with a very large interest in humanactivity.

Do the math? Is this an issue to talk about? Yep. Is this an issue of human activity? Yep.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

Let me ask you this. When you punch some kid in the face for sitting their bag on your car do you think you deserve it when you get arrested for assault?
that's a good question...haha. if it were me and i got mad, i would've socked the kid. and yes, you do deserve to get arrested for assault because that's what it is: assault. you take responsibilities for your emotions and your outbursts.

Then tell me what exactly you taught that kid by punching him? Other than maybe if he can take a couple punches he can see you get cuffed and taken away in asquad car and probably do a lot more than just sit his bag on your car…
I think he deserved to get punched in the face definitely.
Let me ask you this. When you punch some kid in the face for sitting their bag on your car do you think you deserve it when you get arrested for assault?
an adult with issues, a teen with no respect for other's property - this is what happens when those two collide.

yes.. him apologizing..so damn disrespectful..

Who the heck said the kid apologized? The kid? In the article? So being interviewed after the fact, he says he never argued or mouthed off, andthat he apologized... and right off the bat, you believe him? I read in another article that the guy with a knife said that the kid pulled a gun. So youbelieve the words of the guy with the knife now, because I read that he said it?
Ska. I just want to know do you look up to? as in historical figures, are you a subscriber to Himorabi's code? you def seem like it. What every happened toturn the other cheek, if my brother slaps me I will show him my other check. According to your logic if you were to accidentally disrespect someone and getstabbed in the face the person actions are somewhat justified correct. I think it's easy to takl about things from a distance, but if it were in your frontyard and you were a victim then the story would be different. And you can't sit here and tell me you don't disrespect someone. Something as little assomeone half your age mouthing off to you set you off in such a way then I seriously question your manhood.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I think he deserved to get punched in the face definitely.
Let me ask you this. When you punch some kid in the face for sitting their bag on your car do you think you deserve it when you get arrested for assault?

Then as I asked Enlightened Thought, Please do tell me what exactly you taught that kid by punching him? Other than maybe if he can take a couple punches hecan see you get cuffed and taken away in a squad car and probably do a lot more than just sit his bag on your car…

My only point is this. Adults when we're acting like adults resolve problems, not escalate them.

I mean what happens when you punch the kid and he whips out a pistol and shoots you in the face. You assaulted him, he has far greater argument forself-defense than that idiot who stabbed the kid over his car.
a simple "move the bag" wasnt good enough? and if he did talk back i wouldnt care cause all he had to do was drive away while the kid stayed on thestop. he should have showeed the kid how to behave in circumstances by just walking away.

hope lil homie pulls through.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

an adult with issues, a teen with no respect for other's property - this is what happens when those two collide.
yes.. him apologizing..so damn disrespectful..

Who the heck said the kid apologized? The kid? In the article? So being interviewed after the fact, he says he never argued or mouthed off, and that he apologized... and right off the bat, you believe him? I read in another article that the guy with a knife said that the kid pulled a gun. So you believe the words of the guy with the knife now, because I read that he said it?
youre gonna gonna tell me that someone whos capable of doing what he did to a kid came at that kid like a mature adult. im sure the kid mouthedoff, but im sure the other @%!!#%* idiot lost his mind before he left his car.
Then tell me what exactly you taught that kid by punching him? Other than maybe if he can take a couple punches he can see you get cuffed and taken away in a squad car and probably do a lot more than just sit his bag on your car…
i'm not trying to teach the kid anything. i never said i was. i understand that there are certain things/situations that can rile a personup to the point where they have to hit someone/something. i've been in those situations before and that's how i would react. i would never take aknife to anyone's throat or face. but i will hit someone if i'm angry. is it wrong to do so? yes. when you're angry it's hard to controlyour emotions (which i imagine is how the driver was). BUT that is no excuse by any means to punch or stab someone. i can understand the means behind it, butthat doesn't make it right. which is what i've been trying to say this whole time.
Originally Posted by ceelo4

I don't get why the kid would argue back after putting his bookbag on someone elses car. Probably wouldve saved him from all the trouble.

Let me ask you this. When you punch some kid in the face for sitting their bag on your car do you think you deserve it when you get arrested for assault?
Then as I asked Enlightened Thought, Please do tell me what exactly you taught that kid by punching him?
Who said everyone is going to be about teaching lessons? Heck, even my own son, it's my job to teach him about life, but not EVERYTHING I dois going to be a lesson; some actions I make are going to be reactive, not meant to teach a lesson. You can't believe that 100% of the actions of peopleinteracting with youth are about teaching the youth something. I mean, you live in this world; when you interact with youth (toddler, teenager, whatever), isyour every interaction with them about teaching them a lesson?

Because I can control my emotions and behaviors to some degree, I can't imagine ever punching a kid for laying his bag on my car... BUT... if I were toever do something like that, my motive wouldn't be a calculated thought process of teaching anybody anything. My motive would be letting the kid know how Ifeel. But because I have the foresight to see beforehand that acting violently will (and should) end up with me in jail, I wouldn't do it. I'm justsaying, if I did, my motive wouldn't be a damn lesson.

And I hope the lesson this kid learns is exactly the dynamic I'm talking about: the unpredictability of people needs to be respected by him more than hepreviously did.
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