> Bronx teenager puts bookbag on BMW, gets slashed by driver

oh please like i give a +%@+ go ahead.
Obviously you give a crap... because you stopped.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Let me ask you this. When you punch some kid in the face for sitting their bag on your car do you think you deserve it when you get arrested for assault?
Then as I asked Enlightened Thought, Please do tell me what exactly you taught that kid by punching him?
Who said everyone is going to be about teaching lessons? Heck, even my own son, it's my job to teach him about life, but not EVERYTHING I do is going to be a lesson; some actions I make are going to be reactive, not meant to teach a lesson. You can't believe that 100% of the actions of people interacting with youth are about teaching the youth something. I mean, you live in this world; when you interact with youth (toddler, teenager, whatever), is your every interaction with them about teaching them a lesson?

Because I can control my emotions and behaviors to some degree, I can't imagine ever punching a kid for laying his bag on my car... BUT... if I were to ever do something like that, my motive wouldn't be a calculated thought process of teaching anybody anything. My motive would be letting the kid know how I feel. But because I have the foresight to see beforehand that acting violently will (and should) end up with me in jail, I wouldn't do it. I'm just saying, if I did, my motive wouldn't be a damn lesson.

And I hope the lesson this kid learns is exactly the dynamic I'm talking about: the unpredictability of people needs to be respected by him more than he previously did.

What happens when you punch the kid and he whips out a pistol and shoots you in the face. You assaulted him, he has far greater argument for self-defense thanthat idiot who stabbed the kid over his car…

Adults when we're acting like adults resolve problems, not escalate them.

I'm not going to sit here and say the kid was right for sitting on his car and thats ok. But in no way is any assault on the kid punching, stabbing, etc.justified. And the fact you justify punching as ok I find ridiculous and pretty idiotic.
Like I keep asking you all (and nobody responds
): if the idiot with the knife was upset over the kid putting a bag on his car and then arguing about it, and we could go back in time to make it where the kid NEVER does that, do we even have an incident?

Y'all are hellbent to give the kid permission to do whatever he wants, like it's completely predictable that people are going to react within a certain set of boundaries.

They're not.

Some people don't act within boundaries.

Thats a bad questions thats like asking "If Hitler was a German instead of an Austrian would WWII have happened?" or "If America wasn't the capitalist state that we are would 9/11 happened?" Fact is it did and there is a story, and the dude did stab the kid and to me it was completly unjustified. I'd much rather suffer wrong then do wrong. The kid doesn't have permission to do what he wants, you are trying to justify the kid getting harmed though, thats not cool. As I said before people have a double standard, if it were your child(god forbid) I'm pretty sure you would have a different opinion, why should that sense of justice and compassion be exclusive to just your family members? I never support someone getting harmed mentally or physically especially over something as trivial as a bag on a car.
#1. Heck no I'm not trying to justify the kid getting sliced. The idiot with the knife? I hope he stays behind bars for a very long time, atleast a decade. Quite frankly, I don't want him out in the streets with a temper like that. If dude can't reason in his mind that it's not that bigof a deal, I don't want him roaming the streets. But the fact that he overreacted... does that make the kids face any better? Nope. Going backwards, whatshould the kid be thinking about, in terms of what could have prevented getting sliced? Should he be thinking 'What could have prevented this situation washim not slicing me,' or should he be thinking 'What could have prevented this situation was me not putting my bag on his car?' With personalresponsibility as a precedent in life, which one of those two would be more responsible for the kid to think?

#2. I've already mentioned this before, but no, I wouldn't look at the situation any different if this were my own son. I've already talked aboutthat in the thread, and I don't want to mention it again; it might upset Crank or Late80s. (ONOEZ!!!)
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

oh please like i give a +%@+ go ahead.
Obviously you give a crap... because you stopped.

i actually went to see what my final paper grade seeing as i got an email alert. but i'll go ahead and call you a %%%%#%* tool

and go ahead ban me doesnt matter either way. i dont wanna be on here where people who reason the way you do are moderators. what kinda sick joke is this?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Like I keep asking you all (and nobody responds
): if the idiot with the knife was upset over the kid putting a bag on his car and then arguing about it, and we could go back in time to make it where the kid NEVER does that, do we even have an incident?

Y'all are hellbent to give the kid permission to do whatever he wants, like it's completely predictable that people are going to react within a certain set of boundaries.

They're not.

Some people don't act within boundaries.
Thats a bad questions thats like asking "If Hitler was a German instead of an Austrian would WWII have happened?" or "If America wasn't the capitalist state that we are would 9/11 happened?" Fact is it did and there is a story, and the dude did stab the kid and to me it was completly unjustified. I'd much rather suffer wrong then do wrong. The kid doesn't have permission to do what he wants, you are trying to justify the kid getting harmed though, thats not cool. As I said before people have a double standard, if it were your child(god forbid) I'm pretty sure you would have a different opinion, why should that sense of justice and compassion be exclusive to just your family members? I never support someone getting harmed mentally or physically especially over something as trivial as a bag on a car.
#1. Heck no I'm not trying to justify the kid getting sliced. The idiot with the knife? I hope he stays behind bars for a very long time, at least a decade. Quite frankly, I don't want him out in the streets with a temper like that. If dude can't reason in his mind that it's not that big of a deal, I don't want him roaming the streets. But the fact that he overreacted... does that make the kids face any better? Nope. Going backwards, what should the kid be thinking about, in terms of what could have prevented getting sliced? Should he be thinking 'What could have prevented this situation was him not slicing me,' or should he be thinking 'What could have prevented this situation was me not putting my bag on his car?' With personal responsibility as a precedent in life, which one of those two would be more responsible for the kid to think?
You seem to be operating out of fear of negative selfrepercussion. It's not like it was a calculated move, it was an absent minded bad choice.It's horrible that people are able to react like that, it's even worse that one can't make a mistake, and even worse that every move I make Ishould fear negative repercussions for my self, I realize every decision I chose has a consequence, morality dictates my actions or more or less how my actionswill affect other people., the kid putting his bag on your car doesn't harm you in any way, a kid walking across my grass doesn't harm me, someonestepping on my shoes doesn't harm me(well maybe my toes but those heal quickly). As for somethings that I care about, opperessing me, harming my family(Imay act irrational), infrinng on my or those arounds me life liberty and or pursuit of happiness, all other things are trivial and pail in comparission, and ifhaving a nice car truly makes you happy I fear for our society.
Let me ask you this. When you punch some kid in the face for sitting their bag on your car do you think you deserve it when you get arrested for assault?
Then as I asked Enlightened Thought, Please do tell me what exactly you taught that kid by punching him?
Who said everyone is going to be about teaching lessons? Heck, even my own son, it's my job to teach him about life, but not EVERYTHING I do is going to be a lesson; some actions I make are going to be reactive, not meant to teach a lesson. You can't believe that 100% of the actions of people interacting with youth are about teaching the youth something. I mean, you live in this world; when you interact with youth (toddler, teenager, whatever), is your every interaction with them about teaching them a lesson?

Because I can control my emotions and behaviors to some degree, I can't imagine ever punching a kid for laying his bag on my car... BUT... if I were to ever do something like that, my motive wouldn't be a calculated thought process of teaching anybody anything. My motive would be letting the kid know how I feel. But because I have the foresight to see beforehand that acting violently will (and should) end up with me in jail, I wouldn't do it. I'm just saying, if I did, my motive wouldn't be a damn lesson.

And I hope the lesson this kid learns is exactly the dynamic I'm talking about: the unpredictability of people needs to be respected by him more than he previously did.

What happens when you punch the kid and he whips out a pistol and shoots you in the face. You assaulted him, he has far greater argument for self-defense than that idiot who stabbed the kid over his car…
Then I say about you 'Well if you hadn't've have punched him in the face, you wouldn't have gotten shot. However, what started thewhole thing? If the kid with the gun hadn't've set his bag on the car, then Person #2 wouldn't have punched the kid in the face, so the kidwouldn't have pulled a gun." And none of that is false. None of it. You might not like it, because I'm still placing responsibility on the kid,since he started the entire thing, but if he's responsible for starting it, then he's responsible for starting it, period. And if I'm responsiblefor overreacting to something he started, then I'm responsible for overreacting to something he started. And if he's responsible to overreacting to myoverreaction, then he's responsible for that.

See, now you're making things complicated.

The kid started the entire incident. Nothing that happened forward from him setting his bag on the car would have happened if he had enough respect to not sethis bag on someone else's car.
Adults when we're acting like adults resolve problems, not escalate them.
And in a perfect world, every adult acts like an adult. In a perfect world, people can disagree without either side resorting to labeling theother side idioitic, moronic, asinine, or anything else; in a perfect world. But as I'm sure you know, the world isn't perfect, so more caution needsto be exercised, because the unpredictability of people and the inherent FACT that people will step outside of the boundaries that everyone else stays in aretwo good reasons to be respectful of other's property.
I'm not going to sit here and say the kid was right for sitting on his car and thats ok. But in no way is any assault on the kid punching, stabbing, etc. justified. And the fact you justify punching as ok I find ridiculous and pretty idiotic.
I have never justified the actions of the guy with knife. Fall back on the need to rely on presumptions and disrespect. You think people aremorons who have a different opinion than me; I think people who have a different opinion than me... are people who have a different opinion than me. Which oneof us would you say is more likely to overreact to some kid setting his bag on our car? Are lack of tolerance and patience not the core issues you have withthe knifer?
Originally Posted by Late80s

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

oh please like i give a +%@+ go ahead.
Obviously you give a crap... because you stopped.
i actually went to see what my final paper grade seeing as i got an email alert. but i'll go ahead and call you a %%%%#%* tool

and go ahead ban me doesnt matter either way. i dont wanna be on here where people who reason the way you do are moderators. what kinda sick joke is this?

*insert basketweaving class joke here*
^^Bro. You agreed with your man DearWinter's "I wouldn't stab him but I'd punch him in the face" logic. Backtracking are we?
I'msorry if I find violence against children idiotic. Let alone attempts to justify it because it's only a punch in face it's not a buck fifty across theneck… apologies.
You seem to be operating out of fear of negative selfrepercussion. It's not like it was a calculated move, it was an absent minded bad choice. It's horrible that people are able to react like that, it's even worse that one can't make a mistake, and even worse that every move I make I should fear negative repercussions for my self, I realize every decision I chose has a consequence, morality dictates my actions or more or less how my actions will affect other people., the kid putting his bag on your car doesn't harm you in any way, a kid walking across my grass doesn't harm me, someone stepping on my shoes doesn't harm me(well maybe my toes but those heal quickly). As for somethings that I care about, opperessing me, harming my family(I may act irrational), infrinng on my or those arounds me life liberty and or pursuit of happiness, all other things are trivial and pail in comparission, and if having a nice car truly makes you happy I fear for our society
Stop talking to me like I'm the one in the incident.
I know that as long as a person isn't physically threatening me or my family, I have no reason to put my hands on them or physically harm them.

Don't tell me about how stepping on my grass doesn't harm me; I get that already. I am a very non-violentperson. I get what you're saying.

But it would be irresponsible of me as a parent to teach my son that everyone is as as non-violent as his dad, and that everyone... EVERYONE... will reactwithin a certain set of boundaries if he sets his bag on their car. As this story proves, not everyone is going to act within those boundaries of acceptablereactions.


What you call fear, I call a combination of 'respect for other's property + an understanding that human behavior is not a calculated science'

But go ahead and call it fear, suggesting to me that you think a 'fearless' approach to life is the way to be, living like there aren't crazypeople in the world that will cut your face for setting your bag on their car. I'll be over here learning from your mistakes, and teaching my son to do thesame. "See, son... terrible story here, and I hate that his face got done up like that. Remember what I told you about respecting people's property,though? This is a real world example of what I'm talking about, bud. Be easy, be respectful, and be aware of the world we live in. The world we wish welived in is not the world we live in, son. Got that?"

23ska and late80s got some history together? lulz I sense mad hate from her towards you

For the original argument:
The kid plunked the bag down and thats not lightly, that is more like throwing it down on the car. If it was my car I'd be mad too. The driver had everyright to yell at the kid and the kid shouldn't have talked back (maybe trying to act tough in front of his schoolmates?)
Kids in 10th grade he should know about respect at that age. Kids these days think they own the streets and can do whatever they want. I'm sorry but itlooks like the best way for them to learn is consequences. You really think a verbal punishment will do anything to some of them now? It may work for some butnot most of them. They'll just shake it off and pull some other mischievous deed. I don't know if their parents aren't teaching them well or theirpeers but they're just getting worse and worse. They need to know that their wild attitudes have consequences. As bad as this sounds but you can bet mostof the kids around there won't try to start trouble with random people.
What the driver did is inexcusable and no way did the kid deserve to get jigged in the face. He clearly has issues if he couldn't control his anger to anextent. But you can't really compare someone putting their stuff on your CAR to other possessions, some dudes treat their cars as their second wives.

But if the kids story is really true and he apologized then the driver had no right to lay a finger on him, even though tossing your stuff on someones car isstill disrespectful, an apology should suffice.
^^Bro. You agreed with your man DearWinter's "I wouldn't stab him but I'd punch him in the face" logic. Backtracking are we?
I'm sorry if I find violence against children idiotic. Let alone attempts to justify it because it's only a punch in face it's not a buck fifty across the neck… apologies.

#1. I like how you posted an SMH emoticon after 'Backtracking?', like correcting something you didn't mean to say is not a responsiblething to do. I hate how people have this mindset 'What I said was wrong before, and I see that now, but I'll be g.d.ed if I admit that to anyone.I'm sticking by what I said before, no matter how wrong it was." So immature.

#2. I already mentioned to Enlightened Thought that I didn't mean 'deserve' in the literal sense, andI explained what I did mean (which was nowhere close to the word 'deserved'). If you're going to attempt to pull from previous dialogue, I suggest,out of fairness, that you've read all previous dialogue.

No, the kid didn't 'deserve' what happened to him. But what happened to him, would it have happened if he never set his bag on the car of someonehe didn't know? No, it wouldn't have happened.

And here's a new thought: did that guy deserve to have some kid set a bag on his car? And after that, did he deserve for that kid to argue with him aboutit?

Again, that's where the beginning of the incident lies, love it or hate it.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

When the teen talked back, the driver pulled a knife and stabbed him once in the chest and slashed him five to six times across the face and neck, police sources said.

mistake #1, having no respect for other people's property
mistake #2, talking back to someone crazy when you're in the wrong.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Stop talking to me like I'm the one in the incident.

I think we've finally gotten to the bottom of this. 23ska909red02 = Kayanne Ferguson. You're maniac. %+*+*%* crazy.


Late80s might be !@*%!@@ crazy as well, but for wholly far more humorous/different reason.

I'm done. I have #!#$ to do.
Ska I understand what your saying people are messed up, I'm saying you can't let that dictate your life. You don't seem to be yielding on the factthat it was a calculated move, like people don't make a mistake when the "disrespect" someone. Thats what I'm saying. I can't see myselfgoing around life watching every single thing I do for the simple fact that somene might stab me, hell someone may stab me for no reason. When I disrespectsomeone it's usually an accident and teach your kids what you feel you need to teach them in order for them to be a well rounded individual, I plan onteaching my child to live life, use common sense but at the same time be sure to live your life on your terms, as for the kid mouthing off, kids will be kidsand an adult need to realize that, nothing a 13 year old can say is going to make me angry. Kids disrespecting you especially kids you don't know chuck theduece and keep it moving
There really is no need to go back and forth hoping to change someone's opinions on the issue.

It is what it is.
Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

A lot of y'all are making assumptions on what really went down, soooo I don't think anyone in here can accurately say whether or not the kid deserved it. IMO, I don't give a damn what the kid said, there wasn't any excuse for the driver to cause physical harm on the kid unless he was attacked first. He's gonna spaz out and buck fifty the kid because of a bookbag and some backtalk? Y'all talking about respecting your elders but respect goes both ways. Just because someone is older doesn't give them the excuse to treat me like %!$% and then expect me to just sit there and take it. Not happening. I ain't saying it's all on the driver because the most likely scenario is that the both of them were probably at fault in this situation, but the driver CLEARLY stepped over the line and some of y'all are damn near giving him passes for that.

For those saying the kid deserved what he got, I hope y'all remember that when you got your own seed and (God forbid) something like this happens to them.

No way in hell am I going to let my kids act like punks. My wife's cousin is worthless. He got heavy into drugs around age 13, and the mom could careless. He stole his sister's car (took without permission/license, I'll call it stealing), it broke down, and he wouldn't tell anyone where it wasfor three hours. I had to drive my wife and grandmother up to Beverly Hills just so we could look for the car, and he still wouldn't tell us where it was. He gave in about midnight.

Fast forward a few months. He has to spend some time at our house because he has no where else to go on a Saturday and his mom is out of town. I'm aboutto take the car keys and lock them in our room, but my wife says he's not stupid enough to take the car. We're watching television in another room,and I go out to the garage to get a bottle of water. Lo and behold he has the car backed out into the street. I yell to my wife that he's stealing ourcar, she calls the cops, and I race out to the car and rip him out of it.

I didn't do anything irrational in this situation. I pulled him out of the car, and just yelled at him, what the F do you think you're doing, what theF is your problem. I don't think he deserves to get slashed over a situation like this, nor do I think that the kid in the original story deserved iteither, but these kids need to be seriously beat and have some damn discipline in their lives. They have no respect for anything or anyone. I want corporalpunishment back in schools.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Ska I understand what your saying people are messed up, I'm saying you can't let that dictate your life. You don't seem to be yielding on the fact that it was a calculated move, like people don't make a mistake when the "disrespect" someone. Thats what I'm saying. I can't see myself going around life watching every single thing I do for the simple fact that somene might stab me, hell someone may stab me for no reason. When I disrespect someone it's usually an accident and teach your kids what you feel you need to teach them in order for them to be a well rounded individual, I plan on teaching my child to live life, use common sense but at the same time be sure to live your life on your terms, as for the kid mouthing off, kids will be kids and an adult need to realize that, nothing a 13 year old can say is going to make me angry. Kids disrespecting you especially kids you don't know chuck the duece and keep it moving
EXACTLY. But hey, I guess fear runs everyones life to a certain extent

the world is crazy, but come-on, I bet money everyone on niketalk has been in a similar situation when they were around that age. Nobody is expecting to nearlyget their life taken by a crazy BMW driver because they sat a bookbag on the their car. thats rediculous to even think like that.
Dude should have just wilded out and scared the kid at most but to do what he did

Like that would have really worked. I would venture to say that would have done nothing but escalated the situation. A kid with his friends hanging around, inNYC. Come on.
Actually, the kid should have kept his mouth shut,apologized, and kept it moving. But I HIGHLY doubt that would've happened. The next best option would have been for the BMW owner to just drive away... butclearly he isn't that type.

Kids are horrible these days. Not saying this kid by any means deserved it, but this *%%* happens all the time. Kids in groups act rowdy. If this were a normaldude, who couldn't stand up for himself... the KIDS would have taken advantage of him. Just happened the other way around this time.

Ska - haven't read any of this back and forth going on, but your first few responses were really on point. Kid 1)shouldn't have placed his bag on the car, but since he already did 2) he should have kept it moving. But in no way did he "deserve" all of that.The problem is.... 2 almost NEVER happens today. I would call it a miracle if a kid in NYC had that type of manners.
Ska I understand what your saying people are messed up, I'm saying you can't let that dictate your life. You don't seem to be yielding on the fact that it was a calculated move, like people don't make a mistake when the "disrespect" someone. Thats what I'm saying. I can't see myself going around life watching every single thing I do for the simple fact that somene might stab me, hell someone may stab me for no reason.
You don't see a difference in someone cutting your face for no reason... and someone cutting your face with reason? Even if that reason is'the person overreacted to your disrespect of his car', that's still a reason, and a reason is different than 'for no reason'.

Respecting people's property minimizes the odds that something could happen to you that you ignited.

"Don't tug on Superman's cape."

"Don't set your bag on the vehicles of people you don't know."

Why the HECK is that so difficult to comprehend?
"Oh, Icomprehend it. But..."

The 'but' means you don't get it.

It's simple: is it yours? If not, LEAVE... IT... ALONE. 'Yeah, but if I don't leave it alone, I don't deserve to..."

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