BROS I'm so heart broken and disgusted by the things that happen in my city

How about, just not shooting people? 

True but that's never going to happen. If you plan on ruining your own life and the person that your having the confrontation with due so but all this shooting of innocent people, kids etc is just out of hand.

This story reminds me of what happened here in NYC last year I believe. Teenage kids had a problem with each other and one goes on the roof of a building and let's off when the school is let out. :smh: ends up killing a mother there picking up her kids.

People really need to start using their brains.
How about, just not shooting people? 
True but that's never going to happen. If you plan on ruining your own life and the person that your having the confrontation with due so but all this shooting of innocent people, kids etc is just out of hand.

This story reminds me of what happened here in NYC last year I believe. Teenage kids had a problem with each other and one goes on the roof of a building and let's off when the school is let out.
ends up killing a mother there picking up her kids.

People really need to start using their brains.
True but that's never going to happen 
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