business that you have created or working on?

Am i the only one thinking about moving out to CO or WA and starting something in the newly-promulgated hemp/cannabis industry?
Am i the only one thinking about moving out to CO or WA and starting something in the newly-promulgated hemp/cannabis industry?
Just need a spotless record, credit report, tax history, a incredible initial investment and a potential competitive market of members already interconnected.  And I'd bet start up costs are through the roof.  Not to mention the gray area of Federal Law.  At least we finally will be forced to get an answer on whether enforcement of specific drug policies is up to the Fesd or the States now that CO/WA have gone to legal.  I gotta think a ton of other states look at the dollars and see that it makes sense.  I might go to Oregon to network.
I want to try my shot at a clothing brand, starting with t-shirts. I have about 5-6 ideas to start with.... unfortunately I can't draw to save my life and everyone I've tried to work with who can draw/design has shown zero initiative. I still have the full brand already planned out.... some day :rolleyes

Look at my sig and see how far I've gotten with my clothing brand.

If there is anything I can tell you is don't hold back and just start. I'm making baby steps and learning along the way. Meeting new people and getting a lot of connects. If you're serious about it take charge and make moves. 8)
Repairing iPhone screens can be profitable depending on the area but the newer phones are hard to replace. I have a laptop screen repair site that does OK, the demand is there but lately I've slacked on promotion.

Thanks for that info. My friend and I are actually serious to where we have set up appts and have a business plan all set up for it. I'd say we are 50% of the way, but still getting all the paper work done for it to see what the pros are to it. We are actually franchising a location of a guy he met up in the NorthEast. let me know if you have any more info as I'm as serious as a heart attack in getting this launched. 8)
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depending on the amount of these businesses around, you can really make a killing doing something like this. I did it myself, for friends and family for a while...then i ended up breaking a microphone on an iphone that i couldn't repair and that was the end of it for me. i'd do it again, though, if i made the time...
it's amazing that apple can charge like $60+ to replace a battery when you can buy the damn thing yourself for less than a dollar and do it yourself in less than a half hour. they've mystified the process so ppl are terrified of doing things themselves.

That is great to hear, in a sense. We are pushing really hard to start this business. Seems like its a good way to help people plus we are also going to be buying old Apple/other products from people to fix and resell. It looks promising. If you have more info I'd like to hear it. We are trying out best to get all the info we can weather its small or large to get this started. 8)
OP started this thread to take business ideas. I know what you're doing. Haha.
Graduating college soon, going to open up a maid cleaning service. Starting in Connecticut. Goal is to spread them out in the suburbs of the tri-state area and some parts of south Florida.

where in CT are you looking to start? my family owns a janitorial and cleaning supply company about an hour from NYC.
Really looking into a food truck, even though there are a TON of trucks here in NYC not too many sell what I would be selling.

Designing iPhone cases 
haha, I've only seen 1 food truck sell what I would like to sell and I'm sure I can do it better. 

To start I would be making everything from scratch. 

I have somebody willing to fund it just not sure I want to be partners with said person. (She was fired from stealing from her old job)
Good stuff everyone. Dont ever let the next dude tell you that you cannot do something. On your way to success... there are going to be people.. INCLUDING people you really care about, tell you that you cannot do something. Don't let those people slow you down. Bottom line, if there's a will, there's a way.

Now, IMO, the best way to be successful is to create a BRAND. Not a business, not a service, but a brand. You can go all over the WORLD and see the swoosh, the 3 stripes, the golden arches, the yellow smiley face... and EVERYONE knows that's Nike, Adidas, McDs, and Walmart without having said anything. Those things market themselves. They have made their brand so recognizable that most of them are in everyday language.

Thats what you should all strive to create. (I say this in a respectful way)... Everyone can come up with shirt ideas... but when THE HUNDREDS puts their little bomb on the SAME shirt idea you just had, they will move 50,000 units and you might move 100... simply because they have branded the little bomb. Its the bomb that sells, NOT the shirt. Same with iPhone cases.. bars, restaurants, etc. you have to TRY your best to create a brand... and most things become easier.

I know there are different views, different approaches, different markets, supply and demand.. etc.. that can also help the business be successful... but those places end up moving in one direction.. and that is trying to create an identity for themselves... or brand themselves.

ANyone else have good ideas.. ? anyone else have success stories? I'd like to hear more.
Was just talking to my boy about opening a business.

I was going to open my own barbershop within a year but I could always put that on the back burner.
Good stuff everyone. Dont ever let the next dude tell you that you cannot do something. On your way to success... there are going to be people.. INCLUDING people you really care about, tell you that you cannot do something. Don't let those people slow you down. Bottom line, if there's a will, there's a way.
Now, IMO, the best way to be successful is to create a BRAND. Not a business, not a service, but a brand. You can go all over the WORLD and see the swoosh, the 3 stripes, the golden arches, the yellow smiley face... and EVERYONE knows that's Nike, Adidas, McDs, and Walmart without having said anything. Those things market themselves. They have made their brand so recognizable that most of them are in everyday language.
Thats what you should all strive to create. (I say this in a respectful way)... Everyone can come up with shirt ideas... but when THE HUNDREDS puts their little bomb on the SAME shirt idea you just had, they will move 50,000 units and you might move 100... simply because they have branded the little bomb. Its the bomb that sells, NOT the shirt. Same with iPhone cases.. bars, restaurants, etc. you have to TRY your best to create a brand... and most things become easier.
I know there are different views, different approaches, different markets, supply and demand.. etc.. that can also help the business be successful... but those places end up moving in one direction.. and that is trying to create an identity for themselves... or brand themselves.
ANyone else have good ideas.. ? anyone else have success stories? I'd like to hear more.
great advice DC
Word of advice please don't do business with friends unless they have equal or greater passion, knowledge, and resources.  

Funny thing is we all know have "warning signs" but ignore them and hope for the best.  Please don't do that.  Keep your $ and business away from your personal life if possible.
I own a shoe boutique in college park MD. we sell/buy/trade. consignment is 85/15 annnd we also restore shoes. paints. customize. seaglow annnnnnnd dye sole. swag

I had my own clothing brand in HS. It was an idea I had gotten one day while working my regular job. I told my friends at the time about it, I wanted them to be apart of it, because the type of person I am, I always wanna break bread with my ******. I did all the designs, ran the twitter and tumblr. A couple months go by, we put out our first shirt. It was somewhat successful, we broke even and made minimal profits (spent ~700 on some wack shirts and a decent screen print of a basic design, we made ~900) We go back to that person and get a small run of our second design, never got around to actual production though. Sometime later I recommended to them we take a trip to Leaders in Chicago and talk to Ty and get his input on it what we've done so far. We end up talking to Corey, he sets us up with someone that does LDRS stuff as well as Ty's personal stuff. They do a very small run of hats (with glow in the dark stitching. they were very :pimp:) and shirts with a Ken Park design that I did.

Around July of 2011 it's one of the homies birthday, he's turning 18 so we're like "let's go to Potawatomi (local casino) and play bingo." Earlier that week I had lost my state ID (didn't have a license at the time) but I figured I'll try and use my school ID to get in. They don't let me in, so I offer to stay in the car while they go play a few games, I figure it won't be too long. About 15 minutes go by of me sitting in the car. Security comes by and they're like you've gotta either go in or leave the property (security guard said it a lot nicer than that. lol) So I leave the property, I walk around downtown for 45 minutes (mind you, I was already sitting in the car for 15 minutes) So I'm like "**** this, I'm going somewhere" I drop the keys back off by the car. Walk to my homies house who lives near (took me about an hour and fifteen minutes to walk there (it's about 2:30am at this point), my phone had died, so I have no phone to call my homie and he has roommates and I don't wanna be an ******* so I'm throwing rocks at his windows, he's not waking up. So I sit there on the stoop until about 5:30am, I decide to say **** it and walk home. I live, at the very least, 70 blocks away. I didn't know how to take the city bus then, and I only had my card to pay.

So I ended up getting home around 7am. I ate, slept and my homies tried to carry on as if nothing happened. :stoneface: After some time, they come and pick up all the unsold merchandise (I held everything at my house) and they tried to carry it on, but without new designs they couldn't do much. It died a couple weeks later. I haven't really spoke to any of them since.

I plan on doing something else but I haven't went as hard as I should because I'm scared something will happen. :smh:
was thinking about getting into the printing business, the one near my home moved location and only place is fedex. start off with working with local small businesses to provide them with their printing and also doing yearbooks for a couple schools. i know the teacher in charge and probably could get his business.
I have deeply considered starting a dispensary in Washington or Cali. Problem is i don't smoke lol.


Starting a awesome brothel in las vegas or Texas. it will be themed oriented **** like Princess Leia, Lara Croft, She Hulk. or any other thing that will get them off :lol:
In the early stages of creating an Cell Phone/Tech accessory company. Just trying to finish up a business plan and get some solid ideas on paper.
Word of advice please don't do business with friends unless they have equal or greater passion, knowledge, and resources.  

Funny thing is we all know have "warning signs" but ignore them and hope for the best.  Please don't do that.  Keep your $ and business away from your personal life if possible.


There is this sense of trust and support you get from working with friends and family... but don't let that mislead you. Like I said in an earlier post... Money changes people. All of a sudden... when there's money, they worked more than you did. They worked harder than you did. They made that correct decision that brought in $10k last month... etc. Then there is a sense of entitlement that people feel. Alternatively, when the bill collectors come... all of a sudden that same person wants nothing to do with the business... it all YOUR fault. etc.

Be smart with who you go into business with... and have an open mind. And expect the worst in people.
Possibly starting a chain of gyms with separate workout areas.  Male, Female, and Overweight.
I used to have a hookah lounge with my boy ran it successfully for about six months until an unfortunate event so we shut it down
my boy went off into the auto business and I went into eCommerce
Clothing line me and my cousin working on
so far everything's great there's endless possibilities. Looking forward to the future :nerd:

Great start Nikehead, much props to yall :smokin

Peep my site

Let me know if you ever want to run some ideas or anything. 8)
just started a few months back....doing IM (internet marketing). actually made a decent amount in the first few months, but i had a really good mentor.

any other IM'ers on NT hit me up....see if we can help each other out. i got some good connections for anyone looking to do it or someone serious in becoming successful.

you can check out my blog...currently working on getting some more digital products and list building so I havent been as active as I should be.


same link as the one in my sig.

Word of advice please don't do business with friends unless they have equal or greater passion, knowledge, and resources.  

Funny thing is we all know have "warning signs" but ignore them and hope for the best.  Please don't do that.  Keep your $ and business away from your personal life if possible.

I made this mistake earlier this year. I basically lost 4 months due to a "friend" *******tting .
You may have hear of a start up company im working on to help out the youger generations. Its called 'Rent-A-Swag' haha
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