BUY MY BEATS ... or just crit them, or complain about them, or rip them before you actually listen..

i played the "help me by giving me crits" game for YEARS. you know how much you make doing that?


anyone who thinks my $+$% is trash, i encourage you to visit my myspace page
and, for the record, time is not better than i am, time's flow is off and his beats sound like he has never played music in his life.

and im just really curious... for those of you that said my beats are garbage, what beats are you listening to??
Gave it a few spins, your stuff isn't bad at all, but I mean....just view the responses and keep it moving, no need to reply to every single response.

Also, these are true words:

you would have gotten a much more constructive response with a post asking for some feedback. Confidence is important, but its not the only important thing, and there is something to be said for being confident in your work enough to let it speak for itself, without having to tell people how hot your beats are. good luck dude

I also suggest posting anything new in the BEAT THREAD.
Originally Posted by THEBIGJUICE

and, for the record, time is not better than i am, time's flow is off and his beats sound like he has never played music in his life.

and im just really curious... for those of you that said my beats are garbage, what beats are you listening to??

im better than all the dudes u got on ur beats... and ur right ivenever played music in my life but IM STILL better... that must suck for u right?
dude i sell beats... matter fact i sold my first couple on NT... i get recognition for being a dope producer...i didnt have to run around tellineveryone i was dope... and %*** u should b happy u even got some damn replies... i used to get hated on ALL the time b4 last summer... ask around... aintnobody hatin on u fam... u just think u better than u really are... NT is not the place to come for sympathy or to boost ur ego
thats a cool opinion man. i just want you to know though, that you really actually don't sound as good as you think. im glad that you have sold beats--congratulations. I have also sold beats, regardless of what you might think.

everyone thinks their music is hot. and it all probably is, to somebody. so tweek, go have your rinky dink beats and snap music, and i'll keep trying tosell my leftovers to scrubs who don't know better.

and by the way tweek, thats a really cute picture on your myspace page. i like your shoe.
Originally Posted by THEBIGJUICE

thats a cool opinion man. i just want you to know though, that you really actually don't sound as good as you think. im glad that you have sold beats-- congratulations. I have also sold beats, regardless of what you might think.

everyone thinks their music is hot. and it all probably is, to somebody. so tweek, go have your rinky dink beats and snap music, and i'll keep trying to sell my leftovers to scrubs who don't know better.

and by the way tweek, thats a really cute picture on your myspace page. i like your shoe.

snap music? u sure u dont got me confused wit somebody else? and why u commentin on my pics weezy?
i aint tryin to keep goin back n forth wit u man... keep workin on ya craft...

btw u suck at taking criticism...
ehh im more of a lurker in the Beats thread(i posted some of my beats though)...IMO plan and Shizz are my two favorites
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

@ Buying beats...

Unless you dealing with industry dudes, The relationship between and unknown artist and unknown producer should be a favor for a favor.

If a talented artist and producer link up, They're only helping each other by creating a great product and gaining exposure for the both of them.

Exactly. It's not about money in this stage of the game. It's about getting you're name out there.
You came in here expecting everyone to say, "Man, these are great!" And then thought you could reply with, "But that's not even mybest work...

NT isn't the best place to come around with an ego, boasting about your ##*$. They're gonna tell you how it really is, regardless of if you think theylistened to the tracks or not.

The fact that you're being a crybaby and refusing to take in any negative feedback is just making this whole situation even worse. And now you'rebringing other NTers work into the argument...?

You'll keep this reputation for quite some time here on NT with your attitude. Have fun with the constant, "Ain't you the dude who....."
okay for some constructive crit.

your drums sound too dry, and on alot of your tracks they really dont fit the beat too well. out of all the joints on your page....was only feeling two ofthem, and yes i went through them all. The one with the jazz sample, and the one that was 130bpm. ESPECIALLY on that jazz one, the drums sound WAY TOO DRY forthe beat and it just clashed with the sound of your beat all together. the one that was 130bpm sounded like it has potential but the just feels unfinished,although ill say its the best one on that page.

before you go off and say "who is this cat think he is?"...go ask wize or dmv....they'll let you know.

oh and ummm... Time is better than you.

thank you for not being a punk and actually putting time into giving a thoughtful response.
I don't agree with you about Time, but at least you were respectful about it.

To the rest of you:

I don't care about having a reputation on Niketalk. I'm just fed up with people replying with "your beats suck" on THIS THREAD and not sayinganything at all to back their claim. you really expect someone who puts time into this to not get mad? excuse my temper.

Also, i don't see it as boasting. how many people do you think would have opened this page if i had titled it "please come check my beats, please, ineed your feedback and maybe you'll be nice enough to buy them.." I've been down that road many times, and from experience, it doesn't work.As far as I'm concerned, this post was successful in that a lot of you listened to my music. This thread got a lot more hits than most of the beat threadsI've seen in my time here.

And I'm sorry for having gotten angry-- i got frustrated. time, i don't think you are a better producer than i am, and maybe some or all of you do, butyour beats sound slightly off to me. maybe its just that i hear the notes that clash in your beats or the melodies that sound as if they're going nowhere,and i cringe a little bit.

At the end of the day, I know I have a lot to work on-- both musically and with promotion. To those of you that actually listened and gave your honest opinion,thank you and I'm sorry for overreacting.... but to those of you who came in here with your little teenager internet attitudes, didnt listen and postedsome smart $%* %*%$, yall can SUCK MY BALLS

while you guys argue..can some of you tell me how im doing on my 2nd month of making beats?..heres one i made..its not complete though
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