Buy/Sell changes coming! Back up your posts by 10/08/05.

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
You asked and we listened.

A few months back, several members complained that our buy/sell forums were unbalanced.
Though several alternative size breakdowns were suggested, none of them were backed by any actual buy/sell forum usage data.

NT moderator Hodog, a regular member at the time, stepped up and actually calculated the average number of posts per month in each buy/sell forum.

From those numbers, we've created the following:


On the left, you'll see the average posts per month as broken down by our existing buy/sell forums.

On the right, you'll see how those same posts would have been organized according to the new forum divisions generated from this study.

As you can see, our new buy/sell forum divisions offer a far more equitable breakdown that should result in a better buy/sell experience. Finally, those who wear a size 10 won't have to sift through literally hundreds of posts to find shoes that fit, and no matter what size you are you can be sure that your forum has been designed to receive its fair share of traffic. This benefits buyers AND sellers.

Now, there's no way we can execute this redivision while sorting through every existing post.
So, on or after October 8th, ALL existing buy/sell posts will be DELETED. We'll start fresh from there.

At that time, there's also a strong chance that we'll implement a dramatically different set of buy/sell rules designed to reduce the fraudulent abuse of our buy/sell forums. So, if you plan to list items for sale in the future - I strongly suggest you get access to a digital camera. Soon, you may not be able to try and sell items sight unseen.

Consider this your one weeks notice. Back up ANY posts you'd like to repost after the buy/sell redivision. Just edit your post, copy out the text, and paste it into a word document. It'll take you one minute to back your posts up and one minute to repost them. Sorting everything would take several staff members several hours.

We hope you'll enjoy the new buy/sell forums.

Stay tuned for buy/sell rule changes.

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