Buying first car and have 30k to spend...options?

Nov 28, 2012
Sup NT, well the time has finally come and it's time for me to get a whip. Just wanted some suggestions as to a reliable and somewhat sporty car you guys would suggest for me. I'm willing to spend no more than 30k but would like it to be between 24-27k. I'm considering between a 2010 A4 or E350 both used with around 30k on each. Can you guys suggest some other cars with better perks? Thanks as always


low mileage joint
Was just in a similar sit. Considered an A4 but the b8's have crazy oil consumption issues. Be advised..
Get a 2012 Toyota Camry. Drop like 20-23. Pocket the rest. Unless you're ready to pay the hefty maintenance costs, I wouldn't recommend a luxury car as your first. but if you can, go ahead and do your thang pleighboy.

Can't go wrong with an A4 or E350 but a 2010 under 30K will be hard, especially something with low mileage. Goodluck on your car journey young lad
Get a 2012 Toyota Camry. Drop like 20-23. Pocket the rest. Unless you're ready to pay the hefty maintenance costs, I wouldn't recommend a luxury car as your first. but if you can, go ahead and do your thang pleighboy.
You know what i'm actually considering getting a german, I actually drove my fathers civic for the past 2 years and want to experience the "german quality" that most people rave about. I am willing to pay for the maintenance costs, but any NTer's have an idea as to how much these costs will run me annually?

I'm not interested in any hemi powered american muscle cars, i'm sure they're fast and all but theyre just not my style. I kind of want a sleek yet powerful vehicle, on that grown man steez. the new CTS's are nice but not in my price range.

I'm debating between the A4, A5, 335i, e350, or maybe the g37s. All with 20-30k on the dash
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Get a 2012 Toyota Camry. Drop like 20-23. Pocket the rest. Unless you're ready to pay the hefty maintenance costs, I wouldn't recommend a luxury car as your first. but if you can, go ahead and do your thang pleighboy.

You know what i'm actually considering getting a german, I actually drove my fathers civic for the past 2 years and want to experience the "german quality" that most people rave about.

I'm not interested in any hemi powered american muscle cars, since theyre not as elegant and sleek imo. I kind of want a classy yet powerful vehicle, the new CTS's are nice but not in my price range.

its settled then

get da E or da 5 series
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