Calif. Sheriff's Deputies Shoot, Kill 13-Year-Old


By somewhere you mean a random tweet/comment, correct?

Davey D is a California activist who starts up many of the grassroots rallies and opposition against police brutality out there. He usually gets a lot of early eye witness accounts that are reported later or go unreported totally.

There was No Excuse for the Police to Shoot 13 Year Old Andy Lopez
As you read this story check out yesterday’s Flashpoints radio show on KPFA that gives up to the minute details as to what went down with the killing of Andy Lopezmany of the reporters from our station live up in Sonoma County and are very familiar with the community..

RIP Andy Lopez
View media item 630602RIP Andy Lopez

The death of 13-year-old Andy Lopez at the hands of sheriff deputies in Santa Rosa should not be treated as something that is routine, even though death at the hands of the police in Black and Brown communities happens far too often…

The death of Andy Lopez should not be excused because he was carrying what police described as a realistic looking toy gun…In an age where we have hundreds of video games, reality shows, HD movies etc, realism in toys is a fact of life and police officers are well paid and have extensive training to 1-know the difference and 2-deal with that reality..

In other words, lets not get it twisted and start thinking that Black and Brown kids are the only ones with toy guns.. White kids have them as well. White kids run around with fake toy guns, paint ball guns and even real guns and don’t get shot by police who ‘feared for their lives’..

The faces of grieving white moms are not splattered across our TV sets because law enforcement shot their sons..Its always Black and Brown.. Contrast the shooting death of 13-year-old Andy Lopez who shot no one and had a toy gun with that of James Holmes the man who shot up a theater in Aurora, Colorado, killing 12 and injuring 70… Even though there was concern he had explosive attached to him, he was APPREHENDED without incident.. He wasn’t blown away… We can cite dozens of examples where police manage to disarm ARMED people..

Why are they able to do this? Because they are trained. They practice and practice reacting to all sorts of hair-raising scenarios. They train so that when they come across a 13-year-old with a fake gun, they don’t panic and start shooting..

But in the case of 13-year-old Andy Lopez, we are told he refused to put down the gun after police asked him twice. Are we to believe that he wanted to be shot? Was this 13-year-old doing death by suicide? Are we to believe he thought he could spook the police by pointing a fake gun at them? Was he a criminal on the run facing a 3rd strike and this was his last desperate stand? Why does a 13-year-old point a gun at well-trained better armed police?? It makes no damn sense.

Witnesses in Santa Rosa are noting the gun had an orange tip on it indicating it was a toy and that no one had called the police to complain.. More deatils on this case are emerging as we speak..

**Additional details to this tragedy.. Andy Lopez was shot in an open field where local kids go to play and do target practice with BB guns. He also had headphones on.. He was shot as he was turning around and then shot several more times as he on the ground. Police handcuffed before giving him CPR..more details to come..****

Sadly Andy Lopez joins a long line of victims killed by police who thought the folks they shot had a gun..We can look at actor Anthony Lee who was shot to death at a Halloween Party several years ago for holding a toy gun..Police shot through a window 9 times without warning when he raised up his gun. They ignored white guests dressed as cops who were standing nearby. You can read that HERE.

Earlier this year police in San Jose had to pay nearly 5 million dollars to Javier Gonzales-Guerrero who was also at a Halloween Party when he was shot. In Guerrero’s case he had fallen asleep holding his fake gun which was part of his costume. Police approached him woke him up, ignored his pleas not to shoot and shot him 20 times.. He was left with bullets in his spine.. You can Read about that HERE

Not sure what it’s going to take for this to cease..But obviously there are far too many trigger happy cops.. There are far too many instances where they life is not valued and they see an enemy or an animal and not a son, daughter and fellow human being.. There was no excuse to shoot Andy Lopez.

There is a Facebook support page for Andy Lopez ..You can access it HERE

Our heartfelt condolences to the family. We can only imagine what they are going through and how they are feeling..
View media item 630603
Since when is NT full of trolls who make comments for shock value?

Clearly, the cops were in the wrong.

The corny one liners need to stop. Can admins ban the trolls and keep NT sane?
this is all over the news and literally no one has reported this, but im supposed to believe some dude who has a bias against cops and writes for the highly credible source

"Witnesses in Santa Rosa are noting the gun had an orange tip on it indicating it was a toy and that no one had called the police to complain.. More deatils on this case are emerging as we speak.."
View media item 630800

Not saying that report is true or false because I wasn't there. Just posting it for reference.

But I'll tell you what does deserve than Cam'ron gif.....Shot were fired with in 10 seconds of the dispatch call being made....but they're claiming that teenager didn't comply with the officers?

If a child has his back turned to you and you yell at him, the first thing he's going to do is turn around to face you and the direction of the shouting. 10 seconds is not enough to properly assess a threat.

Sounds like trigger happiness to me or fear overriding sound judgement.

The claim on "non-compliance" sounds more like a shook cop that reacted inappropriately to a miss-assessed threat.

Did Andy Lopez refuse to comply and raise a gun barrel in their direction or did he attempt to turn in the direction of shouting with a toy gun in hand and was immediately shot dead before he could react?

The police department verbiage is taking away all error away from them and placing it all on an innocent dead 13 year old.

No more than 10 seconds elapsed from the time sheriff's deputies spotted a 13-year-old California boy carrying what they thought was an assault rifle and the moment they shot him dead...

Authorities say Lopez's back was turned away from them...

Police said the boy ignored two calls to put down the weapon, instead turning toward the senior deputy with the rifle barrel "rising up and turning in his direction."

Santa Rosa Police say two deputies who shot and killed a 13-year-old boy carrying a toy rifle only fired at the boy as he stood holding what they thought was a real assault weapon. But one resident of the neighborhood where the shooting took place has now stepped forward with a different story.

In an interview with KTVU-TV, Ethan Oliver says he witnessed officers fire shots into Andy Lopez after the teen had fallen to the ground. Oliver lives across the street from the field where the shooting took place in Santa Rosa, Calif. He says he walked outside after hearing two gun shots and saw Lopez already on the ground. "Then the cops went at it again and unloaded like 6 to 7 shots,” Oliver said. KTVU asked him "if he meant that the deputy shot Lopez while he was on the ground." And Oliver stuck to his claim, stating that was "exactly what I saw."

View media item 533633
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No more than 10 seconds elapsed from the time sheriff's deputies spotted a 13-year-old California boy carrying what they thought was an assault rifle and the moment they shot him dead...

link to the source for this?
it doesnt matter how much time it takes for someone with a gun to turn around, its when they do turn around and point that gun at you.

if it was a real gun by the 11th second it could be firing away.

if the kid turned around in 3 seconds and pointed the gun in their direction i would expect them to start shooting, same with if it took him 30 seconds.

the time doesnt matter 
No more than 10 seconds elapsed from the time sheriff's deputies spotted a 13-year-old California boy carrying what they thought was an assault rifle and the moment they shot him dead...
link to the source for this?
Google the exact quote, it'll pop up.

Every source reporting on the incident states the same thing.
they called in dispatch about confronting the kid then shots were fired 10 seconds later.
it doesnt matter how much time it takes for someone with a gun to turn around, its when they do turn around and point that gun at you.

if it was a real gun by the 11th second it could be firing away.

if the kid turned around in 3 seconds and pointed the gun in their direction i would expect them to start shooting, same with if it took him 30 seconds.

the time doesnt matter 

He didn't take 10 seconds to turn around.

There was only 10 seconds in between the dispatch call and the call of shots fired.

That mean the actual interaction between police and Andy took less that 10 seconds.

You really think he turned and point the toy at them, b? Be real.

View media item 630807
That kid had a death wish?

I highly doubt that he turned at point the barrel at them. Doesn't sound like he even had time to point and raise anything.

Sounds more like he had his back turned to the officers, they yelled drop the weapon, startled and unaware of whats going on he turned around, they saw the bb gun in his hand while he was turning around and they shot him down.

I don't think he pointed or raised anything at them.

"To point", indicates a deliberate action.
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Hip Hop and Politics?

And no, even with training it is still hard to disceren what is real and what is fake. There are airsoft guns out there that are 1:1 recreations of the real thing.
It's an unfortunate situation and imo better judgement should have been used by Andy's parents, if they saw the toy and allowed him to go outside with it. I can see how that type of toy would alarm the police.....but lets be real here.......this incident was not an example of top notch policing.

And the verbiage of he "refused to comply" and that the officer saw the barrel "rising up and turning in his direction." is legalese that borderlines on lying.

The police refuse to imply any type of wrong going in any situation and it just leads to more and more situations like this, instead of better police training methods and positive shifts in departmental culture.

What's more alarming is that there seems to be some type of mental blockage that prohibits some of y'all from assessing any kind of critique to the police.

It's crazy and a little sick.
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it doesnt matter how much time it takes for someone with a gun to turn around, its when they do turn around and point that gun at you.

if it was a real gun by the 11th second it could be firing away.

if the kid turned around in 3 seconds and pointed the gun in their direction i would expect them to start shooting, same with if it took him 30 seconds.

the time doesnt matter 
He didn't take 10 seconds to turn around.

There was only 10 seconds in between the dispatch call and the call of shots fired.

That mean the actual interaction between police and Andy took less that 10 seconds.

You really think he turned and point the toy at them, b? Be real.

That kid had a death wish?

I highly doubt that he turned at point the barrel at them. Doesn't sound like he even had time to point and raise anything.

Sounds more like he had his back turned to the officers, they yelled drop the weapon, startled and unaware of whats going on he turned around, they saw the bb gun in his hand while he was turning around and they shot him down.

I don't think he pointed or raised anything at them.

"To point", indicates a deliberate action.
10 seconds is plenty of time, im not saying he turned around and pretended like he was going to shoot them or anything. But its not hard to imagine how if he was holding an ak and he did turn around its possible that the way he was holding it made it seem like he was pointing it at them. again, its unfortunate but the kid should have known better than you turn towards police officers while holding what looks like a real ak. 
So you can detain a maniac that's killed 70 people in a movie theater with a real gun.... And he stays alive...

But the Mexican boy gets killed on an open environment...

Seems legit.
So you can detain a maniac that's killed 70 people in a movie theater with a real gun.... And he stays alive...

But the Mexican boy gets killed on an open environment...

Seems legit.
that guy surrendered to police though.

amazing what putting a gun down will do for you
that guy suRrendered to police though.

amazing what putting a gun down will do for you
I guess killing 70 people in cold blood...

Then putting a gun down as a white man...

Is more safe than being a minority teenager and having ten seconds between shots fired and cops being dispatched...

Seems super legit.
that guy suRrendered to police though.

amazing what putting a gun down will do for you
I guess killing 70 people in cold blood...

Then putting a gun down as a white man...

Is more safe than being a minority teenager and having ten seconds between shots fired and cops being dispatched...

Seems super legit.
i dont care if its a white man, minority kid or alien. if im a police officer im going to protect myself if someone points a gun at me, in this case the teenager did turn around and point the gun in the direction of the cops, in the case of the movie theater guy he didnt point the gun at the police officer so why would the officer shoot him?

again it doesnt matter how much time it took, if it takes 3 seconds for a kid to turn my direction and have his ak pointing at me it will take me 3 seconds to shoot and protect myself
i dont care if its a white man, minority kid or alien. if im a police officer im going to protect myself if someone points a gun at me, in this case the teenager did turn around and point the gun in the direction of the cops, in the case of the movie theater guy he didnt point the gun at the police officer so why would the officer shoot him?

again it doesnt matter how much time it took, if it takes 3 seconds for a kid to turn my direction and have his ak pointing at me it will take me 3 seconds to shoot and protect myself

And you know this is fact because the cop said so...

A cops word >>>>> *

I love justice

i dont care if its a white man, minority kid or alien. if im a police officer im going to protect myself if someone points a gun at me, in this case the teenager did turn around and point the gun in the direction of the cops, in the case of the movie theater guy he didnt point the gun at the police officer so why would the officer shoot him?

again it doesnt matter how much time it took, if it takes 3 seconds for a kid to turn my direction and have his ak pointing at me it will take me 3 seconds to shoot and protect myself

And you know this is fact because the cop said so...

A cops word >>>>> *

I love justice

even in that bs article it says that the kid turned around. 
I read somewhere that one of the cops was behind the car door when yelling at the kid. If that's the case I would think the car would be facing the kid and there for there should be a video
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