Calif. Supreme Court to take up GAY MARRIAGE BAN...... possibly overturn the vote???

ur comparing gay people as if they were black...or that women right stuff.. they are just humanbeings like everyone else..

they dont have there own language.. i mean they do speak differently sometimes but still...samething

being gay is a choice.. serioiusly
it should not have been on the ballot in the first place. the majority should not vote on the rights of a minority. that's like having a ballot measure toban home ownership for chinese. that's unacceptable.
Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

it should not have been on the ballot in the first place. the majority should not vote on the rights of a minority. that's like having a ballot measure to ban home ownership for chinese. that's unacceptable.
You can't be serious.

This is something that affects everyone. From the allocation of people's taxes to theirchildren to what their children are educated on...etc

Cmon fam.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Pisses me off. I voted NO on Prop 8 but I'll be damn if 7 Judges out rule the voice of the people yet AGAIN!
if not for the way the system is set up and those justices we would be in a terrible place in this country!
Read a book!

Then why did I vote? Why was this measure even on the ballots in the first place? So my vote doesn't matter? Why doesn't the Supreme Court overturnevery single ballot measure then. At this rate, lets go ahead and overturn Obama's victory also.

You know I was for this to let gays be legally married but now screw them. They make me sick with these past two weeks crying, moaning, whining, protesting,inciting riots, and acting like a bunch of babies because they lost. Damn sore losers!
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi


i had a gay teacher before.. and everytime they pat ur back or put there hands on ur shoulders u gota think twice for realz.. i didnt do %@** in my chem class and he gives me a B+/ just something wrong with that.,..

yes on prop 8.. thats wht the MAJORITY of what people want..



I personally think they should overturn it, %#@* what a bunch of bible thumping ******s voted for anyway. Is that right?, ehh maybe not but sometimes thingsshould be done for the good of equality and as long as people are voting with their religious beliefs then it should be subject to being overturned.

wow, a lot of you are showing how very very ignorant you are right now. some of you are a true embarrassment.
Get it done, i could careless whether or not gays marry each other and normally i would be appalled at the idea of overturning legislation that was voted onbut this is a matter of individual rights and freedoms
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by LAzianBoi


i had a gay teacher before.. and everytime they pat ur back or put there hands on ur shoulders u gota think twice for realz.. i didnt do %@** in my chem class and he gives me a B+/ just something wrong with that.,..

yes on prop 8.. thats wht the MAJORITY of what people want..



I personally think they should overturn it, %#@* what a bunch of bible thumping ******s voted for anyway. Is that right?, ehh maybe not but sometimes things should be done for the good of equality and as long as people are voting with their religious beliefs then it should be subject to being overturned.

wow, a lot of you are showing how very very ignorant you are right now. some of you are a true embarrassment.

Sir you are coming off ignorant. Do you have any clue how many people use their faith/religion in the voting decisions they make?

Should the Presidential election be subject to being overturned since most of my church voted based on their religious stance?
I was going to stay out of this but I have a question. If one is religious/spiritual and that person is really committed to it, then how should he/she vote?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I was going to stay out of this but I have a question. If one is religious/spiritual and that person is really committed to it, then how should he/she vote?
Good question...
Why have a vote if it is going to be overturned? dont really understand that much! What bothers me about this subject is that we are going in to a #%%*$%%GLOBAL RECESSION, WARS, POVERTY (real #%%*$%% issues) and everybody is worried about gay people being able to get married! Im sorry i dont mean to offendanyone, but gay people getting married is really low on my list of #%%*$%% problems going on right now.
seems wrong to me...they put it on the ballot, the people spoke, now they're gonna do this
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I was going to stay out of this but I have a question. If one is religious/spiritual and that person is really committed to it, then how should he/she vote?
Leave it blank. I would never want my religious beliefs to take away someone's happiness.
Hmmm. Thats a answer I can live with. This shouldn't have been on the ticket to begin with. Leave it to the churches or city hall.

I still think its wrong but lets let the individual institutions handle it. I wont have to answer for it. I have my own mess to answer for. I hope God hasmercy on everyone.

But I will continue to preach the word.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I was going to stay out of this but I have a question. If one is religious/spiritual and that person is really committed to it, then how should he/she vote?
Leave it blank. I would never want my religious beliefs to take away someone's happiness.

What if it takes away from your happiness?

You saying you're not going to stand up for what you believe?

What if people voted for McCain based on his stance on pro-life? Something many evangelicals believe in?

They shouldn't vote for the president?

Seems like a swiss cheese argument.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I was going to stay out of this but I have a question. If one is religious/spiritual and that person is really committed to it, then how should he/she vote?
Leave it blank. I would never want my religious beliefs to take away someone's happiness.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Why have a vote if it is going to be overturned? dont really understand that much! What bothers me about this subject is that we are going in to a #%%*$%% GLOBAL RECESSION, WARS, POVERTY (real #%%*$%% issues) and everybody is worried about gay people being able to get married! Im sorry i dont mean to offend anyone, but gay people getting married is really low on my list of #%%*$%% problems going on right now.
True, all the money spent on this (from religions as well) could have been used for better things.
Im talking about on both sides! Gay people and religious people. And another thing... Im sick and tired of people who throw around the wordignorant! Just because someone believes that gay people getting married is wrong, that does not make them ignorant! It a !%*@!$* opinion... just becausesomeone has a different opinion than you, about a certain subject, it doesnt make them ignorant.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I was going to stay out of this but I have a question. If one is religious/spiritual and that person is really committed to it, then how should he/she vote?

I've got an answer that most of you wont like but here it is anyways, those people shouldn't be voting. I don't want your delusional takes on lifeto outcome ANY election that will effect either me or my families lives.

I strongly believe very religious people should be homed in a mental institution but thats just me.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I was going to stay out of this but I have a question. If one is religious/spiritual and that person is really committed to it, then how should he/she vote?

I've got an answer that most of you wont like but here it is anyways, those people shouldn't be voting. I don't want your delusional takes on life to outcome ANY election that will effect either me or my families lives.

I strongly believe very religious people should be homed in a mental institution but thats just me.
God Bless you.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I was going to stay out of this but I have a question. If one is religious/spiritual and that person is really committed to it, then how should he/she vote?

I've got an answer that most of you wont like but here it is anyways, those people shouldn't be voting. I don't want your delusional takes on life to outcome ANY election that will effect either me or my families lives.

I strongly believe very religious people should be homed in a mental institution but thats just me.
God Bless you.
See this is part of the reason that alot of people dont like people that are strongly religious. Because anytime they have some sort ofdisagreement they come out with this God Bless you nonsense. Do you consider that your trump card or something.

he simply voiced his opinion & nothing more. not to mention that he has a point, your religious beliefs really shouldnt have an outcome on something thataffects the lives of people who arent of the same religion as you or any religion at all.
i never thought there would be a time when the IGNORANCE of the people of a state would be challenged. i'm not gay but i support them 100-percent. a slap in the face of ignorant californians and ignorant christians alike. I LOVE IT.
God bless me?

Thanks , but no thanks.

Seriously, i think ReliantJ had a very good point. Leaving it blank is something i could live with as well. But since that isnt going to happen i guess we areall screwed.
man, if they over-turn this vote, i am going to be berserk... i be in city hall with a sign, basically saying.. "NO GAY MARRIAGE"

if you're with me, HOLLA
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi

man, if they over-turn this vote, i am going to be berserk... i be in city hall with a sign, basically saying.. "NO GAY MARRIAGE"

if you're with me, HOLLA
why do you sound so ignorant. you clearly bought into the Yes on Prop 8 propoganda they were selling.

how does gay marriage affect you personally?
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi

man, if they over-turn this vote, i am going to be berserk... i be in city hall with a sign, basically saying.. "NO GAY MARRIAGE"

if you're with me, HOLLA

dude you sound like an ignorant 16 year old, just log off. If you dont want to log off im sure there is a PS3, or a Pokemon thread you could comment on. Leavediscussions like this to adults who know how to hold a coherent conversation.
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