California propositions thread: Props 1,2,3,8,9,11,12 Pass, Props 4,5,6,7,10 fail

Dude neither of the alternative energy bills passed.... that's sorta wack imo. Im sure there was stuff wrong with it, but damn, it wasnt even close.
You know Obama was actually against Prop 8 calling it divisive. California really dropped the ball on that one.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

It will be overturned or featured in the next ballot. As if 52% was enough for this to pass.
News is saying SF is starting on the lawsuit
You have no idea the severity of a Constitutional Amendment then if you think it will be overturned or any lawsuits will be successful. Tell me,on what grounds can the city of SF sue?
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

It will be overturned or featured in the next ballot. As if 52% was enough for this to pass.
News is saying SF is starting on the lawsuit

High Speed Rail
Hell yeah!!! High speed bullet train FTW!!

However, Measure B (BART in the South Bay) once again failed to get the 2/3's majority (by less than 0.4%). San Jose FTL
Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Dude neither of the alternative energy bills passed.... that's sorta wack imo. Im sure there was stuff wrong with it, but damn, it wasnt even close.
no it isnt. those energy bills were all for special interest masked as something to help the environment.
It is so sad that Prop 8 passed. Too many people fell victim to the propaganda that was being said by the "Yes on 8" camp. It was low to go withthe "They will teach gay marriage", in school, but it worked. It scared the hell out of people and it swayed a lot of voters.

It is sad, California and it's people pride themselves on being progressive, this is clearly a step back. It is not going to eliminate gay people, so whytake away their fundamental right to legally marry. In order to get the legal benefits of marriage. Don't bring the bible into this, or religion,seperation of church and state (people need to read up on that
). Homosexual couples want to get married to get the legal benefits of marriage.
atpeople still ignorant to believe that marriage is still a sacred, purely religious act.

It's a shame.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Stop setting yourself up for these L's man.

Ever heard the story of The Good Samaritan? I mean, since you read the Bible and all I'm pretty sure you've heard, correct?

Well do you know the reason why Samaritans were considered to be bad? Why the countries around them frowned upon them? It's because back during those days inter-racial relationships, much less marriages, were considered to be against the will of God. People back then believed that those who weren't full blooded in one ethnicity were considered to be not of God's people. And the only place that tolerated inter-racial relationships at that time? Samaria. Yes, the same Samaria where the Samaritan passed and helped the injured man even though everyone else who passed him by did just that, pass him by. Without offering a helping hand.

And here we are centuries later and all of a sudden inter-racial marriages aren't frowned upon by the church anymore, they're widely accepted even though back in the day, it was against the word of God.

Try again.
OOOOO I'll be right back.


Wow you almost had me but NO. God said "be fruitful and multiply". Don't recall hearing or seeing "Black child be fruitful with that Black child and only that black child". So I'd say its not against the will of God. When Jesus told the story of "The Good Samaritan", He wanted to express that we need to love thy neighbor not sin with thy neighbor. Like I said I have never read or heard God say "Black child don't wed that White Woman". His love is color blind and He loves ALL His children. But he does NOT condone sin. Thats why we repent for them and ask for forgiveness and go away from that sin and not dwell in it. Now I'm not the perfect person but I try not to just dwell and live in sin.

And to further go in on what Jesus said. If I saw a sinner I'd help him. But I wont sin with him. Thats what He meant. He did not say "If you see a sinner, sin with him". But He said help each other out in time of NEED. I see what you tried to do. And I like it. Makes me think and do my research. But don't try and twist things.

You're not getting the point.

God's Law: Do not have inter-racial relations
God's Law: Do not have homosexual relations

The problem is you're not advocating the first law because it's already been accepted by the church even though it's written as sin and it wasn't preached upon you.
And you're only advocating the second law because it hasn't been accepted by the church.

It disappoints me that you always have an argument of "Bible this, and Bible that" yet it is man that wrote the Bible, not God. The men who wrote the Bible wrote down their experiences of God, and that's what you're lacking....experience. You lack it because you're wanting to live the way men before you lived and not how God is trying to tell you how to live. Read this, I hope it sheds a little more light for you:

God communicates with anyone and everyone, the only reason people think God doesn't talk to them is because they don't listen. Or, they listen but don't hear God's message. That tends to happen with most people, but don't worry because you will get the message eventually. You see, God has four different tools He uses to communicate with us, and here they are:

1. Feeling - The language of the soul. If you want to know what's true for you about something, look to your feelings. Feelings are difficult to discover, and even harder to acknowledge. Yet hidden in your deepest feelings is your highest truth.

2. Thought
- Thoughts aren't the same as feelings, but they can occur at the same time. Thoughts use pictures and images and for that reason they're more effective than mere words.

3. Experience - The grand communicator. Experience is the hands-on interactive way that God communicates with us. Experience is where thoughts and feelings are derived, or experience can be caused due to thoughts and feelings. The three are interchangeable and the order doesn't matter.

4. Words - When the first three tools fail, words are used. When you create feelings you ignore them, when you think thoughts you discard them, and when experience occurs you complain about it. Yet in all three God is telling you a message, the problem is you don't hear it. Words are used only as a last resort. Why? Because words are what they are, just words. They're noises, symbols, insignias. They only represent feelings, thoughts, and experience. Words are the tool that is most susceptible to misinterpretation, and that's why they're used the least and as a last resort. Words can only tell you about something, experience allows you to know.

We emphasize so much about the Word of God that we forget about the Experience of God. Or, we experience but we discard. We often discard the experience of God because it contradicts what we're taught. We rely so much on what it is others have said about God that we abandon our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. But that's okay because not all messages are from God.

You see, the men in the Bible wrote down their thoughts, feelings, and experiences of God. And you are trying to live by their thoughts, feelings, and experiences yet you aren't creating your own.

I'll add more later when I get back from work.

No my dude. Gods' law wasn't against interracial marriages. It was agianst interreligious marriages.
Exodus 34:10-16:
"And he said, Behold, I make a covenant: before all thy people I will do marvels ... behold, I drive out before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee: But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves: For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God; Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice; And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods."
In this scripture God didn't want the Israelites to marry people from the nations around them. Not because of race though.
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers ...",

He wassn't against Black/White or Asian/Black. He didin't want his true believers to get mixed up with the unbelievers.

"he shall be as one that is born in the land .... One law shall be to him that is home born and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you"
See how would Black man turn to a White one? He can't. But a non believer can turn into a believer.

Now people can knock the bible and call it wise tells, man made or old school. But boy is it on point with keeping Gods people safe. Now someone will come ineventually and say "for you to quote the bible I bet you don't follow everything it says" They would be right. But I still try though. I try togrow everyday.
i will say the yes on prop 8 had some good deceiving ads since i was watching the news and they were interviewing the most ignorant people talking about howtheyre "protecting their kids in the schools and blah blah blah youre a moron and have no clue what prop 8 is all about blah blah blah."
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

^Obama is for gay rights.
Anyways SF is planning to sue because they are arguing it is taking away rights which could open up the door for more of these amendments.
52% to 48% sucks.

And he also said he supports the State right to decide the issue.
i like how you brought the bible into the bible also says woman was created out of man right? so that would mean woman are not equal to man? so whynot take away a womans right to vote?
Originally Posted by ourtran

i like how you brought the bible into the bible also says woman was created out of man right? so that would mean woman are not equal to man? so why not take away a womans right to vote?

I support womans' rights. I believe Male are alpha though. They have their rights and they should be paid for equal work and equal labor.

Oh and this whole thing has been opinion vs opinion. People getting super pissed is pointless. I respect everyones opinion but I also have my own. You defendyour I defend mines. It is what it is. I still respect and love everyone who went against me. Its America. If it passes one day then it passes. That was theopinions of one group beating the opinions of others. Simple as that. It just so happens that the people for gay marriage didn't like our opinion so theystarted going in on us with name calling and etc.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

8 passed
Obama won
what a great day for America. I couldn't ask for much more.



You think I have to swallow the entire liberal agenda to be a democrat? I think for my self thank you. I have my disagreements with the democrats likeabortion and gay rights but Obama ran mainly on energy independence, middle class tax breaks, getting out of Iraq and unification vs. division of the races.
^ Those were a given in those states. The surprising thing about all of this is prop 8 not passing in this state of California, like Ironman stated we prideourselves in being a progressive state and sort of setting the standard for all the other states. Personally I thought this prop woulda failed with ease but Iwas wrong, looks like the religious folks win
And there is no true separation of church and state. When people make decisions they are going to make them according to their personal feelings and beliefs.You asking them do get rid of their religious beliefs while voting is ignorant. Most people like myself were taught to be people of God but not people of thisearth so asking us to do that is ignorant. How can you ask us to do what our God told us not to do just to satisfy your own wants and desires. That whats wronghere. This isn't a ordeal of expressing yourself. You want us to conform to the wishes of world which I wont do.
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